《Legacy Of The Prototypes》 Ch. 2 The Legend Begins.
Palace of the gods, Agar. Amatsu pov.
Shortly after I sent Allec off, I sent the others to run interference. Earthquakes, storms, stuff like that. I had to buy time for Alec to get his bearings. If I rushed it like they did, he'd be dead in no time. Thats why I sent him to one of my old temples. Of course Gia didn't like the idea of an apocolyptic virus being intrusted with the fate of the world. But if they'd done their job right the first dozen times, she would'nt have to. The others were informing their people of a new 'hero', though I made sure that they told them he was MY champion. Gotta get credit when credits due, right?
Though if he infects the world in order to stop all the fighting , I'll have to wipe it clean. Man, I hate this job.
Alec pov
As the light faded from me, I'm pleasently suprised by the lack of pain this time. Must be the distance of travel, or I'm becoming used to it. Looking around I'm in an old stone room, with weird symbols on the floor. 'Where did he send me?' I wondered. Okay first things first, find where I am. Correction first thing, get some clothes on. What kind of god can teleport you from one plane to the next, but can't keep clothes intact? Morphing my usaul wear on, black leather jacket with a hood and pair of comfortable blue jeans, I walk through the door, kinda expecting gaurds or something. All I see is dust and two hall ways, one right, the other left. Right, I go. After walking for a bit, and a few turns later, the only things I've found are empty rooms. This place has been empty for some time. As I continue searching the place, I notice some light ahead. Exiting the hallway, I see what must be the main room of this place. As I looked around I see the reason for the light , there is a hole in the roof, a big hole. Oh, well, turning turn to see the rest of the room.
I notice a large stone platform. Upon closer inspection I assume it to have once been a statue at one time. Taking the fact that it was elevated from the regular floor, this place must be one of Amatsus' temple. A looong time ago. I find the doors, but they were jammed from the other side. I try to plow through it, that didn't work. I just bounced of it, with a headache to show for it. They didn't just reset my powers. They took my enhancements too. I worked very hard for those, damn it. Taking a seat on the stairs, I begin to process this new information. Lets see, if I'm back to where I first started that means I can run at about 25ish mph, I should still have my hunters echolocation sense( see Prototype 2 for reverance), my strength should be about 3x the average human of my world. Not sure about this world though. I should be able to jump to the hole though, its about 15ft up. I think I could do that, but its been so long since I was this weak. I walk to the opening looking for a hold to grab, finding it I began.
I start charging my jump, when I feel I can't charge it any further I jump like a spring. I grabbed the ledge,and began pulling myself up. Good thing that charging up isn't an actual power. I found that if I charge my actions they become stronger, jumping, punching, and all of my abilities. I walk towards where the doors was. I take in my sorroundings as I walk. Nothing but forest for as long as I can see. I've never been to anything other than concrete and steel. Its more beautiful than the pictures I've seen. I reach the ledge , looking down, I see the outer columns have been collapsed towards the door. I won't be able to move those, for awhile, but I can still use this as a base, if I find anything of use.
It's not like I need sleep, but having somewhere to hide stuff isn't a bad idea. I think I'll start hunting after I check the sorrounding area. All clear, there's nothing here. Oh well, lets hunt. I'm actualy not hungry, nor have I ever been. I eat to absorb genetic material for self-mutating improvments. I take to the woods queitly stalking around. I don't attack anything right off, just seeing who the neighbors are. Who is prey, and who is a predator. I spend a few days and nights observing the residents of the woods. Turns out at night, there are more predators out. I only see a few that would be a problem to me right now, and only if I act stupid. This place has some weird creatures.
I've seen a two-headed dear like animal, a pack of armored looking wolfs. Jackrabbits, horned jackrabbits. I saw them hanging around some normal rabbits, and I thought they gotta be prey. Then I saw some feral dogs make a try at the bunnies. I was shocked to see the dogs get impailed ,and rather quickly too. After they got ran of, the jackrabbits started eating the dogs! Seems not everything is as it seems. Man eating rabbits, who'd a thought. Saw a snake gliding from one tree to another, a frog exploded when a bird tried to pick it up. Not kinding, it just boom. The bird didn't die right off though. It seems the frog covered it with a scent attack, 'cause it was suddenly attack by a swarm of bees, about the size of a dollar coin. That was one dead bird. Note to self stay away from the frogs.
Returning to the temple I lay down, and start to think of what to do. As I think I remember home, I kinda miss it. Can't help it really, this place reminds me of it so much. There are so many weird thing that can or want to kill you just because your there. Ah, home. I remember when I first started hunting, running through the streets, jumping over walls. Best time was when I was hunting a pack leader, man they know how to give chase. Lunge, swipe, dodge, grab an infected, consume, and heal when they hit. Rinse and repeat. Until they called they're friends, then it got better. Yep, good times. Wonder if those wolfs' be like that. I'll start with the jackrabbits first, build up my reflex and speed. Probably won't get much, if anything, from them though. Unless there is a king rabbit like boss around.
Returning to the rabbits' meadow, I notice a few nibbled remain than last time. Feral dogs, and a few rabbits. I notice they had fun last night cause the place is filled with them. The hell man. They must of had a serious population boom, or I've interupted a furry convention. As I decide between staying or going, I notice more coming out of the borrows. Must be like cochroaches, preg for life. Well, not gonna risk it today, when I can be smarter tomorrow. As I turn to leave I hear a high squeal. I turn around to see one of the jacks' has stabbed a bunny. What? The other fur balls seem confused as well, until a bunny lets out the same squeal, and stomps the head of a jack. I heard the crack of bone from here, he's not getting up. The furballs no longer seem confused, but angry, feral even. All around the meadow they start attacking eachother.
Why are they doing this? I have no idea. Food? Space? Some really phsyco mating ritual? Don't know, don't care, all I know is 'When two sides fight, the third one wins'. Can't remember who wrote that, but the meaning was clear. Take advantage of any opportunity you can. I try thinking of the best way to approach this. All the're doing is jumping into each other, which seems effective, half are dead or dying. Wait a minute.... Thats it! Why try to chase them when they'll jump to me anyway? You don't! I'm a genius! I'll cunsume them as they stab me, may hurt, but I should be able to handle it. Walking into the meadow I cant help but think. Who wants to play catch'em all?
