《Death Is a Reality》Chapter 20: Revenge


Chapter 20: Revenge


“.....Good to see you’re well, Haru.”

“Why were you following me Riley?” I ask while letting him go

“I need....help.” He answered hesitantly

“You need my help?”

Truth be told I was shocked. With what happened in the past I didn’t expect to meet Riley again. And yet he’s here seeking me out to help him. This doesn’t sound good....

“Yeah, the bastards who.....took Beth. I found them.”

“Tyler and the other? Don’t tell me you’re gonna-“

“Exactly. I will kill them.” He said with determination

“.....Are you serious? They’re also people.”

“NO THEY”RE NOT! Do you know how many they’ve killed already!? More than 100!” He shouted

The number I heard sent a shiver down my spine. To kill 100 other players....

That was something normal in games but they know this isn’t one. They willingly choose to end another’s life for their own goals. The idea makes me sick...

“But still.... Look why don’t you come with us? Let’s just find a way to clear the game!” I try to persuade him

“Screw the game! I’m not letting any of those filth get away!”

“Alright, let’s at least talk about this first. Just... come with me for a moment.”

As he agreed with a simple nod he started to walk behind me as I returned to where the others were at. Entering the inn, I found that it was deserted. Looks like everyone had gone to sleep. Making my way to the corner table I ask Riley to sit and wait for me for a while.

I headed up the stairs and went to the room next to mine and knocked softly.

“Sylva? You still awake?”

Only a few seconds pass when the door slowly opened. Seems like she was just about to turn in for the day.

“Haruki? What is it?”

“Could you come with me for a while? We have a..... visitor.”

“Sure. I’ll get the others.” Sylva walked to the room across hers

“No. Just us.” I block her way

Noticing my grim expression she nods and quietly follows me downstairs. When she arrived it looked like she too was rather shocked to see Riley again.

“We meet again.” The seated man calmly said

“Now we can talk.” I begin as Sylva and I sit down.

“What do you want?” Sylva asked

“I need Haru’s help. To deal some justice.”

“He’s found the one’s that attacked you and Beth.” I said to Sylva

“So you’re going to kill them!? And ask Haruki to help you!? No!” She protested

“You mean we should just ignore them!? They’ll just keep on killing unless someone stops them!” Riley also raised his voice

“What you’re doing isn’t justice! You just want revenge!”

“I sure as hell do! Haruki, don’t you want to pay them back!?”

“I.... can’t. I have to protect Hime....”

“So found your sister. But what if she were the one killed by them? You wouldn’t just sit there with your thumb up your ass!”

“That’s enough! You should be ashamed of yourself!”

“I’m not. I don’t intend to relax and sit down because Beth is gone! A little girl, killed! I couldn’t do anything then and I sure won’t just do nothing now!”

With that said he started to get up and head for the door.

“Wait, Riley-“ I tried to stop him

“They’re at a cave dungeon southwest of here. I’ll wait for you until noon. Either way, I’m going alone if I have too.” He shut the door


“Haruki, what will you do?” Sylva asked worriedly

“I- I don’t know...”

I was torn between the two choices. Riley and Beth were the first friends I got in the game and I owed them a great deal. But, I can’t just run off. If I get killed than it’s over for Hime and Sylva....

As I thought hard an image of Beth’s death started to replay in my head. The sight I couldn’t forget even if I tried. That was my failing. If only I were stronger I could’ve saved her.

“I’m going to rest for now.” I told Sylva

“...I see.”


“Hime, one of them is getting away!” Amy shouted

“I got it!”

In the area south of Roden we were fighting some enemies that looked like centaurs only without human faces but instead bull heads. It looked as if they were a crossbreed of usual centaurs and minotaurs. With large weapons in their bulky arms they tried to assault us with their fast legs.

Noticing one heading to Amy I pulled out my spear ‘Ascalon’ and charged lightning into it. Throwing the spear like a javelin it’s speed and destruction power were highly increased fused with my magic as it pierced and crushed the horse part of the monster.

“Oh! Thanks Haruki!” Amy waved her hand

Focusing on the battle again I spotted two rushing at me from the front. Preparing for the assault I gathered mana into both my feet and my sword emitting blue lightning from both.

When I jumped up and targeted the one on the right, a fire spear and 3 arrows hit the left one. It looks like Hime also had decent ranged firepower. The attacks caused the large creature to slam into the ground lifeless.

The one I was attacking lost its focus seeing its ally fall. Missing his sword swing at me I use the shoulder and jumped from it while slashing the back of its neck making it tumble down while I landed behind it, rolling before standing back up.

“Only a few more left! Sylva, Hime keep using attacks to weaken their HP! Amy heal anyone that’s injured, I’ll continue to draw their attention!” I instructed

Heading to the last group, I see five of them still standing as they spotted me. We rushed in each other’s direction while I raise my left arm. Using ‘lightning bolt’ repeatedly I killed one with focused attacks to its head.

