《Legacy Of The Prototypes》Ch. 7 The Meeting of Two Monsters.
We left the castle shortly after Nix was up, though her arm was in a splint, so I let her ride Fenris. She shouldn't have to do any fighting now that I have some of my power back. A servant had apparently been watching us, because just after we exited the castle grounds, and were at the town square, Douglas came running towards us with a few guards in tow.
"Stop! Stop, Mr. Alec." Douglas was shouting as he approached. I stopped and waited patiently for him to catch his breathe.
"Whew. Apologies for shouting Mr. Alec, but you seemed to have forgotten about the lords invitation. I take it your no doubt collecting your things from the inn your were staying at? No need, I'll have some servants gather it up for you. The lord is expecting you, and we shouldn't dally." Douglas said. Though he had a smile on his face, his body language was more like this. 'You will be attending the party, so come with me. Like it or not.', plus I didn't like the glint in his eyes when he seen Nix. He couldn't get a good look of her last time with her injuries, and the blood covering her.
"No, I don't think I have forgotten about the party. I just didn't tell you that I wasn't going. If that is all, Mr. Douglas, we have things to do. Goodbye." I said, waving as I turned to leave. That apparently wasn't all, as Douglas ran around me and stopped in front of me.
"Now, Alec, I know that most people from out here in the Frontier, are differnt from those inside the Wall. But when a lord invites a commoner, even one with talent like yourself, they are expected to oblige the lord. It's easier for everyone that way, safer too." Douglas had said the last part in a low whisper. Only he and I heard what he said.
"Mr. Douglas, I understand that those born into the upper elements of society believe themselves better than everyone else, but never make the mistake of assuming I'm like everyone else. Besides, we have better things to do than assage the egos' of some aristocrats in funny dresses. Good bye." I said walking away. As I passed him I wispered quietly, just as he had earlier. "Next time you threaten me, even in the slightest. You better have a sword in your hand, and make peace with your gods. Because you won't live much longer afterwards."
Leaving him there astounded, we continued our way. After a quick stop at the armor and weapons shops, had to gett Nix another shield, we left Fort Triss. We did stop by the guild for wanted posters of bandits, known slave traders and the like. Slavery in the Allaince was illegal, though the punishment varied by which kingdom you were tried in. The empire had no issue with slaves trade though. Now if you were to ask me if I was worried about the lord retaliating or the adventures, who by now may know my identity and are after the reward. I would say no. If the adventurers came, I would kill them. If the lord sent people to hunt me down, then Fenris and I would hunt them in turn. I know I can't offend everyone, not yet atleast, but I will not curry to their whims.
As we travelled tpwards Junction City nothing of note happened on the first day, the second day however brought about some excitement. Okay , maybe excitement wasn't the right word, but what happened was we were attacked by bandits. They wanted me to hand over Nix, Fenris, and all my posessions, which didn't happen. Instead I used them to gauge the improvements I gained from the bear. I gained a lot, besides the claws obviously. Before the bear I was able to break ribs, with a little effort. Thats why I used a sword instead of my fists in most of my fights. Now I could crush a mans helmet with only a bit of effort. My slashes held enough power to cleave a man with chain mail almost in two with a sword. With my claws there was little resistance. A suit of plate would be a bit difficult though, atleast until I upgrade the claws or got the blade arm.
After most of the bandits were dead we continued on our way. I did promise Nix I would explain my claws and sudden growth, which is why I dragged the only survivor with us. So when we set up camp I did just that, I kept the bandit gagged.
"Okay, so you remember when we first meet? How I told you I 'consumed' the mercs to speak your language?'' I asked her.
"Yes. I remember." Nix said.
"Well, when I consume something, person or animal, I gain their abilities and memories should they have any. It sounds far fetched, but just watch." I tried explaining it, but she had a strange look on her face. Disbelief, I thnk. So, grabbing the bandit who tried to squirm away. I brought him near the fire where Nix could clearly see what was going to happen. I began to consume him, the tendrils appeared from my flesh, latching onto him and pulling him into me. Nix had done a squeal, stepping away from me, but not running away. As I finished consuming him, I turned towards her.
"See? Thats what it looks like when I consume. I now have his memories, skills, and I can change into him if need be." I said, while sitting down. Nix stood there, away from me, and for about five minutes, there was only the sound of the crackiling fire.
"Okay, I have some questions. First, are you a demon? If you're not a demon what are you? You told me about the fighting were you lived, but not about what the humans were fighting. Was it you? And what do you mean change into him? Like a shapeshifter?" Nix asked, firing one question after another.
