《Legacy Of The Prototypes》Ch.4 Money and Power


After Nix gathered up some supplies, said her goodbyes, we had departed from the village. I was excited to be on the move. A chance to see new things, and to hunt new prey. Nix was abit somber about leeaving her father, but I promised her that we would meet up with them later.

I say later, because Jarl Url had said he'd been thinking about moving the village south. He hoped he could use a few of his old favors and friends to get his people behind the massive wall. I think its a good idea, not like that village was anything special.

That was a few days ago, and we've been making good progress since then. Nix refused to ride Fenris unless I gave my word that we would not be running like last time. So we settled on a good jogging pace, about the speed of a trotting horse, and we've only had to stop when we made camp or to eat. We havn't ran into any other complacations yet, no bandits or monsters, but Nix said its because we so far out on the Frontier. So as we get closer to the trade routes we'll probably met some bandits.

When we would make camp, Nix and I would converse and tell stories, since there wasn't anything else going on. I told her what I knew about Earth and how I had to live in Manhattan. Which she said sounded like the stories soldiers would tell about the demon continent. Then she would tell me about her travels or her fathers stories.

Apparently she was a adventurer around here, though she never went more than a few settlements away from the village. She wanted to be able to aid her father should the need be, as was the case when an old freind of hers tipped her off about the empires attack on her village. So she never went near the the northern or the western Edges of the Frontier. Though she would like to see the the Gaurdians, meet the other races, and travel to the famous Star Fall Fortress, if given the chance. Now she has that chance, because all of that is what I intend to do....

"We should be almost to Bur. Its a small hamlet near Fort Triss. We could restock our supplies there, maybe sleep in an actual bed?" Nix said. She tried to make it sound like it was up to me, but I could tell she wanted to rest comfortably tonight. All that bouncing around probably made her tush sore.

"Sure, we'll stay the night. How far is it from Fort Triss?" I asked.

"Well its about a week of walking, give or take. But at this rate, less." Nix said as we continued to jog...

A few hours later(insert voice of sponge cartoon here)....

"What happened here?" Nix asked, though I knew she wasn't actually loking for an answer from me .

We had arrived at the hamlet of Bur, or what used to be the Bur. All we could see as we walked down the road was blood stains, splintered doors, and strange claw marks on the buildings. I'd sen the marks the hind bears had left on trees in the old woods, but these were massive. Whatever left those must have been at least three times the size of a regular bear. I felt a chill go up my spine, as my heart beat a little bit faster. I had missed this sensation, the thrill you get when you found something extraordinary.

'Alpha. I have a scent but its old. A day or two, maybe.' Fenris thought


' I don't sense any danger either, but stay alert.' I thought back

" No bodies. So either it didn't leave anything behind or this attack happened some time ago." Nix said as see scanned the area. She hadn't let go of her spear since we got here.

"So shall we stay here or continue on to Fort Triss? I doubt there's anyone left here." I told her.

"We'll go to Fort Triss. They may know what happened here, if not we should warn them. We'll have to hurry too, they close the gate at night. And I don't want to stay out in the open with whatever was here anymore than I have too." Nix said climbing on to Fenris.

"If we run throw the night we can be there in a few days." I said as me and Fenris bolted out of there. I'm not afraid of it, but I'd rather know what I'm hunting before it starts hunting me.

All through the night Fenris and I were on high alert, while we ran as fast as we could. And thankfully nothing happened the whole night. We stopped only for Nix to releive herself or to eat, then we were back to running. We did this for two days, then on the third day we saw the walls of Fort Triss approaching. It look s like a walled city with a castle on the northern wall. Facing the direction of the demon continent. There seemed to be only one gate, facing away from the castle.

'Slow down Fenris, we don't need to spook these guys into shooting use.' I tell him. As we get closer, we both go to a walking pace and Nix gets off of Fenris. Up ahead there appears to be a small caravan at the gate.

"Anything I should know before we get there,Nix?" I asked.

"They'll search your bags, compare your face with wanted posters, and probably have you do something with Fenris. Companons aren't anything new, but yours is a variant of an armored wolf. Thy may ask you to leash him or a muzzle. I'm sorry." Nix said queitly as we join the line to get in.

They throw startled and nervous glances at us as we stand there. I wave at them and the turn towards the front, stepping away from us. Rude people. As we approach the gate, the gaurds notice us, or more to the point they see Fenris with us. One of them runs inside the door, he returns a few moments later with more gaurds and what I presume to be some one in charge.