They don't notice me at first, so I decided to change that. I grab two furballs that had landed near me, with that I crush their necks as tendrils move from my arms into them. I love this fealing, like you become more than you were everytime. As the last bits are being pulled into me some of the others notice me, and begin moving. What you can murder eachother, but not me? How mean of you. I start moving towards them, when I feel one of the peirce me from the sides. Ouch, that hurts more than I thought. Then another hits me, and another, they start piling on.
"Fuck, that hurts too much. The hell with you guys. Since your so attached, why don't you become me instead!" I shout. I start consuming the ones attached, even as I grab more. Yeah, this is the feeling.
If anyone were to look into this meadow, they'd see rabbits fighting some sort of monster with tendrils, and a changing body. I looked like this because my body was compressing the mass I was acquiring. Grab them, consume, get stabbed, consume, this continued for a while before I decided I had enough. It was clear I wasn't getting anything from this. A meagre increase in reflex wasn't worth this time or pain. So I left them. I decided to walk back to the temple, I needed to think some more. I hadn't thought this much even on earth. Not that I was an idiot or anything, but on earth I moved on hunters instinct most of the time. Here I had time to slow down and think, there I did not.
I want to hunt everything here, but it might be faster to hunt the apex predators around here. Hmm, decisions, decisions.... I don't have to rush it I quess. My dad used to tell me about some of his toughest fights, most when he rushed things. Okay, here's what I'll do, I'll hunt the predators here. The bunnies weren't much of a problem, just a pain in my ass, literally when one stabbed me there. Gotta hunt something worth it, cause hunting the weak is boring. Reaching a decision, I trying my hunters sense( genetic sensor that can find any material, but highlights important specimens for consumption).... Looks like my range isn't what it used to be. Got nerfed on everything I guess, stupid gods. I'll just go around using it, I'll find them eventually.
Yeah, eventually I found them. Four hours man! Four hours of walking aimlessly around the woods. Killed a few of those frogs along the way, though. Trick was to not startle them, or just throw something really fast and smash them. Back to the wolves I found. There were two of them, one adult and one pup. They had brown fur, with streaks of black and grey. Some kind of armor patches on their backs, sides and legs. With a large plate of it on their chest, only a small bit on the tops of their heads. Not sure if its bone or some kind of organic metal, but I'm salivating at the thought of it. Oh, my goodness, that pup is too cute! Looks like a fuzz ball from heaven, especially when it's snoozing like that. Okay I've decided I'm not gonna kill it, he'll be my companion. Every boy wants a puppy at one point or another. Manhattan wasn't a place for it though. Wonder what he'd turn it to with the Mercer virus?
The adult doesn't look good. Its covered with slash wounds, and a few arrows. The wound on it are recent, whoever did this may be back to finsh it. So, I'll consume it so I can protect the pup. I walk towards the two, being as open and non threatening as I can, considering I'm a parasitic being. The mother notices me, alerted she snarls and tries to get up, but she doesn't make it far. I approach her at arms length, and begin to speak to her. " I'm not sure if you can understand me, but there's intelligence in your eyes, so you must understand you won't be able defend your pup as you are. It will die without you. " I say, staring into its eyes. She curls her lips, before looking at her pup, then back. The look in her eye says, she knows this but can't do anything about it. " I can change its fate. Your pup doesn't have to die here. I can make him stronger than any of his kind before it. Let me protect it in your place, and I will do everything I can to make sure your suffering wasn't in vain. I swear it by Amatsu, my patron." I swear the vow to her. She perks her ears up at this. She's no longer snarling at me, but starts sniffing me curiously.
Female wolf pov
Damn, those two legs! They attacked my den. If it was a few, we would have been fine. Wouldn't be the first time those two legs came after us. But never like this, or these two legs. They had thick brown skin on their bodies and sharp shinies in their hands. There were to many to fight so I, and the other den mothers took the pups we could carry and ran. I was hit by sticks that two legs use to hunt with, but I ran through them. I'm hit again, slashed, but I still ran. I keep running till I'm unable, their not following. One pup, thats all I could save. Damn my weakness. I struggled all my life, grew strong though many challenges. I challenged my own father for the right to my own pack. We settled here, away from the two legs, and where good prey is. That all ended today. I lay down to lick my wounds and rest. I awoke to my instincts, somethings to my left . Looking I see a two legs weirder than the ones I've seen so far. I snarl a warning to scare him away, it has no weapon but I'm not in a condition to fight unecessarily. It speads its arms to its side, showing no dangers in its hands, and stops a little distance away.
It looks me in the eyes and speaks, not that I can understand two legs. The look in its eyes though, I understand it. It wants my pup. NO, I won't let you, I snarl at it. It says it knows my pup will die without me. I know this two legs. Theres nothing I can do, and that feeling alone is worse than all the wounds I've ever have. Two legs speaks again, it says it can make my pup strong, like alpha. No stronger it says. Stronger than an alpha? How is that possible. And it swore it to the free spirit( most animals with enough intelligence know of the gods in some way, usually the feel them, so she knows Alec just swore his intention to Amatsu. Who wild beasts call the free spirit.). I sniff it curiosly, cause what two legs would want to make a predator stronger. We eat two legs you know. What is this, its not a two legs, but it is one? It smells like life, and death but more than it is. Hm....what a strange creature. I look at my pup, and I'm filled with sorrow. I failed to protect it. I know if another pack finds him, he'll likely be killed. Even if they bring him into their group, it'll be as filth. I've seen it in my fathers pack, its better just to kill them young.
I won't condem him to that. If this creature is capable of making him strong enough that nothing will ever bother his pack, I'll take that over his current fate every time. Even if this creature can't, he'll have a chance at least. I know this creature intends to kill me, I see it in his eyes, sense it in his body. Like a hunger of the wild, unquenchable, and ferocious. I don't feel angry at it, this is the law of life. The weak are food and the strong are hungry. I feel sad that I won't be able to teach my pup to hunt, to howl at the moon, or be filled with pride as he takes a pack for his own. I turn to the strange two legs creature. Looking in its eyes I convey my feelings as best I can, and I nod my approval. Its nods back, reaching for me with its hands. As they touch my head, I feel a pulling sensation, then nothing.... Meanwhile on Agar.
