《Death Is a Reality》Chapter 19: What She Feels


Chapter 19: What She Feels



My God! This silence is really awkward! I tried speaking up a few times but still couldn’t manage.. Looks like Hime’s going to break the silence first!

“Nii-san, do you........love me?” She hesitated a bit

“What!? NO!! Wait, I mean OF COURSE I DO!! That doesn’t sound right.... GODDAMNIT!” I curse at my stupidity

What the hell was I even trying to say? Am I some sort of bumbling idiot!? Curse that stupid AI and this dumb skill!

“Haah, this is probably some stupid mistake right?” she asked

“Yeah! The AI misunderstood my answer for the skill question!” I desperately defend myself

“......We should head back soon.”

“Good idea.” I reply instantly

And so it seems we had taken the easy way out. If you can’t deal with it you should at least save it for some other time...

“Ah, before we go I’ll share the information with you.”

After she said that a skill window popped up in front of me. I read the what it said and it was indeed the ‘Bond of Love’ skill.

Bond of Love (Passive)

Skill that is most useful when together with your most beloved

Your desire to protect your lover has given you increases in stat gain rate and skill leveling

8% increase in stats and skill power while fighting beside your lover

4% stat increase rate, faster skill leveling

“Wait, this isn’t the same as mine.” I glance at Hime’s direction

“Is there a difference?”

“Yeah, the skill description is the same but the effects aren’t. Yours is much weaker than mine. It doesn’t even reach 50% of my effectiveness...”

“Isn’t this much already really useful? Wouldn’t that make yours unbalanced?”

“Maybe....” I lightly answer back

Is it because I got it from a special event? Come to think of it my lightning affinity gives me better uses than learning lightning element ingame. But that doesn’t make sense... I also received a skill with my trust for Sylva.

Does that mean hers is also weaker than my version? I’ve never really actually seen the exact skill she has. We just assumed we had the same ones since we they had the same name and acquired them at the same time....

Maybe my character itself is unique? I seem to be much better than other players with the same level. I do train to raise my stats but that doesn’t really give much explanation about the special skills I get. What causes me to make them? Is there some sort of special trigger?

While I was deep in thought I realized that we were already in front of a tavern that seemed to be well maintained.

“we’re here Nii-san. If Amy went with Sylva-san they should have chosen this place.”

“I see. Sorry, I was thinking about some stuff.” I apologized for my silence on the way

Nodding to show that she didn’t mind she pushed open the door and went inside. As I followed her in I saw the place was actually rather empty. Even though that was the case it appeared to be a hospitable place. This looks like this is a nice place to stay.

When we entered we were greeted with familiar faces sitting at a nearby table.


“Oh you’re back! We were waiting for you guys!” Amy cheerfully said

“Welcome back.” Sylva said with her usual calm smile

“Yep, thanks for waiting for us.” I return her smile

“Hehehe, you’re all lovey-dovey!” Amy teased

“Amy, I’ve already said Haruki and I aren’t a couple..”

“I know, I know! But you guys seem to match each other so well. Sylva’s beautiful and Haruki’s also good-looking! You’d totally be the perfect couple right? Maybe you should start going out for-“

She instantly stopped when she saw Hime. I don’t know what kind of expression Hime had that could make Amy quiet down but I really don’t want to know. I’ve had my share for today. Instead I ignored the earlier remark and sat down quietly.

“Okay, so I think we should talk about what we will do.” I started

“Isn’t it obvious we’re going to continue exploring?” Hime asked me

“I’ve thought about it a little... Maybe Hime and Amy should stay here away from danger?” I tried suggesting

“What! Then you and Sylva-san!?”

“We’ll keep looking for a way to complete the game. This way we’ll-“

“Hold on! We can also come to right?” Amy also protested

“Honestly, I’d rather have the both of safe for now.” I said

“Then Nii-san and Sylva-san will be risking their lives right? We also have to do something!” Hime raised her voice

“Sylva and I are adults! You both are just high school girls, you shouldn’t have to risk your lives...”

“Hime and I are fine! We’ve already made it this far haven’t we?” Amy complained again

“The game’s only going to get harder, there’s a high chance that we’ll die by continuing.”

“All the more reason for Amy and I to help isn’t it? Nii-san and Sylva-san will need all the help you can!”

I was about to keep denying her but Sylva, who hadn’t spoken a word, suddenly spoke up.

“Haruki, I think we should take them along.”

“What do you mean, Sylva?” I question

“It’s true that we’ll need help. We won’t be able to do it with the two of us.”


“And Hime.” Sylva addressed her

“Huh? Yes?”

“Your brother’s also right. He came here to make sure you’re safe. He wouldn’t want to just let you fight again.”

“.....” she became silent

“Um, Sylva? What you said makes little sense... If they come wouldn’t they still be in danger again?” I didn’t understand why she said all that

“Won’t you be able to protect them? You always protect me right?” She said as if it were easy

“What makes you think I can do that!?”

“Nothing. I just trust you.” She didn’t even bat a single eyelash

“.....Haaah, you’re pretty unreasonable sometimes Sylva.” I gave up

“That makes two of us though.” She replied with a small laugh

“Ehem, isn’t that nice Nii-san? She has complete faith in you.” Hime said not hiding her annoyance

Not knowing what to say I try looking at Amy to get some help. She wasn’t looking at me though. More like she was avoiding my gaze....

