《Legacy Of The Prototypes》Ch.5
Alec pov
The feeling of mutation was diminishing as I flexed my new hands. Man, I've missed having powers. Now that I have atleast one of them back I feel better about this adventure of mine. I smile to myself, but something feels off about my mouth. Changing my hand back to normal, I try feeling around my mouth. Huh? What the?... Oh,wow. I didn't think I would get anything other than the bears claws, but it seems I got an unexpected gift. My mouth now has some seriously dangerous teeth!
They aren't like shark teeth or anything, but they could do some damage if I had to use them. Wait. I didn't absorb the head. How do I have its teeth? Was it the demon parasite? Maybe.... If its the cause of the bears unusaul growth, then it would have a genetic template with in it. Was that it? Meh, who cares. Free mutation!
'Brother, are you all right? I can sense that your different now. Stronger.' Fenris says, sniffing my hands.
'Yeah. I'm fine. The bears claws have been successfully acquired, with better teeth too. You'll love them.' I tell him. I feel like I'm forgetting something though. What was it?
Oh, right. People. Better get a move on.
'Fenris, you carry Nix.' I told him.
Nix was still down and out, so I grabbed her, her equipment, and threw her over his shoulder. Making sure she wasn't going to drop, I grabbed the head and started to run towards the guards on the edge of the woods. I was hoping that most of the adventurers were spread to thin to hinder me, or that they were already out of the woods as late as it was getting. Fenris followed me after grabbing the head. If people saw me and Nix I could explain it given her injuries. But if they saw Fenris with the head, they would try to take it.
As I ran through the woods, I was using my echo sense to see if anyone was near us. I had forgotten to use it while hunting due to my excitement. Maybe next time.
We ran through the woods, avoiding the other hunters. Which considering that we could share thoughts instantly, wasn't very hard. Almost ran into a group at one time, but that was because their were quite a few groups. I could have taken a more direct route, but killing them wouldn't have gained me anything. If anything it would have attracted attention to us.Although, once we exited the woods and meet with the guards, the is no way to stay hidden afterwards.
As we exited the woods there was still a few hunters hanging around, watching their horses and anyone that came out. Though with the gaurds watching them, there wasn't much they could do but watch. With almsot every one staring at use, we walked towards the guards.
"Would you gentlemen mind escorting us back to town? I need a healer for my freind, and to collect the bounty for this." I asked, motioning to Nix and showing them the bear head.
They were a bit annoyed when I approached them, but after seeing the bears' head their attitude changed.
"Mount up!" shouted the captian. The other gaurds rushed to their horses, even brought me one since Fenris had Nix on his back. One of the guards brought me a bag for the head.
"To the city, men." said the captain. Taking the reins of his horse, we galloped to the city. Leaving the other adventurers at the woods. They blew various horns, presumably to recall their parties.
As we neared the city wall, the guardsmen at the gate had already cleared the road of people and had the gate open. As we made our way through the streets we were forced to slow our pace to a walk. People were crowded on the streets, many staring towards us. The guards on horseback was formed around Fenris and I, and a few more were on foot clearing the way through the crowds.
After some shoving, we passed through the castle gate. The roads were wider here, the sides occupied with various buildings, and house that were better than the ones in town. The people here were dressed better, and by better I mean very rich like. They also looked towards us, but they had that snobby kinda look about them. We must be in the wealthier part of town.
"I don't mean to be rude, how long is this going to take? My friend needs medical attention, now." I ask the guard captain. I asked him in an attempt to distract myself from the people I now wanted to kill. Fenris was more cross at them than I, the horses near him could feel his aggression, and they didn't like it.
''When we arrive at the castle yard, she'll be taken to the healers for care. The lord may want to meet with you personally." said the captian. He was patting his horse, attempting to calm it down.
A tense walk later, we arrived at another gate. This gate was more fortified than the other two were. More guards too. After a quick explanation from the captian had the guards stepping aside for us. Just like before the buildings here were different. Training yards, stables, barracks,and government offices. The people were mostly soldiers, and a few beuaracrats. They looked at us like all the others, but unlike the others, they only stared briefly before going on they way.
As we near the castle, I notice a small wall, more of a fence, built around the castle. On the other side was green grass, flowers and a few fountains. We trotted along the circular driveway, stopping in front of the castle steps. Waiting for us was some soldiers, some people in white robes, and the guy who spoke at the square earlier.
