《They said I could become anything so I became a _____!!!》Chapter 8: I am gonna be OP!


Three weeks has gone since I first met Taro and mother-sama and I am still aiming to become a phoenix. Ok I have to admit that becoming an OP phoenix might be harder than I thought it would be but I'm trying!

Besides playing (every freaking day) with Taro these past weeks, I have also been practicing like crazy every day. And I mean it.

I've been running till I can't feel my legs, trying to level up Peck and Appraisal by using them on EVERYTHING, deliberetly hurting myself to practice Minor Healing, using Stealth around Mr.Pebbles, done situps, squats, headstands, math problems, meditation, you name it. I even tried swimming in the pond in the back before realising that the only thing I can do is float. So after all this training let's check my status!

Level 14/15

HP 7/7

MP 10/10

Vit. 6

Str. 7


Int. 34

Wis. 28

Char. 26

Luck 1

Exp: 67/100


Peck Lv. 8

Bird Song Lv. 8

Appraisal Lv 9

Hunger Resistance Lv. 2

Pain Resistance Lv. 5

Higher Stamina Lv. 10 (due to reaching max level evolves into Superior Stamina!)

Superior Stamina Lv. 1

Stealth Lv. 4

Minor Healing Spell Lv. 7


No but really I am incredible happy with the results. If I was as strong back then as I am now Bully-san and the twins would be the ones begging for mercy! And look! One of my skills evolved because it reached max level! Speaking of evolution... I will soon be able to evolve! I can see the requierd level for level up now thanks to Appraisals level becoming higher and I am so excited!

I wonder what I wil evolve into. Will I have multiple options? Nothing to extreme I think but atleast it will be better than my current form. I wonder how it will feel? In a lot of light novels the protagonist either falls asleep or experience it like a warm feeling. Please don't let it tickle, I am terribly ticklish if you didn't already know that.


I hope my new form will also not look embarrassing. I mean, while I don't hate my current body I don't love it either. It is simply... To darn kawaii. With my light blue fluffy feathers, tiny beak and wings and round brown shining eyes, no one can take me seriously.

Compared to how "mother" looked I seemed like a joke. Less sugoi and more super please? I know I wont turn into a phoenix anytime soon but ya know...

I recently also learned from listening to mother-sama teaching Taro, that while humans do level up they cannot evolve. Apperantly only monsters can do so. So that means I'm a monster? Well my "mother" was clearly not a regular bird so I cannot say that I am surprised.

So that means that every monster starts out as an animal and then when they get stronger they evolve? That explains that weird rabbit looking thing I saw on my first day. It was just an evolved super rabbit. Really? Hey I ain't complaining. Easier for me.

"Ruth! Dinner is ready!" Taro suddenly shouts. O'boy! Dinner! Taro is standing on one knee in the dooropening with his arms stretched outwards, waiting for me. I run towards him and jump up into his embrace. He giggles and puts me near his face.

This guy... Even we have not known each other for such a long time we have still become best friends. We are with each other nearly all the time and he talks to me even if he knows that I cannot answer, I think it is because he can feel that I am intelligent and can understand him.

And I got to admit that I enjoy his company. He is always smiling and trying his hardest to become strong.

Oh? I didn't say it? When I trained it was toghether with Taro. Of course I didn't do spells and such in front of him but all those physical activities I mentioned earlier we did together.


Taro also practiced fighting with sword and bow and mother- sama tought him a lot of things. Once every week a schoolar would also travel to our house (probably on the kings orders) and teach him such things as math, spelling, history and other school subjects. Every time that happened I was there and listening too, without the schoolar knowing this of course.

I learned from this schoolar that while they had a vast knowledge on magic and such they had very little knowledge about scientific stuff. In this world they still belive that it is the sun thats cikles around this planet and not the other way around!

The only thing that I learned from schoolar was the history of this world. Appearently it's called Netverr and is mapped into five different kingdoms;

The human kingdom Latverra, where we are currently in and Taros father is the king. The United Republic of Men, which is ruled by the democracy, that is in an alliance with Latverra. The Grand Mountains that is an underground country delving deep in the, you guessed it, mountains, where dwarfs are the majority. Wherlien, or the Wast Lands as it is also called, which is the country of elves, fairys, beastmen and other subspecies and last but not least; Ulyen, the land of demons, which is currently in a dispute against Latverra.

The human kingdoms beilive that in the beginning, the world was created by the goddess of light, Chreshna, and that everything that resides in this world is all part of her soul, this means that when they die they will meet her. But they also say that the sister of Chreshna, goddess of darkness, Ylwa, is her mortal enemy and is activly trying to corrupt the world out of the jealousy of her sister.

Ylwa created demons to destroy mankind, Chreshnas most beloved creations. In order to counter this Chreshna once every thousand year marks a human and makes this one her apostle. She gives her aposlte part of her power so that this one can protect the humans. The last apostle died 900 hundred years ago and the church of light, the followers of Chreshna, is activly searching for the new chosen one.

And that happens to be Taro. But no one except me seems to know that! Damn, I really hope that no one realises. Taro is to nice and would without a doubt try to protect everyone if he knew the truth. Not that it's a bad thing wanting to protect people! I just know that if they got their hands on Taro they would use, corrupt and change him into what they want him to be.

And I don't want that. He is still a kid and I wont let people take his childhood away. I have decided. I will hide Taros identity until he will be able to handle it and until then I will do my best to make him into a fine young man.

I mean, how hard can it be?

//New title gained; Naive One!//

Let's just ignore that for now.

*Authors Note: I have been sick all day but I managed to release a chapter! Thank you for reading!*

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