《They said I could become anything so I became a _____!!!》Chapter 7: Let's play!


Let me tell you something. Being a pet is tiresome. I thought it was gonna be easy and comfortable, kinda like vacation. But NOOOOOOO. My first day being a pet was pretty comfy, getting bathed and spoiled with food and hugs. But the second day... Taro is very demanding. I admire mother-sama even more now for being able to keeping up with him. He wants to play. All. The. Time.

Tag, hide and seek, monster hunter, adventurer anything. And because Taro and his mother lived far away from the nearest village (that I learned was named Crewt village) I was the only one he could play with. And sure, in the beginning it was fun and stuff but when you play with an eight year old with to much energy and freetime without a break you get pretty damn tired.

I tried to hide from him a couple of times but it seems that because of me being his pet he can always feel where I am. And by the way I noticed that it's pretty dangerous for me to be without Taro. The reason being Mr.Pebbles, the housecat. When Taro is with me Pebbles is totally innocent but when I am alone he hunts me! And not just for fun either! One time he actully catched me and he was about to eat me! But fortunatly Taro walked in just then and Pebbles started acting all innocent again. He even starde to groom my feathers with his tounge. It was gross. Oh how I hate that cat.

Right now Taro and I are playing soldier and bandit. I am the thief and he is the soldier. The soilder chase the bandit and if the bandit gets caught the bandit gets punished however the soldier wants. I don't want to know what kind of punishement Taro has in store for me.


But atleast all these games are good for something. Thanks to them I gained a couple of skills and one level. One of the skills is named Stealth and I gained it from when I tried to hide from Taro. It allows me to hide my presence. The other one is Higher Stamina. The name of that one explains itself.

I want to check if Taro also gained some new skill but if I do I will get cursed. Why? Well Taro is actually the champion of the goddess of light and she stops me from checking his stats. That nasty woman. And he seemed to have such interesting skills too. That Light Beam skill that only hurt sinners and stuff was cool!

But ladies and gentlemen that isn't all 'cause Taro is also *dramatic thrumwhirl* a prince! Well actually he is not an legitimate child and therefor don't live in the castle with the king and queen. But still, a prince! That is awesome! Lets just hope that no one tries to kill him or something like that. That would be less awesome. What can I say? He's grown on me. And if someone attacks his theres a pretty big chance that I will die with him. And I am not ready to die yet.

Oh that's right. Taro says that he has a brother that used to live here both that recently left. Is he also a prince? I wonder if I will ever get to meet him. If he also is atleast half as good looking as Taro then that would be a plus too. Hehehe.

"Catched you!"


I have been running from this little monster for atleast half an hour (my Higher Stamina even rose a level) but in the end it doesn't even matter~~~~ sorry. My legs are shorter than his and my body is made to fly, not run. I need to learn how to fly and that is soon... What is gonna happen now that he's catched me? I close my eyes, waiting for him to punish me. Let it be done. Don't drag it out. Quick, like a bandage. Bring it!



Taro is currently tickling me without mercy. I try to wriggle away but I am in his control. He rolls me on my back and starts tickling my stomach.


One hour later Taro and I am laying on the grass, giggling. Man that really craved all my strength. But now atleast Taro also seems tired, which is unusual. Today was tiresome, but I have to admit I had fun as well. Heh, being the heros pet might not be so bad after all. Suddenly Taro springs up.

"Let's do that again!"


Oh no.

Name: Ruth

Title: Reincarnated One, Wannabe Phoenix, Lonely One, Half Dead Wanderer, Healer Newbie, Pet of Lentaro Blizt

Race: Bird(hatchling)

Level 11

HP 6/6

MP 6/6

Vit. 5

Str. 5


Int. 30

Wis. 25

Char. 25

Luck 1

Exp: 80/100


Peck Lv 2:

This skill allows you to use you beak to attack enemies. Low class skill. Uneffective against larger enemies.

Bird Song Lv 8:

Thanks to being a bird you have the ability to sing, mostly used to attract a mate. The higher the skill level, the more beautiful and captivating you song becomes. Passive skill.

Appraisal Lv 3:

Allows you to scan and see information about chosen the object you choose. The higher the skill level the more information you see. Cannot see information on higher level objects/enemies.

Hunger Resistance Lv 2:

You are able to stand hunger for a longer time period without losing your ability to think normaly. Resistance rises with level.

Pain Resistance Lv 4:

Pain does not bother you as much as before but it still hurts. Resistance rises with level.

Higher Stamina Lv 2:

You have higher stamina than most of your kind. The higher the skill level the higher the stamina. Passive skill.

Stealth Lv 1:

Allows ýou to conceal your presence. The higher the skill level the stealthier you become.

Minor Healing Spell Lv 1:

Allows you to cast a low level healing spell. The higher the spell level the stronger the effect of the spell.

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