《They said I could become anything so I became a _____!!!》Chapter 2: MAGIC!


Puh, huff...

After screaming out my anger and having a tantrum in a way that would have made my parents grounded for life me I started to calm down, mostly because I got tired. The screen was still floating in front of me, shining with a dim, blue light. When I tried to touch it with my wing (still not used to having no arms) it just passed right through it. Damn. It was getting annoying. How did they do it in light novels again?

"Begone. Disappear. Window down.Abra kadabra... Belive it!"

Nope, didn't work and I felt silly afterwards. Great. The screen itself isn't annoying it's just that it is to big and is covering my vision. If only it could minimize...

Just as I thougth about it the screen suddenly became 10 smaller and placed itself in the right top corner of my vision.

Wow! So the only thing I have to do is think about it? Well that is good to know. Good thing no one was around to hear me shout those embarrasing things.

Once again I looked down on my new body. I had limited sight over my body but what I saw was skyblue (kinda fluffy) feathers, two tiny wings and bird feet with small talons. I imagined I looked quite adorable. I wondered what kind of bird I was. I had never seen any kind of bird with this color.

I started to look around again. So far I was the only egg that had hatched and I was currently in what I could only think was a birdnest. I went to the edge of the nest and looked out. The nest laid on a treebranch and was about three meters up in the air. Luckily I was not afraid of hights or else this life would have been terrible.


Suddenly something moved in one of the bushes bellow and a tiny rabbit-looking creature jumped out. The reason I said it was rabbit-looking is because while it sure looks like a rabbit with its long ears and cute nose it has a long, slick tail and six legs, in other words; it was not a rabbit. But it was still cute tho'.

I observed it for a while, when suddenly the screen popped up again but now with a different text.

//By continuously observing a certain thing you have earned the skill Appraisal! To learn more about said skill go to the menu .//


Did it just said I earned a skill? I read it again. Yes it did. Huh. That was unexpected... I fall down on by bum, dumbfounded. One mississippi, two mississippi, three mississippi, four mississippi...

THERE ARE SKILLS!? What is this!? I read the message once again, i need to know more about skills. To learn more about said skill go to the menu...

How do I go to the menu? I remember what I did with the screen before and started to imagine a menu and just as I thought a glowing, see through sceen appeared before me with a ping.

Name: None

Title: Reincarnated One

Race: Bird(hatchling)

Level 1

HP 5/5

MP 5/5

Vit. 1

Str. 1

Dex. 1

Int. 20

Wis. 20

Char. 15

Luck 1

Exp: 1/100(+5)


Spells(show (none))

What the heck man. Really? Is this a game? I know I played a lot of games in my previous life but come on, this is just...

You know what, I will take. But what is with these stats!? They are incredible low. I guess it's because I am a newbo- hatched. Well atleast my intelligence, wisdom and charm is pretty high I guess?? And I don't have a name? Meh. Who cares really? I don't need a name at least for the moment. But what made me excited was the MP and Spell list. THAT MEANS MAGIC BABY! sorry...


But, really I mean it. When playing games I was always a wizard, monk or healer. So this made me really happy. Saddly it seemed that I had none (boooh) so I have to start learning some and that is soon. I want to shoot fire out of my palms and control the dead! But first things first I need to check out my skills. That is the most important thing. So I tried thinking "open skills window" and it worked! Now let's se...


Peck Lv 1:

This skill allows you to use you beak to attack enemies. Low class skill. Uneffective against larger enemies.

Bird Song Lv 1:

Thanks to being a bird you have the ability to sing, mostly used to attract a mate. The higher the skill level, the more beautiful and captivating you song becomes. Passive skill.

Appraisal Lv 1:

Allows you to scan and see information about chosen the object you choose. The higher the skill level the more information you see. Cannot see information on higher level objects/enemies.

Three skills. Three. Skills. Just let those words sink in. Three skills, one of them being freaking singing. I am screwed aren't I?

Suddenly a cracking sound can be heard behind me. I turn around slowly. The other eggs are hatching. Just perfect.

*The chapters are gonna become longer the more interest is showed. Thank you for reading ;)

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