《They said I could become anything so I became a _____!!!》Chapter 11: Peaceful Days


When mother-sama came home Taro had to stop her from attacking me because she thought that I was a monster. Remind me to never become enemies with mother-sama. She arrived at the worst moment possible.

Taro was curious about how my mouth looked like so he told me to open it. He leaned forward and then... Mother-sama walked in the door.

The moment she thought Taro was about to get eaten by a monster she went BANANAS, dropped everything she held and started firing magic!

Both me and Taro only noticed mother-sama when she dropped her things. I was wondering why the fireball was getting bigger. Then it hit me.

Fortunately for me, because Taro was right beside me she couldn't use too much FIREpower (ba-dum-tssss). But it still hurt. I tried to duck but got hit in the side. A screen appeared before me.

//Pain Resistance leveled up to level 3!//

Away! I don't want you to tell me that now! Mother-sama practicly tossed Taro away from me and started to murmur a strange incantation. *gulp*

She looked me in the eyes with a fierce gaze that not even my mother in this world could compete with.

"STAY AWAY FROM MY TARO YOU SON OF A---" Mother-sama prepared another attack when-

"MOM WAIT IT'S RUTH!!!" Taro screamed desperatly.

2 minutes later (after Taro explained what happened and my injury got healed by a very confused mother-sama)

"Oh dear me. My mistake, sorry Ruth dear" mother-sama says, smiling apologetic. She has calmed down now and is back to her usual self. But the memory of her previous self is still fresh. Mother-sama continues.

"But too think that Ruth would evolve so soon. Isn't it still too early?"

Huh? Isn't this normal? Does that mean I'm different? Taro seems happy atleast.

"Of course she would evolve! Ruth is strong, way stronger than other birds!"

Aww, stop it you

Mother-sama still seems to be suspicious but she plays along for now.


"Ahhh of course, that must be it~ Ruth is really strong eh?" Mother-sama pets my head. "But I never imagined that you would turn into a Siren Bird..."

Oh that's right, the screen said that Siren Birds were rare. I just hope that this wont give me troubles in the future...

Taro suddenly steps forward.

"Oh, that's right mom, we need to find another place for Ruth to sleep. She is to big for her bed now."

"You're right. We should probably make it even larger than it has to be in case she gets even bigger in her future evolutions... We will probably have to put it outside..." mother-sama mutters for herself. Suddenly her eyes brighten and she seems to remember something. "That's right! We can ask Ruter to help us! He can probably help us! And now that I think about it you are in that age to now and I cannot always be beside you as evidence of before..."


"I have decided Taro! Not only will we ask Ruter to help us build a bed for Ruth, I will also summon a magus to teach you magic in self-defense!"

"Really mom, you mean it!?" Taro asks with big eyes. I can't help but stare at mother-sama in the same way. This is one big plot development. What are you saying mother-sama? Don't toy with our hearts.

"Of course I mean it Taro, actually, if I find a teacher soon enough, you can begin next week!"

Taro and I look at each other. Our eyes glitter. We smile, or I try to at least, and then we jump at mother-sama, hugging her. She falls down because of the sudden weight and lands on her bum. But she doesn't get angry. Instead she starts to laugh and Taro laughs with her.

I wished we could stay like this forever.

They decide that until my new bed is finished that I will use Taros brothers old bed (I still don't know his name!) and that after I have gotten used to my new abilities I will start hunting in the forrest to feed myself. I wonder how much I need to eat now?


Mother-sama sent a message to the man they called Ruter and the guild where they would put up an ad looking for a magic teacher.

At first I was confused how mother-sama would send mail (I have yet to see any witches delivering mail) but after she wrote the letters she made two magic circles, one for each letter, and the circles started glowing. After the glowing disappeared the letters were not there anymore. TELEPORTATION MAGIC!? AWESOME!

But apparently it is still in the early stage and it can't transport anything bigger than a letter. Awwww.

Ruter arrived the day after mother-sama sent the letter.

He was a tall, muscular man in his thirties, with a black unkept beard and bushy eyebrows. His skin was tanned, showing all the hours he had been out in the sun and his arms were covered with scars. While he was not ugly, he was not exactly handsome. He looked... wild.

He arrived on a wagon pulled by a strange looking bear with six arms. A damn bear. Maybe I should call him Ruter-sama. The bear bore a striking resemblance with Ruter except that its fur looked more wellkept than Ruters beard. The bear was also missing an eye.

At first I found both the bear AND Ruter terrifying but when they greeted mother-sama and Taro they both smiled heartly smiles, proving me wrong. When he saw me he gently patted me on the head.

"So this is the birdie you were talking about heh?" His voice was rough and deep, just like his apperance suggested. Suddenly he went down on his knee and looked me straight in my eyes. I didn't know what to do, and I felt a little uncomfortable, but I stared back nontheless. Something in me wanted me to prove myself to him. We stared at each other for a while before he started to chuckle and stands up.

"Ehehe! Sonny, you got yourself one brave pal here. He seems very intelligent too."

Huh? Did you just call me "he"? Can't you see this feminine figure, these curves? I mean, look at this beak? If I was a male I would be an ikemen amongst birds!

"Ruth is a female Ruter!"

"Oh, then I'm sorry lass, can you forgive me?" Ruter bows down.

It's Ok, just stop bowing already! I hit Ruters head with my wings, trying to tell him to stand up. He seems to get the idea and stops bowing, chuckling.

Mother-sama and Ruter starts talking with each other about preparations and stuff so meanwhile Taro and I walks towards the bear that Ruter arrived with. Taro already seems to be familiar with it as he runs forward and hugs it.

"Spada! I've missed you!" The bear (Spada) stands up, with Taro still hugging it, and hugs him back. Then it lets itself fall backwards so that it hits the ground with a large bumph!

Taro starts scratching Spadas belly. Spada growls softly (how can a bear growl softly!?) and lays flat on the ground. I slowly approach them.

Taro sees me and jumps off Spada and picks me up.

"Spada, this is Ruth, my friend. Ruth, this is Spada, she is the cuddliest bear ever! She is also vey good at hide and seek!"


Are you telling me that monstrosity is a female. No wonder Ruter thought I was a male.


Meanwhile in the guild building a mysterious figure stares at the request from mother-sama. (S)He rips down the paper posting the quest and walks towards the reception.

We didn't know that, but this day the gears of fate started turning and our peaceful days ended.


Brrrr! That's weird. Why do I feel chilly in the middle of the summer?

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