Mecca, the largest city in world, also home to the great Star Fall fortress. A star fell here when the last instuctor wiped the planet . It caused the impact site to glass over, now its harder than adamantium. When the humans found it they couldn't harvest it, and believed it to be a cursed land. Then one of the heroes built a citadel there. It is the largest human fortifacation in the world, and its never fallen.
Thats why Mecca, the city that sprawled around it, was the current seat of power for the Allaince. It was here, that the three rulers and their staff, where waiting for the three popes' to appear. They had been informed by the gods that new heroes would appear. But the summons circle was never activated. So a special meeting was called while the headpreists prayed for answers.
Mecca, Empire of Helena, Star Fall Fortress "Whats taking so long? We can't be stuck waiting here. We have to take action! The demons are probaly behind this, with their dark god. If we move now, we'll strike first." bellowed King Von. "We can't take action, if we don't know whats going on. We should dig in on the border defense, more soldiers, and keeps! If they can't get past those we're fine. Besides you know the demons don't worship any god. So how can they do a summons?" countered King Donald. The room exploded with heated discussion, not for the first time too. "Silence, fools!" ordered Empress Badu. " We will wait for the poes to arrive first. With or without heroes, we will defend our people. All we can do is keep a cool head, and prepare what we can." As she finished the room was filled with silence once again. Not long after the doors of the grand hall opened, revealing three people with a saintly aura. The three individuals walked briskly towards the rulers, not like they're usual selfs. This was not good they thought.
"We have prayed to the gods, and have recieved an answer." said the pope of Leon. Everyone was filled with hope as they heard the news. Except, those close enough to see the priests face's. They were filled with confusion. What had the gods said? "Quiet, let them finish!" yelled Empress Badu. As soon as everyone got quiet, the priest of Theo spoke. " There is another hero, unlike the other times, there is only one. However, its not from lord Leon, Theos, Dravos or Gia. Thats why the summons circle wasn't activated. It wasn't their summons." finished the pope of Theo. Now the room was absolutely quiet. They were shoked beyond belief. One hero? Not from their gods?
"So, did the demons perform a summons, or was it the Empire?" asked the Empress Badu. Everyone was suddenly very afraid of the answer, because either way they were doomed.
"No. We asked about that, and they said that both the Empire and the demons can't use the summoning ritual." said the pope of Gia.
" Then, who is the hero's patron deity?" asked King Von. The priests looked towards the floor before the priestess spoke.
" The patron is Amatsu-Mikaboshi, god of chaos." said the pope of Theo
"WHAT!?" screamed everyone.
"Amatsu-Mikaboshi!? What's he doing, he's never had a champion before. Search the chaos temples, every one of them! Bring the hero to us!" yelled the two kings. Soon riders were being sent out to the cities with chaos temples. The hero was wanted for questioning. The Empress stayed silent, deep in thought.
Empress Badu Aala was the ruler of the Empire of Helena. A empire built on fair rights for all, and the pursuit of peace. Worship of all five gods were permitted, but religious fanatisism was not tolerated. Laws held all of the races equal, from common born to the highest noble. This has always made for more than enough enemies, both in and outside of the kingdom. Its neighbors have learned to accept these differences though, willing or not. Early in its founding a hero redrew its military traditions, to better combat the demon invasion. Now it posessed an army that would make spartans proud, the Helenic Warriors. Though its past queens have always tried to keep from conflict as much as they could, she was not one to turn a blind eye toward aggression. The kingdom never sought peace with its enemies once war started either. It took all it had from kingdoms arrogant enough to start a campaign against it. ' If someones wants what you have today , they will want it tomorrow. If they seek a fight, take everything from them, so they won't fight you ever again'. Those words from her mother had guided Queen Badu since the start of her turbulent reign.
At 10 she controlled the strongest kingdom in the world, with an army of powerful soldiers, each capable of fighting a low demon on their own, and empowered by the most loyal people a ruler could ask for. This made her a target to some, and a prize for others. At 13 she had survived a dozen attempts on her life, which she answered by conquering the twelve southern kingdoms, who were responsable for the attempts. Becoming an Empress in the process. She killed any who wouldn't accept her rightful place, nobles, commoners, even her own. If they threatened what her family had built, and the peace they strived for, they died, no exeptions. Marraige proposals were treated as insults and though they still tried. She would only marry one she viewed as equal to herself, just as all queens before her had. After the conquest of the twelve southern kingdoms, her kingdom controlled 12% of the Agar pangea.( Don't have a map, but her kingdoms the size of Brazil.) During her great grandmothers reign a group of heroes actually suggested building a line of fortification along the borders of the northern kingdoms. It would cut the northerners off from the south, but it would block the demons too. So began the construction of The Great Frontier Wall . Its construction was completed during her mothers reign. Thus all the kingdoms but the northern became known collectively as the southern kingdoms.
She also possessed the Star Fall Fortress by birthright. The previous lord had been in love with her mother for awhile, and after proving his worth, they married. This caused alot of southern kingdoms to be upset, as they had been trying to marry off their daughters to him. They said her mother tricked him out of his kingdom, but she knew her mother loved him very much. Its said that she got her fathers strength and her mothers beauty and grace. Couldn't agree more, at 5' 7'' with long black hair, chocolate eyes, dark brown skin, and a fine figure. Many considered her to be very blessed by the goddess herself. She pushed her people towards academic, cultural, and financial prosperity. This and other social policies earned her the ferverant loyaty of her people, and caused others to volutarily cede their territories.
Then at 16, the demons attacked, once more throwing the world in chaos. The northern kingdoms, who were recieving a large amount of aid in the form of men and supplies, were supposed to be a sheild for the rest of the world. In a years time they had broken apart, with only a few cities and keeps holding out. So once again the mighty armies of Helena prepared to march to war. As the southern kingdoms prepared, and the wall maned, the heroes were summoned to lead them again. Not the armies of Helena though, her great grandmother had caved to the presure of the other kingdoms once, and let heroes led her army in the war. It was the worst defeat they had ever suffered. It was decreed as law that no hero will lead an army of Helena again. Still a law today.
