《The start of a rookie summoner》Chapter 20


Chapter 20

After Lily fainted I decided to make some food until she woke up again. And she did, but fainted again as soon as she saw Xeno.

“Click” “Screech”

“aww don’t be like that Xeno, she just isn’t used to you yet.”

I explain to Xeno. It appears that she had hurts his feelings. Lily begins to move again and slowly opens her eyes. Doesn’t she look strangely cute like that? No, be gone evil thoughts.

“What happened?” She asks.

“You fainted again after you saw Xeno” I reply.

I don’t understand why she even faints. I didn’t faint after seeing him, granted that I wasn’t up close to him until I got a countermeasure but nonetheless.

“You mean that that monster is real”

Now that is just rude. I look over my shoulder and see that Xeno was clearly hurt by that remark. (How can he even tell that?)

“Apolagise to Xeno right now!” I demand.

“W-w-what why?”

“Apoligise now!” I repeat it again.

“I am sorry Xeno, I didn’t mean it.” She bows her head to Xeno, while clearly being confused.

“Now why did I have to apologise?”

“Because of two reasons. First reason being that you hurt Xeno’s feelings. You do not like it when someone calls you a monster right?”


“The second reason” I interrupt her “Is that because you were confused you did not faint after seeing Xeno”.

Realisation dawns upon Lily’s face. She now understands why I made her confused.

“How long was I out?” Lily looks a bit guilty while asking this question.

“ A total of two hours”

“I am sorry” Lily suddenly prostates on the ground.

“W-what are you doing?” I ask surprised and I stuttered again damnit.

“Because of me we have wasted some important travel time” Lily explains.

aha, that is why she is apologising. She is probably feeling guilty because she fainted. Not that it matters since I do not plan to leave this spot until Xeno’s baby arrives.

“Well I wanted to talk about that” I look at Lily “I am not leaving this spot until Xeno’s child arrives here”

“What?!” Lily exclaims.

“Yeah, ummm please don’t be mad but I used Carl as a host for umm” My voice is getting softer “breeding purposes.”

“You what?” Lily asks with a dangerous tone in her voice.

“I used Carls body as a host for Xeno’s baby alright.” I say a bit irritated. “I was curious how Xeno would breed and Carl tried to kill me and I wanted revenge. So this was two birds in one stone” I practically spat this out.


If Lily were to start argueing about this I would get really pissed but to my surprise she did not. She just slowly breathed in and then out before seemingly calming down.

“How long” Lily now pinches her nose ”will it take for the child of Xeno” she throws a glance at Xeno ” to get here?”

“I do not know, do you know Xeno?”

“Screech” “Click” “Sisssss”

“Aha, a few hours at most” I answer the dumbfounded look of Lily.

“You can understand Xeno?” She almost screams out loud.

“Of course not”

“Then how do you know it is a few hours”

“Because Xeno” I begin to talk slower “said it.”

I pause for a moment.

“Holy shit Xeno I can understand you”


“I thought it was my imagination alright!”


“Sorry, sorry”

I suddenly hear a loud smack and when I turn around I see that Lily has face palmed.

“This moron” Lilly mutters.

“Let’s wait a few hours alright?” I propose.

A few hours later

“Hisssssssss” “Click”

“Got it Xeno” I stand up and get into a battle position.

“Why are you in a battle position” Lily asks while also beginning to take her stance.

“Xero’s baby is coming and we do not know if it sees me as his master or not”

“Got it”

After waiting a few minutes we begin to hear something coming through the forest. It clearly doesn’t want to hide and breaks a lot of things.

I look at the forest while feeling a bit of tension. I hope that he is not hostile. Then I see Xeno’s child enter the clearing. What the fuck is that?

What I saw was not normal. You remember how Xeno is two metres? Well this child is at the very least five, furthermore what is with its face? It is the same as Xeno except that some dark liquid falls on the ground every few second and what it touches begins to burn away. Is it acid?

“What is that?” Lily whispers.


Forcing me and Lily to cover our ears in a hurry. Damn that hurts.


“SCREECH?” Xeno’s child looks surprised.

“Click” “screech”

“CLICK” Aha it seems that Xeno’s child understands the situation but does it consider me as the boss?

