《I'm a Kitsune?》Chapter 002


I'm a fox thing.

A furry, for crying out loud!

No no, fox girls are cute—when it's not me with the fox ears and tail.

Right, in addition to the fox tail, my ears are sticking out the top of my head like a fox's.

I mean, I'm sure I look quite cute and adorable.

I like cute and adorable.

—But only when it's on someone else.

Still, this confirms I'm in some kinda fantasy world.

What am I anyways? A fox person, huh?

Beastkin, Animal people, Wereanimals, Demi-humans... The list of names they go by in fiction goes on.

They aren't uncommon in some of the fantasies I've read.

But very often, Humans don't exactly get along with non-humans, right?

I've confirmed that my caretakers are human as far the eye can tell.

So why would they pick up a fox child like me? Some kind of misplaced motherly instinct?

Or sheer altruism?

Either is fine, but I hope it doesn't suddenly become a situation where my support will be cut off.

A scenario like "We're going to sell you into slavery" or "Foxkin are a delicacy" would be very terrifying, you know? For one, I've never worked a day in my life, so I doubt I could handle slave labor. Becoming someone's snack after being fed and pampered would also be a terribly unfortunate fate. I don't like the idea of becoming the equivalent of livestock.

Then again, there is the possibility that I'm here to be their own child's pet.

My roommate.

Another baby, who should be close to my age, considering their mother is still lactating, and neither of us can properly get up under our own strength.

Because of my angle, I can't tell much about the other child, but they seem to have the same auburn hair as their mother. The father? I recall him having much darker hair.


Anyways, I wish I could get up, you know?

A while ago, the people who saved me arrived at some sort of village, and I was taken into a house.

But now I'm confined to here, with nothing to do.

Being a baby is so...relaxing?

Yeah, actually, I don't mind it so much.

I feel kinda in tune with this peaceful atmosphere, with nothing wrong.

Are babies perhaps natural NEETs?

But, unfortunately I need my internet.

Crap, all the manga and novels I was reading—I'll never get to see how they end!


Goal #1 for my Other World Life: Find someone else who reincarnated, and have them tell me what happened in all the anime and shit I was watching.

I'll figure out what my other goals are later.

In any case, I've fallen into the habit of playing with my tail.

The first time I grabbed it, I really shocked myself, and felt a strong tingling down my spine. As you might expect, my tail is basically an expansion of my spine, so it was really sensitive.

But now it's really comfy to play with, you know?

Have you ever played with your tail? Ah, probably not. Well, maybe, but I don't mean THAT tail.

It's really soft, and petting it feels relaxing.

I really might get addicted to this, you know?

Ah, I'm being watched while I play with myself.

That woman from before sure is a peeper, huh? She's sitting in a chair across the room, while watching me and her own child lay in bed.

Looking at her carefully, she doesn't seem to be that old.

In fact, she shouldn't be any older than 17 or so? Well, this is another world, so it may be normal to have kids while you're young. I mean, I've known people who had kids when they were younger, so it's not all that weird.


Still. She's looking at me with a big grin.

Ah, I really hope she doesn't plan to use me like a sex slave or something like that—I'm pure and innocent after all. Y-you have a husband, s-so it would be indecent of you to do something like that!

In all seriousness though, I can't get a read on these people. I need to learn the language already, so I can understand my situation already. It would be nice if humans view the animal people as just another race of people—but there's a possibility that's not the case.

Perhaps I'm just being paranoid, but you never know how one culture or another view a different group of people.

It's distressing not being able to communicate.

Let's hurry up and grow up quickly!

Ah, she's coming over, she's coming over.

Hmm? What are you doi—

A-ah... She's petting my t-tail.

T-that feels n-nice.

I will allow it.

Author Notes:

I figured I would post the only chapters I have written for this. If it catches interest, I'll probably write more, but the chapters will probably remain short.

Honestly, I'm not too serious about this particular story. If anyone would like to offer up ideas about where to take it, that'd be great.

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