《The Gate of Shadows》Chapter 15: Masks begin to Crack…
My return to the room ended with Fenris utterly stunned once he saw me. He could not fandom at how I could be whiter than I already was. Though laughter soon left his lips, making me flustered on the spot. His was another laugh I did not mind when aimed at me. Melody, on the other hand, seemed happy with the results. She even went as far as calling our bake out a success.
In her hands, she carried the messed-up cheesecake and a cake she had forced me to make for Fenris. Handing me the box, she nudged me to give it to my wolf, who could not control his chuckles when Melody told him everything that had happened in the kitchen. The bombs of flour I dropped were too much for him to handle. The other boys in the room also enjoyed the story of my failures. I did not mind.
Hesitantly, I offered the coconut cake to Fenris. He tilted his head, grabbing it. However, his cheeks turned pink when Melody announced I made it for him. A sharp snap came from Fenris's bed, where Layla had broken a pencil in half upon hearing it.
Shivers went down my spine, trying to ignore the death glare that soon followed. It would not bother me for long, though. Fenris placed the box on my bed, tossing me into the bathroom with Shade. Closing the door behind him, part of me wished he would have come in with me. Releasing a sigh, I showered before bathing Shade. She hated every moment but knew she needed to be cleaned.
Somehow, she was worse than I. I had somehow covered her coat in frosting. Outside the door, chatter erupted when I finished drying Shade. And dressed for the night. I glanced towards the mirror where I saw my hair had grown a little longer than I usually had it. Normally I would ask Fenris to cut it, but since there were other people here. I hesitated to do so. Layla already hated every moment Fenris spent with me. If she saw him, cut my hair then...
Ever since I destroyed Silverant, I always kept my hair short. It was as if I could not move on from that time when the sister cut it up to my scalp. Exiting the bathroom, Fenris waited for me in the bed. The rest of the crew devoured the cheesecake that Melody had brought for them. She had already left by the time I was out, though. It saddened me a bit not being able to say good night to her. When I joined Fenris, he picked up the box to reveal a mediocre coconut cake.
Coconut-flavored treats were his favorite. That much I knew, but I... did not do a decent job of decorating. Even though I could draw and paint, the frosting consistency was something I had never worked with before. My attempt was nothing compared to what Melody could do. Even so, she called it pretty for my first try. I thought she was joking, but Fenris instead of criticizing the decoration skills. He smiled and scotched over to me.
"Let’s share it," Fenris suggested to me.
Layla tried her best to hide her displeasure. Even though it would have been better to say no, I could not resist him. He seemed so pleased by receiving a gift from me that his tail was wagging, and that alone was a rare sight. On the first bite, I could tell it was delicious. Melody had instructed me how to do it. Even though I had failed so many times, she made me continue until I nailed it.
The cake was fluffy, moist, and rich in flavor. Fenris chuckled in delight once he tasted it, too. Everything about it seemed to tickle him in the right way. When he gazed at me so tenderly, I felt I could melt in his amber orbs.
"It is delicious, Lilith. Thank you." Fenris beamed.
His smile was too dangerous. It took everything in me to fight the urge to pounce on him. Covering my mouth, I glanced away, trying to calm myself before I spoke again.
"Y-You s-should t-thank Melody. S-she guided me the w-whole way." I stuttered to say at his words that warmed my heart.
I knew full well that if Melody had not helped me, the cake would have been an utter failure. It probably would have been inedible.
"Your hands still made it. The recipe does not matter." Fenris noted.
He would not give me a break. I tried to suppress the emotions that were swelling. They begged to come out. However, with one gaze towards Layla, all I felt was fear for my life. As if looks could kill, I would be dead on the spot.
Kira, on the other hand, was trying her best to seduce Liam, who seemed to have had one too many drinks. He seemed uncomfortable by her advances, though. It was not long before one boy jumped in to save him. My gaze traveled back to Fenris, who ate his small cake happily. How could Melody ever see him as intimidating? He was...
To me, Fenris was just adorable. I did not know how I would keep my hands off him tonight. It had been days with little to no touch. I felt frustrated. Ezra and Owen teased Kira, who seemed to want nothing to do with them. Noticing my discomfort, Shade cuddled me. In response, I pet her for comfort. It was not the type of touch I desired, but it would have to be enough.