This war was going better than the ones before it. The demons were pushed back to the mountains, with less than expected loses of southern armies. Our casualties were also minimal. The leader of the new hero group, a teen called Attius Clausus, was a capable tactician and competent commander. After pushing the demons back to the mountains, the kingdoms celebrated for weeks. The returning armies paraded through the southern kingdoms. What we didn't know was Attius had turned most of them into his own men. When most of the armies returned to their capital cities, he issued a declaration of war, and the founding of the Golden Empire. Using his inserted agents he took most of the eastern kingdoms. He consolidated his power for a few years, and took all the eastern kingdoms but the kingdom of Venneras, King Vons home.
This led to a period of war within the remaining kingdoms. Out of options and unable to mount a defense on their own many kingdoms united with their neighbors. This brought conflict when two or more groups fought over another kingdom. War spread quickly, no one was immune.
It became apparent that most kingdoms were content to fight for pety reason and pride, instead of uniting against the Empire, and the demons. At this time Badu was 19, when she realized something about her fellow rulers. They're all idiots and fools, she thought. So she brought her trusted ministers together to tell them her plan to end the fighting. They agreed her plan was the right one, cruel, simple, but necessary. If they won't lead they're people correctly, then they don't need to lead anyone. Of course she wasn't arrogant to think she could take everyone on her own. So after weeks of intelligence gather, debates, and secret meetings, allies were chosen. The Kingdom of Venneras, the Mcdonald Clan, and many smaller dukedoms, all came together to form the Allaince powers. They split the remaining kingdoms in three, Helena would take some northwestern territories along the Great Frontier Wall, but the majority of the north and west would go to the Mcdonald clan. What remained of the easturn kingdoms would belong to King Von.
Launching a coordinated offensive, the other kingdoms fell within a year. This massive mobalization by the Allaince caused the Golden Empire to negotiate a cease fire. Both sides now watch eachother carefully. Which leads us to the present. Badu now 20, was in the grand hall of the Star Fall Fortress, trying to process what she'd just been told. The gods chose a hero, and we didn't request a summoning? Whats more the ever quiet god of chaos, chose him? Is this good or bad? Aargh, these idiots are to loud. Gotta get somewhere else to think. " King Donald, King Von, I'll be taking my leave now. All this noise is giving me a headache. I'm going somewhere more relaxed. Good day.'' I say, as I move to leave. My faithful servants in tow. '' WHAT? You can't leave now! We need to figure out a course of action. Now is not the time to go pamper yourself!'' shouted King Von. He's so red I would think he'd painted himself or was about to blow either way. He was 4' 8'', with a beer belly, which generally made him look like a jolly old man. A bald spot covering the top of his head, and what remained of his hair was white as snow and thining out. I kept walking. If I stopped to correct every fool I came across, I'd never get anywhere. Plus some of my servants already look like they want to kill him.
" You can't stop her, Von, and you know it! " retorted King Donald. At 6'8 he was a gaint. His shoulder length hair had started turning silver, which his enormous amount of suiters found heavenly. Broad shoulders, and ripped physique like his northern barbarians ancestors meant that even aged he was still capable of a good fight. A noble once asked me to marry him, and while he is certainly strong, and wise enough a leader, to be at my side I valued him as a friend more. Besides that man had three wives, and a few male 'freinds' . I don't share. One of his sons maybe but they're still to wet behind the ears, you know? " She's as prepared, or more so than us at the moment. We can't do anything close to a specific plan without knowing the mission the gods gave the hero. We'll call another meeting when we have him, or her here. Till then just prepare your kingdom against the Empire. They may be as startled we are, which could prompt some action out of them. I'll be sending men through the frontier settlements to warn the people. Hopefully they'll relocate back with us, but they are proud and stubborn. Empress Badu, if they relocate we'll have a lot of refugees with no where to go. Can I count on your peoples aid?." he says pressing on the table glowering at Von. See? He's a really good friend.
"Of course you can. I'll inform my people to make preparations. Don't forget to inform the other races about this, King Donald. We may need their help this time." I say, before passing the door. Now lets go get some icecream. Chaos Temple, Frontier Region, Alec pov
After the mother wolf accepted my proposal, I absorbed her. Though I didn't receive any special upgrades, I did receive a rough map of the area and the first step in my armor mutation. It was more like really thick skin, but it was something. I took the pup back to the temple where it would be safe. I fetched some food for it along the way, poor rabbits were petrified when I approached them. Back at the temple, it ate them happily. I also started a fire for it. As the pup sleeps, I too lay down, staring at the stars, I began to think. I should find some worth while specimens soon, all these normal animals are about as worthless as an infected human. Hmm?...
Maybe there isn't any in these woods? Amatsu did say it was in the frontier, so maybe the demon lands have more badass monsters. I should probably find a settlement soon, they're likely to have information on dangerous locations. I'll stay one maybe two weeks here, then I'll leave once the pups stronger.
Looking at my new friend, I can't help but feel excitment. What will he look like? How far is its potential? He should get infected telepathy right? Should I wait, and if so how long? No. I'll infect him tomorrow, then we'll start hunting as a pack. Even with no upgrades for us , the experience of hunting as a pack and consuming should make him stronger anyway. The strongest thing I've seen was a six armed bear. Sighing, I look to the stars once more.....
I'm brought out of my slumber, when the pup jumps on me and starts licking my face. You may be confused, as I stated previously that I didn't require sleep. I don't, but I find it give me a sense of peace and comfort. So yeah I was sleeping, till I got slobered on. I push it off ,wiping my face I glare at it, it smiles and yipes at me. Can't be mad at it as it runs around me barking, its too cute. I spend some time with it outside the temple playing fetch, or watching it chase butterflies and songbirds. After a time I take him hunting, finally checked its gender, he's weak right know but he doesn't realize it. I'll have to teach him what happens when you're weak. I don't like the idea of doing this, but like a parent telling their kid why its pet died, I know its a lesson best learned early. Painful, but necessary for its survival.
