《The start of a rookie summoner》chapter 26


Chapter 26

“Hey Sammie” A voice inside a dark cave said. “Sammie wake up.”

“Don’t wanna” Sammie says and tries to go back to sleep.

A sigh can be heard from the voice before it says something again.

“Sammie if you won’t wake up you will miss breakfast.”

The moment that the voice says the sentence Sammie shoots up and almost screams.

“I am up, I am up, I will eat breakfast don’t worry.”

Sammie then realises that she isn’t in an inn and begins to look around before resting her gaze on a dishevelled figure.

“Peter!” She screams. “Are you alright?”

The reason that she asks this was because the last time she saw Peter, he was getting hugged by a strange monster.

“Easy Sammie easy” Peter says with a tired smile. “Don’t freak out alright?” Peter begs.

Sammie stares at Peter. He does not look good. A layer of sweat was visible in the dim light and some black veins were visible on his neck.

“What is happening to you?” Sammie fearfully asks.

“Like I said before do not freak out” Peter says again. Sammie nods, already trying to not freak out.

“I have gained a new Title” Peter reveals. Sammie just stares at him, not understanding the problem.

“The Title’s name is Host of the king”. He explains. “The Title says that I am hosting a monster inside me, this monster will eventually tear through my stomach and leave my body. In return it will strengthen my body and when it leaves, it will not attack me..” Peter finishes.

Sammie’s brain stops functioning for a second before rebooting. “You mean that you will give birth to a monster?”

“That is what I am saying” Peter confirms

“And that monster will tear a hole through your stomach?”

“It indeed will”

“THEN HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO BE CALM!” Sammie screams. “You will die if we do not leave” Sammie whispers the last sentence.

“You know” Peter says “the exit is really close by”.

Sammie slowly looks at Peter. “Really?” she asks in a small voice.

“Umm yes” Peter calmly states.

Sammie stands up and so does Peter. Peter takes the lead and she follows him. Why is Peter so calm? She begins to wonder. Sammie had never seen Peter this calm. Normally he would be screaming or wetting himself. It wouldn’t surprise her if he would lose his sanity and yet he was extremely calm. Mustering up the courage she asks the question, hoping not to offend him.

“Why are you so calm?”

Peter turns his head around and smiles at her. “I am not” he simply states. “I am terrified” He turns his head back to the cave and Sammie could not see his face anymore.

Then light suddenly shines upon the two and the two are in an open space. It is a beautiful clearing in a forest yet the only thing that Sammie could think was [Fuck]

Why? Because in front of Peter and Sammie stood a ten meter high Xenomorph. And it stared right at them.


Two days quickly flew by for Lian. In those two days he went to the tournament to spectate his potential enemies and for the rest he trained. Training was practically brawling with Lily and now It is in the middle of the day and Lian and Lily walk through the entrance of the auction house. In two hours the auction would start and Lian is supposed to deliver the items an hour and a half before the auction begins.


Lily spots Walt and walks towards him with me behind her. Walter nods at them and enters a room. Me and Lily enter the room and the room is different from before. One of the walls is made out of glass and when you look through it you can see the stadium where the auctions are held.

“What is this room?” I ask curious.

“This is one of the rooms where you can spectate the auction but you can’t be seen” Walt explains. “You see, we realise that you want to see the auction but do not want to be noticed so this room is the perfect solution”

“but they can also look through the glass” confusing leaking through my voice.

“They cannot” Walt states “The mirror is enchanted so that you can only look through it in one way.”

“Aha” I reply, quickly appraising the glass and realising that Walter does indeed speak the truth.

“So why are we here now?” Lily asks.

“Because” Walt patiently explains “the buyers are entering the Auction House as we speak”

I nod and understands what Walter said. The buyers would come in time to get the best seats and all that mumble jumbo. I point my hand towards Walter and a light red light shines, then three items fall in front of him.

“Here are your auction items” I say while smiling.

Walter takes the items and walks towards the door. He then without looking at me gives me a warning.

“Don’t go out of this room for the next six hours unless you want to be spotted.”

I nod towards his back before getting in one of the three chairs. Why were there three? Honestly I have no idea.

Two hours quickly go by and the stadium is filled with what I think are influential people. There is one guy that got my attention. It is a middle aged man with silver hair and golden eyes. The reason why he got my attention was simple…… He came through the door and shouted out loud something about pink unicorns before telling his friend or at least acquaintance(not sure if the right word, you know someone that you know?) to get some food. In other words he is crazy.

Anyway suddenly the lights in the stadium go out and the podium where the items will be presented get lighted up. On the podium stands Wallio with a business like smile.

“Ladies and gentleman, welcome to the Auction House. Before we begin I will explain the rules to you. The first rule is that you have to raise your hand and shout out the amount that you are willing to bid. Second rule is that after you bid you have another sixty seconds before you win. Third rule, no threatening during your stay in the Auction House. If we find out you will be removed and will be unable to buy anything for the next five years. Fifth rule, please do not cause a ruckus after the item is bought.” Wallio states.

“Now then, we have a total of three items that will be auctioned today. The amount that you will bid will be stated in gold coins. Now then the first item is the Quiver of Hawkeye” Wallio exclaims before the quiver suddenly appears. The bow is somehow floating on what looks like a stand.

“This quiver is very special.” Wallio begins to explain ” The one that wears it will be able draw a bow faster, will be able to perceive better how a target will move and even an unskilled archer is able to shoot two arrows at the same time. ”


“Now then we will begin with ten gold coins.” The moment that Wallio finishes the sentence one of the rich looking guys put his hand in the air and says

“20 gold” After that a lot of people begin to bid.