A discontent, Layla walked over towards us before pointing at me. She also seemed to have one too many drinks. Alcohol was not good at all, especially on hot-headed Lycans.
"Why do you always dress like that?" Layla started.
Fenris's eyes followed her carefully. His night was about to become a bitter one.
"I do not know what you mean by that," I answered, confused about why she had approached me.
I would try to keep the peace, though she obviously did not want to.
"Don't you ever want to dress sexy? Get a boyfriend? Or girlfriend? From what I hear, Cora likes you. Why don't you go with her instead of hounding my fiancé?" Layla scoffed.
I remained silent, not knowing what to say to her.
‘Ah... This is going to be a shitty night alright.’
"Layla that..." Fenris began, not wanting her to be all over me.
She did not care for his words, especially if they were about to defend me.
"You dress dull. You need to show off your goods if you want to have someone like you. You know you cannot rely on Fenris forever." Layla huffed, obviously jealous that I had made Fenris happy with my cake.
It bothered her. She could never get a smile out of him as I did.
"Enough, Layla back off." Fenris confronted Layla, causing her to flinch and retreat a bit from me.
She did not want another lesson from him. I just wanted to keep the peace. It had been a good day. I wanted to keep it that way. So, I would do anything to keep Layla happy. Especially if it made Fenris's day easier. If that meant groveling, then I... I could never be like Melody.
"I know. I am sorry for taking Fenris's time like that," I whispered, glancing down.
It triggered Fenris to call out to me. Kira stood up from where she was. She smelled blood in the water and wanted more. Instead of de-escalating, she ramped up the situation that was brewing.
"Yeah, you better be sorry. Geez, Fenris, why did you make her your charge? She is just like any other stupid witch. Useless trash." Kira snapped, looking at me like I was dirt.
These past few days were full of kindness. They had made me temporally blind. To what I really was to most of these people.
"Will you two shut up?" Liam growled, annoyed by what was happening.
Ezra and Owen seemed mortified by the situation.
'How did it come to this?' The two boys probably wondered.
"No!" Kira yelled at Liam.
The girls had drunk enough; it seemed. More than enough. Her comments rubbed me the wrong way, though. I had enough of their insults while I was in my room. Unlike Layla, I owed her sister nothing. For once, maybe I could be like Melody and stand up for myself. After all, I did not owe Kira a damn thing.
For Layla, I could handle it to a point, but Kira's racism made me angrier than usual. People like her were what caused the fall of Silverant in the first place. Getting off the bed, I stood in front of them. Fenris remained there, surprised that I would even try to confront them. Hate begets hate.
"Let me correct you. It was not Fenris's choice to make me his charge. Do you ever think why I was forced on him? Why he is so desperate to make sure I am safe?" I scowled at Kira, snapping from the looks and scorn they threw my way for the past days.
Fenris grabbed my hand in response, trying to defuse the situation. Liam sobered up faster than ever. They were fully aware of the terrifying consequences that could happen if I lost it. Behind me, Shade paced back and forth, anticipating a fight. She was ready to rip them apart if I ordered it so.
"Lilith..." Fenris mumbled my name, voice quivering.
It was the first time I had ever heard him like that. He was terrified of what I could do. Layla backed off, knowing what he would do if she did anything else. Kira, however, did not.
"Oh yeah? What could a little witch-like you do to me?" Kira challenged, knowing nothing about me.
I could not help but want to laugh at her stupidity. But then I remembered Melody's words. I had to be different. I was still cranky from the weird dream I had the days before. It added irritation to the sexual frustration I had. The lack of touch that Fenris had accustomed to me was getting to me.
I knew I had to take a step back. Yet something pushed me forward. Her arrogance... I wanted to squish it. Wouldn't the world be a better place without it?
"I do not get how you can be so high and mighty all the time. Doesn't it tire you out?" I poked her ego.
Kira snapped at that moment. She raised her hand to strike me, but Liam grabbed onto her before she could swing it down. Fenris tore me away from Kira and into his arms. Meanwhile, Shade paced back and forward on the bed. She wanted blood.