I know this all sounds cruel, but its not like I'm gonna let him die. I may be a monster, but I have a heart you know. I take him around the woods, letting him hunt small things on its own, till we come across a feral dog. "Alone are we? Too bad, but you'll do.'' I say drawing its attention. It looks at me like its crazed and starving. Which it was. Then it sees the pup, and looks almost happy. I should explain this, feral dogs aren't like wolfs, they aren't predators but scavengers. So they look for the easiest meal the can. When it seen me it wanted to run. With the pup it wanted to snatch and grab. Stupid dog. As the pup seen it, he began to growl, fur standing to show his seriousness. Guess wolfs and ferals don't get along , must be instinctual.
I step back queitly, this isn't my prey, nor is it my lesson. The feral takes this as a sign I'm scared. Snarling it charges the pup. My pup meets him in the air, colliding in a mess of fur and flesh. They claw, bite and kick each other. Both struggle for the killing blow. The pup bite the leg of the feral, who in turn grabs the nape of the pups neck. It starts to thrash the pup, before throw it against a nearby tree. The pup let out a cry of pain as its thrased and thrown. It hits the tree hard, yips, and tries to stand again. He falls back down, unable to continue. The feral lets out a happy bark, seeing this it moves for the kill. It's forgotten about me completly. As it gets near the pup, the pup looks like it knows it going to die, but there is deviance in it eyes. 'Good, boy.' I thought.
Before the feral can get close enough for the kill, I spring towards him. I kick it at full speed, launching it into a tree, it strikes the tree ten feet up and come crashing down. I can sense it's still alive, but just barely. Turning to the pup, I kneel down to it. His will still shines in his eyes, but it won't last long with the wounds he's got. Taking my hand I stab him, injecting the virus into him. He cries, as it invades his body, consuming and rewriting his DNA. I hold him as it gets to work, I can feel his pain as the virus infects more of him. I cry with him, it hurts to have to harm something in order to protect it. As the minutes past, he loses consciousness, and the forest is quiet. Silence, no birds, insects, not even the trees make a sound. As if the whole forest just witnessed the birth of a terrible beast, nothing dared disturb it.....
In a village bordering the woods, there was an old man lazily sitting in a chair. If you were from the village you'd know he was a veteran hunter, hardened warrior, and the current village cheif. You'd also recognize the look on his face as he looked to the woods, the look that said something was bothering him. 'What is this uneasy feeling coming from the woods?' thought the Cheif. For the old woods to be this quiet, something must be scarying it pretty good, and thats not good for us. It's not like the woods were home to mythical monsters or anything like that. Though it did at some time, they all migrated to the Forbidden Forest long ago. Now the woods was acting like the old legends, the ones that saw rise to great beasts. As he contemplated this, he was interupted. " Father, I just got word from my friend in the Empire. Since we refused to pay tribute, they're marching toward us, they plan to take the village. The are a little more than a week out, so we have some time. What should we do?" asks his daughter.
'Why can't people ever stop fighting?' he asked himself. Thinking for a bit, he turns to his daughter. "Gather everyone in the village hall, in say one hour. Also have the priest start praying. Send someone to the old temple too, wouldn't hurt to ask chaos to befall them." he ordered, getting out of his chair regretfully. "The old temple? But its sealed, and the journey would take days with a group of hunters. What could be of use in that old ruin?" his daughter said. "Look to the woods dear. Do you notice something off about it today? If we are to have a chance we must consider enlisting the gods help. I've always found that in war the only god that made sense was chaos. He may send whatever is bothering those old woods toward the Empires men. We have to ask first though." he said walking towards the village hall.
Pup pov.
Pain. Thats all I feel, pain, but with it comes a feeling of power. With this power, come memories not my own. Whose are they? What is this power? What am I now?.... Alec Mercer, the strange thing taking care of me, thats his name. These are his memories. Virus? viral infection, the Mercer virus? The power bestowed to me, thats what they are. A Evolved? Whats that? That what I am now, an Evolved wolf. I feel free, free from fear, hunger, EVERYTHING, EVERYONE. I look for my brother, and I see he was holding me while I changed. To have such a caring brother as my Alpha, I am honored beyond words. 'Brother! Don't cry, I'm better now, see?' I tell him. He smiles to me. ' Thats good. I'm sorry you had to get hurt, to get these gifts. But I needed you to realize how weak you were, so you could see how much stronger you can become with this. With this you will be able to become stronger than your mother or most of your kind probably.' I hear his thoughts in my head as if he spoke them aloud.
'What do we do now, Brother?' I ask. ' Now I need to show you how to consume, little one. Go to the feral over there. When you get to it, follow your new instincts, use my memories.' Brother tells me. I go to the feral, which is barely alive, its eyes are filled with fear. Fear of me. As I near him a strange feeling come up, like hunger but more focused. I don't want to just eat from this thing, I want to consume everything it is. I follow my Alpha words ,drawing on his memories, I mercilessly bite into it. I feel appendages come out of my paws, chest and the sides of my mouth. This is normal the memories tell me, so I pay no mind to it. I consume the feral, feeling a rush of satisfaction greater than anything before. As I settle down I turn towards my Alpha. 'Is it always like that, Brother?'
'Most of the time yeah. But a stronger opponent is always more satisfying to consume. Which is what I want you to do for the next few days. Hunt, consume, adapt, and hunt again. When I want you to return I'll signal you. If you do require help, signal me with your mind, we're connected. I'll be hunting as well.' said Alpha. Nodding my understanding, I take off. The hunts begun.
Alec pov Its been five days since I turned Fenris, thats what I named the pup, and I'm terribly bored. Fenris is still hunting some six armed bears, having killed a few myself I stopped hunting them. Got a fair increase in strength from them. He's not likely to stop soon too, wolves enjoy the hunt. Me? I'm in the temple practicing my shifting, while I think. I can now change my clothes better, I look like I'm wearing a suit of bear and wolf armor, cuz I am. Made it a few days ago while it was still fresh, that way I could consume it, and transform on the fly. Is it time to leave or do I give Fenris a few more days? Should I ask Amatsu what to do? Nah, he'd probably tell me to do whatever I wanted. Not helpful, that guy.