" Well, I'm not a demon. What I am is a highly evolved virus-like parasite, my father was a bio-weapon. Don't interupt. I know those words are strange to you, but be patient. A virus is like a sickness, but worse. A sickness is caused by bacteria, small organisms that can't be seen, all things have bacteria. Some good, others bad. Think of it like this you can't see magic, but you can see what magic does. Bacteria are the same. You don't see them, but you can see what they do. Now a virus is different, it needs a host to live, unlike bacteria. I am a virus, although I'm different from other viruses. Most viruses latch on to something to live off of, which could cause things like a plague. My father was a bio-weapon. A virus made by alchemist( sceintist ) to destoy their enemies without having to fight a costly war. Just get the enemy people sick and let them die in their streets.
My father was trying to expose what the goverment was doing, but he was caught and cornered. With nowhere to run, and knowing the truth would never get out, he did something terrible in his desperation. He unlessed the blacklight virus. He was executed afterwards, but the damage was done. People became sick, only a few at first, then hundreds of thousands of people became infected. They didn't die like what a plague would do, no they changed into monsters. Like those infected with demon blood, as they mutated, they became stronger and faster. Finding other to infect, more and more, they grew. Till the city of Manhatten was isolated to prevent spreading it to other places. They had a leader too. Mother is what they called her.
Here's where my father came in. See, when he released the virus it changed him too. But he was infected with a different virus, not the Blacklight that was spreading, the Mercer virus. He became a different kind of monster. Where others were changed on the outside, he was changed on the inside. The virus allowed him to keep his human form, as a cloak to wandering eyes. He looked human, so he could hunt among humans. If he consumed you, he could disguise himself as you, right down to the tiniest detail. Your voice, body, blood, even the clothes you wore, all his. Like this." I said, changing into the merc from the temple. I changed into others too, so she would get the idea.
"The infected began to change into better predators, Hunters with claws that tore through armor like it was nothing. Hydras could throw large chunks of debris and earth, at anything that could fly. The could also borrow under the earth, ambushing people with their whip like bodies.Juggernauts had hammerfists, gaint hands like boulders. If you thought a wall was going to protect you, your wrong. They were made to break armour and fortifications. These were Mothers weapons against the humans and my father, Zeus.
My father, being a different virus was seen as a threat by Mother. So he fought them, hunted them, consumed them. Even if they were different, the abilities they had, the claws, hammerfists, and whipfist. All could be taken from them and used. Improved upon in most cases. Zeus also had other power Mothers' creature did not. Blade arm, muscle mass, but both he and Mother could use devestator attacks. Unleashing their powers in a way nothing could defend against. That is the war the humans of my world fought." I said, petting Fenris. He joined us while I was talking.
"But, what does that make you? Are you like Zeus, or Mother?" Nix asked.
"Neither. Both. When two creatures mate, ideally they produce an offspring with the best traits from both parents. No, Zeus and Mother never copulated. Zeus consumed Mother at the end of the war. Gaining the control of her infected army, the hive mind she used to control them and her genetic material. When Mother wanted to make a Hunter, she would collect bio-material, the bodies of humans or dead infected, at Hives. Dens and Lairs for the infected, were their homes. I was produced in a Lair, hidden away by the Mercer virus. I don't know what it was trying to do, but I have a theory. Zeus was the first of his kind, and Mother was the first of her kind( that we know of , both wanted to infect the world for different reasons, I am a child of both. I possess the best of both viruses, but unlike them, I don't want to spread the virus and kill or change the world.
See they were hosts to their viruses, advanced infected if you will, meant to carry, spread, control, and protect the virus within them, I am not a host, I am a virus without the need for a host. I consume other beings to adapt myself, instead of adapting inside of them. They were temporary hosts, I'm meant to be the virus in full form. Constantly evolving myself till I can evolve no more, till nothing can destroy me. I know that sounded pretty pompous, arrogant and more than a little egotistical. But, I wasn't told what my purpose was, no hints to guide me to a destined path. I was only taught to survive. Now you know what I am." I finished telling her about myself. I had told her of earth before, but not much about myself.
But you don't have to worry for your safety or that of your people. I only infect those I have permission to or if I need to, like Fenris here. His mother allowed me to turn him to save his life. Speaking of which, its time to upgrade him" I said, turning towards Fenris, who was now standing beside me. I had told him to with our link after I was done talking with Nix.
"What do you mean, upgrade him?" Nix asked a litle worriedly.