'Lilith let me rip her anew.' She tried to persuade me.
But the moment I was in Fenris's arms, all the anger and darkness that was swelling within me dissipated. In my moment of clarity, I realized what I was about to do. It caused me to hold on to Fenris for dear life.
"Okay, I had enough! This will be your last day here if this keeps up. I will go behind Ryker myself to get the lock changed. I do not care what consequences it brings!" Fenris snarled at everyone.
Kira noticed Liam's hand trembled, glancing at Fenris, who held onto me protectively. Something was wrong with me. I had enjoyed the chaos that almost broke out. Part of me wanted it to explode. What was happening to me? I had never tried to fight before. That would be the first crack in the fake mask I had built over the years.
I had always tried to be better than the rest of my kin, but then again, I was a witch at my core, too. Maybe that was all I was. What I had to be. When it was finally quiet enough to call it a night, I dug myself in my side of the bed, feeling hollow. I wanted to yell so loud that everyone in Silverant would hear me.
A desire to let all the bottled pain within me lose for once grew. Even after all the kindness that I had experienced. I was not okay. No matter how much I tried, I could not be as beautiful and bright as Melody. There was a darkness in me that wanted to break loose. Just like any other night, Fenris waited until everyone was asleep before he pulled me into his arms.
However, this night, he held me tighter than any other night. Being in Fenris's arms, I felt bliss. It melted my worries while in them. He was my only true anchor in this world. It took longer than usual, but I eventually relaxed and closed my eyes before drifting into darkness.
Although it was not long until I stood in a fiery scene of what used to be Silverant. A red moon loomed over the city as screams erupted from everywhere. Then utter silence hazed over the city. Hesitantly, I walked towards where the screams originated to see everyone I had met until this point dead on the floor.
Tania... Ben... Ryker... Layla... Kira... Ezra... Owen... Cora... Along with other unrecognizable bodies were all over the floor. Pushing through, I continued to search for the only one that mattered to me. However, the moment I saw Melody on the floor, I ran to her. There I recognized another body next to her.
Liam... He had reached for Melody in his final breaths. It almost looked like someone had ripped into them. All the bodies around were in similar condition. I tore myself away from them, as I could not find Fenris anywhere. Everywhere I searched, I called out to Fenris, but his replies to having heard his name never came.
Instead, all I saw was destruction all around me. Whatever caused this covered streets in blood and body parts. The buildings were a fiery inferno. I ran for what felt like hours, searching every place I could think of for Fenris. After investigating the entire city, I headed into the forest towards what used to be my prison long ago.
The forest itself was another blaze, yet I persevered no matter how hot it got. I had to find him. I had to know he was okay. His safety was all that mattered to me. Eventually, I made it to the manor, which had burned to the ground too. There I finally found who I was looking for, but not how I wanted to find him.
A dark figure held Fenris by his neck where the manor once stood. Bloodstained Fenris's silver hair as it trickled down his face. I begged the figure to not hurt him. Upon hearing my voice, Fenris reached out to me. Tears swelled in my eyes upon seeing the condition his body was in. In response to my pleas, the figure turned its face towards me, revealing a wicked grin on its lips.
Even though I could not see its face, it planted pure dread within me. It did not look human, neither did it look like a shadow demon. No, it was something else. Something I had never seen or read off. It had crimson eyes and a human-shaped body, though. It seemed it was taller than Fenris. His feet could not even reach the floor beneath him.
Suddenly the fiery scenery changed to black as purple flowers. I had seen in books before this. bloomed around us. They were... wolfsbane. Before I could even understand what was happening in front of my eyes. It released an inhuman snicker, enjoying the pain it inflicted on everything around it.
I pleaded yet again as Fenris mouthed my name weakly, telling me to run. After those words left my beloved's lips. The being that held him ripped his head from his body before throwing it by my feet. Dismay filled my whole being. I fell onto my knees, reaching for Fenris's severed head. The figure walked towards me.
Once in my trembling hands, I desperately called out to Fenris to hear no reply. Touching his cheeks... They were still warm, but when I saw the color of his eyes fade, I lost it. Jolting awake, I shrieked louder than I had ever in my life.
