《They said I could become anything so I became a _____!!!》Extra: Clearing up the missunderstandings


Hello guys! Birdie here. I've seen that some of you guys are confused about Ruths gender and wants to know. For those of you that doesn't wanna know, STOP READING THIS INSTANT AND GO WATCH SOME ANIME!

Well, now that those guys are gone, first, let me just say that I did that on purpose, because I didn't want gender to matter that much and be kind of vague.

Second, in some chapters there are some words that revealS what gender Ruth belongs to (chapter 4, when Ruth talks about storms for example).

For those of you that still doesn't know what gender Ruth belongs to it's (SPOLIER!?) female.

And also, for those of you that notice myt faults in grammar and such, I just wanna point out that english is not my first language. I would be very thankful I you notice anything wrong that you message me so that I can fix it.

Thank you for reading!

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