《I'm a Kitsune?》Chapter 001


——I never truly expected to experience starvation.

Hunger, maybe. But never the true suffering of starvation.

But right now, I think I'm starving.

A pain I was completely unfamiliar with clouded my mind as my eyes shot back and forth frantically.

My surroundings? An unfamiliar forest filled my vision in all directions.

I hardly ever leave the house these days; how could I be in a forest?

Where could I be?

I can't seem to muster up the strength to get up, and even moving my neck feels strenuous!

I try to call out for help, but my voice is something like a gargled mess of incoherent sounds—why can't I speak properly?

Even so, I attempted to call for help—even this crying sound should reach someone, right?

Strangely, I seem to sound like a baby, don't I?

—my situation couldn't be anything as ridiculous as becoming a baby, right?

Ah, forget that for now, my stomach really wants some food, and I can't help but cry out in desperation.

Is this what starvation feels like?

What a joke—lived my life over-eating, and now I'm dying for not eating at all.

I'm convinced—God is real, and he's a prick.


I hear someone!

I can hear them coming!

Wait a minute, it might be a wild animal, right?

Dying of starvation sounds horrible, but I can't imaging being eaten alive sounds any better.

Ah fuck it, screwed if I do, screwed if I don't.

So I let out a cry of help, even as my throat feels like its tearing itself apart. I don't think my throat was really meant for this kind of shouting, and my cry sounded like a bloodcurdling scream somehow.

Hey, hey, hey! It's people!

Yes yes, I know you're very surprised to find someone in the woods—now gimme food please!


It seemed there were a couple people, but I didn't have the mind to pay them much care. That said, everyone looks massive! A woman picked up my body, but I didn't really put much thought into processing that.

I was starving.

It felt like I haven't had food since ever, and—

My train of thought was interrupted as my face was suddenly shoved into the woman's chest.

Ah... Milk... I never knew nipples could give me this much bliss.

Strike that, I did.

Ah... Having had a fill of food, I feel like I should put my mind in order, and figure out what's going on.

I mean, this woman should be incapable of lifting my body—I'm no twig. Quite the opposite even.

One possibility that pops into my head is that I really did become a baby.

How? Did I die? Of what...

And why was I suddenly in a forest, alone?

It couldn't be that I was abandoned, right? I can't be THAT ugly of a baby.

But it seems like no matter how I look at it, I was dumped here.

But what happened before now? I don't have any memories of my parents. I was at home, on my computer, and suddenly I blacked out. Next thing I know, I'm unbelievably hungry.

How did I die? And if I was reborn, what happened after that?

Well, maybe I'll think about that later...

I feel sorta sleepy, now that I have some milk in my tummy...

I somehow got really lucky, huh?

When I woke up, I learned that the woman who offered me milk had a child recently. I don't know the details, but that woman was currently carrying myself, and another baby in her other arm.

Where am I? In something like a carriage, I think?


It looks like the woman is having a conversation with a man who's holding the reins to the horses. Is that her husband? Or maybe a friend?

What are they talking about? I can't tell.

I don't recognize the language at all. I'm not a language expert, but due to my hobbies, I can at least recognize a number of them by sound.

This one sounds nothing like any latin languages I've heard. Maybe a bit of Germanic in tone and accent, but I can't recognize any words.

Shit, now I'm gonna need to learn another language.

No, I'm gonna need to learn a lot of things, aren't I?

Ok, ok. I've read a number of "reincarnation stories", so I could probably be considered genre savvy, right? Going from my years of wisdom, there are several patterns.

Am I in a different world? I cannot confirm it yet, but I will act under the assumption this is true.

Am I a monster? No, I seem to be a human child.

What's my societal position? Well, I'm not a noble or a prince, that's for sure—I seem to just be a common brat that was abandoned.

Am I a girl? No, ok, good. I can feel my dick—at the moment I'm wrapped in a cloth, so I can't actually see it, but it should be fine.

Ok, so a number of possibilities for me, from now on.

I either become a great adventurer, join the military, or I'm actually the antagonist to some dating sim I may or may not know. Probably not the last one.

Hey, what's this fluffy thing that's waving around in my face—YIPP!

T-that... is that mine?

Hey hey hey...!

I have a big fluffy tail?!

I-it looks like a fox tail...


I wonder how it feels?


O-oh... Ah... It's kinda comfy...

Author Notes:

So here I am again, submitting a story I have low confidence in completing.

This story actually started as a joke in an /a/ thread a few months ago, where I joked about wanting to be a shota Kitsune. I wrote out a chapter, and some people liked it, so I wrote two more chapters, but they were solely on pastebin up until now.

The other day I decided to do some editing on the only three chapters I wrote, and maybe expand a bit, and see what people think. I didn't really add much, other than some rewording, but here it is.

I have the whole 3 chapters on my blog for those who want to read it. I'll probably post them here after writing more chapters anyways.

I'm open to future ideas, like possible plot-lines. Two things I'm really not certain about, are how I should handle OTHER non-human races (template High Fantasy, with elves dwarves and so on, or follow certain types folklore and mythos with extra twists?), and what sort of magic system should I use?

Anyways, feedback and suggestions are appreciated.

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