Not even Stella's carving techniques made me scream like that before. For a slight moment, I lost control of my magic, causing the building to quiver. The amount of pain that swelled within me was too much to bear. Tears were dripping down my cheeks. My sudden scream startled everyone in the room awake.
Especially Fenris, who hurried to comfort me. Grabbing onto my face, he forced me to glance towards him. The moment he saw my expression of pure terror, he placed his forehead on mine, assuring me I was okay. That what I had experienced was nothing more than a nightmare. His words, touch, and warmth made me realize he was alive. That I had been dreaming.
But it felt so real. My legs ached because of how long I searched for him in that burning city. My trembling hands were soiled red from when I grabbed onto his head. They were stained in my eyes. The feeling of his hair on my fingertips still tingled, too. No night of terror had ever felt like this before.
Liam turned on the light in the room to bring clarity. While Fenris continued to comfort me. Layla, Kira, Ezra, and Owen all just stood there, stunned at what had happened. I was out of breath and unable to comprehend what I had seen. Fenris asked Liam to turn on the aromatherapy, as in the past it had helped calm me down.
Shade rubbed off against me, assuring me that everything was okay. Yet I could believe none of them. It was not until Shade connected her mind with mine. That she realized the full extent of what I had experienced. The red stains from my hands would not go away even as Shade placed her black paws in them. Even Fenris's constant comforting did not help me. I was utterly distressed.
Once Liam turned on the small machine, I was still trembling. Kira finally complained about why I was so hung up on a small nightmare. Fenris angered, told her to get out of the room. It caused Layla to step in. She suggested it was too late to make her younger sister run across to the dorms. Everyone usually slept there.
Only me, Fenris, and a couple of others stayed in the building itself, while most others had to stay in smaller buildings that surrounded the larger complex. Before another fight broke out between the Lycans. I finally found my voice.
"I need to draw." I panted, unable to take my eyes off my hands.
Even when Fenris's forehead warmed mine.
"Okay... Okay..." Fenris whispered, helping me off the bed.
Usually, I would draw in my notebook whenever I woke up the next day. After being comforted by Fenris during the night, but this time. I could not wait. Even if we had been alone, it would not have turned out differently. I had to get this nightmare out of me. Standing up from the bed, I grabbed a canvas I had stored in a corner of my side of the room.
I rarely used one of these, but a small page would not keep this one in. Fenris helped me set everything up. My hands were trembling too much to do much else. Once I sat down, I closed my eyes for a moment, picturing what haunted me the most.
"It was just a dream gosh! Do we need to not sleep now?!?!" Kira complained once again.
Layla told her to shut up. Fenris glared at them, not wanting to hear another word from them. Ezra and Owen laid back on their sleeping bags. I did not care what she said or wanted. Layla, after scolding Kira, came over to my side of the room and sat down next to Fenris. He was watching me intently. Liam also joined them as Shade hopped on my lap.
'Lilith... I wish I could help you, but even I do not understand.' She whispered.
When I opened my eyes, I traced the scenery. The moon, the burning forest, and the figure that held my only anchor to this world in its grip. The trace alone did not bring any comments, but the moment I painted in the colors. Layla was the first one to slip up.
"Fenris... Isn't that a red moon? Why is she drawing it?" Layla whispered to Fenris, not knowing I could hear them thanks to Shade's super hearing.
My hand twitched a bit when she mentioned that. I wanted to know what she knew about the dreadful blood moon, but instead of trying to get my curiosity quenched. I continued to paint. Although they had a conversation behind me. Well, monologue since Fenris did not answer her back.
"That reminds me. Are you mentally ready for the red moon? You know when you gain its power... We will get married soon after that." Layla cooed, only to be ignored by him.
He was in no mood for this. After all, he was more worried about me and what had caused me to wake up full of dread. To him, I had been acting weird since the fainting spell I had in the library. This, though, was all new information for me. Fenris was going to gain some type of power during the coming red moon, and I knew nothing about it.
I knew about the moon as they had forecasted it. And the witches at the library could not stop talking about it. But I did not know that the Lycans were also looking forward to it. Although, the festival they were planning, conceited with the moon. Why didn't I ever think of it before?
