《Legacy Of The Prototypes》Ch. 6 Path of a Reaping Preistess
Authors note. I tried to add a map but every time I try to insert an image all I get is a blank square with an x in the corner. If anyone knows what I'm doing wrong, please let me know. And thanks for reading.
(The day of the Fort Triss hunt, unknown location)
My name is Morganna Brielle, and I'm currently in chains. Don't worry though, I've ben in these chains for?... Hm, how long have I been here?... Oh, I remember now, 558 years. Yeah, thats how long I've been here. Here being some secret temple of Leon the lord of light, occupied by some fanatical order of his. Though I doubt he gave the order or had any idea it was going on. The gods here weren't really observant of their people. Oh, why am I here you ask? Well, its a bit of a story. But I got time, so here goes.
My world was calld Zonia, home of the Amazonians, proud daughters of the goddess Gaia. It was beautiful, and I found it by far the best world I've ever been to. The races of my world were the humans and the treefolk. Amazonians aren't considered a race on our own, we are a special breed of humans. We are birthed from humans, blessed with powers by the goddess, we serve as the Mothers instruments of judgements and mercy. What does that intell, you ask? Simple.
When the forest grows rank, and needs cleared for new growth, We set it ablaze.
When the tree-folk become weeds, choking the life out of the earth they are ment to tend. We cut them down.
When man becomes arrogant and turn their backs on the Mother, choosing false idols to worship. Or in their pettiness and greed, they wage wars leaving vast tracts of land scarred. We reap the field of man.
If we Amazonians too, turn our backs on the Mother. If darkness grows within our hearts and minds, then we too will reap what we have sown.
When I was a child I encountered my first preistess of Gaia when she killed my parents. They were a part of a cult that had been trying to sacrifice an Amazonian, and since they knew my powers recently awoken, I was the next sacrifice. So they had it coming. After the preistess saved me I was sent to a temple to be trained in my powers, and learn of my future duties. I did greive over the memories of what my parents were before the cult incident, but still I served.
The goddess became my mother in more than a spiritual sense. I felt a bond with her stronger than that I had with my parents, I assumed that all Amazonians felt this way. Which they did, but their love was like a lit candle at worship, mine was like a roaring inferno of passion. This caused me to push further, train harder than those around me. My devotion was absolute. My loyalty was unquestionable. I proved my self a worthy servant, and was rewarded with the honor of becoming a preistess myself. Becoming a guiding hand of mercy, love and wisdom. Whatever task my Mother needed done, I did. Whoever turned their back on Mother, or meant her harm, were culled from this beautiful garden of hers.
I did this for many years, we Amazonians are long lived you know, and I had garnered a reputation of being merciless to my enemies and kind to the innocent. I did my duty well, perhaps too well. I hadn't noticed it , but within my sisters hearts darkness took root. They were jealous of me and my abilities. They were mad and resentful towards Gaia for presumably favoring me above them. Which she didn't. The Mother loves all her children, even if some have a purpose greater than others. I discovered this darkness when I was attacked on a mission. A cult had sprung up, and I was sent to deal with them.
But when I got there it was a trap. I was attacked by cultists and my sisters. I felt sorrow at this. The cultists wanting me dead was to be expected, but for my fellow sisters to betray Moher and me? Just because they wouldn't push to get were I am? I fended off the attacks, and with a sorrowing heart, I did my duty. As I finished the last of my 'sisters', I felt pity for them, and I hoped that in the next cycle they would learn to love more.
This devotion, even in the face of betrayal from my sisters, earned me the title of war preistess. I took the fight to the enemy, no longer waiting for them to cause harm, I kept the weeds from growing at all. I became both an example and a warning for the goddess. I was happy for a while, then the war came. I still don't know all the details, but someone or something had corrupted most of the kingdoms of man. Mother said it was another god trying to take her world, and destroy her. We Amazonians wouldn't let that happen.
The war lasted for decades, many sisters were lost, tree-folk were destroyed with their forests and feilds. But in the end we won. The price for that victory was heavy, most of the world had been consumed in the ravages of war, forests were gone, feilds were now barren, man was by a fraction of what they were, and there were few Amazonians left. I was the only Amazonian to survive the front line, I lost count of the bodies left behind me. Mother gave me the title 'the Reaping Preistess', the sword of judgement. My powers grew, and as Gaia was able to control nature, I was able to control the dead. I would draw the energy of their soul to me, and enfuse their body with my own. They weren't rotting, but they weren't themselves. I could bring an army to bear against the next invaders.