"Good evening adventurers." One of the soldiers and robed men ran towards Nix. Fenris growled ,and beared his teeth,effectively stopping them.
" We are trying to heal the girl, peasant. If your mongrel tries anything I'll have it killed." shouted one of the robed men. He was acting very much like a nobleman. Probably only helping because he had too. I hope all nobles are like this. If so I think I'll be killing alot of 'important' people.
'Fenris,let them heal Nix. Go with them, if they try anything other than that, kill them.'
"Then heal her,but he is going with you. If you try anything you shouldn't, you will die asshole." I tell the robed man, as I dismounted my horse.
"How dare you! Do you know who I am?!" the robed man shouted.
"I don't know, and I don't care. Heal her. Captain can we proceed with collecting the bounty?" I said cutting the man off as he was going to retort. I really don't want to deal with people like him right now. Nix needs to be healed, I need to pass the mutations to Fenris, get paid, and plan my next move.
"Uh, yes. This way." the captain said, ushering me pass the furious man. We climbed the steps to the castle doors, only a few gaurds followed us, Douglas was leading the way. As we passed the foyer the place became more eloquent. Various pieces of decor were placed to give the castle a more beautiful feel. Maids, and butlers moved busily about their tasks, only sparing a passing glance our way. Every now and then soldiers were seen patrolling the hall ways,or idly standing guard. Douglas led us to a fairly large room not far from the foyer.
"We'll have to verify the head with the survivor. You may wait in here, Mr?" Douglas asked as I went into the room.
"Alec" I said looking around. The room looked to be for social occasions, sofas and lounges circled the room, leaving a open floor in the middle. Sensing that Douglas was still there, I turned towards him.
"Was there something else?" I asked.
"No, I will be back shortly. Please don't leave the room." Douglas said, before leaving.
I took a seat on one of the sofas, which were fairly soft, and I waited. I hate waiting for other people to get their stuff done. I'll check on Nix while I wait.
'Fenris, show me what they have done.' I thought to him. the response I get is his memories from when we split in the yard. The robed men had taken Nix to what appeared to be a chapel/infirmary wing of the castle towards the back of the castle. So that made the robed men preists, probably of Leon or Theo. The man that pissed me off earlier was the head preist here, judging by the way the other people acted towards him. They set her down on one of the tables, and some of the preistess' began to remove Nixs' armor and clothes. After that they had a look at the damage, before draping a sheet over her for modesty sake.
They had examined Nixs' injuries, they weren't good. She had fractures in both arms, as well as one of her hands, her right shoulder had been dislocated. Two fractured ribs, severe bruising on the right side of her body, and a concusion They were dicussing her treatment options now, not that there were many. They had brought over various poultices and potions, but they weren't ment for injuries as this. One of the younger preistess pointed towards a case, and suggested to use the potions inside.
"Father. Why don't we use the healing potions over there? They can heal injuries like this with no problem." Said the young preistess.
"WHAT?! You want to use a Greater Healing potion on her? Do you know how much those cost?!" shouted the headpreist.
"But, she needs it Father. Gia teaches that a life is of greater value than monatery wealth. We can save her, so we should." answered the young preistess. Sometimes idealists are great, don't you think?
"I will not use such a precious commodity on a nobody adventurer! Prepare for surgery, we'll amputate her right arm before it becomes infectious." said the headpriest He began moving towards Nix.
Fenris moved infront of Nix, snarling at anyone that came near her with a knife.
'Fenris, motion towards the potions they were talkin about. If they can't get the message I'll come have a chat with them.' I sid to him.
Fenris stopped snarling, and raised his paw into the air, pointing towards the case on the wall. This confused the preists till they started looking where he was pointing.
"How can it know what those are?"
"Could he understand what we were talking about?"
"It knows they are there, we won't be able to avoid using them know. Dammit, those things cost us a small fortune. You go get one of them! You wanted to use them, well now you'll treat her." said the highpreist towards the younger preistess angrily. He walked towards the chapel, leaving the room. Many of the preists followed, not wanting to risk Fenris killing them or upsetting their superior. Only some of the other preistess' remained, though they stayed away from Fenris. So they weren't much help.
The young preistess grabbed two small bottles from the case, then she hurried back to Nix. It was glowing a faint pink, not like a hot pink, more like a gentle pink with a soft glow. Fenris moved to Nixs' side, allowing the preistess to work. She poured the potions into her mouth slowly enough for her to swallow. Little by little until she had finished one of the bottles.