"Hey... They think it will be painful. Maybe I can convince the elders to let me tag along with you. Even with all the security in place for it, maybe I can find my way there, you know. And I could ease your pain. You will probably..." Layla tried to reach for his heart by grabbing onto his shirt.
He pulled away and stood up from the bed, interrupting her train of thought. Yet another rejection of her advances. Painful... That was the first time I ever heard anything like this. I knew the moon festival was supposed to be some big event that was coming along, but... it would be painful for Fenris?
When the witches were speaking about the moon, they made it sound sexual, though. It was an orgy ritual that they were planning to have during the event. This was to gain some of its power, or so they said.
"Layla, enough." Fenris sighed, sitting on the desk next to me.
Holding myself back from asking, I continued to paint. I remembered something Stella once called Fenris. The cursed moon child... For a moment I glanced towards the moon I had painted. It would be exactly twenty-five years since the last red moon was witnessed.
'The cursed moon child said to bring the Lycans power and glory.' Stella said.
Had Fenris been born during the last one? Glancing towards him, his expression only showed pure worry for me. Fenris would never tell me something that could affect me negatively, knowing my feelings for him. He would never share his load with another burden.
Turning my gaze back towards the canvas, I continued to paint, omitting details. Instead of Fenris next to the black figure in my dreams, I painted rays of light where he would be. Representing my light. It was something he would not know how to decipher unless he was me. If he would not share his burdens with me, then... I had to do the same to lighten his load. It would be better this way.
By the time I finished the whole painting, Liam and Layla had fallen asleep on my bed. The sun was already out. Fenris, instead of falling asleep like the rest, stayed awake with me. Watching over me the whole time. I stared at the finished painting for a while, watching it dry, wondering what it meant.
Was it a figment of my imagination or something much more? I turned my gaze towards Fenris, who studied the painting along with me. He probably wanted to ask me a million questions since Lilith's dream. But thanks to the company, he could not find the time to help me. I could not rely on his help anymore either way. Whatever was happening to me.
I had to find out on my own. Glancing back to the painting, I picked up a small carving knife I had next to me. Slicing my finger, I traced my blood on the painting. In response, Fenris grabbed my hand and glanced at me, concerned. It was not a deep slice, but I had never tried to do this type of sacrifice before. For offensive magic, living blood was the only thing that could suffice.
The few spells I had used before this moment had been plant-based to cast. This was one of the many lessons Stella engraved into my mind.
"Fenris, could you open the window?" I asked, turning my gaze towards him.
In response, he sighed, doing what I had asked of him. After the window was open, I closed my eyes. What happened next would cause the other Lycans in the room to have a rude awakening once again.
"Ambustum," I whispered, triggering the canvas to burst into flames.
The other Lycans woke up because of the smoke and sound the spell caused. Offensive spells were so much irritating to them than supportive ones. Especially if they weren't wearing artifacts to dampen the noise. Fenris never wanted to, though.
"What the fuck! Are you fucking insane?!?! We were just attacked less than a week ago!" Kira snarled loudly from being awoken in this manner from her sleep.
Maybe some post-traumatic stress... Yet I doubt she was out when the explosions were going off. I could not give a damn about how she felt, though. The only thing in my mind was Fenris's severed head that I held in that dream. My stability was waning. I watched the canvas burn as Kira sent more profanities my way. Layla held her back. Seems her hangover did not make her any more pleasant in the morning.
Tuning the young Lycan out, I questioned everything that was happening. I wondered why Ryker sent Layla over. Was it to test Fenris or me? At this point, though, Fenris had enough and told Kira to get out. It was not night anymore, making it plenty safe for her to leave.
Glancing towards the clock, I noticed it was already nine. Melody had made me promise to be ready by then for another round of baking. Ignoring the start of another fight, I headed towards the bathroom with Shade. Closing the door behind me, I took off my clothes and turned on the hot water to let it wash over me.
I tried to clear my thoughts to figure out what I had to do next. First... I had to figure out what the secrets for the coming festival were. Then... I would have to figure out if that dream was a premonition or just another nightmare fueled by the grimoire I touched in the library. If it even happened. It was irritating to not know whose grimoire it was and if the event happened.