But my wounds from the war were many, so Gaia put me in a healing slumber, to be awoken in her time of need.
When I awoke from my slumber, I assumed she needed me again, but she was sending me away. I asked why, and she told me I was going to another world to help another nature goddess. I accepted the mission. Another nature goddess was like Mothers sister, so of course I would go.... It was all down hill from there.
When I arrived on their world, I was told what was needed. Kill some demon lord, and go home. Simple. But these gods here were lazy, they didn't guide us in our mission or their people for that matter. I was blessed by both Gai and Dravos, the lords of nature and darkness respectively. Their blessings combined with my own powers, making my necroand healing powers stronger.The humans here were far more petty and arrogant than on Zonia. They made the champion of Leon, lord of light, the leader of our party. He was a selfish pig, which is why he got along with the nobles and church officials well. I was expected to follow their orders without complaint. Which I didn't. The moment the demon hordes arrived I went straight to the battle field.
If the goddess of this world wouldn't let me kill these assholes, then I would vent on the demons. I slaughtered all I could find, and when the hero of light complained, stating that a womans place was behind him, I beat the shit out of him too. I left him alive though. The othe hero wasn't bad though, Adam, the hero for Theo, lord of knowledge, was a good man. He tried to get the kingdoms to train their soldiers better or teach more of their people, but he was scoffed at for that. The only kingdom that accepted the manuals he had wrote was the kingdom of Helena. A tiny jungle kingdom towards the west. They were similair to us Amazonians, in both looks and spirit, so I helped teach them with Adam.
After repelling the demon waves we made our way towards the demon lord himself, they assumed it was a male, but no one really knew for sure. During this time we heores were betrayed by Leons champion. The church had been whispering in his ears, and preaching to the public that I was a servant of the demon lord, sent to betray the champion of light. Destroyer of humanity! Witch! The demon lords whore! They called me all this and more, and eventually I ran. Fuck their quests and fuck the gods here! My only regret is that Adam was imprisoned, though when he was freed later he went to the kingdom of Helena. I would have loved to meet him again but I was still running from Leons fanatics. They were really pissed that their champion failed, they lost alot of face and influence of that, and they naturally blamed me for it.
At first I fought them, but they sent more and more every time. They didn't care if innocenents were in the way, they trampled them if they had too. So I ran, and ran. Eventually I was caught, and imprisoned. They couldn't kill me though, they wouldn't risk turning the gods against them. Apparently they had killed champions before, and the champions patron would retaliate. One of the few times they probably had no choice but to do it. Even if the gods didn't retaliate, Amatsu-Mikaboshi, the god of chaos and the only one not to have a champion, would fuck shit up afterwards. Whole countries had been destroyed in the past, they were zealous, but not brave enough to piss him off.
So in my chains I sat, the years passed me by. I watched my capturer's grow old and feeble, then replaced by another to do the same. After a time thay grew fewer and fewer. Guess recruitment for fanaticism was dying down. I would live for a long time with all the energy I've absorbed in battle, even if that ran out, as long as the world was alive so was I. I also noticed that as time went on Gai never sent aid, never called, she had forgotten about me. Summoning more champions, only to fail again and again. Served them right.
So here I am, chained to the wall as another day passes.
*cough* *gasp* *cough*
What the?... My newest guard is apparently suffocating,for no reason.
"Ahgn!... Awk, aawkk!" the guard continued making sound as he grabbed at his throat.I would have thought it funny some years ago,but now I found it weird. The guards' face began to get red, and blood began to come out of his orifices. He looked towards me begging me to help with his eyes. I looked on motionless, they locked me up for no reason, and besides I was still in chains. Not like I could help anyway.
*gasp* *SPLAT* Blood and gore splattered all over the room as the former guards head exploded from some unknown force. Ugh, I think some of his brain is in my hair. I'll have to clean up next chance I get. Now that my only company has died, I guess now I'll be here alone.
*FLASH* "Dammit. Now what!" I yell as a bright light envelopes my cell.
"Hello Morganna, I'm glad your still alive. But we need to talk." said the radiating light. Fuck, I knew that voice.
"Gai. What do you want after all these years?" I growled out between clenched teeth.
"I know you aren't very happy to see me, but-" Gai said as she began to speak.
"Happy? You abandoned me! Ignored my pleas for aide! AND you didn't even try to stop Leons fanatics from chasing me and murdering innocents, some who worshiped you! I'm not 'happy', I'm pissed!" I yell out rattling my chains as I stood. If I could've punched her I would've.
