《The Suit-Maker》V2P47- Please Die


“The idea was simple. If the body could not continue, why bother? After all, humans didn’t conquer Earth because of our bodies. We conquered it with our minds. The human mind is mankind’s greatest weapon. So, if our bodies can’t live forever, why not just discard it? Keep what’s important and forget about the rest.”

“Once we decided on this course, I began working with others in the group to accomplish it. All of us had ideas, and each idea was different. One member wanted to upload our consciousness onto the Solar Web where we would be digital immortals. Another thought of creating mindless clones and transferring our consciousness into them. One guy even wanted to cut out our brain and put it in a jar like in those old science fiction novels.”

“Those were good days. For once in my life, I was working with others who were almost my equals. However, even the most brilliant of men has flaws and we had ours. We were the best mankind has to offer, and all of us were leaders in our field. We were used to having our ways and were unable to compromise. Over the years, the group slowly disperse. However, we still traded information and ideas, and one member came to me with an interesting one. She wanted to concentrate on ways to transform our consciousness into a spirit form and take over the bodies of unsuspecting individuals. Personally, I just think she was a fan of The Exorcist.”

My father- no, The Mad Triple- laughed, and then began coughing. He looked to be in pain, and I was delighted. He was insane.

“Sorry about that. Now, where was I. Oh yes, Linda’s Exorcist idea. You see, my colleague believed that what we called the ‘consciousness’ is actually another word for our ‘spirit’. Spiritual possession is actually very difficult to pull off. Everyone has a spiritual self, so to possess somebody’s body, you need to kick the incumbent spirit out first. That’s why all the isekai stories out there almost always show the transmigrator taking over a dead body. The incumbent spirit, or consciousness, had already left, so the body was free. If the incumbent spirit was still there, then the body would almost always reject the invading spirit. Linda requested my help with the spell, but I rejected her. I shall admit that it was a great idea, but I never liked her much. So, I told her it can’t be done, and stole her idea. Hardly the worse thing I’d ever done.”


“By now, you probably already guessed that the System is a Trojan Horse. It is, but it is also so much more. You see Tobias, the System has been changing you.”

The System had been changing me? My first instinct was to deny it, but then I remember all the times my friends told me that I had changed. I thought it was because of my success, but what if it was the System? What if it was the one responsible? I panicked. I had the System for two years now! How much had it changed me? The Mad Triple continued.

“Why did I do this? You see Tobias, the problem my colleague had was that she never found a way to force the body to accept an invading spirit. Being more used to the body, the incumbent spirit will always have an advantage. So, I designed the System around the problem. By now, the System must had told you that it is part of you. That is correct. It is part of you, and I am a part of the System.”

Wait, what?

“When I created the System, I infused it with my DNA along with a small part of my consciousness. Upon my death, I shall split my consciousness among the various Systems I had invented and passed them to my descendants. When you accepted the System, it became part of you. I became part of you. As the System grows more powerful with you, my consciousness will grow along with the System. As an incentive for you to improve the System, I designed a series of ‘missions’ within the System. Completing them will gives you rewards. You may notice a few personality and physical changes as the System grows more powerful. That is me. As the System grows more powerful, I shall grow and take over more of you. Once the System is powerful enough, it will activate a dormant program and I shall attempt to take over your body. Now, you probably have many questions. The top being why am I doing this?”


“Think of it from my perspective. I am The Mad Triple, and I have many enemies. If my plan is successful, I get to live again, and I shall take over a young successful body none of my enemies knows of. There may even be several copies of me! I have many children. If the plan fails, I lose nothing. I am already dying.”

The Mad Triple coughed violently. I am the son of a madman! In the corner of my cybernetics, I see the option of transferring my consciousness to the FLJ. Should I take the leap?

“Sorry about that. I got a little carried away there. It’s so much fun when one of my schemes bear fruit, but don’t feel too bad. Since I am going to take over your body, it means you must have done quite well for yourself. If you had not, the System would have killed you already. Can’t have others take control of my System, right?” The Mad Triple looked at the camera sadly, and for a moment I thought he would change his mind. I was wrong.

“I am truly sorry for this Tobias. Now, please die.”

YES! YES! YES! I silently screamed at the FLJ. Then … darkness.

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