"We have to give the first potion time to work. If she isn't healed enough after a few moments, I'll give her the second bottle." the preistess stess said. She headed over to the other preistess', they bagan talking in hurried wispers.
I finished reveiwing Fenris' memories just in time to hear footsteps approaching the door. The door opened, Douglas andtwo guards and the survivor from Bur walked in. The survivor looked better now, not by a lot but he was getting there.
"Alec, this is Ben. Ben was the only survivor from Bur, so he'll identify the head. If you'd please show it to him." Douglas said, motioning to Ben.
"Sure, here." I said pulling the head out of the bag. Ben walks towards it shakingly, and stares at it.
"T-Thats it. I can't beleive it. You killed it, thank you. Thank you." Ben said, shaking my hand over and over.
"Your welcome, Ben. So who has my money?" I asked, looking towards Douglas and the guards. Both parties had an expression that looked both sour and suprised. Guess 20 gold was more than they would've like to part with.
"I can have it ready momontarily, Mr. Alec. The lord has extended an invitation to you and your party members to join him for a celebratory dinner. After your companion recovers, of course. In the mean time you are welcome to stay at the castle as the lords' quest." Douglas said, handing me an invitation from his robes. Not sure about a party, I've never been to one before. I'll see what Nix thinks.
"I'll think about it. For now though I'll be with my companions. You can bring the money to the infirmary. If someone can show me the way." I said, making sure not to refuse outright, but not agreeing either.
"Very well, I will inform his lordship of your decision. The guards will escort you to the infirmary, the money will be there shortly." Douglas said, before he and Ben left the room. I could tell he wasn't happy about me not agreeing right away, but he knew I was being reasonable. So there wasn't much he could do about it now.
I followed the guards to the infirmary, not that I actually needed directions to it. A noticed a few preists looking a bit sour in the chapel, clearly disgruntled about the use of the Greater Heal potion. Or maybe they didn't like that a preistess of Gia overruled them. I'll just let them be for now.
I entered the infirmary, passing the preistess' who were still talking in the corner, I went over to Nix's bed. Fenris was still there, silently guarding her. She was already looking better, after taking the first potion. Her arms no longer looked broke, though they were in a wooden splint now. The bruises that had been black and blue, now were turning a shade of green showing improvement. Thats not to say she would be healed today, no the injuries were better, but they were far from healed. My thinking was interupted by the preistess from earlier.
" She's doing better now, her life threatening injuries have been healed. However, she will still need a day or two of rest to fully recover, and one more dose of Greater Heal." she said. Looking towards me she went on to explain the specifics of Nix's well being.
"The bones may have been reset to their right place but some were still fractured. She will have to keep the splint till she's fully recovered, just to be safe she shouldn't fight unless her life depends on it. Her internal bruising should have stopped swelling now, the next dose should see it healing soon. Her concussion wasn't serious, just enough to put her down. She will be up latter tommorrow, probably. If we didn't have any Greater Heal here, she would have lost her right arm, and more than likely, her internal bleeding would have killed her. I apologize, but we don't have anyone here that is blessed with the gift of healing." she said with a slight bow towards me.
"Its fine you saved her, thats more than the others tried. If there is anything I can do to repay you, let me know." I tell her. I meant what I said too. Her injuries were brought about by me. If I had fought smarter, or harder, she may not have been so greiviously injured. I have one of my powers back now, I won't have to fight like a human anymore. I'll be the monster they'll fear for the rest of their very short lives. And I'll protect whats mine, no matter who doesn't like it.
"Well, the-" "Mr. Alec? Are you here?" interupted a guard. There were two guards standing in the doorway of the infirmary, next to a short man carrying a small chest. The short man, was well short, he only came up to chest height to the guards. His full brown beard, which hung to his chest, was braided in knots. I think I've found my first Dwarf.
"I'm Alec. I assume thats my money right?" I asked.
"Yes, it is." said the short man as he walked towards us.
"My name is Tully. I'm the treasure's aide, and I have twenty gold coins for you. And thank you for killing that thing. Its atacks on people in the sorrounding areas have really hurt our city." Tully siad as he opened the chest to reveal gold coins, already in a pouch. I took them and counted, which didn't seem to upset him at all, there were twenty coins.