"Halt, traveller. State your name and business, and explain your companion!" shouted the gaurd.

"My name is Nix Verto. We've come to use the Guild, and deliver news of an attack on Bur. These are my companions, Alec and his armored wolf." Nix said taking the lead.

"We we informed of the attack on Bur yesterday by the few survivors that escaped. We'll have to verify that your companion wasn't responsible for the attack. They said it was a strange animal, so restrain it or we will." said the gaurd as the other gaurds moved their hands to their weapons.

"That won't be needed gentleman. Fenris won't bite unless I tell him to. If you want to get a witness to the attack, go ahead. But the marks left in Bur suggests a larger animal, like a bear not a wolf." I said.

"Stay here and bind his mouth with this." said the gaurd as he threw some leather strips to me. Another gaurd had taken off earlier, was now returning with some one in tow. It was a teen, he looked starved and exhausted. He looks at Fenris for awhile, then turns towards the gaurds.


"Thats not it." he said before walking away.

"Alright you can enter, but cause any trouble and you'll deal with us!" said the gaurd trying to sound tough. To bad for them, I've eaten scarier things for breakfast.

"Come on, Alec. The giuld is in the center of the Fort Triss, next to the marketplace. There also a nice inn there, we could stay the night, then move out in the morning." Nix said as we passed through the gateWalking through the streets of Fort Triss you could see a noticably deference to Urls' village. Here there were two story houses and shops. People went about there lives with little fear, conversing and working without care. They had strong walls, a castle full of soldiers, and if there was an attack by the demons, they would have plenty of time to flee. Their distance from the Gaurdians allowed them a buffer of space.

We continued to walk for a bit, then the number of people around us started to increase. The reason was obvious, we had arrived at the market. Stalls of various things, and merchants trying to entice people to buy. None of it looked useful to me though. As we made our way through the crowds, I noticed quite a lot of stares at us. Brushing those aside, we made our way to a fairly large building. The sign on the front made intraductions not needed.

"Here we are. The Guild, home to bounty hunters, adventurers, and mercs. If they don't have information on strange monsters, then somebodies not telling them about it." Nix said.

*Ting*(bell on top of door)

We entered the lobby, only to be met with a small room with only a counter and walls covered with parchments. Nix kept walking to the counter, so I followed her. When we arrived at the counter, an older lady approached.

"Well dont stand there all day! What do you want?" said the grouchy old lady

"We'd like information on strong or abnormal monsters, and an adventurers license for him." Nix said as she pointed to me.

"One license and an animal permit. 30 silver. Fill these forms out, the license will be ready in about an hour. We serve meals and refreshments in the back, if you want to wait. All the current monster bounties are on the left wall. Just after the errand requests, any information not provided on the poster will cost you." Old lady said. (monsters being the term used for animals or predators causing enough trouble to warrant an official hunt.)

After digging threw the bag Jarl Url gave me, I handed her 30 silver, which left me with about 1gold, and 46 silver. Then we headed towards the left wall. Lets see, errand,errand, errand, and bingo. Found the monster posters. We looked through them while but most were for either wolves or feral dogs harassing livestock or bear sightings. No mention of whatever attacked Bur. Maybe they haven't posted it yet? Guess I'll check the wanted posters for bandits we may encounter...


A few minutes into looking at wanted posters, the door opened. I wouldn't care about it normally, but the people that entered had me curious. Some city gaurds and an official looking guy came in. They paid no mind to me after a guick glance, and went to the poster board for monsters. After they pinned a expensive looking paper to the board they left.So naturally we went and had a look at it.

It read: The Lord of Fort Triss has issued a bounty of 20 gold for the monster responsible for the attack on Bur. All are allowed to participate, equipment will not be provided. For details meet at the public square, located in front of the castle gates, at noon tomorrow.


"Well, at least we know where we're going tomorrow. Can we stay at that inn I told you about earlier.? The rooms at the Guild aren't very comfortable." Nix stated.

"So long as it doesn't cost alot I see no problem with it. Not much we can do today anyway." I said.

After a while of conversing about what equipment I should get, since I didn't actually have any. My light armor skin didn't count as I would try to keep it hidden. She argued for leather armor with metal over vital areas. Light, flexable, most adventures used it starting out. But I told her that with my strength I woulld be quick with steel plate, probably.

Before we could get into it seriously, the old lady returned with my license.

