《They said I could become anything so I became a _____!!!》Chapter 24: Such a cheat


When I wake up it's already morning. I must have fallen asleep in the midst of singing last night. I stand up, stretching my wings while absorbing the surroundings.

It's really beautiful. The sun is gazing over the trees, dying the sky orange. The forest is waking up and birds are starting to chirp.

I wonder how Taro is doing? It must have been tuff for him learning about the side effects on astral. He was also told that I couldn't follow him till Sainthills Academy. I played it off but I am in reality kinda jealous. I also wanted to go to magic school! Imagine all the spells I could learn... Oops, I'm starting to drool! Glad there isn't anyone here to see me!

Wait, where are everybody?

Checking our bond I notice that Taro is still asleep. Well, it is really early. They must all be sleeping. Ansgar went to sleep to, even after sleeping for such a long time! Why does he always fall asleep? I never dared to ask, what if it is a curse and he doesn't like to talk about it? Or is it an standard elvel trait in this world?

Maybe he is actually pretending and is only lazy? But he doesn't seem like that kind of person. I mean after our talk yesterday... My image of him slightly changed.

But man, astral is really dangerous. Thankfully I don't seem to have any such spell for what I know! But the thing about losing memories and emotions scares me. If I lose the memories of my past self then I will no longer be me, it will be someone else. And no emotions? I could never enjoy food again! The horror!

There i so much delicious food in the world and if I gotta go after Julia-samas cooling then the rest must be absolutely wonderf-

"Mistress" Rowan suddenly says, scaring the crap out of me.

((Geez, Rowan, don't scare me like that! And at least say good morning or something first!))

"This one begs for apology for this ones behaviour" he says.

((It's Ok, but what did you want?))

"This one wanted to announce that this ones max level is about to get reached and that soon evolution options will be aviable is mistress so wish."


((Ohhhhhh! That's amazing! How soon???))


"About right now."


Suddenly a screen pops up.

\\Your Lesser Earth Golem "Rowan" have reached max level! Evolution paths are now aviable!\\

((Rowan, you rock!))

"No mistress, this one is made of earth" he replies.

... Did Rowan just tell a joke? Nah, it can't be... Right?

Before my brain goes into nuclear meltdown let's check out the different evolution paths!

Stone Golem (Named variant)

An evolved variation of the Earth Golem. Its whole body is made out of stone, making it much stronger and giving it higher durability. But because they are made of stone they are slow and have very little agility.

Absorbs nearby rocks and soil to make themselves heal from injuries.

Because the golem about to evolve have been given a name the stats of the creature have been doubled.

Tree Golem (Named variant)

This golem is made out off wood and is most commonly used for scouting areas and being baits. They are very light and nimble but are very brittle, with thin limbs and little too no physical strenght. They make up for this with their regeneration that allows the to heal if given enough time.

Because the golem about to evolve have been given a name the stats of the creature have been doubled.

Earth Golem (named variant)

The final form for earth golems. They have the same strenght and weaknesses as the lesser version but are stronger.

Because the golem about to evolve have been given a name the stats of the creature have been doubled.

Hmmm, this is difficult. I instantly take away the Earth Golem choice, final form? Nah, I want him to evolve more. But the other two... They both have their strenght and weaknesses and fits for different uses.

((Rowan, what do you want to evolve into?)) I better ask the person himself.

"This one is not the one to choose, that is mistress decision." Geez, he really has a low sense of self. I need to fix that... Hopefully it disappears in the evolution process.

But what is with this name variant thing? Is it unusual to name your golem? Well, most people must only see them as tools so why name them? I gave Rowan his name because it was troublesome to call him golem all the time. But if it doubles their stats, why not just do it? Strange...


Well, I won't get it no matter how hard I try so let's just pick an evolution choice already!

Hmm, what I want is some muscles to cover for me and fight stronger enemies, so I guess stone golem... Yeah, stone golem it is! Sorry Tree golem-san but the strong body thing made it!