"Sorry, always check. Hey Tully, before you leave can I ask yor a question?" I asked as he was turning around.
"Sure, as long as it isn't about the city treasury." Tully said jokingly.
"Are you a dwarf? Not to be rude, I just never ran into one before." I asked.
"Yes, I am. Its the height and the beard right? And its fine, we usaully don't settle this far from the Black mountain. So your curiousity means no offense. If you get the chance you should go there. A strong man like yourself could find good work there. I'm sorry but I have duties to attend to." Tully said. With a polite bow, he and the guards left.
"Sorry about that, you were saying?" I said turning towards the preistess.
"Well, you could repay me with a prayer to Gia, and a donation to the church. Of course if you would rather thank lord Leon, or lord Theo, that is your call." she said. She said the last part like she had to, but didn't want to.
"I've never prayed to the gods before, but if that will square our debt, then why not. Oh, and here. Put it to some good use." I said, handing here five gold coins
"Never? Oh, thank you so much! Follow me, Alec. Now when you get to the statue of our goddess, kneel and bow your head. You don't have to speak your prayer out loud, only a few feel the need to do that. Speak it with your heart and mind, she will hear you." she said. She motioned the other preistess' to follow while she walked towards the chapel. Which they did, albeit with curious looks on their faces.
When we entered the chapel I noticed that most of the other preist had gone. All but the asshole headpreist from this morning and a few preists. Now that I cared to get a look at the preists, I noticed that their robes indicated who the worshiped primarily. Leons' preists had gold trimmings down the front of the robe, Theo had blue and grey trimmings, and Gias' had brown trimmings. The headpreist of this chapel worshiped Leon apperantly.
The chapel was simple in design, benches were in rows with a walk way leading to statues of the divine. Leon was in the center, Theo was to the right, and Gia was to the left. A pulpit was to the left for the preists or preistess to speak about their gods.The other two preists noticed us as we neared the statues.
"Ah, the brave adventurer who defeated the beast! How may we humble preists be of service today? Perhaps you would like to take our potions for the road?" The headpreist asked, the sarcasm on his voice was thick and his tone was mocking.
"Drop the tone asshole, if I wanted to talk to you I would have approached you. But I didn't, so go suck on lord Leon's small pillar of light..... While you still can." I said brushing him aside. The last part was in a whisper only he could have heard. I continued to the statue of Gia.
The preists and preistess' were shocked at what I said. I, a mortal, had insulted the lord of light and suggested that one of his devote preists should suck on his small manhood. And I wasn't struck down for it. The head preist was furious, but before he could do anything, the other preists hauled him towards the other end of the chapel. Though the preists of Leon were saying things like, 'I'll be smited, I was a heretic, Judgment will come, yadda yadda.', you know the usaul.
After the preists had left the preistess' knelt down to pray, probably for my 'poor' soul. So I knelt down to say my thanks.
'Gia, its me Alec. You know the 'hero' you gods summoned, can you hear me?' I asked.
I felt kinda stupid kneeling to a statue, instead of like a tree. That represents life more than a stone building, right? I waited for a response, but after a moment I neither heard or felt one, so I decide to be on my way.
Before I could move on that decision though, I felt the familiar tingle of divine energy. Opening my eyes I saw the statue of Gia was radiant with energy, basking the chapel in light. It was so bright yet it didn't hurt to look at, it felt warm but not hot. Judging by the gasps that were heard, I wasn't the only one that noticed it. It felt like like a mothers embrace, full of love and acceptance, but also of unspoken power and domination. Like it was saying,' I love you with the purest love a mother can have. But I brought you into this world. and I can take you out of it.'. I didn't feel it when I was in their presence last time. Must have been God protecting me from His presence earlier. Compared to Him, these guys were nothing. So I assume the protection wore off on the way down.
The preistess went fom kneeling in prayer, to standing up startled, to where they were now. On the floor with their heads bowed in reverance. The other preists in the back had sunk to their knees as well. Though they bowed, it felt lacking, reluctant almost. I was the only one looking towards the statue at this point.
'Alec! Don't go, we need to talk!' Gai said, with a hint of franticness. Whatever it was must be important.
'I'm not going any where, Gia. Do you want to talk first or should I?' I asked.
'Um.... You first, but don't take forever.Okay?' Gia answered.