Two of the ones nearby were also on their last legs. While running, one of them found itself impaled by an ice spike that suddenly erupted from the ground impaling it. Sylva’s spell had stopped its motion and depleted the last of its HP. Hime also used her archery skills. With ‘piercing shot’ and ‘snipe’ I spotted one of the monster’s skull penetrated and killed instantly.

The last two were now doing a reckless charge at me. Looks like watching the others get killed had made them panic! Using ‘lightning movement’ I lunged at one of the beast’s chest and stabbed my katana deeply while using ‘lightning discharge’ to form claws and slashed wildly at its neck.

Before it fell down I use my legs and kick of the chest towards the last one. Having reached a height it couldn’t pursue I raised my blade covered in electric sparks as I was pulled down by gravity. Striking as I fell, I hit the last foe and managed to slice it in half instantly defeating it.

“Alright, that’s all of them.” I walk to the others


“See, Nii-san? We can also help out!” Hime said with a childish smile

“Yeah, yeah. I already said that we’ll go together.”

“Yes!” She cheered

“But as expected. Haruki and Sylva are stronger than us....” Amy sadly commented

“Can’t be helped. They have a skill that increases exp gained.” Hime answered

“Oooh! So that’s why you guys are stronger!? Maybe we can also get something like that, Hime?”

“.....I got one that increases stat and skill growth from Nii-san.” She hesitantly said

“What! Hey, Haruki! What about me!?” Amy suddenly yelled at me

“What do you mean ‘what’? It’s not like I’m the one that decides!”

“But you could make one with Sylva and Hime?” She asked

“Um, there were certain circumstances....”

Honestly I just don’t know about those skills. I formed bonds with Sylva and Hime and we received a set of matching skills. Trust for Sylva and Love for Hime. The only thing I’m certain of is there needs to be a deep connection between me and another player to create one. I barely know Amy so I doubt there’s gonna be one anytime soon....

By the way the ‘Bond of Love’ skill I have with Hime didn’t activate and boost our stats. It did say the requirement was fighting with your lover so I guess that means Hime and I aren’t recognized as one. Oddly enough the bonus growth effect worked perfectly fine.

When Hime and I confirmed this earlier I noticed her pouting a bit while silently looking at Sylva. I know she’s still suspicious of our relationship but I wouldn’t dare point that out!

“Aaah, it’s already been decided I’m the weakest one!!” Amy screamed

“Calm down, Amy. Your healing skills are what we need most.” Sylva assured her

That was true. Our party consisted of mainly range based players with me as the only melee user. Even though I don’t wear heavy armor and use evasion and fast attacks I have to tank and aggro the enemies we fight.....

Realizing the sun was already high I checked the time on the game menu. It was a little past noon. I remembered what Riley said about waiting for me....

We were currently not far from there........

“Haruki... are we heading back?” Sylva asked

I made up my mind there. I don’t know if I’ll regret it but I have an obligation to do this.

“You go ahead. I need to do something.”

“Are you sure about this?” Sylva questioned

“Yes, I owe him a lot. I wouldn’t be here if not for their help.” I replied

“....I understand. Promise me you’ll be okay!” She put her hands on my face

“Uh, yeah.”

That’s surprising! We don’t usually have this much contact! She must be extremely worried! It’s no wonder. Last time I killed I became broken. But I have to resolve myself...

If I can’t do this then it could be the end of us when it matters. If I can’t kill it might be Hime or Sylva that gets killed. I need to do this. If it’s for them I have to do everything I can!

“I promise. I’ll be alright.” I place my hand on her cheek now and grinned

“.....Guys. You should quickly get it over with. I’m getting a really bad vibe from Hime...” Amy shuddered

“It’s fine. Take your time Nii-san.” Hime said flatly

“......I’ll be going.” Suddenly somehow my mouth felt dry


I arrived at the meeting place but couldn’t spot Riley. That idiot! Did he really go by himself? Making sure he wasn’t here I headed inside the nearby cave and walked silently.

When I reached the deepest part I spotted two figures. One of them was lying on the ground while the other had his foot on the motionless figure.

“You piece of shit! You suddenly come here and kill my last guy!! Don’t think you’ll leave here alive.” The standing person stabbed a short dagger into Riley!

“I will kill you.... You killed Beth! I WON’T FORGIVE YOU!” Riley roared

“Who the fuck is Beth? Like I care about someone I don’t even remember!” He kicked Riley’s stomach


“Wait, I’ve seen you before! Yeah! You’re the one that was babysitting a little girl! Was that ‘Beth’? The little brat my men killed?”

“....You bastard.”

“Oh but because of that he got killed. Shouldn’t we be even?” Tyler mocked

Without answering Riley just spit at him. Because he was on the ground it only reached his legs instead of his face.

“No matter.. I’ll just find some other goons. For now I’ll just deal with you.”

Raising his axe that I recognized from our fights before he intended to kill Riley there! Before he could though I already leapt from my hiding spot and parried his the axe’s edge.

