《Legacy Of The Prototypes》Ch. 1 Divine Intervention
The Gods Need a Favor.... From God?
"Do you really want me to ask Him?" asked Amatsu-Mikaboshi. He was currently with his fellow gods of Agar, the world they were assigned to. Agar was a small non important world, the high gods used it as a tutorial world for new low gods. Though he wasn't a low god like these idiots, he was a mid god. Normally he'd have his own world or atleast share one with another competent god. But he'd been banished, and now he oversaw new gods in training. How these guys became gods, he'd like to know. Its not like its too hard to become a god, though it depends on a persons home world. Without explaining all the minutae of every world, its pretty simple. If one gains enough power or completes certain trials, they can become demigods. Becoming a god after that was, as simple as becoming a demi god. Meet the requirements, and bada boom, welcome to godhood. It was usaully a lot more complicated than that, but again it varied. If you got to godhood, you would come to a world like Agar. Here you would prove yourself worthy of keeping godhood. 'They were hopelessly stupid, never listened, and barely thought about their actions. They just did it,and hoped it worked, if not they came to me. Not cool.' he thought.
The worst was they hadn't even passed the first test, and that was due a thousand years ago! It was simple, you need to save the people from the evil beings on the planet. Sometimes it was a demonking, necromancer, religious zealots, that kind of thing. So I gave them a few pionters from my own experience. Build better armies, bless your lands, use natural disasters, if that fails( though it always worked for a god of choas like myself) summon a group of hereos. So thats what they did, not the first bit about the armies and that. They just summoned heroes. NINETY-NINE times ,and they all failed. Most died, some quit, the last ones turned evil. I hadn't laughed so hard in a millineum! Now they want another.
Those kinds of issues are what led to this unpleasent converation. " Yes, we don't have any other options left. The other gods won't help us anymore. We need another summons.The last heroes won't listen to us anymore!" pleaded Apollo, god of light. The other just nodded in agreement, looking to me hopefully. 'Idiots. I won't fall if you lose. Then again if they fail I could be in trouble from the Boss. Hm, He might have an idea. Gotta make sure they're willing though. 'I thought. "I'm well aware of the problem at hand. However, even if He agrees, you know the consequences of failure right? Are you even willing to agree to His conditions? Besides He's a recluse, if we bother Him, He's not going to be happy." I said. "Yes, we know! But you know Him better than most other gods around here. He'll listen to you if you asked Him." pleaded Gaia. 'Man, if wasnt for the fact she was the only one that tried, I'd laugh at her. PLus she is SO HOT. Damn it, gonna have to save this one atleast.' I mused. "You are aware He banished me right? If I ask, He'll set the terms for you and you will agree unconditionally. Agreed?"turning to them I answered.They looked to each other for a moment before they all said," Agreed.". Perfect. Now to ask the man upstairs.
So, here I am. Walking up to God. To be honest I didn't expect Him to answer when I called ahead. Its not that He's mean or anthing like that. He just likes to observe His world, and has eveybody else leave him alone. Except me, and a few others that He trained Himself. I remember when I was in His office last time. I had just made my planet uninhabitable, an accident I assure you. Man, this place still looks the same, think old professor office, with an infinite number of books on shelves and stacked on the floor. Looks the same now, He's still reading a newspaper too. I think its the same one as last time, but I get dizzy if I try to read the headline, so not sure. " My Lord, I'm sorry to bother you at this time. The low gods in training are requesting your assistance, sir." I said. He sits there for a minute reading. I know better than to get impatient. " Hello Amatsu. Its been a while, Mars I believe. How you been? Still single? Eating well? You've gotten a bit stronger teaching the young ones. Good, good. Remember ' use the force, my padawan'. Hahahahahaha hehee."God says,clearly amused with Himself. Sighing I take a seat across from Him. He never lowers the paper though,even when He turns the page. " Yes,sir. It was after Mars the last time I was here. But sir, they need your help." I say. "Why? Are you not their teacher?" God asks, turning another page. " I have helped them as much as your rules allow, even went a little further. They aren't ready for god-hood. Gaia tries, but I think she should spend more time as a demi-god. They have tried ninety-nine hero summons from other gods, and have failed all ninety-nine times . They don't even guide their people or the heroes. They weren't ready for this yet. I'm sorry, sir. " I said. He shuffles the paper. "Hmm,.... So they want a summons with my souls." He says, as if in thought. "I may have a soul in mind. However, they are aware of the price of their next failure. Very well, they'll recieve my answer shortly. Oh , I want you to guide this time. But remember not too much, nor too little . Till next time Amatsu." With a yank I'm back in the god palace of Agar. Time to tell the good news.