It was a small metal bracelet, with my name and 'ADV.', which stood for adventurer. Fenris got a collar that read like mine did. The old lady explained some of the workings of the Guild. If you kill someone you will be investigated and jailed, if guilty. They collect a fee on all bounties from the people who post it along ith the reward money. So the reward is all yours.

The bracelet was a means to identify my profession. Because it appears they don't like beggars, so this will prevent the gaurds from harassing me about it. There were no ranks, no limitations placed on available bounties. If you picked a bouty to kill a pack of wolfs, and you didnt have a weapon? Sucks to be you.

After getting my bracelet 'license', we headed to the inn Nix mentioned. Luckily it wasn'tto far from the marketplace. She suggested reting a room before doing any shopping, and I agreed. Walking through the market you could hear everyone talking about the hunt for the 'Fort Triss monster' as they called it. Some discounted the bounty as a joke from the city lord. Others boasted how they were gona kill, or what they would use the reward on.

I wasn't concerned about them trying to kill my hunt, I did need bait after all.

The inn was called the 'Drunk Bastard', which I thought was a good name for a bar. Most didn't pay us much when we entered, other than some leers at Nix, the rest went on about drinking and being drunk. They all however took notice of Fenris walking behind us. Luckily for them they noticed the collar before swords were drawn. Dropping a bar full of bodies probably wouldn't be a good thing.

"That yours?" asked the bartender pointing towards Fenris. Seriously? Its obvious hes a wolf, so poor education aside, that is the best you can do?

"If by 'that', you mean my companion. Then yes, he is mine. Is there a problem?" I asked.

"Yeah there is. No animals inside, he goes to the stalls. If he harms the other animals he gets killed." said the bartender.

"That's fine. How much is a room for two nights? A nice room." I asked.

"For a common room its 50 copper. The only room we have better is the minor suite. Its 2 silvers a night, meals and baths included. Another 2 for the animal." said the bartender.

"Okay. Here you go." I said handing him 6 silvers. Which he guickly swipped off the counter.

"Here's you room key. The stalls are in the back, to the right of the alley. Have a good day, sir." said the bartender while he handed me the key. Seems after getting paid he's a much happier man. I handed the key to Nix, while I put Fenris in the stall. Man those animals were freaking out with him in there. I know he won't eat any of them, I told him not to. He did find it funny when I put him in the stall. Saying ' Is this wooden door really going to save them if I decide to kill them?' I just explained that not staying there would cause us more headaches, and keep us here longer. He brightened when I told him he could kill anyone that tried something.

After putting Fenris away, Nix and I went to see an about armors and weapons. I think something like a hammer, for my strength, and maybe a sword as backup. A solid sheild would be nice too. Hm... Maybe some leather with plates? It'll probably be discarded at some point, as I gain more of my abilities back.

We found a weapons shop and an armorers shop. They were built together, so you could shop for everything you needed to stay alive. Also because it was ran by twins. The armorer asked what I would like, something strong that wouldn't make alto of noise when I moved. So after some tests with various weighted armors, he suggested a hardened leather peice that had a chest plate underneath, with some cloth for comfort. 'You have to be comfortable with your armor if your going to be dying in it' he said. So I asked it to be in dark colors, black preferably. He told me it would be ready tomorrow.We also got some cloaks with hoods, just in case we needed it for the weather. Or to do something shady Mine was black, while Nixs' was brown.

Nix told me her armor was still in good condition, so she didn't need a replacement yet. After confirming our purchuse the total was 80 silver,bringing me down to just 60 silver for weapons. Nix explained that I could have gotten armor cheaper at a merchants stall, but the quality would be much worse. So I would probably be broke after getting some weapons. So after a similar conversation with the weaponsmith, I purchased a plied round wood sheild, and a long sword. Not big enough to be a two handed sword but longer than a short sword. With these I feel as prepared as I can be for the hunt tomorrow. Also, I'm almost broke now. 20 copper is all I have left. Oh the price of quality throwaways. I may get some armor for Fenris at some point. At least till neither of us need it.

With preparations done, we turned for the night. I gave Nix the bed, and I promised not to do anything weird. I just laid on the sofa till morning....

The next morning I made my way to the first floor for breakfast, while Nix got prepared. I don't need to eat, but I can still taste things, and I was bored. The place was busy, but I mange to grab a table. The group of people headed towards it looked a bit miffed that I got there first, but too bad. A waiter came by for my order, a simple breakfast of eggs, sausage ,biscuits, and a fresh milk. I ordered the same for Nix, who arrived shortly after the waiter left.