"Look, I know I should've done better given my responsiblilities. I know I screwed up, but I'm trying to fix things. Things have changed. I need your help." Gai said. She did sound remorseful. Meh, I don't have anything better to do, might as well listen.
"My goddess taught me to forgive those that are repentive, so I will forgive you for the neglection of duty towards me when you've earned it. But not the people of this world. You'll have to live with that. Now are you going to unbind me or what?" I said. *clank, clunk* The chains were off as soon as I asked.
"Now what's changed so much that you had to see me face to face after all this time?" I asked, while rubbing my wrists.
"Well, here's the thing......" Gai said as she starts to explain the last few hundred years.
(A few hours earlier. Palace of the gods above Agar.)
Gai pov.
The last few days have been rough. Amatsu has been trying to hammer 1000 years of proper godhood knowledge into our heads. Theo is taking it better than the rest of us, but Leon and Bravos are having the worst time. Though we only had ourselves to blame. The trails to become a demigod, and then a god, should've told us it was as simple as here's a world to what ever. We were stupid, and then we got complacent. But there was hope. If Alec killed the empire, but not the demon king, we would be reincarnated to try again. If Alec killed the demon king we would still pass, but we would stay as minor gods. Basically working for other gods on their worlds.
I don't even like sharing with these idiots so no. I have to pass. I asked Amatsu as many questions as I could think of. Given how fast gods can communicate, that meant alto of questions. Thankfully he was able to answer most of them and he wasn't annoyed about it. He must be tired of watching over us. Taking one of his suggestions I reviewed my past champions journeys. Trying to find where they all failed, or where I failed them. Looking back at your failures and realizing how stupid, lazy or uncaring you were was a tough pill to swallow.
But I came across something weird. One of my champions was unaccounted for. When a champion dies, the gods feels it, and reminder is left for future reference. But she didn't die, she disappeared. Her name was Morganna Brielle, a summoned from another goddess of nature, and an Amazon. Amatsu was impressed when she was summoned, I found out why later. She was a monster on the battlefields, not what I thought priestess of nature should be like. And she was always asking to kill the kings and nobles in charge.
Amatsu said the system wasn't broken or wrong, so I looked harder. After looking at what was happening around the time she dissapeared, I began to become angry. Leons' pope at the time spread rumors about her, convincing most of the people to turn on her. Leons' champion, who appeared to be just like most of Leons' pompous clergymen, attempted to kill her. She escaped, though I'm sure she could have killed him, she chose to let their arrogance kill them instead. Which it did,and they chased her down, trying to save face.
Here's were it gets interesting, when they caught her, they blessed the temple as holy ground, which is what prevented me from seeing her. But that fact just made me angrier! The only way to make holy ground is for the god to personally okay it. You can't just say yes and it happens. You have to impart power into the area, which is easiest when you touch it.
Did he not know about their plans? Or did he do it knowing what was going to happen? My champion was better than his, hell she could have killed the demon king. But why damn his own champion to death if he knew? No, it was more likely he just wasn't paying attention. Still I was pissed.
I went to the lounge that's were Leon usually is, and today wasn't any different. He and Dravos are together at the bar, probably sulking about Amatsus' lessons.
"Leon, I want you to have something. A gift from me." I said sweetly as I walked up to him.
"Ok, sure." He said, a confused look on his face.
"I want you to- TAKE THIS ASSHOLE!" I yelled as I kicked his jewels hard. *CRUNCH*
"Argghh!" Leon screamed as he fell to the floor clutching his jewels.
"Why did you do that?!" Dravos asked. He sat there astonished at my sudden assault.
"Why? Because he deserved it, thats why!" I yelled back at him. Amatsu and Theo had opened the doors, and were watching, cautious not to get directly involved.
"He allowed his follows to imprison one of my champions. He even made the temple she was at holy ground so I wouldn't be able to find her. She may still be alive and if she is, I am going to free her. His followers can let her go on his orders or I'll tear his holy ground apart and kill all his fanatics inside. I will know what has become of her! You have five minutes, Leon." I said before storming out of the lounge.
" Amatsu, I'm sorry but Leons followers crossed the line. I reveiwed the summons like you said, and I found out that his people are extremely fanatical. They murdered innocents to get to my champion. I know I should've been there for her, but thats in the past. I'll try to convince her to join Alec, though if she alive, she'll be weak. Amatsu, I'm afraid they'll try to kill Alec when they find out about his powers." I told him and Theo my concerns. If Leon people become fanatical agains Alec, then Alec could destroy everything to finish the mission. Amatsu looked into some of his memories when checked on him last, and he showed them to me. Monster doesn't come close to what he could become or the things he could unleash.
