《The start of a rookie summoner》chapter 25


Chapter 25

I was shortly after the battle called out again. This time I had to fight the big guy that almost everyone deemed dangerous because of his size. This fight was just as anti-climactic as the previous one.


because I ended it with two moves. First I walked towards the boy and as I expected the boy tried to hit me with all his might. Because of this he lost balance and I was able to give him a quick jab to the chin. The boy then fell onto his knees and I ended it with a punch in his face knocking him out cold.

Something interesting did happen afterwards. The dangerous boy had to fight the dangerous girl. It began with a stare down before the girl used her strengthening magic and attacked. The girl threw a punch and the boy counterattacked by jabbing her in the face. Breaking the nose of the girl surprising me and the girl. The girl because she thought that her body was incredible sturdy and me because I did not expect him to be able to hit that hard.

The girl recovered fast but the boy had already moved and kicked her in the side flinging her a good three meter to the side. This time I began to smile and the surrounding contestants that stood alongside me backed off when they saw me smile but I did not notice that. The boy was strong.

The girl tried to strengthen her whole body before standing up but the boy did not allow her any rest and stood already in front of her and grabbed by the neck before lifting her up. He then palm struck her chest flinging her again backwards a good three meters. Because the girl had strengthened her body the damage was minimised but I was already certain. She would lose.

Afterwards it was just a straight beat down from the boy to the girl. The girl defended great but the boy was just too overwhelming. I did notice one thing throughout the whole fight and that was that the boys expression did not change even one bit. He had the whole time a bored look on his face.

And right now I am standing in front of my third fight. Did I mention that I have to win four times in order to fight the contestants of the other room? Since there are thirty-two contestant they will fight and sixteen are left. Then they will fight and then eight contestants are left. These eight contestants will fight and then there are four contestants left. These four will also fight and then there will be two left. After those two will battle the winner will have to fight another four times since there are a total of thirty-two rooms with thirty-two contestants.


Anyway right now in front of me is a skinny looking boy that looks like he is about to faint. I wonder why? I get in a battle stance and wait until the commentator gives the start signal. A loud gun shot is heard and I rush towards the boy. The boy tries to back away but fails and I dropkick him. The boy not expecting me to dropkick him soars through the air before falling on the ground. After he hits the ground he bounces and continues to roll for a while before he stops moving.

Ummm sorry? I again did not held back enough resulting in the boy learning how to fly. I learned later that the boy was a genius mage but because of my smile he could not muster the strenght to move. I also learned that I smile creepy.

I look to my right and see that the dangerous boy kicks another boy in the face. Resulting in the boy losing conscious. Without me knowing I begin to smile again.

“Last contestants go the the right side of the arena” I begin to move to the right side of the arena and bow to the boy.

“May I know your name?” I ask him.

“Joseph Millar Destophilio Aquamarena De Sanctio” The boy answers without batting an eye

“Ehhhh, ummm” I stammer. That answer took me off guard.

“Kidding it is just Joseph” Joseph says while still looking bored. Yet I am sure that he was smirking. I squint my eyes and introduce myself.

“Nice to meet you Joseph my name is Lian. I hope we will have a great fight.”

I get in a battle stance and begin to wait for the sign. Joseph also gets into a stance and we both wait for the signal. A loud bang is heard and we both rush towards each other.


“Are you for real” A middle aged man with silver hair asks the messenger that brought the news.

“I am positive sir” The messenger confirms.

“Well this will change a lot of things” The man says towards no one in particular.

“Sebastian” The man says.

Seemingly out of nowhere a butler appears. The butler has black hair, black eyes and a wears a suit.


“What is it sir?” Sebastian the butler politely asks.

“Prepare the carriage. It is time to buy some items” The middle aged man seems excited for some reason but the butler doesn’t mind it. His only answer is:

“Certainly sir”


Joseph and I punch towards eachother resulting in our fists colliding. It creates small gust of wind and it gives me some valuable information. Physically speaking I am stronger. I throw another punch towards Joseph but the boy catches it and tries to put me in some kind of hold.

When I realise it I kick towards Joseph forcing him to let go and evade the kick. He still looks bored but at the same time he doesn’t. It seems like he has trouble making another facial expression. We stare at each other for a few seconds before I rush towards him again.

I try to kick his side but he blocks it with his hand. But I am certain that I hurt him. Then Joseph throws a jab at me and I am not able to block and his fist lands in my face.

Normally this is the part where I should back off but I already realised that my body had become to strong. His attacks did hurt but it did not damage me. So I received the fist in the face just to check out if the theory was true and it appears to be.

Joseph looks at me with a shocked expression, well not really shocked more like eyes slightly widened. Like really slightly before he removes his fist from my face.

I move towards him and dodge one of his punches before punching him in the guts. Joseph gasps for air before raising one of his hands in the air signalling that he gives up.

I stretch my hand towards him to help him up but Joseph doesn’t take my hand. Instead he swats it away and stands up by himself. He then walks past me before telling me something.

“Next time I will be the one to win” And he leaves. I just stand there a bit dumbstruck. I did not expect to hear such a cliché line in this situation.

“The winner of 32A is Lian” The commentator says and some of the spectators begin to applaud. I bow towards the spectators before leaving the arena.


At the spectators seat sits an old man. And he looks at the leaving youth while chuckling..

“What an interesting youngster”


“Great fighting” Lily says as soon as I get out of the arena. I smile towards her but shake my head.

“Sparring with you was a lot more exciting” I honestly say. Lily was a S when it came to sparring and because of it I learned a lot but the fights in the arena were to be honest disappointing.

Sure Joseph was a bit challenging but that was only because I was holding back. If I were to fight seriously then he would not have stand a chance. Not that he did now anyways.

“By the way the auction house has sent us a message” Lily seriously says.

“What was the message”

“In two days the auction begins so we have to be there and are allowed to watch the auction from a special place”

“Really now that will be interesting” I say while smiling. I am really looking forward towards the auction.

Lian Magical power: 95

Magical Capacity: 51

Magical Perception: 33

Magical Density: 11 Powers:

Eyes of knowledge

Minor eyesight

Minor aura affinity

Unique Power

Summoning of Viarsamitor 2.0 Skills:

Memorisation, lvl 4

Storytelling, lvl 6

Sense presence, lvl 2 Tamed beasts/prisoners Xenomorphs:

1x Queen

3x Strong Mana Powered Xenomorph

11x Weak Mana Powered Xenomorph

4x Beastly Xenomorph

253x Xenomorphs

2x Captured Human Items summoned * Ronga Ronga; In possesion

* Hawkeye's Bow; in possesion

* Hawkeye's Quiver; in possesion

* Status Manipulator; in possesion

* Gantz Bodysuit; in possesion

* Digimon's Watch; in possesion

* The One ring; location unknown

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