《Death Is a Reality》Chapter 18: Sibling Duel


Chapter 18: Sibling Duel


Hime was standing at the harbor watching as ships came and left. Their sails fluttering she could feel the strong breeze of wind on her body. The sea’s blue color was starting to turn red dyed by the setting sun.

She was of course thinking about her brother Haruki. He instead of waiting for her to come back decided to risk even his own life to meet her. Truthfully of course this made her happy, her heart felt warm knowing her brother truly cared for her. However, with her happiness there was also sadness. She truly felt it was her fault that it came to this...

If only she didn’t decide to play this game. If only she also worked hard for their sake like Haruki had. If only she hadn’t become his sister...

Regret swirled inside Hime’s heart. Her feelings were spinning around making her lost in thought without paying attention to her surroundings. It was only after 15 minutes she noticed the boy that was standing behind her.

“Nii-san you’re here already...” Hime turned around

“Yeah, I got here as fast as I could.”

“I see, thank you for coming.”

“Sure thing.” Hime saw her brother grin

“ I want to talk about all of this.... Please. Just tell me from the beginning.”

“Alright, it’s a long story though.”

“I don’t mind.” She said firmly

“Well, as you know the game trapped everyone logged in. I heard 2 million players couldn’t log out. When the news came I immediately came home and found you just lying there...”

“......I’m sorry.”

“Ah, it’s fine. Um, after that I was a mess for a month. I practically just gave up on living at that point. I was getting dead drunk, started smoking, got into pointless fights... Basically I just sorta fell apart.”

“You drank!? And SMOKED!? You’re underage!” Hime glared at him

“Doesn’t matter, I got over it.” He merely shrugged his shoulders

“Haah, continue...”

“I came to my senses when a friend found me beat up in an alley. He said I wasn’t doing my best and it hit me. Next day I found the VR gear and game and also logged in. I just went around asking about you and finally heard about you from Sagami..” He gnashed his teeth when he mentioned the name

“That’s not the whole story. You said you met Sylva-san when stuff ‘happened’. What was it?”

Hearing the question Haruki’s face suddenly turned dark. His eyes reflected a sadness and at the same time anger. It was the first Hime had seen his brother with that expression...

“I..... failed people who were relying on me. I betrayed their trust in me. I was about to go mad again but Sylva helped me.... I practically owe my life to her I guess.” His eyes weren’t clouded anymore as they filled with gratitude

Hime also noticed this change. Without a doubt Haruki was telling the truth. Even though she was thankful towards Sylva, she couldn’t help but feel jealous. When her brother was most vulnerable it was supposed to be Hime at his side. Instead she ended up as a burden while Sylva had rescued him....

“I-I see.... I’m glad to hear that.... You truly do love her, don’t you Nii-san?” Hime smiled with a hint of sadness


“What!? No! We aren’t lovers! That’s just some shitty rumor people made up!!” Haruki was all flustered

“Really? But you were even holding hands during battle..” she eyed him suspiciously

“IT WAS A SKILL!!!” Haruki bellowed

“Skill?” Hime found her curiosity piqued

“YES! It’s a combination skill. We simply pool our mana together and use a combined attack...” He calmed down

“Is that so? I’ve never heard of that before..”

“We also found out by chance, though I guess it’s also related to our ‘Bond of Trust’ skill.”

Never hearing about the skill Hime also asked him about its description. Haruki just opened a window and shared the effects to Hime.

Bond of Trust (Passive)

You have given and received a mutual bond of trust that ties you together. You have an unbreakable bond with your companion as the desire to protect each other becomes a solid connection

Defense increases by 20% when with a trusted companion

15% increased EXP gain for enemies defeated together

Hime examined the skill with mixed feelings. This skill meant that they had a connection impossible to separate. She also witnessed this during battle. They fought trusting each other with their own lives and overcoming impossible obstacles together.

“.....This explains why you’re strong. It was because of this skill and Sylva-san.”

“Partially because of her. But I also have a skill because of you.” He said surprisingly

“Really!? Show it to me!” Hime found herself excited

“..........................On second thought, I’d rather not.” Haruki turned his head with a palm on his forehead.


“It’s not important. Basically it increases stat and skill growth, so I’m stronger because of that too

“Hmmm.” Hime wasn’t really satisfied but gave up on the matter

“So, is that enough?” He asked with a smile

“No, I still can’t forgive you. What you did was wrong.” She said stubbornly

‘I see. It’s fine if you think that. I will not apologize.”

“Excuse me?” she looked at him with irritation

“I don’t regret it a single bit. I also know I did the right thing.”

“Yo-you! That’s only from your view!”

“No it isn’t. I know I’m right.” He said confidently

“FINE! Then let’s settle this like we always do!”

Saying her piece, she started to drag him and returned into the city.


“Hey, do we really have to do this?” I asked Hime

When we were arguing before she suddenly grabbed my arm and stormed off to a training hall dragging me along!.

“Yes, I’ll prove I’m right with a duel. Just like we always did before.”

“But, those were spars in the dojo! This is a real battle you’re talking about!”

“Don’t worry about that.”

When Hime said that she suddenly rushed towards me with a wooden sword with me failing to react. I shut my eyes expecting pain but I didn’t feel anything.

No, I definitely felt something hitting me, but what was weird was it didn’t hurt a single bit! I opened my eyes and saw Hime gesturing for me to take the sword. As I took it I also examined it’s description.