God Pov.
So they need my help. These days thats all I seem to hear. I gave the multiverse freedom so they would learn to solve their own problems. But I suppose I kinda owe Amatsu this time. I trained him myself when he was a new god, gave him the fourth planet in my favorite system. Mars is what my children call it. Used to be called Eden, it was beautiful, peaceful, and took a lot of work. So when he accidently vented the atmosphere, I banished him to teaching ever since. Might not sound like a cruel thing, but keep in mind he is a god of chaos. Battle, strife, disorder, and freedom, those are his core principles. Forced to be at peace, keep order, and prevent vast conflicts, is like severing his own limbs everytime. So I quess I'll give him a good one. Hmm, seems like my children of Earth made something they weren't ready for. The father will be killed, that I have seen. Now what about the child? Ah, they're going to experiment on him. He's not like his father, doesn't deserve that. Hmm, lets see what I can work out.... Oh, that might work. Perfect now no one will remember him, and I'll be able to help Amatsu. Now lets meet my 'hero'. Alec Pov.
Holy mother of hell, that hurts! Think I blacked out. But for some reason it was all bright white. I'll have to ask someone why it's called blackout later though , the pain is fading. Need to calm down, I'm not dead yet. Ahh, I can see know , all that white was super annoying. I look around .... What the? Books? Lots of books. Hm? Someones over there. Quickly, I tried to morph my hands to claws, but something is stopping me. A force I haven't felt before. Absolute power, undefiable control, thats what it fells like. I have only felt fear a few times, most while hunting an apex sample stronger than me. But this feels like absolute fear. While I try to shake my fear, to run,to hide,the man spoke. " You can't use them here, you know. Not that they could ever pose a threat to me. Take a seat, Alec Mercer, I want to have a chat." He says. ' He knows about my power? How? I covered my tracks, left no witness's, yet He nows.' By now I've moved from afraid to to undescribable terror. " Sit, please." He says. His tone says it wasn't a request. I move to the chair and take a seat. He can kill me before I blink, might as well see what He wants. " You have questions, do you not? Ask them? Or don't I'll explain either way." He said, turning the paper. I just now realised He had it. Right, He said to ask. Here goes. "Who are you? Why am I here? How do you know about my pwers?" I asked. I had more questions, but these were imparative. "I'm God, the almighty, alpha and omega. You are here because I want you to be. As I said I'm God, so being all knowing came with all my other godly gifts. Though judging from that frown you don't like the explanation. I suspect you want the specifics of you purpose here. Very well, listen I won't repeat myself. Some other gods need my help, like always. So to repay a slight greivenance to a freind, I'm sending your to him. Before you protest, just know, if you stayed on Earth you would've been experimented on for the rest of your long life. Oh, your dad would've died soon anyways. So I removed you from Fate's book,though she won't be happy with you about it.Hehehe, it'll be fun to watch you without a script. Your existence was also removed from my world, so no one remembers you. Sorry it's the only way , Alec Mercer, but you'll be free. I know you have more questions. But I have have one for you. What will you do free of your destined path and your fathers ways? The answer I look forward to. I've reset your powers , you'll need to acquire them again. Except one of your choice. Till next time Alec Mercer." God says, with a wave of His hand. I'm over come with pain again, then white nothingness.
World of Agar. Palace of the Gods.