"I'm sorry for sleeping so late, Alec. I didn't think I was that tired.'' Nix said as she sat down.

"Its fine, you needed the rest. The last couple days haven't been easy for you. Besides if you sleep to late I would have woken you up." I said.

"So, we're still on for the hunt right? I'll be honest, I'd rather not hunt something that can kill a village." Nix said.

"Your fear is understandable. You are afterall, only human. I'll do most of the fighting, I want you with me incase this hunt goes bad. If that happens I'd rather have you there to pull me out. Besides your pretty skilled, you'll be more than able to fight it." I said.

"Thank you for having faith in me. Oh, food." Nix said. The waiter placed our meal before us. And we dug in. Gotta say, for something I don't need to do. Tasting food is fun and delicious. Add trying food to my to do list.

After we ate we headed to the square. By the time we arrived it was fairly pacted, and we were abit early. We made our way to the middle of the square so we would be able to hear the announcment better. Would have moved closer, but the people in front were a bit territorial at this point. As it got closer to noon more people began to show up. Adventurers, mercy, and townsfolk. All here for the large bag of gold this monster was worth. Nix had told me that 20 gold was quite a bit of money. A common man would probably never earn that much in his lifetime. So their arrival was understandable. Too bad their greed driven courage would only get most of them killed.

*ding ding* *ding ding*

A bell chined as the front gate doors opened. Guards escorted a fancifully dressed man towards the center of the square, shoving aside those who didn't move at first. Most were already making room for them, only a few were to slow on the uptake. When they got to the center the guards placed a stand they had carried with them, and the fancy man stood on it. Clearing his throat, he began address the crowd. On closer inspection he seemed pretty average appearance wise. So probably some politician or noble.

"Good day to you people of Fort Truss, adventurers,and mercenaries. Some of you know who I am,but for those new or passing through, allow me to introduce my self. I am Douglas. Mcnullan, his lordships aide and advisor.

Now to what brought you here. The monster that attacked Bur was sighted yesterday morning in the woods to the east of Fort Triss. This creature can not be allowed to harm another village, and must be hunted immediately. His lordship is offering 20 gold to the one to kill it. Bring the head to verify your claim. Good luck!" Said Douglas, before he and the gaurds started walking away. After Douglas stopped speaking, everybody began to move away from the sqaur. Some went to collect their gear, others went towards the gate.

Nix and I made our way to Fenris, and after collecting him, we too made for the gate. We joined the many other groups headed toards the woods, those that had mounts speed off from the rest. Hoping to get a head start on the hunt, or to kill it before any one else. Nix and I hoped on Fenris, drawing some looks from those around us, we then trotted towards the woods. Faster than those walking, but slow enought to allow the ones on horseback to get there first, thus acting as bait. I wasn't concerned about somene killing it before us, but I was unsure if Fenris would be able to track it clearly with all the people moving around.

The woods to the east of Fort Triss weren't as far away as I thought they'd be. We reached it after only about an hour. The other hunters that ran here were already setting out into the woods. There horses were tied to some trees skirting the woods. City guards were stationed near by as to deter or apprehend any thieves. Also if someone did kill the animal, they could prevent everybody from trying to claim the credit.

'Fenris, do you think you can still find his scent?.' I asked him as Nix and I got off.

'If he has been here recently, I'll find him. I can't seem to forget scents like his.' Fenris said, nose all ready sniffing the air.

'His?' I asked curiously.

'Yes, he. I could tell when I caught the scent in Bur. Definitely male.' Fenris answered as he stared into the woods.

Well, the more you know.

"Nix, you and I will follow Fenris while he sniffs it out. When we encounter it, don't risk yourself for me, even if it looks like I'm dead. Go back to town if that happens. Other wise I want you to keep anyone from interfering with the fight. No witnesses." I said, drawing my sword and ready my sheild. Just in case he decides to pop out.

"What? As the champion of the Lord of Choas, your live is incomparably more valued then mine. I swore to my death to serve you. I have to protect you, with my life if I must." Nix said furiously, before she drew her weapons as well. Thankfully she wasn't being loud with her disapproval. Even though I told Jarl Url and his people about my status as a summoned, I was fairly certain they wouldn't go around shouting it out. Or atleast if they did tell someone about me, it would be after I had more of my powers ready.

I didn't want people hounding me till I was strong enough.