Training Sword

A basic wooden sword used for exercises and sparing. It does not have any attack capabilities.


I looked at it with surprise. It doesn’t do any damage! Does that mean pain in the game is tied to damage to HP? I didn’t notice this at all but I guess this world still had rules of a game in use...


“This way we won’t get hurt but still know who lost.” She said while also brandishing a similar blade

“You’re going to use a sword?”

“Is that a problem?”

“Last time you used sword was in middle school!”

“Nii-san. Even until now you haven’t beaten me once in swordsmanship.” She replied proudly


I hate to admit it but it’s true. She had the basics drilled into her by Uncle Tarou even when she was a little kid. Whenever we fought he always made us spar to settle the issue. Of course it always ended with her being right...

With her skills I don’t know why she suddenly decided to practice archery...

“Are you ready Nii-san?”


All that doesn’t matter now! I know I’m right! I refuse to say that what’s right was just to abandon her. If beating her is what it takes then I’ll prove my action was correct with a duel!

We were now both silent. Only watching each other’s slightest movements we started circling around each other. I focused on her only while blocking out anything else from my mind.

Without warning she made the first move. She had an up to me while swinging the sword from her left at an amazing speed. Her skills haven’t rusted a single bit!

Quickly twisting my wrist I blocked the strike and pushed her back. As she staggered I lunged at her with an overhead slash. Seeing the attack come at her she smoothly sidestepped and completely dodged....

With my slash failing I found myself wide open on my left side and spotted her about to thrust her sword at me. I immediately dropped down and rolled and stood back up in a single fluid motion.

“You’ve gotten better.” She said


Continuing the duel, this time she took a low posture and aimed for my lower body. I jumped to avoid it hitting me but she had predicted this and now slashed upward!


I blocked with the sword in my hand just barely making it. The momentum had also pushed further into the air while slightly tilting. I moved quickly and spun in mid air managing to land on my feet. I haven’t lost but I could tell she was dead serious on beating me.

I took the offensive now aiming at her arm. She spun her body giving her a position behind me and tried to slash at my back but this time I was prepared.

Reaching out at her arm with my left hand I managed to grip her elbow and stopped the movement of the sword. I was about to strike her sides but she also used the same technique while pushing me away.

Trying again, I struck at her front while she blocked it with her own blade. We kept doing this numerous times simply striking and blocking each other’s attempts. When we locked blade’s I tried pushing her down with my weight but her perfect footwork made it impossible.

With our faces looking at each other we weren’t uttering a single word. Sparing was always a way of us communicating. Even though we fought at times and dueled with each other we always made up at the end of the fight.

This was a special way of talking to us. It was our bond having been raised by the same family. While slashing and parrying attack after attack I poured all my emotions and thoughts into each stroke of my blade, My sadness of losing her, my despair at my helplessness and my joy after finding her.

I also knew what she felt from her blade. Happiness, grief, and regret.


I immediately knew she was blaming herself. She must think it’s her fault I came here. She probably hoped that I was alright and able to move on. I could sense her wish of me just forgetting about her and live on peacefully. Utterly idiotic.

The fight was nearing the end. We were both exhausted from the battle now. I immediately knew this was going to be our next moves. Steeling myself for the end I took a deep breath and took my stance.

I am sick of everyone leaving me. I’ll show her my resolve by winning this! Saving her was what I wanted. It doesn’t have anything to do with her faults or choices. None of this was our fault.

I rushed at her from her side and slashed sideways with all my force. Attempting to block my blade she turned her sword sideways to meet mine. It was her failure now.

While she tried to parry I immediately spun around making the strike come from her other side catching her unprepared. As she tried to correct her blade’s direction I had hit the hilt of her sword sending it flying upwards.

While she was stunned I I did a sweeping low kick knocking her off her feet. I stood back up at once catching the sword that had left her hand with my left hand.

With it, I pressed the tip to her neck and made a huge smile.

“I win.”

“.....You did.”

I reached out to her and grabbed her hand pulling her in front of me. I patted her head while still smiling at her.

“See? I’m the one in the right.” I say calmly

“....But, I don’t-“

“Stop. You’re all I have left. I will not allow you to leave me.”

“That’s selfish.”

“So be it.”

She looked at me with red eyes and was on the verge of crying. My heart ached when I saw this but I still kept my smile on my face. She deserves to see me happy and at this moment I truly was.

“Why? For my sake... To throw your life away for me. Why do that!?”

I just put my hand on her cheek like I always did before all this started. I stroked them gently while speaking in a soft voice

“Idiot. Of course it’s because I love you.”

Hearing this put a small smile back to her face. The sight of it overjoyed me greatly. I haven’t been able to see her smile in a long time now. It was worth all the trouble in the world to see her smile again....

Before I said something else she looked at the air in front of her checking something.

“Huh? I got a skill.” She said rubbing her reddened eyes

“Really? What is it? Sword Mastery?” I ask

“No.....” she read it and looked at me

“What? Something wrong?”

“Nii-san.... Have you heard about the skill ‘Bond of Love’?”

My face instantly stiffened at the mention of that skill. Could it be? No way. Tell me this isn’t happening....

“W-w-why do you ask?” I try to stay calm but clearly failed

“I just received the skill. It says it was from you.....”



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