“What the-“

“You won’t be killing anyone else.” I coldly announce

“Hmm, well if it isn’t the other brat this guy was with! You seem to be getting along just fine! Looks like I’ll be getting your items too now. I’ll pay you back for injuring me back then.” His eyes filled with rage

“No, you’ve done enough. I’m not letting you leave.” I readied my weapon

“Don’t get cocky, kid!” he rushed at me

I was expecting a hard fight but it was an unnecessary worry. His skills had hardly improved since last time. This guy only relies on sneak attacks and outnumbering players, no doubt he’s weaker than me...

Without even parrying I just stepped back causing him to hit the empty air.

“wha- you shit!”

Again this time he slashed in a wide arc. Using lightning movement i dashed behind him and kicked him to the ground.

He stood up fast and started to attack even more blindly than before. Pathetic. There’s no way he’ll beat me with just this much. I started playing around with him parrying and dodging his swings with ease while doing light damage to him.

Now, my attacks easily penetrated his armor. No longer were they deflected by the red armor that cursed my dreams for a long time. I kept dodging and kicking him to the ground making him helpless against me.

Drinking a health potion he regained his HP and charged again at me. I just let him drink it so he doesn’t die to fast. Running towards me with his axe held high I just used ‘lightning arc’ from my left hand causing him to stop in his tracks.

“UWAAAAGHH.” He screamed out at the pain of being shocked

Not giving up he tried to step forward while glaring straight at me. This time I just fire a bolt and sent him crashing into the cave wall. I chased after him instantly and pinned him to the wall.

“How does it feel to be helpless?” I ask

“Guh, please....” He started to beg

“Please? How many have begged you just to stay alive? Did you grant their wish!?” I shouted angrily

“No... I’m sorry. I’m sorry. It was only to survive! We can’t fight monsters everyday just to stay alive! Players were easier targets!”

“Targets? That’s what they were to you?” I held my breath and punched his gut

“Guhek... It’s just a game.... we don’t really know what happens to those who die!”

I immediately stabbed his shoulder with my short blade causing him to be stuck to the wall.

“Does the pain feel like a game?” I asked quietly

“N-N-No!” He cried out

“And yet you easily inflicted it on others... You killed Beth. You tried to kill Sylva. You even dared to threaten my sister!!!” I lightly shocked his legs paralyzing them.

“I beg you... It was a mistake! We just wanted to live and survive this death game....” He started to cry

“I see.... Then I shall kill you to ensure the survival of the ones I care about.”

“NO!! WAIT-“

Before he started to beg again I had already beheaded him with my lighting blade. As his head rolled away his body started to glow and slowly flicker before finally disappearing. It was over quickly. Just like that those who killed Beth were gone...

Rushing to Riley who was still lying on the ground I tried to pull the blade out of him to stop the bleeding and took out a health potion.

“....No need.” He quietly said

“But, you’ll die. I need to heal you and get your HP back up.”

“Haha, uhuhuhk. You’re really too nice Haru. You should already realize why I did all this.” He smiled sadly


“It’s over now. I got my revenge. My goal is fulfilled.”

“But! You can always come with us! We’ll find a way to escape, okay!?”

“No, no. It doesn’t matter if I manage to get out. I have nothing left...”

“So you’re hoping to die here!?”


“....So you’re giving up?” I ask

“Maybe we should all give up... We all die in the end anyway..”

“I definitely won’t. I will survive and make sure Hime and Sylva live.” I resolvedly answered

“That’s good then. You still have people to fight for... Then allow an old man to give his last piece of advice to a youth.”

“....Go ahead.” I braced myself for his last words

“You defend those you care about with your life. If that isn’t enough get stronger! Strong enough not to fail like me... Use your strength for those you car only. No need to protect everything, just those you love....”

“I will.”

“Also know, that sometimes to give up means to step forward.”

“I.....understand.” I answered somewhat confused

“Hahah, that’s all I guess. Just the last words of a delusional old man. I’m glad we met Haruki. Know that I don’t blame you a single bit now, and I’m sure Beth would say the same..”

“.......Thank you.”

“Yeah, looks like I’ll finally be able to rest now. Goodbye, Haruki....”

With a last small smile he closed his eyes as his body started to glow. The light covered his body as it always does when a player had died in the game With a quiet sound Riley had disappeared leaving me inside the now silent cave alone.

“Goodbye, Riley. Beth.”

Killing for another’s sake you have unlocked a new title for your actions

Fighting and killing with determination you have achieved vengeance at last.

Although you have dealt revenge you fell regret and sadness for your past failures.

-Sorrowful Avenger

Strength, Endurance, and Wisdom +10 ; Emotions more likely to affect your battle prowess

Status[quart=Name,level]Haruki,67 [/quart]TitleSorrowful Avenger[quart=Health,Mana]5550,6820 [/quart][quart=Strength,Dexterity]168,154 [/quart][quart=Vitality,Agility]145,214[/quart][quart=Endurance,Intelligence]109,113 [/quart][quart=Luck,Wisdom]20,162[/quart]

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