《They said I could become anything so I became a _____!!!》Chapter 27: End of Troll


Before us stands a giant troll. It has grey skin, some parts covered in moss, this is why we thought it was a stone. It really is gigantic, easily over 3 meters, maybe 4.

It's really ugly too. A flat face, big nose and out of its mouth points two elephant-like tusks. Its black eyes are very small and it have two long pointy ears. On the lover back a long tail is attached. The arms reach the ground and its hands... I could sit in them. At least it is not naked but the only thing protecting it is a loose sitting loincloth.

But the scariest part is its smile. That smile makes its already ugly face seem disorted. And the way it looks at me... I don't like it one bit. It looks strong, but how strong? Appraisal!

Name: Ug

Title: Devourer, Son of the Leader

Race: Glutton Troll

Level: 57

HP: 208\208

MP: 8\8

Vit. 70

Str. 127

Dex. 13

Int. 3

Wis. 2

Char. 1

Luck 17

He is way to strong. We can't beat him. Our only option is to escape.

((Taro! Run to the left on three, I will run to the right! We might be able to trick it!))

Rowan tries to object, sayimg that he will protect me but I silence him. A direct conflict is the last thing I want. I order him to standby. Taro himself understands at once. We get ready.


The troll takes a step forward.


Another step forward. Gosh, it stinks!


Taro does as I say and run to the left while I run right. Fpr a second the troll gets confused and doesn't know what to do. Then it goes after the slowest of the two of us, Taro. Crap! I knew this might happen but I had hoped the troll chased after me! Then I could have keept a reasonable distance and distract him away from Taro! There goes my escape-no conflict plan! I turn around and screams, Sonic Screech of course.


The troll turns around and when it sees me it charges at me. Taro also turns around and yell my name.

((Taro! Run back home as fast as you can and get Julia-sama! We need her! I will hold out till then!))

For a second Taro hesitates. It is understandable but I need him to get Julia-sama! I can't go with him because of I do the troll will just follow us. I need to stay here and distract it.

((Taro I will be fine. Now run!))

Taro nods and starts running (home I hope). Please help him Chreshna and lead him home, I don't trust his sense of direction!

When Taro disappears from sight I decide to summon Rowan. I have carried him in my pocket the whole time but now I throw him on the ground.

((Rowan, transform back!))

"Of course mistress!))

The stone begins to glow and Rowan appears, right in front of the troll. The troll's got no time to react and Rowan punches him in the stomach. The troll stagger back a few steps before it stares at Rowan with malice in its eyes.

It picks up a log and starts swinging it towards Rowan. Crap not good!

But suddenly something shiny appears in his hand and blocks the log. A shield, made out of stone.

"Mistress! Escape ehile I hold it off!" Rowan exclaims.

((No, you are not strong enough to defeat it on your own! I will stay and help you!))

"Mistress... As you wish, but stand in the distance!"

Another glowing thing appear, this in his other hand. It's a sword. Rowan swings it towards the troll but it's to slow so the troll evades it with a slight move to the left.

He is not used with handling a sword, this is really bad!


The troll tackles Rowan to the ground but before it is able to land a hit on him I use Sonic Screech to draw his attention away. It succeds, the troll momentarily takes his eyes away from Rowan, which proves to be fatal.

Rowan grabs his sword and thrust it through the trolls shoulder. It screams in pain and backs away with his hand covering his shoulder.

"I am sorry mistress for no hitting a vital spot" Rowan apoligizes.

((It' Ok but now we now we can make this! Quick, before he regain his senses, attack!))

"As you wish mistress!"

Rowan launches towards the troll, still trying to stop the bleeding from his shoulder. When Rowan attacks it dodges, but still gets hit, this time it's his leg. It screams in agony and hits Rowan in response. Rowans arm gets shattered, completely destroying it. Crap!

((Rowan, draw back! I will heal you!))

"As you command mistress!" he says, jumping backwards landing right in front of me. I activate healing aura and casts a healing spell on him. His arm regenerates and he jumps back into battle. When he does a screen pops up in front of me.

\\You have leveled up Healing Aura and Healing spell!\\

Good, this will help! I dismiss the screen. Rowan is right in the middle of battle. He is getting better with the sword, he probably gained the Swordsman skill while fighting. The troll is taking more and more damage. Appraisal.

Name: Ug

Title: Devourer, Son of the Leader

Race: Glutton Troll

Level: 57

HP: 136\208

MP: 8\8

Yep, his health have decreased. This is going well. We might actually win this! With Rowan fighting in the front and me healing him from here it's an almlost an completely one sided fight. But the troll may still have some trick up his loincloth so we have to be cautious.

Suddenly the troll falls down, perhaps because of his injured leg. It tries to get up but Rowan puts his fot on its chest, forcing it to stay down. He doesn't let this chance slip away. He rise his sword above his head before thrusting it down, impaling the trolls head.

It twitches for a few seconds before it stops moving completely. It' kinda... Disturbing to watch. I have never seen a dead body before and my own death does not count.

A screen pops up.

\\You have leveled up 10 levels! Rowan have leveled up 16 levels! You have gaimed the title Combat Healer! This gives you a heal bonus when in battle that rises with every lifentaken during it!\\

((Rowan you did it!))

"All thanks to you mistress. If you had not healed my injuries I might have a lost cause."

I laugh a little. I am really happy we won. Good thing there wasn't any-


-more. I turn around. What I see is not one, not two but three trolls. When they see the body of their fallen comrade they go mad with anger, stomps the ground so that it shakes and roar oh so loudly.

Me and my big mouth. I check their levels.

Name: Yn

Title: Devourer, Leader of the Glutton trolls

Race: Glutton Troll (Fire Variant)

Level: ???

Name: Ign

Title: Devourer, Mate of the Leader

Race: Glutton Troll

Level: ???

Name: En

Title: Devourer, Son of the Leader

Race: Glutton Troll

Level: 87

... Crap.

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