《They said I could become anything so I became a _____!!!》Chapter 4: It's Raining Death


It has gone seven days since I was reincarnated into this new world. Oh and did I mention that I was reborn as a bird. My luck. And also, my mother does not care for me, my siblings always bully me and I am about to starve to death. Well it could be worse I guess... Nope, absolutly impossible. But I have atleast gained two new skills. Hunger resistance, which makes me able to withstand the pain of hunger and pain restisance, gained from the constant abuse of my siblings, that makes pain not that painfull. Great. Also I gained a new title, Lonely One. Yeah.

Right now I am laying in the next in the opposit corner that my siblings are cuddling up in. Bully-san have been growing like crazy lately and the twins is now twice as big as me. They are the same species as me, even if the twins is variants and seems to share and empathic link with each other.

Our mother is an evolved verison of our species called Terror bird. She is incredible beautiful but really mean. Atleast towards me. She loves my siblings and always lets them curl up near her when we are gonna sleep but when I do so she kicks me away. I hate you mother...

Mother is out hunting for the moment and she will not be back for at least half an hour. Since I have nothing to do when I am in this nest I have been using my skills trying to level them up. In the beginning I only used Appraisal but looking at the same thing over and over again does not help leveling. Well at least I got it up to level 3. I tried to use Peck but my siblings thought that I wanted to fight and attacked me, so right now the only thing I can train is Bird Song. I sing all the time, day and night, in rain and sunshine. Right now it's level is on 8 and I dont want to brag but... I am pretty amazing. Beyonce, step aside, a new superstar have taken the stage.


Today it's raining but thanks to mother placing the nest directly under the thickest branches we never gets wet. The thunder is rumbling, the lightning strikes down ever so often and the wind is roaring like an angry caged beast.

It's scary but i continue singing. It helps me think.

My siblings cuddle togheter, shaking, seeking comfort in each other until mother comes back and they can crawl up to her. Even if the rain can't touch us it is still cold and our fluffy feathers cant protect us as well as mothers can. The temperature is sinking.

The lightning strikes down nearby. The twinks squeek out off fear while Bully-san turns as tiny as possible. If I weren't scared to it would have been really funny watching them. Sadly only my song helped me keep calm.

I never liked thunderstorms in my old life. They always made me nervous and I refused to go out while they were raging. My friends thought I was silly but never teased me for it and my parents accepted it. When I was young and there were thunderstorms I used to crawl under my bedsheets and shiver in fear. But my mom always made me feel better. She would hug me and sit with me through the whole storm. We even made a game out of the storm. Every time llightning stuck we would close our eyes and when we opened them we had mad made funny faces, making us laugh. Like this I forgot my fear and even if I never learned how to like thunderstorms I was never again afraid of them.

My parents never lost hope in me and always loved me. Every day they would say how proud they were to have me as a daughter and how I always made them smile.

I miss my old family...


NO NO NO! If I think about that right now I will only turn sad! Just continue singing! Yeah! Yeah...

The storm is getting worse, when is mother coming home? Even if she doesn't care for me it still feels safer when she's here. Bully-san and the twins are getting really worried and is right now beginning to panic. They are squeeking like crazy of fear and are running around in circles, confused as heck. My throar hurts but I continue singing, I have to or else I will panic as well.

Lightning strikes down again, but this time in our tree.

I can feel the smell of smoke and the branch our nest rests on starts to crack before if breaks of completely. The nest plus the branch falls to the ground in a loud bang.

I get dissoriented because of the shock, probably hit my head in something on the way down. When I look around I see doubles and my head shouts at me. I can hear my siblings squeeking but I don't care. I am tired, so tired...

I start walking into the forest with no goal in mind. I just want a quiet place to rest.


I don't know how long I have walked but I am getting more and more tired. My feet hurt, my head feels like it's about to explode and I am about to starve to death. Eventually I collapse. I can't do this anymore. I want to sleep. Suddenly I hear a few pings and the screen pops up but I don't care. Just leave me alone for a second. I will just close my eyes....


"Mommy, mommy look! It's a bird! It looks hurt!"

Name: None

Title: Reincarnated One, Wannabe Phoenix, Lonely One(new!), Half Dead Wanderer(new!)

Race: Bird(hatchling)

Level 8

HP 1/5

MP 5/5

Vit. 5

Str. 5


Int. 30

Wis. 25

Char. 25

Luck 1

Exp: 6/100(+800)


Peck Lv 2:

This skill allows you to use you beak to attack enemies. Low class skill. Uneffective against larger enemies.

Bird Song Lv 8:

Thanks to being a bird you have the ability to sing, mostly used to attract a mate. The higher the skill level, the more beautiful and captivating you song becomes. Passive skill.

Appraisal Lv 3:

Allows you to scan and see information about chosen the object you choose. The higher the skill level the more information you see. Cannot see information on higher level objects/enemies.

Hunger Resistance Lv 2:

You are able to stand hunger for a longer time period without losing your ability to think normaly. Resistance rises with level.

Pain Resistance Lv 4:

Pain does not bother you as much as before but it still hurts. Resistance rises with level.

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