《The start of a rookie summoner》chapter 21


Chapter 21

I touch the Digimon Watch and see how it flies towards my wrist. After it secures my wrist it slowly starts to turn into a tattoo. How is that even possible?

After a few seconds the Watch has fused with my wrist and now there is a beautiful tattoo. The tattoo looks just like a watch, but with some weird symbols around it. I wonder how it works.

“Xeno, come here for a second” I order.

Xeno walks towards me and stops when he is two metres away from me. I point my wrist at him and start saying some stuff.

“Activate” nothing happens

“Digimon watch” Nothing.

“Evolve?” Nothing

“Work goddamit” ah it works.

A blue screen appears in front of me showing two sections. Evolve or devolve. I choose evolve and then it brings me towards the evolve page. I see four possible evolutions that seem beneficial.

Xeno Points:7999 Xenomorph Queen Point: 10.000 The Queen of the Xenomorphs. This Xenomorph is the biggest Xenomorph of them all and is around twenty metres long. It has high breeding skills and is incredible intelligent. It also has a high healing factor. The Queen is weak to fire, but is for the rest almost immune to any kind of element. Xenomorph King Point: 10.000 The King of the Xenomorphs. This Xenomorph is the fastest and deadliest out of all the Xenomorphs. It is three meters high and its speed is unparalleled and it is highly adept at assassinations. It furthermore has the ability to spit acid. It is weak to piercing attacks and fire. Weak Mana-powered Xenomorph Point: 8.000 The Weak Mana-powered Xenomorph has the ability to use a little bit of mana. This specie most likely uses the mana as a means of strengthening the body and a way to hide better. It is superior to a normal Xenomorph except when it loses its mana. This specie can be hurt by any means, however since it possesses mana it will be hard to detect it in the first place. Humanoid Xenomorph Point: 10.000 The Humanoid Xenomorph is a danger to be hold. It is able to shift into a humanlike form. The humanoid form looks almost exactly like a human, except for the fact that it still retains its tail and its inability to speak. It furthermore keeps its tongue with a mouth. Its human form keeps the strength and stealth of the Xenomorph. This humanoid Xenomorph also has the ability to shift into another form which is far more dangerous than a normal Xenomorph. Its weaknesses are unknown.


This is interesting. Sorry Xeno, but I cannot evolve you yet. You simply do not have enough points yet.

“Lian, how does your status look like?” Lily asks.

“Why do you want to know that?”

“I am curious”


Lian Magical power: 95

*Magical Capacity: 51

*Magical Perception: 33

*Magical Density: 11 Powers:

Eyes of knowledge

Minor eyesight

Unique Power

Summoning of Viarsamitor 2.0 Skills:

Memorisation, lvl 4

Storytelling, lvl 6

Sense presence, lvl 2

Umm, what?

Why is there a 2.0 ?

“And how is your status?” Lily asks

“Wait one second Lily”

I appraise the summoning of Viarsamitor 2.0.

Summoning of Viarsamitor 2.0 This is the upgraded version of the previous power. You are now able to see/do the following things:

1. You are now able to see how much chance you have to summon something

2. You are now able to know how much mana increases the chance

3. You are now able to store summoned items on your body as tattoos

200 MP= 15% chance of success.

Every 100 MP increases the chances of success by 0,5%.

Ummm, alright? This is a good thing I guess.

I begin to explain to Lily what happens and at the end she has the same look in her eyes as me.

“Can unique powers even evolve?”

“Apparently they can” I answer


Ah that’s right.

“Xeno’s child, I have found a suitable name for you” I point at Xeno.

“From now on your name is Mana”

Lily who was drinking water spat out water.

“Wait, what?”

“SCREECH” Mana screeched.

“I am glad you like it” I nod content.

“Anyway Lily, when can we start travelling?”

Lily looks at me like I am some kind of weird alien before answering

“We can start travelling now if you want to” she answers.

“Alright Xeno, can you carry both of us?”


“Great, now Mana look after the other kids alright?”


Mana turns around and enters the forest. I then walk up to Xeno and climb on his back.

“Lily are you coming?”