((Here we go Rowan!))

"Yes mistress."

... I really need to work on his excitement.

\\You choose Stone Golem, is that correct? Y\N?\\

Yes, I pick. Suddenly another screen pops up.

\\Rowan have evolved from Earth Golem into Stone Golem! Thanks to this all of Rowans skills have leveled up and he have gained new ones! The Stone Golem Rowans Minor Sentience have also evolved into Mediocre Sentience!\\

Aw yeahhh! That's what I'm talking about!

((Rowan, how do you feel?))


((Rowan?)) Is something wrong?

"I beg your pardon mistress, I was just shocked by my sudden change of thought patterns.))

((Rowan, your voice!))

"Hn? Is there something wrong with my voice mistress?"

((Nonono! It's the opposite actually! Before your voice was raspy and weird but now..! You sound like a human!))

"Oh, that mistress think so, it makes me very... Happy?"

Wow, this must be really weird, experiencing emotions for the first time. I wonder how it feels? I don't know how to ask... But for now let's just check his stats!

Name: Rowan

Title: Golem of Ruth

Race: Stone Golem (Named Variant)

Level: 1/20

HP: 88\88(x2)

MP: 10\10(x2)

Vit. 30(x2)

Str. 44(x2)

Dex. 10(x2)

Int. 10(x2)

Wis. 10(x2)

Char. 4(x2)

Luck 15(x2)

Exp: 0/1000

D-d-damn! That is one heack of a rise compared to before. Look at that health! Almost three times my own! And that strength! This name variant this is a freaking cheat I tell you, a cheat!!! He is really freaking strong now! He could easily be some dungeons mid boss or higher (at least if you compare to the games of my old wordl)! This one is not some light weight!

Speaking of light weight... He is made out of stone now, isn't he? I wonder if he looks any different? Only one way to find out!

((Come out Rowan!)) I choose you Stone Golem!

Suddenly a magic cirkle appears in front of me. A glowing figure starts to tske shape. Oh how exciting!

... Huh? What is this thing in front of me? Where did the tiny earth golem go? All I can see is a two meter tall, gray figure standing in front of me.

Or well, at least it would be standing if not the ceiling of the nest was lower than it, forcing it to crouch togehte.

((Rowan, is that really you?)) I ask, I still don't believe it.

"Yes mistress, it is I" it, HE answers. Rowans voice echoes in my head, confirming his words. So it really is him...

He looks really badass. Like, I am not even kidding, he is ten times as badass as Spada and she is a freaking bear with six arms.

Rowans whole body is made out of gray stone, forming a body that looks like an armor, similar to his prior tiny appearance. But this version is much more detailed, with symbols decorating his body. His helmet also changed shape. Before it looked like a standard knight helmet but now two horns are sprouting out, looking really demonic. Through the helmet you can spot two white glowing dots, similar to eyes.

Too cool. It isn't fair...

Suddenly Rowan goes down on his knee and puts his right arm across his chest.

"Mistress, I am overwhelmed by the devotion I feel for you and promise that I will always protect you! Use me however you like." he finishes his sentence and looks down on the floor.

((Wawawa! What are you doing!? Stop staring into the floor!))

"I thank mistress for her kindness but I am not worthy of gazing upon her" Rowan says, still staring down the floor.

... What is thiiis!?!? Why the sudden... Worship!? This is weird!!

But before I have the chance to stop him I can hear a creaking sound, the sound of wood breaking.

The Nest was only built to support my possible future weight but who knows how much Rowan weight!? It's amazing it hasn't collapsed yet! Thank you Ruter-sama!

((Rowen, let's get down from here before this thing breaks.))

"As mistress wish" he answers, getting up from his knee.

Puh! Good thing that he understands, otherwise this might have ended badl-EEHHH!!

Suddenly I'm whisped of the floor of the Nest and before I know it Rowan is carrying me princess-style while jumping down.

... Is this the reason people don't name golems?

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