"I'm going to give him the powers I got from the bear. He could've got them himself earlier, but I didn't know what the demonic parasite would do, so I stopped him. But, it turns out I can kill the tumors on contacted." I said. As Nix stood there shocked at the revelation I gather some of the new essence into my hand and stabbed Fenris with it. A slight whimper was all the sound he made. Through our connection I knew it didn't hurt more than a shot might. Baby.
I sat back down as he assimilated the new dna into himself. Nix watched transfixed, as Fenris' flesh rippled and glowed. He started to change, his fur becoming darker, tougher, and a bit more sleek looking. His paws changed to that of a tiger or hunters paw, with the claws becoming retractable. He also grew to the size of a horse, before he was only up to a horses back, now he could look a horse straight in the face. He snarled and chompd his teeth, which now looked like rows of canines and incisors. I don't think leather or chainmail would stop those jaws.
"Woah. He got big!" Nix said as said looked at Fenris shocked.
'Brother, I thank you for this gift. I feel twice as strong now. A bear like before will not push us around now.' Fenris said as he sent his feelings of gratitude to me.
'Good. As we fight more creatures we will developed more powers. Stronger and stronger, we will become. But don't get cocky, we can still die, compared to some of the things I fought back home we are weak.' I warned him.
'Understood, Brother.' he replied.
"I could infect you if you want, you know." I said to Nix.
"Um.. Thanks, but no. I mean no offense, but I like being me." Nix said with a nervous chuckle.
"That's okay. Though if you were about to die, I could save you you know?" I told her as she becane to lie down.
"Maybe. We'll see then won't we? Goodnight." Nix said, before dozing off. The night passed queitly after that.
The next few days passed quietly as we made our way to Junction City. The lord of Fort Triss hadn't sent anyone after us, and no adventurers had followed us. Maybe the party threw their timetables off. No bandits or wild animals attacked us, nothing really happened. We did stop at a village to restock on supplies, but other than staring at Fenris' size they didn't do much. I did a little asking around about our destination and it turns out people think of Junction City as a city of vice. Most of the money made there was from travelers spending their money in casinos, fighting pits, brothels and various other less than savory establishments. Its position as the central transport hub for the largest merchant houses in the entire Frontier certainly helped it attract plenty of people. No wonder Amatsu still had a temple there, you need all the 'chance' you can get...
After departing the village, we resumed our steady pace from before. A comfortable 35 mph. Even Nix has gotten over her phobia of riding on Fenris. Though that could be because we aren't running right now. We should reach the half-way point soon, probably tommorrow, so we should also be reaching some bandits soon. Nothing happened the rest of the day.( I will skim over unimportant events like traveling, unless its important for the story)
The next day I had Fenris travel in the woods along side of us, both of use was using our echo sense every now and then, as we made our way forward. Towards the evening we found some bandits hiding along the road. Well, most were hiding, their was on the road with a cart that appeared to be trying to fix a wheel. I told Nix to hang back and hide. She should be fully recovered now, but I didn't want to place her in anymore danger than was needed.
"Oh, thank lord Leon, finally someone! Pardon me traveller, but could you give me a hand with my cart? The wheel broke, and I can't hold the cart and replace it at the same time. I could pay you, of course." said the fake merchant. Even without knowing about the bandits in the woods, this guy acted to nice to people he just seen out in the middle of nowhere. Plus I could smell the filthy stench he had going on. And his clothes didnt hide the blood on his shoes.
"No, I don't think I will help you. But you could help us. Tell your freinds in the trees to get your boss, I want to have a word with him." I said stopping a short distance from him.
"What? Sorry, but you must be mistaken, there isn't any-" the bandit began trying to convince me other wise, so I grabbed a dagger I took from the previos bandits, and threw it into the woods."'
"Uargh!" "Billy!" " You bastard, you killed Billy!" screamed various bandits as they rushed from the woods.
"You are very foolish to antagonize us. Now we gonna kill you." said the fake merchant pulling out a short sword. He tried to rush me, but a side step, and a swing of my sword, his torso seperated from his lower half. Someone tried to shoot me with an arrow, but with a step it missed.
"If you want to fight me go ahead, you'll die though. Or you can get your boss out here, and we can reasonably discuss this. Decide." I said while looking at the rest of the now wary bandits.
"Kill him!" one of the bandits yelled. Innspired by their freind, or probably just trying to swarm me, the rest of the bandits charged.
*sigh* Why can't people be reasonable about these things?
'Fenris, kill the archers.' I told him as I began to cut one bandit after another. It wasn't much of a fight to be honest. These guys weren't well trained fighters you know, not untrained, just not skilled enough to stop me. I grabbed the last bandit, he and another had tried to run, and I absorbed him. Ah, now I know where the camp is, and it appears these are the bandits I've been looking for. Fenris got the other one.