"I know. Thats what Theo and I were discussing. The only thing we can do is watch him closely, and guide your people. If his people start a crusade against Alec I'll have Leon stop them. Or I will. Go tend to your summoned. Theo will be doing the same with his. Oh, if she does decide to join him. Send her to Junction City, Alec will probably be heading thhat way." Amatsu said. Following his advice I went down to the temple. I have alot to make up for, and I know she won't be thrilled to see me. But I'll start with her, I'll do better, and make it up to those I failed. I have to......
(back at the temple/cell. present time)
Morganna pov
"Okay. Let me get this straight, so I know I heard you clearly. This whole thing about the demon king is just a jest for you to become gods. Instead of guiding your people to win themselves, you decided to summon people to do it for you. My group would've been able to win if Leons champion and followers didn't imprison me. Since then, you have summoned more and more groups. All of them have failed. With the last one taking control of kingdoms and causing your people to fight on another front.
Now your out of options, Amatsu summons someone, and he has the potential. 'consume the world' as you said it. And you want me to join him, kill the emporer, and kill or make peace with the demon king. Did I forget anything?" I asked sarcasticly.
"Well, his name is Alec, not 'him'. And if he dies, this planet will be destoyed. But other than that, you got it." Gai said.
Well this is a bit of a problem. I do want to go home, and I don't want to support another idiot. But if he fails the world dies, and as a preistess of Gaia, allowing that would be heresy.
"Fine. I'll think about it. Where can I meet him?"I said. Gai beemed at me.
"Thank you, I promise to be more helpful. Now, head to Junction City, Alec will meet you there. Go that way, when you see the road, go left. Here you'll need this." Gai said, pointing over her shoulder, before dissappearing in a flash of light. She gave me my old armor back, though it was newer now. I also raided the temples pantry, and the guards corpses for supplies and money. Sadly, they had no horses here, so I'll be walking. Well, lets go find this Alec.
After awhile I reached the road, turned left and continued to walk. I stayed away from anyone I seen coming down the road. I sleeped in the trees away from the road every night, then I would continue walking. After a while I realized I was almost out of energy. My reserves were used up during my imprisonment, and the temple prevented me from gathering the nature energy in the area. Now that I'm a fair distance away I should be able to gather it again. So I made a detour into the woods. After I found a stream I began to meditate, breathing deeply and focusing on feeding the energy into my body. This always takes awhile, but I had time....
( Hours later)
*Thunk* Argh.. Something just it my head. I open my eyes an try to look around while getting up. I see boots. before *Thunk* Nothing...
"Argh" A moan of pain escapes me as I come to. This is why I never liked running out of energy, it left you vulnerable till you got enough back. I notice my armour, weapons and the supplies I looted were all gone. I still had clothes on though, so I know no one has tried anything yet. Oh, and I'm in chains again. Yeah me.
Looking around I realized I had been captured by bandits. Ugly, filthy, and they smelled. I need to think of something guick.
"Well, look here boys. She awake!" said one of the bandits. Looking at him I could tell he was in charge here. The other bandits began to gather around, snickering, and with lust in their eyes.
"Now that your up, we can play. Not much fun when they ain't up, is it boys?" the leader said. Laughter, and yells of agreement rang out from the bandits.
"Sam, Deacon, and Charlie, you lot found her. You get first dibs." said the leader motioning the men over.
As they approached I prepared a gift for them. When I was blessed by Dravos, his darkess and Gais', blessed healing merged. Giving me the ability to make illness' and plagues. I could cure them too, so no worries. I hadn't used it much, so my skill wasn't the greatest. But I did manage to make a fast acting, slow killing sickness once. I channelling the energy I had gather as well as a bit of my own life force, I crafted the sickness to myself. The three men grabbed me, trying to wrestle me down. But after just a moment, the sickness took hold.
"Huh? Ar...Argh! Whats happening? Arghhh! It hurts!" The three men that had benn touching my now glowing green body, were falling to the ground in pain. Lesions, boils and tumors began to spread on their skin. They were also suffering from extreme sensitivity, anything that touched them flt like knifes, a whisper sounded like a yell, and they were blinded by the sun. The lesions would kill them, eventually, but it would feel like years of suffering.
"Know unless anyone else wants a turn at what my body can do, don't touch me." I said as the glow dissapated from my body. I hope they don't try again I only have two more charges left.
"Put her to sleep, but don't touch her. She'll sell for more in the empire this way." the leader said. *Thunck*
I only caught the first part clearly, because someone had hit me again, sending mre into darkness once again....
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