《The start of a rookie summoner》chapter 24


Chapter 24

In a certain forest two adventures are investigating the strange disappearance of hostile creatures.

“Peter why are we investigating the disappearance of those monsters. Isn’t it a good thing?” The female adventurer asks.

“That really depends Sammie” Peter says as he jumps over a bush “Tell me why would these monsters suddenly dissapear? There are two possibilities in this case, first possibility is that the monsters migrated and this is indeed a good thing.” Peter says while winking towards Sammie.

“What about the second possibility?” Sammie asks curiously.

“The second possibility” Peter stops and checks the ground for a second before continuing “Is that something is or scaring the monsters or eating them and this isn’t a good thing” Peter answers.

“But why is that bad” Sammie continues to ask.

“Because eventually that monster will leave the forest, they always do and then they …… ” Peter suddenly stops talking.

“Why did you stop talking” Sammie asks from behind and walks past him only to freeze. In front of the two is an open space. And in that open space are countless weird looking eggs.

“What is this” peter whispers and then he begins to come closer. Sammie follows Peter but she is a bit more cautious. Then Peter suddenly touches on of the eggs.

“Peter” Sammie hisses “”Stop that”

“What” Peter turns around “Nothing bad will happen” but Peter sees the look that Sammie suddenly gets and turns around immediately. The egg that Peter has touched has opened partially. The egg has opened from above but nothing comes out of the egg.

“Why is nothing coming out?” Sammie whispers.

“I do not know Peter says while slowly walking towards the egg”

“Peter get back here” Sammie orders but Peter ignores it.

“Don’t worry Sammie I’ll be careful” Peter says and bows over the egg.

“Do you see anything” Sammie worriedly asks.

“No, there is nothing inside the egg”


The moment that Peter said those words a monster jumps out of the egg. The monster hugs the face of Peter and Peter begins to panic.

“PETER” Sammie screams as she rushes towards him. The moment that she reaches him Peter falls on the ground unconscious.

“Wake up Peter” Sammie begs as she begins to shake him. But she suddenly stops. The reason because a monster enters the open space. A long two meter green black thin monster with an oval head and a long muscular tail.

“I am sorry Peter” Sammie says before turning around and running for her life.

Right before she reaches the trees something lands in front of her forcing her to stop. A huge four meter Xenomorph stands in front of her. Before Sammie can even reach the trees, the monster grabs her with its tail and starts to drag her towards the eggs.

“NOOOOOOOOO” screams Sammie



On a tall green field you can see a boy, a girl and its dog running around. Just kidding you can see Lian, Lily and Xeno standing across each other.


“Are you ready Xeno?” I ask just to be sure


“Alright” I say and click the evolve button on the Digimon Watch. I went outside the city today to evolve Xeno. It’s been five days since the sign-up and nothing special happened. No wait, one thing did happen. The fat noble kid and his guards were found dead in an alleyway with a slit throat. Yeah not that fun. There is a rumour that the perpetrator has white hair but no one knows for sure.

Anyway Xeno begins to evolve. He slowly becomes bigger and stronger. I look at it with an open mouth. This is amazing.

After the evolution is done Xeno has successfully become a Queen Xenomorph. I smile and look upwards. I have to because she has become so big.

“And did you gain anything new?” I ask.

“ ma—Click--- gaine--Hiss” Is the answer of Xeno. The weird part is that Xeno did not say it out loud. The voice appeared in my mind. It seems that she gained some kind of communication skill. The question is did she gain anything else?

Xeno's skills Dash, Lvl MAX

Stab, Lvl MAX

Rush, Lvl MAX

Breeding, Lvl MAX

Egg Creation, lvl 9

Telepathy, Lvl 1

Command, Lvl Max

Lurking, Lvl MAX

Echolocation, Lvl MAX

Heat sensing, lvl MAX

It seems that Xeno has lost the stealth and assassination skills but gained telepathy, Egg creation and Commanding. Telepathy speaks for itself, so does Egg Creation but what is the exact function of Commanding.

Commanding You are able to command any offspring that you have created. Your offspring cannot defy you even if they are stronger. The same applies to the offspring of the offspring.

Aha, so Xeno is a true queen now huh. Someone that is able to order and everyone will comply. I laugh and look at Xeno.

“Xeno you should return to your children. They need a queen and Mana aint enough to keep them in check”

“Click- if yo- Hisss- then ill d-Screech” Is the answer from Xeno. I wonder if she is able to get to the nest without being spotted. Xeno turns away from me and begins to leave.