“Xeno, does ummm your child” I gulp my saliva away “Consider me its master?”


“Aha, I see”

“What did Xeno say?” Lily asks.

“He said that Xeno’s child does consider me as the master, but was worried about me since you were with me.”


“Wait what? That doesn’t make any sense.”

“Yes it does” “click” “CLICK”

Me, Xeno and Xeno’s child answer simultaneously making Lily shut up.

“Umm Xeno’s child I will be appraising you now and then I will give you a name alright?”

“HISSSSSSSSS” Ara, it seems like he wants me to hurry up

Mana-powered Xenomorph (Drone) Because this Xenomorph was birthed in a human that had Mana, it adepted itself and also gained the ability to use mana. Somehow this creature is extremely adept in using mana and has used it to increase its body capacities.

It is extremely loyal towards its creator and will do anything that the creator wants.

It Is now is an incredibly dangerous species and it is advised to run away from it.

Like seriously, RUN

“Ummm alright Xeno’s child, I will name you a bit later since I do not have the right name now”


I appraise it again, but this time with the intention to see its status and I succeed.

Name: - Magical Power: 210

Magical Capacity: 100

Magical Perception: 50

Magical Density: 60 Powers:

Medium Darkness affinity

Medium Resilient Body

Unique powers:

Hive mind Skills:

Acid breath, lvl 5

Dash, Lvl MAX

Slash, lvl MAX

Stab, Lvl MAX

Breeding, Lvl 6

Lurking, Lvl MAX

Echolocation, Lvl 3

Grab, lvl 8

Screech, lvl 4

Well what can I say? He is OP and he is more build for direct combat than assassination and…. Wait, why are his breeding skills so high? And what is up with the hive mind thing?

“OY” I more or less yell to Xeno’s child “Did you breed on anything?”

Xeno’s child starts to look away. LIKE THAT WILL HELP! It only makes him or she more guilty.

“Look at me” the child tries to look away even more “Did you breed on anything?”


“damnit” I throw my hands up in the air. Apparently he did.

“Alright how many times?”


“You built eggs?”


“How did you manage to create a whole layer with eggs?”


“That was a rhetorical question”


“Alright so how many eggs?”


“What do you mean you do not know?”


“You gave the eggs the command to infect and then create more eggs?”


alright, I breath in and out.

“Xero did you gain an unique power called hive mind?”


“Alright so does that allow you to talk to the whole population?”


“Alright tell them to create eggs MODERATLY, we do not want to destroy the ecosystem and flood the country with strong beasts alright”

“And you” I point at Xeno’s child “Will keep those kids in line alright”


“alright now that that is over I will try to summon something.” I shake my head. I was not mad about the fact that they were breeding, but I was afraid that they would breed to fast. Furthermore it appears that Xeno somehow gained an unique power. Something that is considered near impossible to gain, but I think that I know how he has gained its ability. He probably already had that power but it wasn’t activated since he did not have any children. This makes Xeno the Queen or King of the Xenomorphs. Does this mean that I will have an army soon?

“What will you summon?” Lily talks for the first time after Xeno’s child arrived and at the same time waking me up from my thoughts.

“Something that will help with the evolution of Xeno and the rest of the children”

I walk to my backpack and take out the MP stone. Then I walk a bit towards the dungeon and say the magical words

“Summoning of Viarsamitor”

A bright white circle appears in front of me and I smile. Please work.

“I forgot to say something”


“Cover your eyes”

Then a white flash appears and still blinds me despite closing my eyes. DAMNIT!!! Behind me I hear Lily cursing and some screams from Xeno and his child. .

I look on the ground and smile in satisfaction. It seems that I am lucky today. I appraise the item in front of me.

Digimon Watch The moment that the user touches this artifect it will turn into a watch shaped tattoo. This artifect gives the user the ability to evolve or devolve any specimen that gives its consent or is greatly weakened. The user can only evolve or devolve depending on the points that the specimen has gathered throughout its life

Yes, this is going to be a lot of fun.

Xeno, his child and Lily who were looking at me all shuddered when they saw my smile. They all somehow felt that something dangerous had come into my hands.

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