《They said I could become anything so I became a _____!!!》Chapter 10: You spin my head right round


*Taros POV*

Yawwwwn. When did I fall asleep? I don't remember. I must have really exhausted myself yesterday...

Oh, that's right, I cried. I can feel my cheeks dye red.

I-I don't usually crie ya know? It was just because of the moment! I-I swear!

Ahh but I really slept comfortable tho. I feel completely energized.

Huh? That's really weird, I don't remember going to bed. Then why am I hugging something soft? Ah it must be Ruth. She sang so beautiful yesterday. I want to hear it again. But was she always this big?


Is this really Ruth? Instead of the tiny hatchling I am used to laying in my arms, instead there is a giant bird! Pure white feathers with an hint if blue covers the slender body. A long slender neck, big wings and a peach colored beak. A long, elegant tail similar to that of a cat with a tiny ball made of feathers on the end.

Totaly different from Ruth. But I know that it is her. I can feel it with out bond, that now feels stronger than before.

She evolved during the night. I can't help but feel proud. Our training gave results. She is stronger now. It makes me happy.

I stroke her feathers. They are smooth like silk. Mom told me that evolving is very tiring for animals and monsters. I wonder when Ruth will wake up. Mom should come back today so I need to explain that Ruth evolved without telling her about the... crying part.

Oh! That's right! Ruths bed is to tiny now, isn't it? I need to make a new one. Maybe I can use brothers old bed? Or would Ruth prefer it higher up, being a bird and all. Or maybe she wants to sleep outside? What if she becomes bigger the next time she evolves? Maybe I should build a shed or something like that?


If she grows to big she wont be able to fit into the house. And the food costs will rise, so she will have to hunt. But she has never fought anyone before. Maybe me should go into the forrest and practice fighting.

I wonder if she can fly now. She couldn't before because her wings were to small but now it should be Ok. If she grows larger, will I be able to ride her? That would be awesome!

I lift up Ruth and even if she is heavier now I am used to heavy labor so this is nothing. Wow, she has really grown big. She is atleast half as tall as I am and if she spread her wings they would be atleast twice as wide as I am tall. She. Is. So. COOL! I hug her tightly, spinning around. Yahahaha!

*Ruths POV*

Aaahhhhhhh! What is h-happening!? T-the w-w-whole world is s-s-s-s-s-spinning!!! I-I'm feeling siiiiick! S-someone make it s-s-stop!!!

*Taros POV*

Oh! Ruthe is waking up. I stop spinning. Awww, she must be as happy as I am, flapping her wings like that! Hehehe!

I put her down on the floorand she wobbles a little bit. Poor Ruth, she must be really tired. I pet her on the head, trying to comfort her.

She looks up on me, eyes squinting like those of an old man. Wow, her eyes are really pretty, they are the same color as blood.

"Congratiulations Ruth! You evolved!"

Ruth looks at me a little bit confused, tilting her head slightly to the right. Oh, that's right. She has not seen it herself yet. I turn around and pull a mirror out the drawer. It's not big to give a full body view but it's better than nothing. She observes herself a little while, turning around and stretching her body.


She then falls to the floor.

"R-Ruth! What happened!?" I run forward and embrace her. She must be really tired. Poor soul.

*Ruths POV*

I am done. Why do I have to look like a freaking swan? Atleast Taro seems happy with my new form so I must look atleast a tiny bit cool. I mean my tail is pretty... Unusual. And my eyes look pretty badass. At least I have real talons instead of flippers.

You know what, it could be worse. I could look like a freaking albatross or a penguin. And I don't wanna become the worlds first phoenix penguin. I mean, who wants to be a flightless bird?

I hope I can fly now. My wings seems big enough. I need to test it out later. Oh, and I wonder what my new stats are. Let's check them out.

Name: Ruth

Titles: Reincarnated One, Wannabe Phoenix, Lonely One, Half Dead Wanderer, Healer Newbie, Pet of Lentaro Blizt, Naive One, Songstress

Race: Siren Bird

Level 1/20

HP 20/20

MP 30/30

Vit. 15

Str. 12

Dex. 15

Int. 50

Wis. 35

Char. 80

Luck 2

Exp: 0/1000

... Yihaaaaa!!! Thank you so much! These stats are awesome! And how about skills?


Peck Lv. 8

Siren Voice Lv. 1

Appraisal Lv 9

Hunger Resistance Lv. 2

Pain Resistance Lv. 5

Superior Stamina Lv. 1

Stealth Lv. 4

Healing Voice Lv. 1

Hypnotising Song Lv. 1

Sonic Screech Lv. 1


Minor Healing Spell Lv. 7

Ohhhhhhhh, I like what I see. What are these new skills and what can they do?

Healing Voice Lv. 1

Lets you heal your allies by letting out your voice. Can not heal you. The higher the level the higher the healing.

Hypnotising Song Lv. 1

When you sing you hypnotise those around you into doing your bidding. Only works for a short time period and those under your control can only follow simple commands. Stronger foes can withstand this ability. The higher the skill level the better control you have.

Sonic Screech Lv. 1

Allows you to send out a shriek capable of shattering glass. It can be used for multiple uses if the user has enough imagination. This skill is however mostly used as an defense mechanism because it activates when the user is cornered. The higher the skill level the higher the screech.


*Taros POV*

Ruth starts cackling, sounding like an old mans laughter. Did something get stuck in her throat?

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