《They said I could become anything so I became a _____!!!》Chapter 3: Mother???


Crack, cra-ack!

Thin cracks spread all over the eggs and pieces starts to fall off. I had completely forgotten about the other eggs!!! I move forward.

The first egg (after me) hatchs and a large chick appears. I don't know how big I am but this chick is atleast twice as large as me. How the heck did it get so huge!? This is unfair! I remembers my new skill and decides to try it out. Appraisal.

Name: None

Title: Large Chick(new!)

Race: Bird(hatchling)

Level 1

HP 10/10

MP 1/1

Vit. 3

Str. 7


Int. 2

Wis. 1

Char. 10

Luck 8

Exp: 1/100

The big chick looks around confused and when it sees me it moves forward. I try to back away but the nest is not big enough. Wow, this bird is too god damn tall. It bows down so that our eyes is in the same hight and stares at me.



What? Did it just laugh at me? No way, right?

Like to confirm my suspicions a selfsattisfied smirk appears on its face. Can birds even smile? I don't know but now I am sure. It looks down on me. Is it because I am smaller? The hell! Don't look down on me you prick!

My focus on the large chick is cut short when suddenly one other egg hatches. But this time not one but two chicks appear! Twins!? They are not as large as the other chick but is still bigger than me. When they see the other chick and me they walk towards us. The larger chick immediately spreads its wings and tries to make itself seems larger. And it works. The other two chicks seems to submiss. Suddenly they turn to stare at me and just like the bigger chick the other two starts to smile meancing.


No. Don't tell me this is what I think this is because if it is I am not amused.

Suddenly it hurts like hell in the side of my head. The bigger chick (I decide to nickname him Bully-san) pecks me in the head. Ouch! The twins (I will just call them that for now) starts to pick me too.

Ouch, aurgh!!!

Did I just become the peckchicken!? I know I am small but this just ain't fair! Crap!

Suddenly the pecking stops. Huh? Did they get bored? Cautiously I look up. A giant bird stands in front of me. Its feathers is deep black with red chestfeathers and it has a golden beak. Instinctly I know that this is my mother. She sure is beautiful. Her eyes seems to look right through one and has a sense of intelligence in them.

My so called" siblings" is standing in front off her chirping intensly. I notice that in my mothers mouth there is one of the six-legged bunnies that i saw earlier, dead of course. My siblings look on it in anticipation.They must be hungry. Huh? Wait, now that I think about it I am hungry too. Mother drops the bunnie and my siblings attack it with greedy mouths. Crap! I have to hurry up or else there wont be any left for me!

I rise, but falls down, but rises again. I have to prove myself. Not for mother, not for my siblings, not for the world. I want to prove it to myself. I am weak now but I will get stronger so that I can defend myself and survive.

After multiple tries and fails I finally succed. My siblings have already finished eating and is cuddling against mother, drifting off to sleep. The bunnie is almost completely clean from meat but some scraps can be found in the edges. Of course barely more than a mouthfull.


Stupid siblings! And mother, why didn't you see that some was saved for me!?

I search for compassion in mothers gaze but there is none. Only strenght. I wonder how strong she is. Appraisal!

Name: Frescca

Title: Sky Terror, Blade Wing, Merciless, Mother

Race: Terror Bird

Level ???

Huh? Why can't I see her stats or her level? Wait, in games, sometimes if your enemy had a level much higher than you, you could not see these things. Then mother is strong? And what is with these titles? And her race! For me and my sibling (I need to check the twins later) it just stood bird. Does that mean that our race will change? Wait. Does that mean... I will EVOLVE!? I always loved those games where you could evolve and based on your decision different evolution paths could could be chosen.

Heck. Yeah. This world have treated me cruelly since the start but right now I can't help but be excited. Ok guys. I have set my ultimate goal in this world. I will become a freaking phoenix! Lets just hope I wont die from starvation before then.

Name: None

Title: Reincarnated One, Wannabe Phoenix(new!)

Race: Bird(hatchling)

Level 1

HP 5/5

MP 5/5

Vit. 1

Str. 1

Dex. 1

Int. 20

Wis. 20

Char. 15

Luck 1

Exp: 6/100(+2)


Peck Lv 1:

This skill allows you to use you beak to attack enemies. Low class skill. Uneffective against larger enemies.

Bird Song Lv 1:

Thanks to being a bird you have the ability to sing, mostly used to attract a mate. The higher the skill level, the more beautiful and captivating you song becomes. Passive skill.

Appraisal Lv 1:

Allows you to scan and see information about chosen the object you choose. The higher the skill level the more information you see. Cannot see information on higher level objects/enemies.

Authors Note: Congrats to my sister that has her birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CRAZY MUPPET!

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