《The Suit-Maker》V2- Epilogue


I was jolted out of the darkness by air. A breath of air. Cool and refreshing, it filled my lungs and my eyes opened in shock. The first thing I saw in my second life was the ceiling. After a few seconds, I calmed. I turned my head and saw that I was in an office.

I noticed my body. I had shiny silvery arms. I lifted my metallic arms and admired them. Lines of text appeared in my vision, informing me that the arms were from Ganon Corporation. I touched my face and felt my metallic eye. I was a cyborg.

I sat up and felt a strange sensation. My torso was metallic, but the rest of my body was human. My body felt weird and my balance was off. That was expected. I knew I would need months to get used to the new bodies. Slowly, I stood up and looked round. I was alone except for a cleaning bot that was scurrying towards a metallic device on the floor. I saw the bot sweeping the device inside itself before moving away. I hope the device wasn’t important.

I look at the well-furnished office I was in and took a deep breath. It worked! I couldn’t believe it, but it had worked! A smile appeared on my new face. Time to find out who I am.

“System, analysis. Who am I?”

[Host is the creator, Diego San Martín. Currently in the body of Tobias Wong Kah Ching.]

“System; tell me about Tobias Wong Kah Ching. What system is he using?”

[Former host, Tobias Wong Kah Ching, was using a technology system. Also known as The Fat Tinkerer, he used the System to build a career as a Battlesuit Designer. Well-respected in the field, he was known as a designer of Steam and Clockwork Battlesuit and gained fame as a designer who successfully integrated both technologies into battlesuits. He has been credited as the man who had made old technologies trendy again, and further fame was gained when he recently showcased a battlesuit that used Mana Technology.]


I was slightly surprised at the news. Being a battlesuit designer was one thing, I could fake being a battlesuit designer, but Steam and Clockwork Technologies? Why did this son of mine choose to specialise in such old technologies? And what in the world was Mana Technology? I sighed. This is going to take some work.

“Run diagnosis. How long have you been operational? What is your status? What is the takeover rate?”

[Current system has been in operation for two years, eleven months, and eight days. Chimera DNA has shown no adverse effects. System is currently in operational and running smoothly. Takeover rate is at thirty-three percent.]

I frowned. This body was almost a failure. There were two criteria for the takeover. The chimera DNA need to be at thirty percentage, and the host need to fail a mission. I had programmed the systems to initiate the takeover once both criteria were met. If the host had failed a mission before chimera DNA reached thirty percentage, the System would have just killed the host directly. The takeover was successful, but the numbers do not add up. If the system has been in operation for almost three years, the takeover rate should be much higher. Why is the takeover rate so low? Did something happen to Tobias Wong?

I went to the DIVE console and opened it. Let’s see what my son had been doing with his life.

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