Amatsu-Mikaboshi pov. 'Well that went better than I expected. Better tell these guys.' I thoght.As I walked through the palace l can;t help but wonder. 'What kind of people is He sending? I've heard beings of His world had boundless potential and some have wills like a demi-god from birth. Simply terrifying to think what they'll do to this world.' But I'm not to judge, just to quide. Arriving at the feasting hall I find three of the gods in joyous moods. Almost like they're celebrating a victory of sorts. I dont see Gaia. I use my senses to find her. Oh? What a suprise, she's working on the world. I feel a sense of pride and happiness that one of them is at least trying to learn from me. However as I observe these three partaking in their drunken festivities, I feel those feeling washed away by anger. I went and asked The Almighty God Himself to help them! How dare they celebrate their success of MY actions! I resisted the temptation to hurt fools my entire time here. NO LONGER! I dash to them before they even notice. Apollo was facing me, so he'll be first. Leaping I grabed his head in my hand and pulled him down, whileI sent my knee to meet his face. They meet with enough force to send a shockwave through the room, launching everyone and the furniture to the walls. He flew into the wall, and slumped unmoving. I turn to the other two, who are getting up looking at me. I see fear and anger in their eyes. They havn't felt a thing yet, I smirked they moved. I unleash a small dose of my power into the room, trying to force as much of it towards them as I can. My power is pure choas. I can't use it like other gods use theirs in these situations, making a layer pressure towards others. No, mine's wild and dangerous. As they move towards me, my energy cracks like black-violet lighting. They are hit with multiple strikes, effectivly knocking them out with only severe energy burns. As I calm down Gaia bursts into the room concerned, but she stops just pass the door. I look like a monster, and they look dead. Oops. " Clam down Gaia, they aren't dead, just learning from some much needed dicipline. I'll wake them in a few so I can explain myself. Just help me fix the room, and have patienc." I say, moving to the grand table to set it back up. She hesitates few a few seconds before taking a breath. Sighing, she starts moving the gods away from the center of the room. After setting up the room, we waited for the others to stir.
They awoke some time later, and I had Gaia heal them. It was good practice for her , and they were in okay, hurting alot, but okay, Now they all sat at attention. "So, I have some good news, and some not so good news. What do you want to hear first?" I asked them. I still felt angry, and I felt I looked like it showed. They were quiet, looking to Gia to answer for them. Cowards. "The good news, sir." Gaia said, still nervous. "Good news is, the boss said yes. Wipe those smiles from your faces right now! The bad news is you don't get to pick like the other times. That means if He sends one human or a hundred, they'll be His pick and you'll deal with it. He also made it clear this will be your final attempt. If you fail, you'll be judged and punished by your score as is. Oh, by the way this was all a test for you to prove you were ready for godhood." I smirked at the last part. They looked more panicked than I've ever seen a god. Theos, god of knowledge and wisdom, started screaming at me. " Why, didn't you tell us ?! We wouild have done better if you said there would be consequences. You had no right! This is you're fault!" "Yeah", said Dravos, god of darknes. Apollo and Gai just sat there in shock. I hope they was doing some deep self reflection. The other two continued to try casting blame me for their plight. Normally I would wait for them to run out of steam, but I did'nt have all day. "SILENCE MAGGOTS! You don't have the time to waste blaming me for your lack of intelligence. I feel a connection forming here. So, shut up, get your selfs together, and start being gods. You will direct you peoples like you were suppose to ne. I'm quiding the heroes this time. Bosses orders, if you don't like it, go talk to Him about it." I yelled. We don't have time for me to hold their hands, time to sink or swim baby. We gather in the receiving hall, its a round room with five chairs equally spaced to form a star like pattern. As they finish preping themselves I see a beam light pass into the center. They're here, show time.
Alec pov.