“Ahaha, um... I’m gonna do some training....” I stood up to escape Hime’s foul mood


“See you later.” Sylva wryly smiled

With long strides I left the place heading outside which was already dark.


“Sylva-san, Can we talk for a moment?” Hime asked as they were finished

Her brother had left because she purposefully acted like she had a bad mood. In truth, she wanted to talk alone with Sylva for a while. Even though Haruki had told her what happened there were still some things she didn’t understand. Hime felt it was her responsibility to know everything to help support Haruki.

“Sure, just us two?” she said while looking at Amy

“Oh, I guess that’s my cue. I’ll be heading upstairs first then.” Amy smiled and left

“Thank you.” Hime spoke to her friend

When they were left alone Sylva started the conversation.

“Is there something you want to know?”

“Yes. What happened when Haruki-nii-san met you? He only said some stuff happened...”

“Ah, I see... of course he didn’t tell you. Hearing what happened may make you look at your brother differently, do you still want to know?”

“........Yes. I will help Nii-san with any burden.” Hime steeled her resolve

“Very well. Then I’ll tell you how we met first.”

As Sylva’s story began, Hime paid her utmost attention to every word she said.

“We met when he saved me from other players attacking my former party. PKs were trying to kill us which ended up with me being abandoned by my ‘so-called’ friends. Haruki who was just nearby helped me escape them by fighting for me...”

“I’m very grateful for what he did. I didn’t want to die just yet. You see I also told Haruki that I have a family waiting for me.... We sympathized with each other because of that.” She continued

Her eyes flickered with a small hint of hesitation before deciding to resume the story.

“Before this however, I met his comrades. A man named Riley and his niece, a small child named Beth. We were supposed to leave together but a member of the group that attacked me had kidnapped Beth.... Haruki left us to chase him alone...”

Hime held her breath. Comrades. Her brother had said that he betrayed their trust. An uncomfortable feeling formed in her stomach as she felt she knew how the story would end.

“I ran after him but was too late. What I saw was..... different than the usual Haruki.”

“How so?”

“..........He was torturing the PK. Not merely fighting him. As he lied helplessly on the ground, Haruki was inflicting pain without a single bit of regret. It was as if he completely changed.”

Hime became speechless. To think her brother did that.... But that means what he meant by betraying their trust is...

“I think you can already guessed what happened. Beth, who believed in Haruki was killed in front of him which ultimately caused Haruki to kill a person. When we told Riley he became broken. As if he were an emotionless doll.”

“Then, you and Nii-san?”

“After this happened I forced him to speak with me. I promised him I wouldn’t die as long as he protects me, and I would also defend him.” Sylva revealed a warm smile

Hime suddenly understood why Haruki had reacted this way! Since he was a small child everyone around him always left him behind. With Hime also in danger this must have felt enormous pressure. And when it almost crushed him, the one who say they would protect him for the very first time was Sylva....

When Hime’s parents died, Haruki was also saddened. But Hime being younger became his sole responsibility. He cared for her ignoring his own sorrow so she didn’t worry......

“He and I swore not to lose each other and to have complete faith in one another. Fortunately, this brought his broken feelings back. I didn’t forget about what he did. I accepted it... If he chooses to kill for someone else’s sake I have no doubt he truly cares for that person”

Hearing her words, Hime started to ponder her thoughts. This world caused a change in her brother. Would she have been able to accept Haruki had she witnessed what he did?

She started to hate herself. How could she even think that. He was here to meet her and keep her safe. If she couldn’t understand his actions she didn’t deserve to be by his side....

“Hime?” Sylva worriedly looked at her

“Ah, yes. Thank you for telling me, Sylva-san.”

“You have the right to know. I’ll leave now. You must have a lot to think about..”

While she had already walked halfway to the stairs Hime called out to her and asked what she wondered from seeing them together for the first time.

“Sylva-san! Do you love Nii-san?”

“............I don’t know. I deeply care for him, but I also don’t fully understand if this means I love him.”


Magic Mastery (Beginner) lv. 4

A skill that every magic user has knowledge of. The user will be much more attuned to the flow of mana and will be able to master basic magic spells.

3% magic damage ; 1% mana reduction cost

Defeating weak monsters near the city gates increased my skill level a bit. I had only used magic to deal with the creatures without my weapons. As the only long range spell I have is ‘lightning bolt’ and ‘lightning ark’ I kept using them to train my mastery. The other magic skills I have aren’t offensive or were used with physical attacks.

If I keep increasing the mastery skill my whole damage output and cost will be improved! It doesn’t only affect ranged spells but also ‘lightning blade’ which is going to be incredibly useful if I can maintain it longer. This means I have to work even harder to make sure I can keep up with more specialized players....

Realizing it was really late I started to make my way back to the inn. If I don’t come back the others would worry and might even come looking for me....

Entering the gate I felt a presence behind me. Is it another player that trained at night? Since it wasn’t my business I kept walking forward.

After turning a few corners I started to become suspicious. The person’s still following me! Is he a PK? I can’t lead them to the girls...

Pressing myself on the wall as I turned another corner I waited for my stalker to reach here and turn.

As I spotted him, he was surprised to see me waiting for him. Without a word I tripped him and held his arm behind his back pinning him down. When I took a look at his face I found myself shocked.


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