《The start of a rookie summoner》Chapter 27


Chapter 27

In a certain familiar dark cave three people are negotiation. Well not exactly three people since two of them are humans namely Sammie and Peter and one of them is a ten meter Xenomorph Queen and then again it is not exactly negotiating since they haven’t talked yet.

Sammie finally musters up the courage to ask a question towards the monstrosity in front of her.

“What are you?”

A simple question but one of extreme importance. Sammie nor Peter have ever heard of the creature in front of them nor have they ever read about it.

The Xenomoph, no Xeno does not say anything. Sammie realising this begins to think why it doesn’t answer her question. Could it be that this monster cannot talk. Just as she arrives to this conclusion a voice is heard in her head.

“ *Click* my name is *hissss* Xeno and what I am *Click* doesn’t matter. ”

Sammie as well as Peter both widen their eyes when they heard the voice of Xeno. [Telepathy] is the only word that went through Sammie’s head. Something only a few are capable of and none of them ever were monsters except for dragons.

“Of course it matters” Peter refutes. “You know that we are humans yet we do not know what you are. At the very least give us your Race’s name.”

Xeno bows over until her head almost touches Peter’s head, sweat is apparent his face.

“ *Hissssss* Our master calls us *click* Xenomorphs yet there are many variants *hissss*. Is this enough information *screech* for an introduction.”

The cold yet somehow gentle voice resounds through our heads. Peter manages to give some kind of confirmation before he shuts his mouth.

“ You said that you have a master right? Where is he?” Sammie carefully ask. If this master is able to control Xeno he might release them if he is notified. Yet the moment that she asks Xeno’s pointy tail is circled around her and the sharp tip of it is pressed at her neck.


“ You *click* have no right to know where our master *hissss* is.” Xeno answers in an extremely cold voice. Sammie nods to show Xeno that she understands and she feels how the tail of Xeno relaxes.

“Ummm” Peters voice breaks the silent. Both Sammie and Xeno turn their head to look at him.

“What is residing in me?” He asks with a bit of fear.

Xeno opens her mouth and a tongue with another mouth opens comes out of it, scaring me and Peter.

“That is my child. *hissss* You have been blessed with my *click* child. You will not die when he is born *click* since your body will be stronger than ever before. Furthermore *hisssss* we will protect you until he is born.” Xeno more or less explains. Peter seems to be in thought when he hears this.

“So what do you want with us?”

The most important question of all. Will she allow us to live or will she kills us? She might even use us as breeding material.

Xeno opens her mouth and the telepathic voice of hers resounds through my head.


I fall with my back on soft grass. Just as I am about to close my eyes a female voice interrupts me:” Get up and do your summoning. Afterwards you can sleep in the inn bed.”

This voice belongs to Lily. She herself stands half over me with squinted eyes. I sigh and slowly get up. After the auction we waited for an hour before Walt came in and handed us the money. After a bit of small talk we both went our ways and ended up outside the city to summon a weapon.

hmm? Why a weapon? Since I do not have a good weapon at the moment for the tournament. Now I could buy a first grade weapon with the money that I made from the auction (Ten white coins, the rest was decided to be sent to my father and mother. Lily would also take a cut from it) but why buy a first grade weapon if I could summon a legendary weapon right?


Anyway after getting up I point with my hand in front of me and whisper the familiar words while holding a Mana stone:

“Summoning of Viarsamitor”

A bright white circle appears in front of me and this time I turn my back towards it. I will not be blinded this way Hahahaha- AAARGHHH MY EYES!!! Even though I turned my back towards it I still got blinded by the white cirle. I really should find a way to fight against it.

I look at the location where the circle was and discover a complex looking coin. Damn it was a failure huh. I walk towards it and use appraisal on it before picking it up.

Tiamat Coin (supernatural universe) The coin origins is unknown but it bears an image of the serpent goddess Tiamat. Tiamat is the goddess of primordial chaos. Using black magic, priests created this coin to sow the seeds of chaos. Since its creation, it has been destroying towns for centuries even wiping some off the map.

If you throw this perfectly normal coin in a fountain or other location where water is gathered your wishes will be granted. There will however be twists to your wishes.

This coin is indestructible and will disappear and reappear in places where people want to make their desires come true.

Well damn, I just summoned a cursed object. I touch the coin and try to turn it into a tattoo but nothing happens. The hell? Just as I want to touch the coin again it begins to vibrate. I immediately retract my hand and take a few steps back. Lily seeing my action and the coin decides to do the same.

The coin continues to vibrate until it suddenly turns into grey smoke and then it is gone. The smoke slowly drifts upward until you can see nothing.


[Well at least it could be worse] The moment that I thought that a blue screen pops up in front of me.

You have been noticed by the god/goddes of chaos. Since it has decided that you are interesting chaos will flow wherever you go. Things that should not happen will happen and things that should happen will not happen. Title gained: One of the many unlucky Chosens You have gained the pity of the gods since you are chosen by a psychopath. People will pity you faster

Come On!!!!!!!!



Magical power: 95

Magical Capacity: 51

Magical Perception: 33

Magical Density: 11


Eyes of knowledge

Minor eyesight

Minor aura affinity

Unique Power

Summoning of Viarsamitor 2.0


Memorisation, lvl 4

Storytelling, lvl 6

Sense presence, lvl 2

Tamed Beasts/prisoners


1x Queen Xenomorph (Xeno)

1x Palastine/royal Xenomorph

4x Flying Xenomorph (gained from Blood bats)

3x Strong Mana Powered Xenomorph

7x Beastly Xenomorph:


4x Wolf variant

2x Snake variant (Shoots poison from mouth)

1x Rhinos Variant (Huge horns)


14x Weak Mana Powered Xenomorph

274x Xenomorphs

2x Captured Human (Peter and Sammie)

Items summoned

* Ronga Ronga; Possesion of silver haired man

* Hawkeye's Bow: Unknown

* Hawkeye's Quiver; Possesion of miss Lavonia

* Status Manipulator; in possesion

* Gantz Bodysuit; in possession

* Digimon's Watch; in possession

* The One ring; location unknown

* Tiamat Coin; Location unknown

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