'Okay, sure thing. I was just giving my thanks for your preistess over here for saving Nix's arms and her life. She said I should thank you. So thanks, if they couldn't save her I would've had to step in. Oh, are you alright with me changing Fenris like I did?' I said. I didn't want her pissed at me for doing things my way. Amatsu said whatever, but it be better if I didn't have to worry about sneaky paybacks.
'Well, your welcome. I try to teach them to value life more than anything else. Doesn't make me the most popular god on Agar, but if it helps people thats all that matters. And I'm okay with what you did for him. You saved him from death and gave hime a chance. Just don't go overboard with it, okay?' Gia said. She sounded sincere, so good enough for me.
'I won't. So? What did you need? It sounded urgent.' I asked
'Well, heres the thing. After you were sent down to Agar, Amatsu-Mikaboshi had us locate any of our remainng champions that weren't with the empire. So we did, and I found one of mine. The last one actually. She was being held captive by some of Leons fanatics. So I had Leon clean up his mess, and freed her. Now this is were you come in, Alec. I sent her to Junction City. I was going to send her straight towards you, but Amatsu said to send her there instead. Its the only functional chaos temple left in the Frontier. The others are ruins too broken down to use or are in different regions all together.' Gia said. She was dumping alot on me, but I didn't see where I came into this.
'What do you want me to do? Head towards Junction City?' I asked.
'Well, she has been inprisoned for a long time, like a really long time, she is weak right now and in danger. Don't ask if you can help her, she will be captured by bandits soon anyway. But thats the beauty of it, they are going to take her to the border to sell her to slavers in the empire! They'll be headed your way, she wasn't far from Junction city when she was caught. I want you to intercept them, follow the road and you'll run into them. Kill them and free her, she may join you, and she may not. Like I said earlier, she's been lockd up for awhile. Thres a lot of resentment.'' Gai said.
' Fine I'll do it. But if she's useless, you'll have to fiqure something out because she won't be coming with me. Hey, do you know where I can find more unusual creatures?' I said.
'Thanks Alec. Oh, I'd be wary around some of Leons followers. They can be fanatical, especially if they see you use your powers. And I'm sorry but I can't tell you where to find them, but I can give you a nudge in their dirrection But for now head to Junction City. Oh and tell that preistess to go and touch the statue, so I can give her a gift for her devote service. Bye, and be safe. ' Gia said as the radiant light disappated from the statue, there was still a glow to it though. Every one started getting up now that the energy that was radiating around the room was gone.
"D-did you just speak to Gia? What did she want from you?" the preistess asked. Her and the others were looking at me incrediously.
"Yes I did, though that wasn't what I expected. She gave me a job to do, and a gift for you." I told her.
"Me?" she asked confused.
"Yes, you. I put in a good word for you, so she wants to reward you. Place your hands on the statue, and recieve your reward." I told her while I gently nudged her towards the statue. She placed her hands on the statue, and the energy began to be absorbed into her skin. She didn't scream so I assume it didn't hurt. strange symbols began to appear on her hands, four loops feeding back into eachother.( celtic eternity knot ). As the last of the light disappeared into her hands, I turned to leave the chapel, only to be confronted by Leons preists. The preists of Theo just walked towards the preistess' wanting to see the mark for themselves.
"What did Gia say to you? Why did she speak only to you, huh? You think your more holy than us?" they said. Clearly there is some issues with their pride here.
"I'm under no obligation to tell you people anything. Maybe if you got your heads out of your 'holier than thou' asses, you would hear better. And I don't think I'm more holy than you, far from it actually. Its just sometimes the gods need monsters to fix what men have failed to do." I said as I walked threw them. Moving the one that didn't want to step aside. They stood their with mouths agape.
I sat with Nix and Fenris the rest of the day. Servants tried to have me move to one of the rooms for guests, but I would ask for food instead, remaining with Nix. The preistess' thanked me over and over. Apparently the preistess had been blessed with healing hands, and plants now would grow faster and healthier around her. She asked how she could repay me for my good word to Gia. I told her she could find a Jarl Url, and be the preistess of his village. They had been displaced by an imperial raid, and were without a divine repesentative. She could find him near the Great Wall, were he was going to try to relocate his people.
Or she could stay here and continue helping that asshole, who was now clearly jealous of her. Not a safe place to be. These forts and towns out here were like city-states, very little in the way of protection from threats inside and out. She actually agreed to leave, well her and a few of the younger preistess'. They thought the headpreist here was a narcissistic ass. Thankfully they left me alone after awhile, and the night passed quietly. As did the next day.