No one in the library seemed aware of any break-in last time I went in. If I had cracked the barrier then there would have been an alarm no? Everything was just too confusing at this point for me. Maybe I was losing my sanity.
Ever since I realized the bracelet that held back my emotions was not working anymore. I lost my safety net. When I thought it worked it was as if I were using it as a placebo. Now that it was gone, it just made everything worse. I did not trust myself to do anything right. Melody... Even though I wanted to help her, I could not do so without hurting her.
I was useless to everyone. Without confidence, I was... Lost in my thoughts, I barely noticed when the door to the bathroom open. However, the change of lighting within the room was enough to catch my attention.
"Fenris?" I called out.
Shade hissed at whoever was at the door. The curtains to the shower were completely see-through. Ryker wanted Fenris to check on me from the door if he needed it so. The door also did not have any lock since the last time I had a meltdown. It was another measure Ryker used to make sure Fenris could get to me. Although Ryker's plan to show me, my place was about to go down the drain.
I turned my head to see who was invading my privacy. Much to my surprise, it was Layla. Somehow, she had sneaked back into the room while Fenris was going off on Kira. The moment I saw her standing there, a wave of shock washed over me. She could see everything that had happened to my body. I froze.
"Hey... I just wanted to apologize for..." Layla began, only to halt when she saw the state my body was in.
For a moment we both stood there, not knowing what to say to each other, but she broke the silence soon after.
"What the fuck?" Layla gasped, utterly disturbed by what she was seeing.
Melody's voice called my name from outside the bathroom. She had come to find me. My scars were not a sight to behold. In fact, burn scars are one of the worst a person can have. And Stella had carved my body into something horrifying. Especially to someone who had seen nothing close to it. Most of my traumas were darkly pigmented, almost flesh-like, thanks to the burns I had endured. Others lifted outward.
Stella had horribly disfigured my breasts. Somehow, I kept my nipples without them falling off. Luckily, she had not cut off the lack of blood supply to them. My arms, abdomen, and legs were full of similar scars too. My back was full of permanent marks. They had been left behind by all the whippings I had endured throughout my childhood.
My buttocks were also full of scars, but mostly from the whippings. There was not an inch in my body that was beautiful. That much was apparent from the way she gazed at me.
"Get out..." I muttered, feeling a wave of energy surging within me.
I was losing it again. I felt like a branch on a snowy day. There was only so much weight it can handle before a twig snaps off it. If not, the whole itself. And I... was not as stern as a tree to handle any more weight. Not after the night I had.
The way Layla gazed at me with her amber orbs made shivers run down my spine. Her expression of pure disgust was making me feel overwhelmed. For the past years, only Fenris had seen my disfigured body. And he called it beautiful. Seeing her made me crash back into reality to the state my body was in. It was a disgusting thing to see.
Fenris... There was no way he saw me as beautiful. My insecurities swelled as it all reached a climax. I was a bomb about to go nuclear.
"This is..." Layla rasped, shaking her head in disbelief, taking two steps towards me.
A wicked smirk erupted on her lips. She was happy to see me like this. Fenris would never hold or love a person like me. Not while she was in his life. A small snicker left her lips. Her insecurities cleared the moment; she saw my damaged body.
"Get out!" I warned once again.
Melody seemed to have heard me. She called out to me once again from outside of the room. I could not hold it anymore. I was about to...
‘Fenris... I am sorry.’
"Ah... I am relieved. Everything makes sense now." Layla smirked, viewing me with pitiful eyes.
The moment she saw me like that. I... felt like I was once again that ten-year-old girl... Helpless as I got stepped on and abused by the coven. She... would not differ from them. I wanted to wipe her off the face of this earth. Erase that smirk that sent shivers down my spine. That was when I finally lost it.
"I said get out!" I snarled at the top of my lungs, energies surging out of me once again.
Melody, who worried about me, had been slowly getting closer to the bathroom. The moment she heard my distress, she ran inside and placed herself between me and Layla. My voice had made her jump into action without even knowing the consequences. Her back was towards me, almost as if she were trying to protect me from Layla.
For a split moment, time froze. If that energy would have hit Melody. Would she end up like Mary and Emma all those years ago? Images of Melody splattered over the floor rushed through my mind. At that moment, I did something that I thought was impossible. Almost like a reaction to my will alone to protect her, I pulled back the energy that was leaving me.
