《The start of a rookie summoner》chapter 23


Chapter 23

After making the deal me and Lily left the auction house and headed towards the sign-up for the tournament. It did not take long before Lily and I arrived at huge line. Apparently these people are also here to sign up.

I stand in line and Lily decides to go somewhere. Time passes as I wait and after what feels like hours its almost my turn. Only five more people to go.

It is then that a fat kid walks past me. Ignoring the line he walks towards the front with two big men walking after him. The kid that is doing the sign up just wants to write down the answers before the fat kid cuts in front of him.

This kid however does not allow it and pushes the fat kid to the side. The fat kid falls on the ground and slowly gets red like a tomatoe.

“Do you know who I am?” The kid says threatingly.

“I am Marcus Von hazelfurf the second of the imperial…”

“Too fockin long mate” The boy says with disdain. The boy has white hair and a slender build yet you can see that he has trained for a long time. But the eyes of the kid are scary like he is looking at a prey and not another sentient being.

“H-how dare you interr…” Before Marcus can finish his sentence the boy kicks him in the stomach making him fly backwards a solid four meter.

“I am busy mate, Get ta foock out of here” The boy says while looking annoyed.

“Next time ill break ya legs mate” The boy threatens after thinking for a second.

The two guards of the fat kid went to their master and helped him up.

“You will hear of me” Marcus threatens.

what kind of cliché scene is this? A noble running from a commoner and spewing some lines like ill be back or something similar.

The boy doesn’t even pay any attention to Marcus and finishes the forum and then leaves. I patiently wait until it is my turn.


The receptionist shows me a forum and asks me to fill it in. I answer the questions like how old are you and what is your name when I see something interesting.

“Excuse me but what does it mean with what tournament do you want to enter?” I politely ask.

The receptionist stares at me for a second before answering.

“There are three tournaments. One is for fighting. One is for inventions and the last one is for healing and autonomy”

“”Thanks” I say and write down that I will be fighting. I give her the forum and she gives me some kind of card.

“This is your entry card, do not lose it”

I nod before leaving. What will I do now? Then Lily shows up with an excited look.

“Follow me”

She says before grabbing my arm and practicly dragging me with her. She drags for a while and making a turn every now and then before stopping in front of a building. Before I can read the letters on the building Lily pushes me inside.

Inside the building I can see a lot of men and women sitting around. Almost everyone is armed or has a dangerous kind of aura around them. In front of me is a reception and to the left I can see a wall filled with papers. It can’t be. Lily pushes me in front of the reception and smiles to the male behind it.

“This is him Charles” Lily says.

“Alright follow me” Charles says. Charles has a long thin figure and sharp blue eyes. He seems to have some scales in his neck so I guess that he is a demi-human. We follow Charles and eventually arrive in a room with a purple crystal that gives of an eerie light

“Put your hand on it” Lily says with a bright smile.

“What is it”

“Don’t question me just do it” Lily this time orders. I do as I am told and put my hand on the crystal.


You have unlocked a part of your Status. You are now able to see your titles Titles are names that the world calls you. These titles have certain effects that can be good or bad. You can deactivate titles unless it states otherwise Because you are the owner of the Digimon Watch Titles will grant you unused points that you are able to gift to yourself or others The Storyteller: Because of your realistic way of telling stories people will get drawn faster into them + 200 points Father of the Xenomorphs: You have made a new specie and are seen as the creator by them. This title gives you the ability to change certain evolutions for the Xenomorphs + 3.000 points Adapter: You can adept to unexpected situations quicker + 100 points Merciless: You do not grant your enemies mercy. Instils fear on those that you deem an enemy + 100 points Genius: Even when you were young you learned quick. You will comprehend things faster + 500 points Rookie Summoner: You have not yet learned the ropes of being a summoner. You will get a better understanding of what you will summon + 1000 points

“What is this” I exlaim out loud.

Lily and Charles are grinning. They seem to enjoy my astonishment.

“these are Titles. They are part of your status but the only way to activate them is by touching this Seer” Charles answers my question. His voice sounds soft.


Charles sees the question mark above my hand and explains it a bit more.

“Certain parts of the Status are locked. We do not know why this is or why you have to touch certain stones to activate it but this is how it is.” Charles explains it a bit more. I see.

Lily again grabs my hand and begins to pull me out of the room.

“Bye Charles” she screams before leaving the room with me. We leave the building and soon arrive at our inn. We go upstairs and enter our room. Lily then takes off her shoes and jumps on the bed.

“Haaaahhhhhhhh” She let out a blissfull sigh before moving her head sideways to look at me.

“What did you think about the surprise?” Lily asks with a playfull smile.

“Well it was sudden” I say. And suprising but that she knew already.

Lily begins to smile even more.

“So what Titles do you have?” she asks me curious.

“What Titles do you have?” I ask her the same question.

Lily laughs out loud before answering my question.

“I have two Titles. One being Faithfull and the other is Loved by All. I will not tell you what their effects are” Lily says while winking. It is cute.

“So what Titles do you have?” Lily asks me.

“I have Genius, Merciless, Storyteller and Adapter.” I answer while not saying anything about Rookie Summoner or Father of Xenomorph. With my Status ring I immediately manipulate it so that those two are not visible.

Lily looks at me with her mouth open

“You have four Titles already?” She looks really surprised.

“Yessss” I stretch out my answer. Lily seems to look quite happy.

“It seems that you are indeed a genius. It is quite rare to have two titles with your age let alone four.” Lily explains to me.

I see. So is this because of the Genius title or just because of luck? Also I can evolve Xeno now. I begin to smile at that thought. I wonder how he will look.

Lily sees my smile and seems to misunderstand me but I do not say anything about it

“Shall we get down and eat something before going to bed” Lily proposes.

“Lets do that” I answer while smiling

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