《They said I could become anything so I became a _____!!!》Chapter 25: The Strongest Stone


Rowan lands on the ground with a large thump. Still carrying me in his arms. Carefully he puts me down on the ground, as if I was made out off glass. I collapse onto my knees the moment my feet touch the ground.

"Mistress! Is something wrong?" he asks, sounding really confused. He tries to help me up but I refuse. He tarts to panic.

"D-did I do something wrong? Please mistress, answer!"

I don't answer. I feel dead inside. Because. That. Was. Really. EMBERRASING! Carriyng me like that, it was so cliche! A cool knight carrying a young maiden to safety... It is almost as cliche as truck-san! GAAAAHH! THE HUMILIATION!!!

Suddenly Rowen gets down and does a dogeza in front of me. His face presses against the ground and he crouches together, making him appear tinier than he actually is.

"I am sorry mistress for offending you, I am not worthy of being of your disposa. To destress you till this extent makes me a failure. As your devoted belonging, to let this happen is an absolute disgrace. Please allow me to bring an end to my excistense".

((... Ehhhh!? Nononono, don't do that! Life is worth living! Don't give up! Besides, you didn't do anything wrong I just overreacted! Also, if you died then I would have to start over all again with a new golem! So can you please get up!))

A few seconds pass before Rowan stands up. He's got mud on his face now.

((I am sorry mistress. I was selfish thinking of ending myself. That would be inconvenient for you. Please let me continue serving under you".

He bows. Sigh, was that all he got from me talking? I kinda miss the old Rowan, he was not as... Extreme. Well it's better that he is loyal to me then not. Hm? Is he still bowing? Is he waiting for me to answer? Crap.


((Yeah, yeah, I allow you to continue serving under me, now stop bowing!))

"Thank you mistress" Rowan says, standing tall.

Haaaaaa, this is gonna be... Fun, I guess?

((Rowan, go to the storage, I am gonna go in the house.))

I turn around and start walking. The I stop. When I turn around Rowan is still behind me. He seems to have moved when I moved.

((Didn't you hear? Go inside the storage.))


Is he ignoring me? What about that devotion thing? Was it a lie?

((Rowan, go inside the storage)) I said once again.

"Mistress, leaving your side would be foolish. I am your shield and have to protect you. I cannot do that if I am in the storage. Therefor I have to protest against your decision."

... Crap, this ain't gonna work. I can't just show up with a giant stone golem and be like "sup? Oh, him? Just some guy I met. He will live here from now on". Nah mate.

((Rowan, I can't have the other ones see you. You are not the stealthies one either so they will definitely find out!))

"Mistress, what about skills?"

((Huh? Skill? I don't have a Stealth skill that can affect others.))

"Mistress, I mean MY skills".

... That's right! I have not checked out his new skills yet, maybe there is something there that can help us!

Stone Punch Lv. 7

Thanks to its body being made out of stone the punches it throws is much stronger than regular punches. Rises with str. and level.

Stone Kick Lv. 10 (max level)

Thanks to its body being made out of stone the punches it throws is much stronger than regular punches. Rises with str. and level.

Earth Elemental Heal Lv. 6

Evolved version of Earth Heal. It allows the user to absorb Earth Element around the user, which heal its injuries. The more it absorbs the moree it heals. Costs 5 mana per 30 sek.


Stone Weapon Creation Lv. 1

Allows the caster to create a weapon out of stone. The higher the spell level the stronger and more complicated the weapon become. The weapon does not disappear afterwards. Costs 20 mana to create a weapon.

Limited Shapeshifting Lv. 1

Allows the user to use limited shapeshifting. The higher the ability level the more advanced the transformations become. Costs 15 mana to start and another 15 per 5 h. Current avaible forms; 1.

Electricity Restistance Lv. 1

Makes the user takes less damage from electricity. The higher the level the higher the resistance.

This is perfect! Those skills are really good! And that Limited Shapeshifting solves our problems!

((Rowan, you can see your status, right?))

"Yes, thanks to mistress abilities I was granted the ability to see my own stats whenever I wish to".

((Then use Limited Shapeshifting! Maybe it will make you smaller and less noticeable! Try it out!))

"As you wish mistress".

Rowans body starts to shine with a dim light. He shrinks. Yes that's perfect! Huh? Ain't that to much? W-wait, enough! No!

... What is this?

In front of me lies a stone about the size of my fist. It's like any other stone, nothing unusual. A perfectly normal stone.


"Yes mistress?"

((... Nothing.))

I pick up the stone, I mean Rowan, with my wings. It even feels like a normal stone. This is pretty pathetic. I mean, it suits our purpose quite well (no one will think twice about a regular stone) but compared to his real form... Can you even call this shapeshifting? Well atleast now he is the strongest stone out there. Atleast that is something.

*Rowans POV*

I am currently residing between mistress wings. To think that she has to carry me... I am ashamed of myself. I should be the one carrying mistress, not the other way around. Forgive me mistress.

Mistress is really great. As a golem I have some innate knowledge about my species. Normally it would take atleast a year before I could have evolved but thanks to mistress abilities. They allow one to grow at an incredible speed. Indeed amazing.

Mistress carries me inside. The other ones living here have yet to wake up. I don't care about them but mistress does, that means that I am not allowed to hurt them. But if they attack mistress I will kill them, even if mistress hates me afterwards.

I will protect mistress, now and forever.

*Authors Note; Sorry if this chapter seems shorter, I have a test tomorrow and I need to study. Thank you for reading!*

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