As I'm thinking my hunters sense goes off. It only does that when something I haven't encountered is in range. Focusing on the sense, I feel a small group of humans, three to be exact. They're heading towards the temple. To pray maybe? Hope its not one of those virgin sacrifice things. 'Fenris, head back to the temple. We have guests approaching.' I send the thought to him. ' On may way Brother.' Fenris sends back. Don't know why he calls me brother, instead of alpha. I feel like he knows I'm his alpha, but uses brother sense no one can hear us. Doesn't bother me either way. Now lets clean up the place a bit, shall we. Humans move so slow I should be able to get it done before they arrive. With the cleaning done, I hide in the shadows, waiting...... Once upon a time, there was a hero. Strong, brave, noble and charmingly handsome. This hero, much like many heroes, had the eyes of all the fair maidens. And one day the handsome hero fell madly in love with a maiden. Pledging his unwavering heart to her, they spent the night in loving embrace, and lived happily ever after.
NOT! Its all true except the happy ending part. What really happened was the hero( pretty boy douchebag) left before the maiden woke up the next morning. Leaving her with a broken heart, a bar tab, and as she would latter find out, a child to take care of. The mother and child suffered hardship, discrimination( mostly from jealous noblewoman), over the course of many years. Eventually moving to the one place where ones past didn't matter, the Frontier.
The child became a man of accomplishment, and eventually he too had a child, a beautiful daughter. This child was Nix Verto, accomplished adventurer, brave beauty, and unfortunatley, the only daughter of the cheif. It was the last part that had lead to an irratating past few days. She had grown up on the Frontier, proving herself capable of handling the monsters, bandits and any man foolish enough to attempt to woo her. Her skill in combat, brave spirit , and feirce loyalty, had earned her many friends. Such as the ones that warned her of the Empires' men marching on her home. Simply because they wouldn't roll over for them or pay them not to. Hate wouldn't be a word she would use to describe her feelings of the Empire. It wasn't strong enough, she loathed the hero emperor. She told her father in the hopes that, with all his years of experince, the acheiments, and the wars, he'd have some idea to save their home. So he rounded everyone up, told them to prepare defences. He sent runners to the nearer villages and cities asking for aid, though even he didn't expect help to arrive. And he had a 'special' assignment for her, walk into the old woods, the old chaos temple to be exact, seeking help from something that might not exist. Great. So here she was trudging threw the woods with a two others. They were mercs, bodygaurds, for the merchant in town. They smelled like scum and cowards. Always complaining about the walk, or making some offhanded remake about her when they thought she wouldn't hear. 'When I get to the temple I'm gonna kill these scumbags. Wonder if the god of chaos accepts human sacrifice?' Nix thought to herself. Arriving at the temple ruins an hour later, they notice the pillars have been toppled in that blocks the door. "Well, thats it right? We came here, the doors blocked, and no ones here. Lets go back already." complained merc1. Not bothering to answer him, she began to lookaround for another way in. After a quick search, no thanks to the mercs not helping, she saw birds fly out of the roof. 'Must be a hole' she thought. Turning to the other two she yelled," Hey, over here. Thers a hole in the roof, we'll get in that way.'' Mumbling they came over, and began to climb using the overgrown vines. They found the hole, after securing a rope to some stone, and began their desent into the temple. As she waited for the mercs to come down, she looked around. There wasn't much light to see by, but the central room was lit well enough to see. There were signs of something living here recently. " Hello? Anyone in here?" she called out to the darkness. "Yeah, we are. Hahaha hehe!" merc2 called , dropping down with the other merc. Ignoring him she waited. Why? Because she felt eyes on her. Drawing her sword and sheild, she turned around only to see two redish-orang eyes staring right back at her. 'Oh, shit. What in oblivion is that?' she screamed in her head. Before she could react, a large animal dropped in from the hole above. A wolf of some kind, was all see could tell, before it grabbed a merc and took off. The other merc went to give chase, but was pulled into the shadows. She heard him being tragged on the floor, then a squishy noise. She heard nothing after that. " What is it you seek from this place?" said a voice from the shadows. Alec pov
They finally made it here. Humans so damn slow. It looks like they found a way up here. Oh, a rope , guess they should be dropping in. Wow, she's pretty. Fiery red hair, like a sea of flames, with the face of an angel, around 5'9'' I think, 32B-23-34 from the looks of it. Oh, yeah, she's beautiful. The lady looks around for a bit, noticing the signs of my camp, she calls out. I can't understand her, but for some reason, when one of the men she came with spoke, I wanted to kill him. Have you ever meet someone and immediatly hated them the moment the spoke? We'll, I have now. ' Fenris, I want you to grab one of the men. Take him to another room and consume him. I'll take the other one. Don't harm the girl.' I sent to him. ' As you wish, Brother.' I heard back. Not a minute later Fenris dropped in ,grabbed the guy and took off. The other one went to chase him, but I grabbed him, dragging him into the shadows. I stab in the neck with my hand, consuming him. Knowledge and memories flashed threw me. I don't feel bad about it either. Turns out these mercs were employed by a merchant in her village to grab her while she was out here. He was then going to turn her over to the empire, in exchange for safe passage and a fair sum of gold. Scumbag, I'll deal with you all soon enough. Turning my attention to her I ask, " What is it you seek from this place?"
I know she's probably scared, so I give a moment to steady herself. "I seek aid for my people. I didn't know this temple had been occupied, I mean no harm. If you allow me to leave I won't come back. You have my word." she said glacing around. " You don't need to be afraid of me lady. I only attacked those two so I could talk to you. See, I don't know your language, so eating them was the fastest way for me to learn. Something I was born with. I apologize if I scared you. And you don't have to leave, this place ain't mine. If you wanted to pray to Amatsu go ahead. I give you my wood I will not harm you." I say. She snorted at my words" How can I take your word? I can't even see you monster!" She does have a point. Guess it wouldn't hurt for her to see me. ' Fenris, come to me, but don't attack the woman yet.' I send my thought to him. 'Okay. Brother' I heard back. I move into the light as she's turning around.
Nix pov.
