《They said I could become anything so I became a _____!!!》Chapter 6: The Main Character Is Here


I just became a pet. To a kid. That I just met. Forcefully. This may be the end. I never owned a pet but I know how sadistic small children can be. I once saw a kid on a playground tearing ants legs form ther bodies while they were still alive. Yeah, children are scary.

Well atleast this kid doesn't seem to have any thought of tearning my limbs of... For now. Actually, right now he is grooming my feathers. I am laying in a tiny bowel with hot water and he is lirking out all the leafs and twigs that got stuck in my feathercoat. My feathers were increbible ruffled and dirty because of my long walk during the storm. How did I even do that? I can't remember anything besides being tired to death. So this is it hus? The legendary... timely amnesia??? Amazing. So I really am a true protagonist after all. This or the author is lazy****

Uhm, I'm sorry. I wont break the fourth wall again. Back to the story again.

The kid, Taro, is handling me with care after his mother scolded him for almost drowning me the first time. By accident of course. But still, being held underwatar by an 8 year old, almost dying, is pretty traumatizing. But I gave him one more chance (even if I didn't have any choice) and now it's like this. It's pretty comfortable actually. Hehe, it may not be that bad being a pet. NO! Stop! I may be a bird right now but my soul is completely human and a human should not say things like that! But it feel soooo good~ AARGHHHH!!!

"Ruth, are you Ok?" Taro asks with a worried face. Oh, I'm sorry Taro, I didn't mean to worry you I am just going through an intense inner argument. Just continue with what you're doing. Ahhhh thats the spot.


"Hehehe, you like it when i scratch your neck dont ya?" That is because i can't reach that spot with my wings so when it itches I have to lay down on the ground and roll around, which in turn makes me dirty. A real pain in the back.

The bath took a total of 12 minutes. Afterwards he dried me with a towel before carrying me through the house until we arrived till a tiny room.

"This is my room" said Ruth. "My older brother also used to sleep here but after he moved out it's all mine!"

Ahhhh so he wants to show me around. Ruth continues taking but I don't listen (sorry Taro). So this is his room... It is indeed small but compared to my room in my old world it is nearly twice as big. Opposit of the door is a large window and under that window lies a wooden drawer. It lies beds on both sides of the bed but only the left one is bedded; the other one lays empty. That must be the brothers old bed.

The walls are decorated with yellow papers with strange symbols and creatures. Oh that's right, I have yet to learn this worlds alphabet, if it is any different to say. Probably, or else it would be a really weird and unlikely coincidence. But then how do I understand Taro and mother-sama so clearly? Convenient protagonist advantages? Lazy author? No one knows...

*We interupt our protagonist in order to keep the the 4th wall intact*

Uhum, forget what I just said...

Oh wait! What is that? On the drawer in front of the window is a tiny cushion surrounded by a blanket. Beside the cushion lays two bowls, one filled with water and one filled with some kind of seeds. Isn't this...


"And look Ruth! That is your bed! I made it myself!" Taro seems really proud, despite the simplicity of bed. But I am grateful. To show how much I appreciate it I rub my head against Taro. He looks shocked for a few seconds but afterwards he smile a wide grin.

"Hehehehe!" he laughs. Taro must have been worried that I wouldn't like it. Despite his at sometimes loud personality he seems to be a gentle soul.

Heeeeeeh... Well I guess it wont hurt to stay a little while. Playing pet might not be so bad. Oh, by the way, I have not used appraisal on Taro. I wonder how much our stats differ. Appraisal!

Name: Lentaro Blizt

Title: Bastard Prince, Goddess of Lights Champion, Master of Ruth the Reincarnated One

Race: Human(child)

Level 17

HP 79/79

MP 55/55

Vit. 21

Str. 23

Dex. 14

Int. 26

Wis. 14

Char. 27

Luck 32

Exp: 79/100


Swordsmanship Lv 3: Allows you to handle the sword. The higher the level the higher the mastery of said art.

Archery Lv 5: Allows you to handle the bow. The higher the level the higher the mastery of said art.

Light Beam(locked): Summons a beam of light from the sky. Only the wicked and greedy will perish when touched by this beam. Currently locked away.



... Forgett about what I said before, about being a protagonist, this guy here is clearly the main character.

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