"Nix, you swore to obey me, and I gave you your orders. I know this may be hard to understand right now, but have some faith in me. One of the less pleasant quirks about what I am is that I can recover from injuries that are sure to kill most things. Trust in me okay? I haven't failed a god yet, and I don't intend to start now." I said, trying to calm her back down. I need her be to follow orders, even the ones that make no sense.

"Hmph. Fine. I'll do as you say, but this makes no sense of any kind." Nix said. She was still not happy with the plan.....

Some time later.

Fenris had found traces of its scent moments ago, so we were following him as quietly as possible. Most of the others hunters had been in the woods for some time, and they were making plenty of noise. Some trying to draw it into conflic, others were just inexperienced. Fenris said it was faint, but definitely fresh, and blowing on the wind. So either it had some serious body odor going on, or somebody found it and drew blood.

As we followed Fenris, I began to hear sounds of combat. Shouting, screaming, and I smelled blood. Lots of blood. The sounds of fighting grew louder as we followed the scent, so we picked up our pace. No use sneaking if its all ready fighting.

We found it! Well, to be fair we weren't the first. By the looks of it we were the fourth or fifth group to come across it. The numerous bodies littering the small clearing told us this. There was still another group fighting it, but they didn't look to be very effective anymore. Only four of them were left, and one was clawed badly.

But anyway, we weren't here for them. We were here for 'him'. Black fur, six arms, though one of them looked to be almost hacked off, and on all paws he could look down on a horse. Beautiful, powerful, and more importantly, he was perfect for consumption. But something had me curious. What was that on its back?

"Nix, do you what that thing is on its back?" I asked.

"Personally? I've never seen it before. But my father told me stories about the last war with the demons. Its some kind of sickness demons have, though they never seemed affected by it. If demon blood came in contact with an open wound, or if an animals ate it in desperation, they get infected. Most die a horribly painful death. But sometimes, rarely, if you survive the infection it changes you. A parasite grows on the body, it can't be removed without killing the host. You become mindless with rage and pain, stronger too. They used to just kill anyone with signs of turning." Nix said. I could hear the fear in her voice as she told me what her father told her.

"Atleast we know how it could kill a whole village easily." I said. But I was curious. Could I consume it and remain unaffected? Would I be able to kill the invading virus?.... Guess we'll see who the better parasite is.

The hunters keep fighting even though they were geting pushed back . The ones with the spears tried to stab it in the face in an attempt to get it to back off. As they lunged their spears forward the bear swiped towards them with its paws. The spears missed their mark, one found the bears shoulder, the other passed just below the swiping paw. The bear however didn't miss, it clawed one of the spearman across the chest, leaving large gouges and an open chest cavity. The other spearman got a slash to his left leg, tearing it almost all the way off. It stayed attached by a few tendons, not that he'd live long enough to care.

As soon as he started to fall down, the bear was stading above, it lunged towards the hunter with its jaws open. With a powerful snap, its jaws crushed the mans head with no resistance. Even if he didn't bite the mans head of he landed two thirds of his mass on the guy. There was enough of mangled corpse to identify as a human , but not much else.

The other hunters used this as a perfect time to run, they knew they couldn't kill it by now. The archer in the back fled into the woods, while the axeman , the one that was cut badly, ran towards us. Seeking aide possibly. The bear chased after the axeman, rumbling the dirt beneath it.

"I'll take point, you two circle around it, and aim for its legs. Fenris see if you can't take that mangled arm off." I said, running towards the bear. I grabbed my sheild and tossed as hard as I could, like a frizzbie. I did this because I highly doubt a plied wood sheild would hold up to a swipe of its paws. So I decided to use it as a weapon instead. The bear was almost on top of the axeman, when the axeman ducked. He had been looking towards me when I was about to throw my sheild.

Smart move.

As the bear moved its head towards the falling man, my sheild struck its face. I was aiming to break its jaw so it couldn't bite me, but with its head down, the sheild struck above he snout. Right between the eyes. It struct the bear with enough force to stop its forward momentum, and it shattered on impact, sending wood fragments into its face. One of those fragments imbedded itself into the bears left eye, blinding it. After the sheild broke, I rammed it with my shoulder, pushing it further back into the clearing. Now dazed, wounded and partially blinded, I knew it would be desperate and dangerous. And it would be royally pissed at me.

The axeman hurriedly scrambled towards the woods, while the bear was distracted. Nix and Fenris also used this opportunity to circle to the sides. They remained unnoticed by the bear, who was now too enraged to think clearly.