If this is how gods travel, they suck. The pains not like the first time, still more than necessary, and just as bright. As I come to I feel stone or marble, so somewhere fanct or important. Then I feel eyes on me. Five I think, not good, the white light is fading but I still can't see clearly. The light fading, I can see. Turning 360 , I take in the sorroundings. Big circular room, five chairs with five brightly glowing people of different colors. Yeah, now thats weird. Okay think, Alec, think. The guy earlier said He was God, that seems to be true. He was sending me to help a friend to help others. These guys must be them, so that checks true too. Why are they quiet? I give them a minute, maybe their confused..... Still no talking...... Okay, thats it this is weird, and uncomftable. " Say something already people. This silence is weird and creepy. I'm Alec Mercer, by the way. So who are you, and what do you want?" I say, breaking the weirdness. The lights get a little brighter for a second before dimming. Suprised, are we? Next time don't just stare at people, creeps. "Pfftt, hahaha. He thinks we're creeps! Hahaha. Thats a good one, Alec Mercer, thanks. Now to your questions. I am Amatsu-Mikaboshi, a god of choas. The other four around you are gods of the world Agar. They are Gia, goddess of earth, Dravos, god of darkness, Theos, god of knowledge and wisdom, and Apollo, god of light. On their request you were brought here to help them restore balance in Agar. I'll also answer the usual questions people have when going through this process. If you want to go home, finish the mission. We'll provide assistance as we can, but keep in mind even a god has rules. Normally the champions or heroes, thats you by the way, receive a gods blessing and are bestowed power to aid in your struggle. You will not. Nothing personal, we just can't grant whats already there. If you want to talk to one of us visit a temple or make an offering. I think thats it, but if I missed any of your concerns, ask." spoke the purple man- Amatsu Mikabishi. Too long man, henceforth Amatsu it is. " Its fine if I don't get powers. God said I could keep one of mine and earn the rest, is that true?" I ask. "Yes. Any agreement with God will be upheld by all other gods. So you may choose from your own. I must say though, I'm impressed by yours. Your a monster if there ever was one, and I mean that as a complament. You really suited to be my champion here. And maybe again at a later piont?"said Amatsu, shining a little brighter by the end. Must be their emotions I thought.
So one right? Hm, tough call. I need to get a clearer picture before I chose. Turning to Amatsu, I ask. " Will I be able to understand the people of this world, and does my consumption ability count? And where will I start at?" I have what you'd call core abilities, they are the first powers I had acquired. Then I had variations of those core powers. A perfect example would be my whip hand, I can pull things toward me or pull myself towards something. The variant of that are the tendrils, they do similiar things. But instead of pulling me, it latches on to a target, spreads outward latching onto whatever it can reach. Then it pulls what it has back to the target with a lot of tension strength. Some of my powers don't have variations, like muscle mass, or claws. They can all get stronger though. Turning to Amatsu, who looks to be speaking with the other privately, I wait.
Amatsu Pov. "We have to give him comprehension. It's a basic right of the summoned."said Theos. " It would help him accomplish his goal faster." agreed Apollo. "No, he should work for it. That's why the other 'heroes' failed They had it too easy." said Dravos. 'Kinda true. They were for the most part very arrogant. Worse, was some thought it a game. Floating blue screens? Idiotic' I thought. " If his consumption works like it sounds. We should't have to give him anything if so. Judging by yor approval of his natural gift, he'll be more than able." Gaia reasoned. True, he has everything he needs right know. " So two yes, and three no. No it is" I said. Turning to Alec, I begin to explain. " We have reached a vote, betaining to your questions. No language combrehention. So your ability to consume wil count, as it is the core of all your power. As to where you'll start, I have somewhere in mind. Normally you'd start at one of capitols, in the kings castle, then you'd meet the ruler, and recieve your mission to save them. But I'll start you in one of my temples, far from civilization, the frontier regions. They act as a buffer between the lands of man, and the demon lands. There are a few keeps and fortified settlements that are still used by the humans, though some are held by the other races." I explained Hm, I feel like I'm forgeting something?.... Oh, right silly me. " I should tell you theres very little in the way of technology, at least like your used to. No magic, no ki, no cultivating. Some of the previous 'heroes' ask these kinds of things. They would get things like inhuman strenght, speed, advanced knowledge, or something like that. There is slavery though, but if your not stupidly weak, or just stupid, it won't be an issue. Some of the heroes were enslaved. If you find them I would like you to free them. They my be of some use with their abilities, and may aid you. If not you may consume them, your call. If your ready I'll send you down now." I said.
Alec pov "Yeah, just one more question. What am I supposed to do here?'' I asked. I'm more than a little curious at this piont. " Right, sorry, about that. Like I said earlier, it's usaully handled by others. I want you to help these four finish what they started. Kill the Hero Emperor, destroy his empire, and resolve the conflict between the races. However you accomplish this I don't care. Nor do I care when it's done, so long as it is done. Upon completion, you'll have some time to get your affairs in order, before your taken away." Amatsu said. He was very serious sounding towards the last parts. But peace keeping and diplomacy? Never tried things like that. Easier to end the problems at the source, you know. I've never left the New York area, so being let loose on a whole other world should be the adventure of my life. Lokking at Amatsu, I tell them.
" Sounds like a lot of work. But I'm always happy to hunt." Amatsu nods to me , then flash, off I go.
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