I can't see it! Where is it? What is it? Where is the wolf from earlier? This thing thought it could trick me with polite speech. Not gonna happen! I turn around and I see it, but I'm kind of confused. I see a teen, about 6'2'', with white skin, and pale blue eyes. His build says he can handle a fight, but the strange clothes he has on are preventing an accurate call.
" My name is Alec Mercer. I apologize if my actions earlier freightened you. And this, is Fenris, my brother." Alec said. Noticing movement behind him, I see a strange wolf. It looks like an armored wolf, like the ones deeper in these woods, but every now and then I see a ripple in its fur, and its eyes glow like fire. "What are you two, and what are you doing in the temple? Where are you from?" I ask. I plan to keep my distance for now. "We'll its a bit of a story, so I'll tell you the short version. As I said I'm Alec, this is Fenris, and we are Evolved. As to whst we are doing in the temple, simple. We've been hunting everything we can before we leave to find stronger prey. And I'm from a world called Earth, but Fenris is from these woods. Satisfied?" Alec answers, with a mocking smile. ' What in oblivion is he talking about! Wait he said he's from another world, a hero! I found a summoned. Just wait father, maybe this 'hero' won't be useless to us. "Almost. I don't understand the reasoning behind the majority of what you just said, but I have another question. Answer it honestly if you can." I say. Hopefully I'm right and he'll help us."Who is your patron god, summoned one?" "Oh, my patron is Amatsu-Mikaboshi, god of chaos. Whats it to you, lady?" Alec reponded. AMATSU-MIKABOSHI ?! Wha.. how... Stop it! Think for a minute.... Okay this might work. Amatsu usually doesn't do anything on the small side, so if this, Alec Mercer and his weird wolf are his agents. Then shits gonna hit it big this time. Well father you did want his help. " As a 'hero' will you help me defend my people, and drive the empire away?" I ask. "No. I do-" Alec said. " What, why not? Aren't you supposed to help people? Damn you useless heroes. I'll kill you!!" I scream. Launching myself toward him. The wolve just stands there, watching, but I see Alec move to meet me. I charge close to him slash with my sword. He dodges, I slash again, dodge again. Finally I feint a slash , twirling around I stan at him while he's repositiong. He leapts back ten feet, dodging effortlessly. Pissed off now, I go for a shield bash, charging with all my weight. I expect him to brace or dodge like a warrior would. But he tries to punch my shield. Idiot, what good will tha-Boom! Thud. Crash into the wall she lost the air in her lungs and was left trying to regain her breathe. 'What foul pit of oblivion did he come from to have such strength" Nix thought. "I was going to say I would still help you, before you interupted me. Very rude you know. I'll fight the empires men, not because your asked, but because its what I was told to do. However you now owe me a favor, for attacking me. Now now, don't give me that look. Its nothing lewd or immoral. I won't even ask for it till we save your people. Sound fair?'' Alec said. Talking as if this whole thing bored him. Not seeing much of a chioce if she wants to save her village. She gets up, slowly, and say" Damn you monster. But I accept your terms. Let me grab my weapons and we can leave.'' After she collects her stuff, she walks over to the rope. Looking up she notices Alec is already on the roof, with his wolve, waiting. 'Wipe that grin off your face, or I'll find a way for you.' she thought. After pulling herself up, she walked to the ledge. She was about to climb down, when Alec grabbed her arm. "The hell do you think your doing?" Nix said. almost screaming. "Okay, first chill out. Second, based on those guys' memories, it took you about four days to get here. The empire will be at your village in three days, maybe two if they march in the night. I know where your village is, and I'm faster. So you can ride on Fenris' back, or I can carry you, your call." Alec said. " If I ride Fenris, is he going to try eating me?'' Nix asked. "Really women? Look, if I wanted you dead you wouldn't have made it out of the temple. We need to leave, so pick a ride." I say. I finish checking my backpack for the things the mercs had. You know weapons, some food I don't need, and a now useless map. "I'll ride Fenris then." Mix said. As she began climbing on, I immediately felt Fenris' unease. 'Brother, why do I have to haul her around like some inferior horse. Its degrading.' Fenris whined in my head. 'I know Fenris, I can feel you disapproval, but its just to her village. Besides having some humility won't kill you. Hey, I know what will cheer you up. How about a race? Loser carries the next load. Interested?' I thought back. 'Really, we can race? Oh, yes, I wanna, I wanna. Just you see Brother, I'll win and you'll have to carry things from then on; Fenris says , waging his tail excitedly. "Hey, Alec, look. I think he likes me." Nix says, giggling with joy. "Oh, that's cute. You don't know how wrong you are. Fenris doesn't like you riding him as if he where a horse. He's happy because we are going to race to your village." I say, already leaping off the roof. As soon as I land, I take of sprinting with enough speed to make Olympian runners green with envy. "What do you---Aahhh?!" Nix screamed. Before she could finish her sentence, Fenris dashed to the edge off the roof, and leaped off. Chasing after me. Question. Have you ever done something that makes you feel like a wild animal, primal and free? Well, that's what running like a parkour ninja feels like. Running through the woods, jumping off trees, leaping from limb to limb, to the floor again. Yeah, this is what freedom feels like to me. Wild. I I look back to see Fenris is right behind me, with Nix still on his back. She's clinging to him pretty tightly though, alternating from screaming with a terrified expression, to eyes shut and screaming. Your killing the mood man. Fenris looks very happy right now, despite her screams to slow down. Sorry Nix, he really wants to win. As we continue to race, we come across some two headed deer running right in front of us. Not slowing down, I grab a stag with an impressive rack, tumbling to the ground due to the impact. I began to consume him, even as I began to sprint again. Needed the fuel, and it gave me a few more mph. I see Fenris do the same, running through them he snatches one in his jaw, twisting it sharply, he snaps its spine and keeps running. We literally plow through them like this , either consuming them or bowling them over. A stag actually charged us, and I sent him into a rock at 35mph. So stupid, I don't even have headlights. 'Brother, we must be nearing the village. I smell two legs in the wind.' Fenris called. After eight hours of running and a few to go meals later, it seem we are closing in on the village. I can see smoke ahead, not a lot so they weren't being attacked. Checking the memories of that merc, guess they're mine now, I see we are getting close. "Hey,Nix, we are about one hour away from your village. So get ready." I yell over my shoulder. I morph back to my jacket and jeans. Hopefully this will make it apparent I 'm not from around here. 