"Hwuagh! HWAAUUGGHH!!" the beared roared loudly, while it stood to full height. Damn thats one big bear. The roar was probably heard by the other hunters too. Double damn.

*Thud* The bear lands on its paw, and moves towards me. Swiping wildly at me, its fast, but so am I. I make sure to stay just out of range. Spare a glance, I see Nix and Fenris are ready. With a nod we strike. Nix had take the fleeing mans weapon, a two handed axe, and she brought it down with an overheadswing, burying it in the bears right rear leg. The bear let out a roar at the strike, and scrambled to attack her. With the axe stuck in the bear she leaped away, bring her sword and sheild to the ready. Fenris lunged at the bears mangled left middle leg, chopping with his pwerful jaws he tore into it. The bear reacted by rolling to the left and using his rear left leg to scratch at Fenris. Kicking Fenris off, the bears was without a middle left arm, but Fenris' side was shredded. I had to get him away from Fenris. When the bear rolled upright, I found my chance. It swipped towards Fenris, who was still trying to recover from his attack. I brought my sword down and embedded it in his outstretched right arm, severing it off. I rolled forward to aviod its left paw coming to me in retalation. Nix, noticing it was distracted by Fenris and me, moved into the attack again.

While Fenris pulled back and healed by consuming some poor hunter that was still barely alive. I was dodging its increasingly frenzied swings, and slicing it with my sword. Nix leaped towards the bear, and stabed her sword into the leg she struck earlier. She striked straight into the hip joint, paralysing the leg in the process. This time the bear ignored my attempt to distract it. She couldn't dodge the back handed paw that came her way. The strike hit her sheild, breaking it, and sending her to the other side of the clearing. She landed with a thud and didn't move afterwords.

I ran to check on her, telling Fenris to stay back. I could feel she was still alive, but she wasn't alright. Her arm was probably broken, not as bad as it could have been. She had braced her sheild with both arms and moved back with the strike. Those acts saved her from losing her arm or cracking her ribs from the impact. If she had gone critical I would have to infect her for her to live.

The bear roared out, drawing my attention back to it. I could have sworn that roar sounded like one of those 'I won, you pussy' roars animals do when fighting each other. I could be wrong on that, but I.WAS. PISSED.

Grabbing my sword, I ran at it with everything I had. It roared in challenge, before it too, started hobbling towards me as best it could. It was missing three limbs afterall.

'Alpha! NO!' I heard Fenris yell. But it was to late I closed the distance between us too fast for him to intercept. When I got close, the bear lunged towards me swiping at me with it remaing front paw. I moved under the swip, and struck my sword into its chest to the hilt and turned it. I'm sure I struck its heart.

"Hwaugh?!" it roared in pain, before tumbling on the ground and rolling. Its motion dragged me with it bringing me close to the only weapon it had near me. Its powerful mouth. The bear lunged its mouth towards my head. I dodged to the right, avoiding decapatation. I didn't avoid it all though.

*CRUNCH* My shoulder was crushed in its maw, rendering my left arm useless. It ripped my left arm off as it rolled to its back and pulled. The pain was intense.

'I have to end this.' I thought. Bring my right arm around, I struck its jaw with all the strength I could.

*CRACK* 'Whimper'. My fist connected with enough force to break its jaw and mangling the right side of its face. I rolled off while it stayed there dazed. I wouldn't let it recover this time. 'Fenris grab the other arm. But don't consume him, it may not be safe..' I told him as I started to punch the bears face in.

Fenris latched onto its arm, tugging and trying his best to rip it off. I wailed it, punch after punch, destoying its face. With one last strike I began to consume him as I rip its head off. I feel his essence being absorbed into my being, as tendrils ltch on to its body, pulling it into me. I... I feel... Strength. So much strength building up in me...

Swoosh , a wave of pressure exploded around me. As my body finishes adapting the new mutation. Claws now adorn my hands, and the demon parasite was erased. Finally.... I'm back.

Authors note: Hey just wanted to let you guys know there will be magic in this story. The reason he hasn't encountered it yet is that its very rare. Only summoned people or they're descendants can use it, and only if it existed on their home world . Also I know that my chapters are on the short side, and kind of far between. But I usually only get to write on my days off of work. Of which there have been few. So, I apologize, but there's nothing I can do about it right now. If you like this chapter, leave a comment, review or rate it. Thank you.

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