The shock of it alone caused me to slam against the wall behind me, knocking the wind right out of me. My body felt like I was about to be ripped apart instead of hers. It wanted to come out, yet I... could never let that happen to Melody. Trying to hold the energy that wanted to surge back was something I had never done before.
Even though Shade hated water, she jumped into the shower, worried about what I had just done to myself. Meanwhile, unaware of the danger I posed to them, Melody confronted Layla.
"What the hell is wrong with you! Can't you hear her?" Melody growled at Layla, who took a few steps back from her.
Falling onto the floor on my knees, I tried to hold back everything that wanted to come out. Whispers bombarded me with temptations.
'Let go...'
'Let it end...'
'Give in...'.
Grabbing onto my head, I hyperventilated. I did not know how much longer I could keep it in. It hurt to even try. It was trying to split me apart. Fenris, who was outside the room arguing with Kira, could not hear what was happening inside. Melody had closed the door behind her, sealing the room from the inside. If he could have listened, he would have already stopped this.
The boys were not in the room either, probably went to get food. Or into their morning routine after having been awakened by me twice. Fenris was the only one who could stop this, though. The only one who could even calm me. I... Tears swelled in my eyes before they fell down my cheeks. I struggled to hold myself together without my beloved wolf.
I never wanted to hurt Melody, but how long could I hold it? Noticing my distress, Melody turned away from Layla and grabbed onto the towel that was on the side, opening the clear curtain to help me. Once she was close, though, she stopped for a moment, surprised by the condition of my body.
Biting onto her lip, she hesitated very little to throw the towel over me, making sure my body was covered.
"Lilith, are you okay?" Melody worried, only showing pure concern on her face.
There was no hint of revulsion in her eyes. Her gaze alone was enough to soothe my troubled soul. Those precious seconds allowed Fenris to barge into the room, with Liam right behind him. I did not realize when my bracelet shone, but Fenris pushed Layla aside. Melody stepped to the side to let him reach me.
This would be the second time he found me in this bathroom losing myself.
"I am here, Lily," Fenris whispered, grabbing onto my face.
Melody turned to Layla once again. Liam did not dare to enter the bathroom. Though concern quickly filled Liam, who called out to Melody. She had grabbed Layla's shirt in her fist. Melody pushed her out of the bathroom slightly. My body screeched in pain when I launched myself on Fenris. I was delirious.
Unable to think rationally or hold back any longer, I kissed my wolf deeply. I had forgotten about everything that surrounded us. Where I was and who I was there with did not matter to me. I only saw Fenris and how much I needed him. My tongue glazed over his lips when he grabbed onto my cheek before allowing me in for only a moment. He pulled away slightly.
Unlike me, he realized what was happening, and who was watching. It was not enough for me. Before he could say a word, I pulled him into another kiss. This time my tongue went into his mouth. He was about to speak when I attacked him once again. Though, he pulled away more sternly, holding my arms in his hands to prevent me from following suit again. He avoided my gaze as I finally realized what I had done.