'Fenris, I want you to be cautious. Don't consume anyone unless I say so. Our appearances alone will cause us enough commotion.' I tell him, as the village becomes a little more visible on the horizon 'As you wish Brother.' Fenris said. "Slow down guys. If your run towards the village this fast it might scare people." Nix yelled, finally getting over her screaming. "We'll slow down on the outer fence of the village. That's the finish line." I answered back, still running wild. As we clear the woods, we started to run through the fields. Not like they were growing anything yet, and besides if the empire killed them, I wouldn't need to feel bad either way. The outer fence was moments away now. Fenris and I were running like monsters towards it, the village apparently posted some guards, if you want to call them that, at the fences' opening. They looked towards us then started screaming and pointing at us with scared expressions. One started ringing a small bell as hard and fast as he could. We ignored them. As we approached the finish line, I could see more villagers come towards it as well. Good we can get the introductions out of the way early. The 'guards' began to yell at us as we came closer. You know things like, stop, I'm warning you, get back monsters, kind of wanted to laugh, really. I'm about to cross the fence first, when a bolt found its way into my shoulder. It caused me to stumble, letting Fenris take the lead and cross first. At least he didn't boast about winning, but I could feel his pride and satisfaction of being first. The was a hint of 'I told you so', but we'll let that be. Getting up, bolt still in me, I turn to the now arriving villagers. They circled us with arms at the ready, spears, some archers, cloth and leather armor, and an big man with a cross bow. Fenris bucked Nix off with a scream, and came to my side snarling low at the villagers. Well this is as good as the neighborhoods back home. "WAIT,DON'T SHOOT THEM!." Nix yelled as she got up. She ran to stand between me and the villagers. Isn't that sweet of her. She doesn't want me to eat these idiots. Oh, well, lets see what happens next.
- In Serial7 Chapters
Earth and Avalon have always been linked, two planes of existence, two worlds forever revolving one another. The bridge between can easily be found if one knows where to look. Avalon is a land of purity, and its inhabitants will do anything necessary to keep it that way. Humanity has always been viewed a stain, a disease that threatens the border, and so the Nephilim, winged warriors of Avalon, rose to beat back the spread of a destructive, sinful virus. Mydaiel is just entering the folds of the sisterhood, having completed her training, she is ready to join the hunt and spill blood as Avalon dictates she do until her final, dying breath. It is a great sacrifice and great honor, and she is proud to take the mantle. But corruption can come from anywhere and the hunts have grown increasingly dangerous, that her first may not go entirely as planned. Join the story where two worlds collide in a painful, bloody battle that threatens to become an all out genocide.
8 84 - In Serial24 Chapters
Ashen Ghost
Gravelroy, the last free city, giant metropolis. All ethnicities, cultures, and religions can be found there. Merchants, sailors, criminals, everyone is welcome inside its walls. Everyone but a king, the free citizens don't kneel. But some rulers on the continent would like for this to change... A country bumpkin coming to the Big City. Raised by the wilderness as much as the war. Turned criminal by necessity. A wounded and insane woman. A monster lurks in her prison. She struggles to regain her memories and dreams of escape. A tiny, insignificant meeting. It will send ripples through the world. Given time, ripples can become waves. With enough luck, once in a very long while, a wave will turn into a storm. Slaves, commoners, and soldiers. Bishops too, kings even. Perhaps the Emperor himself. Everyone will feel it. But for now, the stubborn little rock has yet to fall into the waters. He has quite a long way to go in fact. Let's give him a little nudge, shall we? With chance, something might happen. Life can be unpredictable. Especially when we consider the adventures of a crazy girl and a weird lad. Things might get dramatic as the prelude suggested, or they might decide to do as they want and go nuts. Maybe a bit of both. The girl will fight against her own mind, her prison, and her fate. Who imprisoned her and why? But maybe she has imagined everything. She is mad after all. To save someone dear, the boy fights hunger and city guards. Sometimes pigeons as well. Well, this city is cracked anyway. Cover art by Paul Lerouvillois.
8 190 - In Serial17 Chapters
The Explorer's Guide
All seems lost to a lonely prisoner in supermax, everything seeming meaningless as he recovers from an internal injury caused by a rival gang. As he goes through life with low morale and a shattered liver, one day he is thrown into a conspiracy and dies at the hands of his own gang's ploy. But is death really the end for him? Will he ever find eternal peace and slumber or will he have to fight and struggle, just to be able to prevail? Under current heavy editing, as my writing has improved and I felt like the initial chapters just didn't make the cut. Additional tags: Psychological; Adventure; Drama. Author: Hello everyone, I don't expect a lot of people to read my story but if you do I sincerely thank you. English is not my first language, but do not take this as some kind of excuse as I will try to my very best to improve and make the story fluid in both grammar AND content. Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional any real events or people displayed are purely coincidental. I got the Image from google and I do not own it. IF the owner would like me to take it down please PM me, Thank you.
8 119 - In Serial6 Chapters
(Vampires & Humans Vs. Werewolves & Ghosts???)It is the year 2201, and the human race is at war with not only the next evolution of the human race, werewolves, but also against Nature itself. An Ancient race of underground dwellers called vampires live and tries to protect humanity by bringing the human population underground in their habitat. The humans and Vampires live in fear of the werewolves, but that is not all, If this was the worst of it all, then it would have been a rather nice end for a good bedtime story about humans and vampires leaving in harmony underground, but this was not the end and neither is this a bedtime story. Nature (planet) still had big plans for the world, even with the creation of its henchmen, the werewolves (who have no control over themselves at all, merely acting based solely on their biological instincts), that was still not enough for nature. Nature still needed one last thing, something that could give those werewolves orders, tell them what to do, guide them, something that would be a personification of nature itself, something that would be nature's full power, with its wisdom and knowledge, something that would be its symbol. Ghosts.
8 75 - In Serial16 Chapters
KristSingto One Shots
Literally what the title is. So, it's technically self-explanatory. I write a lot of these one-shots when I get bored so I decided to post them
8 196 - In Serial18 Chapters
8 177