《The start of a rookie summoner》chapter 22


Chapter 22

After laying in the bed for two hours. We both got up reluctantly. Shortly afterwards we left the inn and went towards the auction house

hmmm? Why the auction house? I want to auction some stuff to get money from it. And since my summoned items are quite strong so to say Lily decided that we should put it on an auction.

The auction house is governed by the family Shortazar. This family has been running auction houses for as long as they can remember. Even some old records from a few thousand years back state them as auctioneers. Lily told me this by the way.

Anyway, the family Shortazat has an auction house in every major city. Not just the land of Eren but also the other countries. They are well trusted and are known to be honest people. In other words the perfect place to sell my items.

While walking towards the auction house I come across a food stall that is selling some meat sticks and beg for Lily to buy some. After eating the delicious meat stick we continue making our way towards the auction house.

after a few turns we finally arrive and what I see impresses me. A huge building with bright gold letters stating: auction house. A lot of professional guard standing in front of the door.

We walk towards the entrance of the auction house but get stopped by a guard.

“State your business”

Lily answers swiftly and confident

“Auctioning items”

The guard nods and then point towards the entrance

“Take a left by the second turn and continue to walk until you spot an attendant with a silver uniform.”

Both Lily and I nod before giving our thanks and start following the directions. And after doing exactly as the guard told us to do we see an attendant.

“Follow me” the attendant says in a polite voice before starting to walk. We follow him and he leads us to a private room.

“Please wait here until one of the appraisers arrive” The attendant states before leaving the room.

The room is small, maybe five by five meters and in the middle is a broad table with four chairs. Two on both sides.


We both take place and begin to wait. After a minute a short black haired youth arrives. Around twenty years old.

“Hello dear customers, my name is Walt Shortazat. I am here to appraise the items that you will show us and decide if we will auction it.” The youth says while smiling.

“You can refuse?” I exlaim surprised. I thought that they would auction everything.

Walt answers while laughing clearly because of my reaction.

“Of course we can. We will not sell anything fake or of inferieur quality. It would be a disgrace to us” Walt explains.

“So how does this whole ordeal work” I ask again.

Walt continues to smile and answers.

“First of all you will show use the goods. Of course this meeting will not be discussed again and no one will know who the seller is unless the seller wants to be known. We will gain a 5% cut on any of the sold items no matter how much it has sold for”

“I see”

“This will be kept a secret right?” Lily asks for confirmation

“Yes” Walt replies still smiling

Alright, I point my hand towards the table and two of my tattoos begin to move. Walt looks intriqued by this and looks with carefull eyes. The tattoos turn into a blinding red light and three items fall onto the tables. These items are

Hawkeye's Bow This black bow is was used by Hawkeye. Legends say that those who use this bow will never miss. unfortanetely that isn't true.

If you use this bow you will gain the following perks:

* Extreme increase in accuracy

* Arrows will do thrice the normal damage

* Arrows will gain a piercing effect

* Can activate the special ability [Auto-Aim]

- Auto-Aim can only be used once a week

- Auto-Aim is the ability to be able to hit your targets 100% for two minutes. Hawkeye's quiver This is the quiver from Hawkeye. Those who wear the quiver will have the following perks:

* The user will have an increased speed when it comes to drawing the bow

* The user can shoot up to two arrows at the same time


* The user has a higher chance to predict how the enemy will move Rongo Rongo This book contains every single map in the world. The information about the Empire of Hope is especially detailed and includes every detail about the mountains and lands. On the last page of the book there are predictions of natural disasters that are certain to happen in the future.

The book may reject the user if it deems the user unworthy.

Penalty for being deemed unworthy is a high fever for a week

Walt widens his eyes and looks at them shocked. He continues to look like this until I speak again.

“So is it possible to auction them?”

Walt looks into my direction with an open mouth before replying

“Wait one minute”

And he bolts out of the door. Me and Lily look at eachother before Lily lets out a sigh. Yes I should have expected this. Maybe I should have dropped one item? Probably the smartest thing to do.

Thirty seconds pass before Walt enters the room again with a middle-aged man. This man looks a lot like Walt except well older. The man looks at the items and his eyes also widen but he doesn’t bolt out the door. Instead he walks to the opposite of the table and introduces himself.

“Hello dear customers, My name is Wallio and I will be the one that will discuss the deal”

“Hello Wallio, my name is Lian and this is Lily” I smile brightly

Wallio coughs before asking a question

“May I ask where you got these items?”

“You may not” Lily immediately replies. Good job Lily.

Wallio nods his head as if understanding something and ask something again.

“What do you REALLY want to do with these items?” he asks again this time with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

“Ummmm, auctioning them” I say slowly. What else would I want to do with it?

Wallio just looks at me with open eyes before talking again.

“Alright listen Mister Lian and Miss Lily, I do not know if you understand the…”

“We do” I interrupt. “I am also able to appraise items”

Wallio doesn’t even look offended that I had interrupted him but resumes.

“Alright so then you know that these A-SS ranked items are highly in demand and to sell them we have to notyfing any potential customers. In other words it will take some time before we will be able to auction an these items.”

“How long?” I ask.

“A week at least. Probably two weeks”

“Shit” I mutter. That will take too long.

Wallio looks surprised at my curse.

“Is there a problem mister Lian?”

“I want to enter the tournament for academies and in order to enter it I will have to pay a fee of two silver and we do not have any money avaible so we were hoping to auction these items quickly” I honestly answer. Why did I not rely on Lily? Male pride I suppose. I wanted to enter

Wallio looks surprised at me and tells me something interesting.

“You do know that they have made the tournament free since this year right?”

“For real?” This is what you call lucky. Shit this isn’t good that means that the next summon is probably something bad knowing my luck.

“Yes so do you still want to auction these item Mister Lian?” Wallio asks politely but I can see in his eyes that he wants to auction them. Probably has something to do with them being an auction family.

“I will auction them but I will keep them until the day before the auction” I do want to sell the items but I refuse to give them the items for safekeeping.

“Alright so do you want to confirm the contract” Wallio answers.

“Contract?” I ask confused. Lily answers instead of Wallio.

“It is magic that forces both parties to do their part of the deal, don’t worry I will check the content of the contract” She smiles at the last part of her sentence.

“Umm alright”

And so I signed a contract with Wallio.

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