“40 gold”

“50 gold”

“70 gold”

“90 gold”

This continues for a while until a male suddenly shouts something about hurting those that will continue to bid. Everything became silent in a second. Everyone looks dumbfounded at the male that threatened the others. Did he think that the rules did not apply to him? Then two guards appear out of nowhere and drag him away.

I am the same as the rest and the only thing that I can think is [Is that man an idiot? Why would he do that?] Then the silver haired man begins to laugh madly and shouts

“400 gold coins, and just so that you know that was a trick” The silver hair man smiles before he sits back and relaxes.

A trick? What kind of trick can that be? I begin to think but Lily then touches my arm and I look at her surprised.

“Because of what that man did everyone would have forgot to bid and the bidder would have won” Lily seemingly figured out the trick.

“Ah I see” I nod in understanding. But to think that people would use those kind of tricks. It seems that they cannot be underestimated. I then focus on Wallio again just in time to hear him say the following line to a beautiful black haired beauty. “Alright miss Lavonia, you have won the bid of the Quiver for 700 gold coins. At the end of the auction we will trade.”

Miss Lavonia nods before walking back to her spot. Wallio then focusses on the crowd again and starts to talk towards the mass.

“The next item is The bow of Hawkeye and ….” While Wallio is talking the door behind me opens and Lily and I turn around in order to look who it is.

In front of us stands an old white haired man with his hands behind his back. He has a majestic white beard and moustache and looks quite skinny yet muscled. He has a few scars across his arms that show that he has some battle experience. But the thing that stand the most out are the eyes of the old man. They look incredibly lively and mischievous. The smell surrounding the man is muff like he has been sitting in a room for too long..

“Hello younglins” The old man says while smiling playful. Showing us a row of perfect white teeth.

“Hello mister” I say while bowing .”I am sorry to ask you but who are you and why are you here?”

“ho ho ho” The old man chuckles. “A lively one huh”

Lily got into a stance to attack but the old man raises his hand.

“Now no need for violence miss ” the man says ”My name is Jastal Shortazar and I am the head of the Shortazar family.”

I raise my eyebrow and continue to stay silent. Jastal looks at me for a second before shaking his head.

“Youngsters these days” he mutters “Listen younglins the reason why I am here is because of the items you brought and” He points at me “Your tournament fight.”

“Why” Lily and I both ask at the same time. In the background you can hear that the costumers are beginning to bid.

“Before I tell you shall we have a seat” Jastal says while waving his hands towards the three chairs.

“You planned this didn’t you” I ask while feeling suspicious.

“Ho h oho, what are you talking about” Jastal laughs and asks as if he has no clue about the chairs.

We all have a seat and look at the bidding. The current bid is 800 gold. We all stay silent for a few seconds before Jastal begins to speak.

“Do you know what the best item is that I have ever auctioned?” Jastal asks.

Both me and Lily shake our head. I wonder what the old man is going with this.

“It was a book.” Jastal states.

“A book?” I asks surprised. I expected something like a sword.

“Yes a book, this book was sold for 89 white coins. The reason for that is… ”

Jastal doesn’t say anything for a second because he focuses on the auction and I also focus on the auction for a second to see that someone has won the bid for the bow for 1 white coin.

“The reason for that is that that book had all the maps from the world in it.” My eyes widen and so do Lily’s. There is another book with all the maps in the world!

“Where are you going with this” I ask after the initial shock.

“Hmmm, nowhere” Jastal says and immediately shattering my expectation.

“Then why are you here?” Lily asks with a bit of an annoyed expression. She also thought that Jastals story would go somewhere.

Jastal doesn’t answer and instead looks at the auction. Wallio just reveals the Ronga Ronga and a lot of people gulp a deep breath.

“Because” Jastal begins to answer Lilys question “I was curious to whom could have brought such dangerous artefacts and because I saw the boy fight.”

“What has me fighting to do with you?” I question him.

“Ho ho ho, not much except than that you reminded me of someone ” Jastal answers before slowly standing up.

“Forgive this old man, I still have some work to do” Jastal walks towards the door and leaves. Me and Lily look at place where he stood a second ago dumbfounded. [What a weird old man] is what I thought.

I focus again on the auction only to hear the final bid from the silver haired man:

“I’ll bid 89 white coins” He more or less screams.

The words of Jastal resound in my head:

“I sold a book.”

“ 89 white coins.”

“it contained all the maps in the world”

“The best item I auctioned.”

Did that old man just predict the future?


Lian Magical power: 95

Magical Capacity: 51

Magical Perception: 33

Magical Density: 11 Powers:

Eyes of knowledge

Minor eyesight

Minor aura affinity

Unique Power

Summoning of Viarsamitor 2.0 Skills:

Memorisation, lvl 4

Storytelling, lvl 6

Sense presence, lvl 2 Tamed Beasts/prisoners Xenomorphs:

1x Queen

1x Palastine/royal Xenomorph (NEW)

2x Flying Xenomorph (NEW)

3x Strong Mana Powered Xenomorph

6x Beastly Xenomorph

13x Weak Mana Powered Xenomorph

269x Xenomorphs

2x Captured Human Items summoned * Ronga Ronga; Possesion of silver haired man

* Hawkeye's Bow: Unknown

* Hawkeye's Quiver; Possesion of miss Lavonia

* Status Manipulator; in possesion

* Gantz Bodysuit; in possession

* Digimon's Watch; in possession

* The One ring; location unknown

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