- In Serial141 Chapters
Sucked into the void without warning, a handful of people from around the globe suddenly find themselves in the foreign world of Scyria, a place filled with people who can jump three times their height, conjure fire from thin air, and perform any number of other inhuman feats. Scattered across the realm and armed with newfound powers far greater than those of the native Scyrians, they each struggle to find their path in this unfamiliar reality. Their unforeseen arrival sends tremors throughout the world, toppling a centuries-long age of relative peace, prosperity, and progress as they each leave their mark on the world in their own ways. But Scyria has its own share of intrigue, even without these unwelcome guests. A major metropolis is wiped from existence out of nowhere, triggering a manhunt across the continent for those deemed responsible. Two feuding nations decide to bring their hostilities to a new level. Blades clash, nations fall, and plots years in the making begin to reveal themselves. This is the story of some unwilling trespassers, taken from their lives against their will and thrown into situations they barely understand. This is the story of some unfortunate Scyrians, their lives blown apart by the newcomers’ sudden and destabilizing existence. This is the story of Scyria, a world with a lost past buried beneath millenia. But as both the Earthlings and Scyrians are about to find out, sometimes the past doesn’t stay buried forever... I marked the story as having Gore, Sexual Content, and Traumatising content because it does contain a bit of all three, though not what I believe is a significant amount. Just wanted to be safe. It does contain a whole lot of profanity, though. That one is very much deserved. I post one chapter ahead on Patreon here, you can get it for a dollar: https://www.patreon.com/IrateRapScallion My Discord server for discussing the story and whatever else: https://discord.gg/uycZBbv Please vote for my story on Top Web Fiction by clicking here: http://topwebfiction.com/vote.php?for=displaced Thanks! Cover by Jefferymoonworm
8 193 - In Serial26 Chapters
A Different Kind of Hero (-)
Have you ever been abandoned? Forsaken by the people you saw every day? Lucas was an average boy, if you were to even call him that. He was weaker than most, and he didn't have the best grades either. His family was not wealthy, and it didn't help that his classmates picked on him every day. There was always a set of boys that hurt him, but everyone was a part of it. The girls in the back, the teachers, the ones actually hurting him. Nobody helped him. Then one day, as class started, his whole class was teleported to another world. He finally thought that his time for redemption has come but to his disbelief he was the only one out of all the students to not get any sort of buff. He was still the weakest, and upon being abandoned by his classmates and thrown to his death, he chose to forsake his humanity and set his destiny in motion. With a 'little' help from a god, how will this new way of 'living' befit him? Inspired by: 'The Epic Tale of the Forsaken Hero' and 'Arifureta', but by no means is a Fan Fic. It'll start out very similar, but will change drastically.
8 125 - In Serial10 Chapters
Stranded on the Old World
James Noble, a seemingly Immortal soldier fighting for the re-unification of Terra (Earth) is thrown from his cause and lands on another world at the other end of the galaxy, and event orchestrated by a collective of fairly sadistic gods. With nothing but a few tens of thousands of years of experince. He must survive on a world completly unlike any he has visted in the distant past, yet still eerily similar to an era long gone, welcome to the Old World; a place seemingly frozen in a time of swords and magic. P.S: this my first attempt writing please point out any mistakes or things you think i should alter or do better. P.P.S: i do not own the cover all credit goes to the original creator. P.P.S.S: I'll release chapters whenever they are finished, sooooooo no set release schedual...
8 172 - In Serial52 Chapters
Old Version of Trials of Sanity (Dropped for a complete rewrite)
When 23-year-old Leo is suddenly transported to a new dimension filled with horrors, he needs to adapt to survive. Taken from earth together with thousands of others, they must do anything to come out on top. In their new reality, under the all-powerful System, their human limits are no more. Will this newfound power breed cruelty or compassion?Follow his struggle and journey, as he grabs hold of whatever he can only to see another day and another fight. Human nature and morals will be put to the test with each passing moment. When the horrors of the imagination become all too real, the feeble minds of men and women alike are brought to the brink of insanity.If we are the product of our environment and culture, what sort of people will be born of a place filled with violence, nightmares, and horror? Forced to fight for his life, Leo must remain sane. And so does the people around him, if he is ever to survive. Author's note:This is an old version that has been completely dropped in favor of a new and better version. I have learned a lot from written this instance, but I believe the work has been subpar and I can do much better with the story and the premise I have devised. I will be posting the new version on a different page.
8 120 - In Serial16 Chapters
The Mad, The Broken, and The Lost
A Half-Elf tortured and forced to become a dungeon core is out for revenge. Death has had enough of the upstart Gods that call themselves Kings. The Madman has chosen a vessel. They will not stop until the oceans are red with the blood of their enemies and tears stream down the faces of those that they hate.
8 148 - In Serial72 Chapters
The Cursed Black Hero
Summoned in another world, the class where Kyoushiro Kagami were summoned was none other than a fantasy one. Believed to be a Demon Spawn that came from the Demon God, Kyoushiro was ostracize more than his classmates and teacher were.Having a few girls falling for him, him and the others strive to save the world they were summoned in; in order for them to go home.Kyoushiro however, suffered from being betrayed by a classmate which lead him to feel deep hatred towards the person that used him...
8 163