"Well, do you want to loot them, like the last ones?" Nix asked. She had started heading our way when the bandits tried to run.
"Yeah, we'll take what we can. If we fix the cart we should be able to take it all. We'll head to the bandits camp afterwards." I said as I started looting the corpses.
"Okay." Nix said, before she started looting as well. She had said that looting after a fight was a perfectly okay means of making money for adventurers. I let her decide what to keep since she knew more about what was or wasn't valuable. I don't think we'll make a fortune on the items, but it was here and money was useful.
A few moments and a walk later, we arrived not far from the bandits camp. I say camp, but all it was some tents and a few carts with cages. The cages had people in them, some did not look well. I only sensed about sixteen bandits at or near the camp. We had killed twelve bandits on the road. And I'm pretty confident we could kill all of them here.
"How do you want to do this, Alec?" Nix asked as she surveyed the camp.
"Hm. We'll kill them all. Nix you head towards the cages, Fenris you take out the archers and support her. I've got the rest of them. Oh and don't die." Isaid before I charged out of the tree line. Nix and Fenris followed me as we charged into the camp.
"Intruders! We're under- Agck!" the sentry yelled before I stabbed him in the throat. The other bandits drew their weapons and charged towards us. Nix and Fenris were approaching the carts, and they had both engaged the bandits near them. I began engaging the bandits near me as well. I slahed bandit after bandit, till the boss actually tried to fight me. He stabbed me through the back while I killed one of the few bandits left. Turning towards him I saw he had a grin on his face, or he had one. As I pulled the sword out of me( using the tendril like muscles to push the blade from the body), his face changed to fear.
"D- Demon!" He shouted as he backed away. He tripped on the bodies behind him, landing on the ground he tired to scoot away from me. I grabbed him by the back of his neck, lifting him up I tore his armor off ( cant absorb metal.) I threw him down and stopped his chest with my foot. As I crushed his heart and bone, I absorbed his bio-mass. Thankfully, he and I were fighting away from the carts, so the prisoners didn't see that particular bit. Hm. They had quite a bit of things here...
But those will have to wait. I make my way to Nix and Fenris, they are now standing by the carts. The people inside are trying to get them to open the cages, while some are trying to stay away from Fenris.
"Please, open the cage! Set us free! Let us out!" They said.
"I already told you people, its not my call. Be queit and wait." Nix said, clearly they were annoying her.
"Well, the bandits are dead. Nix, can we take the stuff they stole or do we have to return it?" I asked as I walked up to them.
"Well, it depends on what it is. Some things, like rare minerals or armors carrying the marks of a city or house are prepaid items. The guards are likely to confiscate those in order to return them to whoever had them made. Doing this helps insure trade between cities continues, otherwise everyone woulld steal their product back and resale. Though we should get a recovery fee if we return the items. General goods, food, clothes or trinkets are ours to keep. Now what about them?" Nix asked, motioning towards the the cages. Turning towards them I looked them over. Damn, I don't even know the name of who I'm looking for. Or what she looks like!
Oh, got it! My hunters sense. I use it, extending it out from me, and bingo! I found her. I walk to her cage door, and rip off its hinges.
"So your the one I was sent to find. I'm Alec, this is Nix, and that is Fenris." I said to the woman as she exited the cage. As she stood before me we both sized each other up.
At 7', she was tall, really tall. Light brown skin, adorned by various tribal tattoos, and covered by what looked like armor, but it was strange. Her chest plate was, well just that, it only covered her upper chest, leaving her tone midriff exposed. She had no shoulder guards, instead a small metal band with cloth made a pair of sleeves for her arms. Metal bracers were on her arms. She had what looked like a fur skirt with some kind of metal over it. I say some kind because it loks like metal, but moves like cloth, so no idea. Her upper legs didn't have armor other than the skirt, but she wore a pair of metal greives that came up to her knees. A pair of shoes with the same metal as the skirt adorned her fet. The strange armor gave her a very beatiful, though ferocious, appearance.
"If your done staring at each other, we need to decide what to do with the others." Nix said pointing to the cages.
"We'll free them obviously. Fenris, you break one, I'll get the other." I said. I grabbed the door to the cage, and broke it off its hinges. Fenris used his new claw hands to rip the metal cage from the wooden cart. The cart was turned over in the process, but no one was seriously hurt, and they were free.