Nixs pov.
Ugh.... Damn, I hurt.... What? Last I remember was the bear. Oh, shit. The bear.
"Alec!" I screamed bolting upright, only to fall down as a wave of dizziness set upon me. Wow. Not a good idea. When my vission returned I noticed I was in a bed. A chapels infirmary actually. Wich explaianed why my arm was in a splint, but not how I got here. I felt a hand grab me, which caused me to jump up again. Turning around I see Alec withdrawing his hand.
"Don't do that! You spooked me." I said, trying to calm down. Why couldn't he have said something first?
"Well. you seemed pretty dazed and dizzy. So I thought I'd help you in case you feel back down." Alec said, sitting back down on the neighboring bed. Fenris was laying next to him looking at a bird in the window.
"Where are we, and what happened in the woods? Don't tell me you gave up the hunt because of me!" I asked, getting more frantic. Why would he give up the hunt because of me? That would be nice, but very unfortunate for him. The bear was a oppurtunity not seen often.
"Slow down. One question at a time. We are back in Fort Triss, the castles infirmary actually. And as for what happened in the woods, well thats simple. I killed the bear after you bit the dust. Good work by the way, I would've had a much harder time without you there." Alec said smiling. Well, I'm glad to hear he thinks that highly of me, though at the moment I feel like I failed. I should have expected it to swing at me. I got hit hard, and left the fight unfinished.
"How did you kill it? That thing threw me across the clearing! With its back hand." I asked. I know Alec was stronger than he should be, but that wasn't a normal bear either.
"Well, I punched. Like alot." Alec said.
"......." I couldn't speak. What?! He punched it. That it? The thing that took a lot of effort to hurt with weapons. And he kills it with punching? He is so.... weird?
"Okay, if thats what you say happened, then it did." I tell him. He smiles at that.
"Don't beleive me?" Alec asked.
"I don't feel like your lying, but it sounds unreal" I said. I just accepted that he was unusaul, even for a summoned, and hoped he wasn't this crazy all the time.
"Oh, since your up, I need your opinion on something." Alec said breaking me from my thoughts.
"Okay. What is it?"I asked.
"We were invited to a celebratory dinner for killing the bear. I haven't answered them yet, because you were down and I didn't trust the preists here. But since your up now they'll want an answer soon. So, should we go, or continue on?" Alec said.
"To be honest, I don't like parties with nobles all that much. Especially ones I don't know well. But if you don't have anywhere to be, we could go." I said. I really hope he doesn't want to go.
"Good, we'll head out immediately. Gai, gave me a task to do while you were recovering. Oh, don't worry about fighting or anything like that, me and Fenris got it this time. You need to rest for a bit, preistess' orders." Alec siad as he stood up. Yeah, I'm traveling with a demon-bear puncher who does the gods errands like they were a grocery list. So much for not being crazy all the time....
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8 78 - In Serial32 Chapters
Hearthfire Ascendent
After taking an oath, Jack finds himself in an unfamiliar world and body. He must master his powers to protect the people he is sworn to save from the ravages of war. The world of Terra Cognita is about to be torn apart by war. Each country is marshaling their forces for the oncoming conflict, only one man has the gumption to defy inevitable disaster from overtaking the land. Jack Hearth, an Earthling suddenly finds himself standing up for the forgotten and downtrodden in a world of titanic powers that would rather see him fail. This is the story of a man whose only desire is to see his people with hearth and home as well as the tale of his rise. This is an updated version of the fiction Cornerstone. Chapters will update once a week on Saturday afternoon.
8 100 - In Serial75 Chapters
A world from which magic is gone. People turned into non-humans. Destroyed civilization and an ordinary man, our contemporary, caught in an alien body by the will of either the gods or a psychic loser. What awaits him? Days in sewers, fear of not waking up in the evening, madness, which every minute erodes consciousness, fading emotions, hatred of the living...If the whole world is against you, change the rules of the game. Find true friends, build a home and make fate take over. Even if not immediately, even if slowly, like a worm, but you must move only forward.T.N.Celesta or Sprouts of Dead World it's Roman Artemyev's novel. The first book of the Dark Mother series.
8 109 - In Serial18 Chapters
Tharntype ♥️
Even though tharntype series are over the hangover of series still remained so the story continues on my own... hope you will love it.
8 138