“Oi, wait a second we still have to take our stuff”


Couple minutes later

“Let’s go Xeno” I say. Lily sits in front of me and I behind her since I do not know the way. Ow whelp guess that I am going to sleep.

Right before I enter my sleep I think of something very frightening. Can it be that I also gain the experience of the kills from the other kids like Mana?


1 Month Later

Two figures are seen walking on the main road towards the capital of Eren. These figures are Lily and Lian. There are however a few differences if you compare Lian with the Lian from a month ago.

First difference is that Lian isn’t wearing his Gantz bodysuit. The second difference is that Lian has an ring like tattoo around his forefinger. Last but not least is that he looks a lot stronger than before.

What has happened this past month?

First things first it appears that the scary thought that I had was true. My body became stronger by the day. I removed my armour a few hours ago since we do not want to attract too much attention. I turned it into a tattoo and now on my back is a scorpion tattoo.

The second thing that happened was that I began to spar with Lily. I got my ass kicked for around ten days before I learned enough to attack back. After twenty days we always had a tie so I learned quite some things from Lily.

The third thing that has happened was that after summoning God knows what I finally succeeded in summoning a status manipulator. It was a ring that allows me to change things in my status. The only thing that it hides now is my unique power.

Last but not least I found out that with the Digimon Watch I am also able to evolve myself or Lily. I of course did not evolve us, but it is handy to know that we can do it.

Anyway after walking for a while we finally arrive at the destination. A huge city with walls and a lot of defence mechanisms. We walk to the gate, but get stopped by the guards.

“You have to pay a toll of five copper a person” The guard states.

Lily takes out a big copper coin and gives it to the guard. The guard bites the coin to see if its real and then allows us to pass through the gate. Have I ever explained the currency?

1 Copper

1 Big copper= 10 copper

100 Copper=1 silver

1 Big silver= 10 silver

1 Gold= 100 silver

1 Big Gold= 10 gold

1 white coin= 100 gold

1 Big white= 10 white gold

So this is the currency. Of course houses in villages cost a lot less than in capitals and so forth.

Anyway now that we have entered the city we can start our plan. Hmmm? What is the plan?

1. Find an inn

2. Find an auction house

3. Find the tournament sign up

This is the plan. I follow Lily while she walks through the streets. I have no idea where we are going but I trust her knowledge. After some time we arrive at an inn with a board that says “The White Oak.”

Lily enters the inn and so do I. The inside of the looks like a medieval bar, but with a cozy atmosphere. Lily walks towards the bar and rings a small bell. A few seconds later a huge male enters through the backdoor. He is absolutely huge.

“Yo Gordon, do you have any rooms for rent?” Lily asks while smiling happily.


Wait is he talking at normal volume?

“Hahaha you haven’t changed Gordon” Lily continues to smile. “Do you have any rooms?”


“Yes he is” Lily starts to introduce us “Lian this is Gordon, Gordon this is Johns son Lian”

“FOR REAL?” Gordons exclaims “YOU’RE THE BOY OF JOHN?”

I nod. I am more or less overwhelmed by the man Gordon.

“ THIS IS GREAT, I ALWAYS WANTED TO MEET HIS SON AND NOW YOUR HERE” Gordon offers his hand to me and I shake it.

“NICE TO MEET YA LIAN” Gordon smiles a toothy smile.

“About those rooms Gordon” Lily begins again.


“Yes please, the usual price?”

Gordon nods and Lily takes out one silver.

“For seven days at least” Lily says.

“ALRIGHT” Gordon seems to get a key out of nowhere and hands it to Lily.

“ENJOY YOUR STAY” He smiles.

“Come Lian” Lily grabs my arm and pulls me to the stairs.

After walking up the stairs and walking towards the very end of the hallway lily opens the last door. The room is spacious and there is one bed in the room. It is a double decker. I walk around in the room and nod satisfied. This is perfect.

Lily sits on the bed and looks at me

“When do you want to go to the auction house?”

“In an hour or two. I want to lay in a bed for a while ” I answer while smiling towards me

Lily beams me a dazzling smile and answers with a me too. We both lay down in the bed and sigh out in relief. This is heaven.

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