"Alright people, if I can have your attention for a moment! Your free to go now. If you head that direction-" I say pointing behind me "- you'll hit a road. Left to Fort Triss, right to Junction City. You may take some things from the carts, but you may not take things from the cart by the bigger tent, or anything from the tent. If you do my companion will kill you." I said pointing towards Fenris, who I sent towards the tent and cart. I did this because those belonged to the bandit leader and had the most valued items inside. The other carts had things stolen from others that were of no signifacant value.
They began to leave after grabbing things from the carts, thankfully no one tried to tag along with us. Too scared I think. Which was fine by me, less people to watch out for.
"Now that the others are gone. What is your name?" I asked the champion of Gai.
"Morgana Brielle, The Reaping Preistess of Gaia. So your the Chaos champion? Whats so special about you that Amatsu-Mikaboshi would pick you?" Morganna asked.
"He's a monster of apocalyptic proportions. No offense Alec." Nix said absently.
"Wait. What do you mean by that? I mean all summoned are dangerous on some level, but 'apocalyptic' seems to be pushing it." Morganna said, clearly in disbeleive of Nixs' words.
"Well, I tell you why she said that, but only if you tell me what your heroic skill and powers are. Deal?" I asked.
"Hm..... Okay, thats fair." Morganna said.
"The reason Nix said I'm a monster, is because I'm not human. What I am is....." I said, as I began to explain what I was and my mission here. ( I think I'll skip him explaining it this time, just picture the conversation he had with Nix earlier. If you think I should type it out let me know in the comments.)
Some time later, I had finished telling Morganna about my race and some of the things I was able to do. She had remained calm throughout my telling, only asking a question here or there.
"Well, now I see why the lord of Chaos chose you. You most certainly are a monster. I'm sorry that sounded bad, No offense intended." Morgann said eyeing me curiously.
"None taken. Besides, its not like being a monster is all that bad. People are more honest in their interactions with you once they know what you are. And food can be found everywhere." I said.
"I'm curious though. If your goal is the destruction of the Golden Empire, the death of its emporer, and an end to the war between the humans and demons. Then why not unleash the virus you were talking about earlier? With an army of monster, even if the aren't as strong as you, accomplishing your goal would be far easier. Faster too." Morganna asked curiously.
"Well, the thing is, I want to enjoy this world a bit more. Which would be harder to do if everyone was fleeing from the apocalypse. I may need to cause an outbreak if the rulers of this world aren't willing to cooperate with me. Though, as it is, I think I may have trouble from the Churh of Light ( name of Leons faithful followers. ). But, if they get in my way, I'll just kill them all. Or until they leave me be anyway." I said with a shrug.
"I know what you mean, with my powers they labeled me a demon. All because of their pride and jealousy. Oh, I haven't told you of my powers have I? Sorry. But keep in mind like you, my powers are weaker than what they were." Morganna said apologetically.
"That understandable. Just tell me what I can expect from you in the future, should you chose to join me anyway." I said.
"Okay. I'm strong, really strong, and more than able to take care of myself in a fight. My strength may not be what it was once, but my skill and expereince haven't changed. I'm a preistess, so I can heal, at my best a lost arm is easily fixed. I'm blessed by two goddesses of life and I also have Dravos' blessing. My title 'Reaping Preistess' allows me to take energy from the dead/dying and channel it into recently deceased bodies. This allows me to raise my own soldiers to aid me in combat.
They won't rot while they have enegy in them, but they are useless for anything other than fighting. I can also make diseases, like your virus but not. Thats what I used to kep the bandits from taking me, they were dead the mooment they touched me. I can cure any disease I make so no worries there. Oh, and as an Amazonian who can draw the energy of the earth and the dead, I'm practicaly immortal! I can still die but time won't be the one to do it." Morgann said excitedly.
Wow. This woman was awesome! If she's that badass, then I can't wait to fight her at full power. I won't consume her though. Amatsu wanted to return the heroes to their own worl so thats what I'll do. For most of them anyway. If they don't want to go back, I'l consume them.
"I'm Nix. Normal adventurer." Nix said slightly sad sounding.
"Nonsense! That bear in Fort Triss was slaughtering 'normal' adventurers, but you crippled that thing! Normal my ass, your a great warrior, and one of my friends. Besides if thats not enough, then I could make you far from normal, but I know how you feel about that. Just never think your not good enough to run with me, cause even if your strength isn't needed, you consul and freindship will always be welcome." I said, trying to cheer her up. Which it apparently did as she sported a smile, instead of a frown.
"So, Morganna. Do you want to help me end the world as they know it?" I asked her, smiling from ear to ear.
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