“Be safe Xeno and build a town for me” I jokingly say.

Xeno doesn’t react and leaves my sight. Well now that she left it is time to spar with Lily. After all in two days will the tournament start. I turn towards Lily and get into a stance.

“Let’s go” I say

Two days later

I walk towards the tournament. The tournament is held in a huge arena that is usually used as a training ground for adventurers and knights. Anyway for the next five days it will be used as an arena and an attraction spot since a lot of people will come here to watch.

I arrive at the entrance for contestants and show the card that the receptionist had given me. The guard nods and gives me another card.


“Go to the said room number on the card and wait until they come and get you” the guard explains.

I nod and walk through the entrance and begin to look for the number on the card. After looking for a while I finally find the room. The number is 32A by the way.

I open the door and come in contact with thirty-one other contestants. I stiffen up until most of them look away from me. I then begin to look for a place to sit and find it. I then begin to study the other contestants. First of all there are seventeen boys and fourteen girls in the room myself not included. I instantly know that most of the contestants are no problem for me. There are only two possible threats. First one is a girl with short brown hair. She has a tomboyish look and the reason why I think that she is a problem is because of her powers.

Linda Powers:

Medium body enhancing

Medium body-strengthening affinity

Unique power:

Hard body

She has powers that all complement each other. The hard body is just an annoyance.

Hard body: Your body is as hard as stone

The real problem are the body enhancing and the affinity. It just screams trouble.

The second contestant that I believe is a threat is a boy and he is not a threat because of his powers but because of his aura. His body just says “Come at me and I will kick your ass”. The boy has blond hair and blue eyes. And a trained body.

The other contestants are also observing each other and guessing who is strong and who is not. Most people deem the wrong person dangerous. For example a huge boy with a trained body. Most people deem him as dangerous but you can see that he has almost no experience in fighting which makes him not dangerous at all.

Then the door opens and a man appears. He looks like a beastmen. Reason why I say that is because he has dog ears. “Follow me” the man says before leaving.

We all get up and follow him. After a few minutes we enter the arena and the first thing that I notice is that the arena is split in two sections. Probably to make four people fight at once.

“Alright everyone stop and show me your cards” The man says.

Everyone takes out there cards and show them to the man. The man reads the cards and pulls out a total of sixteen people from our group including the dangerous boy. “You guys walk to the other side of the arena” The man orders before looking at the remaining sixteen contestant.

He then points at me and another girl . “The boy go to that section” He points to the left one. “The girl go the right and wait till your opponent enters”.

I nod and walk towards the left section of the arena. The ground is made out of hard yellow sand and that makes it comfortable to walk on.

I walk till I enter the middle of the section and wait. After thirty seconds or so a girl walks towards me. I guess that she will be my opponent. She was in the same room as I so that confirms that I have to fight against contestants from the same room.

I bow to her (I learned this from Lily) and get into a stance. The girl looks surprised towards my bowing and copies me making a clumsy looking bow.

“Are all contestants ready?” A booming voice asks. I look surprised for a second before I realise that it is some kind of magic.

I nod and wait.

“Everybody ready? Start!”

A loud sound like a gunshot appears and the girl begins to chant. A mage?

I start to run towards her at half speed since I do not want to let everyone know my cards. I arrive at the girl while she is still chanting and because I throw a punch towards her she stumbles back and stops chanting. That is the problem with magic. The chanting takes too long so a mage only becomes really dangerous at a one vs one is when they learn how to shorten chants or become completely chantless.

The girl falls on her but and I immediately throw a kick towards her face. The girl looks at me in fear until my foot hits her face and she gets blown backwards by a good meter. The girl loses conscience almost immediately. I stare at her, I was holding back yet she flew back a meter? That wasn’t the meaning.

I look to my right and see that the two other contestants are still fighting. Some personal also enters my section to carry the girl towards presumably a medic. I watch the fight of the contestant until the boy wins. It was a girl vs boy but it was not impressive at all.

“Contestants get back towards your side. Get the new ones in”

And so ends my first battle of the tournaments. Quite anti-climactic.


“Is this true?” A certain person asks its adviser.

“It is true majesty, it seems that they are indeed selling these items.”

“But those items Vladimir ” The unknown person says. “If we get a hold of these items we will be able to go to war and have a high chance of winning” The person smiles bloodthirsty.

“Certainly majesty” Vladimir answers with a bow.

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