《The Gate of Shadows》Chapter 16: I am not so innocent as you thought…
Layla stood by the door, scowling at me, full of animosity. Melody did not have the strength to push her away from us. However, what was more worrisome was that Layla had seen me kiss Fenris. Probably had seen him reciprocate with the first kiss too, no matter how short it was. Whenever Layla tried to kiss him, he would automatically push her away as far as he could. Without hurting her physically.
Though sometimes it ended on Layla’s bum on the floor. Liam did not dare get near the door, afraid to see what was happening inside. From Layla’s expression alone, it was obvious he should stay away. Although he was ready to stand and help us if needed.
“Fenris... I... I am....” I tried to apologize, only to stop.
Fenris bit into his lip, turning back his gaze towards me. His eyes were so cold that they sent shivers down my spine.
‘Ah... I messed up big time.’
He had entered damage control mode, and it was all my fault.
“Don’t say anything... Stay here.” Fenris ordered.
Before leaving me sitting on the bathroom floor while he went to deal with Layla, who seemed ready to put me down in my place. My body throbbed, pushing down every emotion that wanted to swell out of me. Fear? Sadness? I did not know how to differentiate anything anymore.
Shade sat down where Fenris had been, placing her little paws on my shaking knees. She was trying to comfort me, to no avail.
“Fenris, this bitch was just harassing Lilith!” Melody growled, not allowing Layla to stay hostile towards what had happened.
It forced her to enter defense mode instead. She did not want Fenris to find her guilty.
“I did nothing of the sort. I only entered the bathroom to apologize for Kira’s behavior.” Layla assured Fenris.
Melody disagreed with her view on the matter.
“That was not what I heard!” Melody argued.
Layla seemed to snap at her defiance. She was just a runt, after all. Someone like her should never have defied Layla’s authority.
“What would a runt like you know? You do not have sensitive hearing like us pure breeds. I was just a bit shocked to see the state of her body.” Layla shot back to make Melody crumble under her.
But Melody did not stand down. Even though Layla was a future alpha, the runt was not scared of her. Even if she could easily rip Melody apart, if she wanted. Although Layla was essentially powerless with Liam and Fenris here. And if she had tried. I did not think I would have been able to hold back, either.
“I might not hear as well as you, but I heard Lilith tell you to get out multiple times. And you refused to listen to her! That is harassment!” Melody accused Layla.
Fenris walked towards them. He did not seem delighted to deal with any of this. Everything was becoming a mess because of me.
“Enough,” He ordered both females to be silent.
Melody seemed startled by the hostile tone of Fenris’s voice. It was lacking any warmth and patience that was usually present in it. Instead of getting in his way, she ran to me to help me. My body shivered from the overwhelming magical power I held back. I was not used to trying to keep anything back. In fact, I had never tried before. It was always outward, not inward. My vision was turning double. With each second that passed, my condition worsened.
“Fenris, why did she kiss you like that?!?!?” Layla demanded answers upon his approach.
He glared at her, triggering her demeanor to become somewhat submissive. She slanted her ears downwards. Her tail was between her legs. She was accepting Fenris’s dominance, although she still wanted to convince him she was in the right.
“Lilith was just panicking. This would have not happened if you never entered the bathroom.” Fenris chided, trying to hide his obvious anger.
His hands were in form of fists. He was holding himself from ripping her apart. It was not the right time for it.
“I thought it was fine. We are both women after all.” Layla suggested, ignorant of everything I had experienced.
It triggered Fenris to scowl at her intently.
“Oh god, you are burning up...” Melody whispered, becoming alarmed when she touched my forehead with her cool hand.
I was having one of those magical attacks.
“Not for her. You crossed a boundary. You know nothing about her. From this moment on, you will not go near her. Got it?” Fenris declared, triggering Layla to slip up once again.
She was not happy that I would be close to Fenris after she was gone. Especially after what I did.
“I will not tolerate this. She fucking kissed my future husband. I will speak with Ryker...” Layla began, only to be interrupted by Fenris grabbing onto her face with one hand.
His eyes were emotionless, while hers only reflected fear. He was trying so hard to stay in control, even though. In his eyes, there was a hint of yellowish glow.
“Fenris,” Liam called out to his friend, worried about where the situation was heading.
He did not want Fenris to do anything he would regret. Just because of the situation we were in. Taking a deep breath, Fenris sighed before pulling Layla towards him. Her feet barely touched the floor.
“Layla. I don’t want to and cannot deal with you today. If I even figure out that you said anything to Ryker. Marrying me will be the worst decision in your life. Do you understand, future wife?” Fenris threatened.
Layla softly nodded in agreement, fearing what he would do to her if she continued.
“Good,” Fenris affirmed, letting go of her.
She stumbled, getting away from him. By this point, everything was getting too blurry for me to handle.
“Fenris!” Melody called out to him.
I fell onto her bosom, unable to hold myself up anymore. Even Shade collapsed on the floor upon feeling what I felt. Wasting little time, Fenris turned back towards me. That was when Layla noticed something weird about me, even though she had backed up somewhat.
“Why are her eyes glowing blue? Weren’t they brown earlier?” Layla questioned, confused by the change in my eyes.
Fenris shot back a glare, triggering her to step back.
“This does not concern you. Go deal with your sister. Liam, please find Owen and Ezra. Tell them the stay over is done. Everyone is going home.” Fenris ordered.
Liam went into action, just as his future alpha wanted.
“Roger,” Liam replied, dragging Layla out.
She would deal with her problematic sister, who was still waiting outside, annoyed by the talk down Fenris had given her.
“Fenris... She is not okay.” Melody pointed out while her palm was on my forehead.
Her touch was rather pleasant on my hot skin, but nothing like Fenris’s was.
“Thank you, Melody. I will handle it from here. I am sorry for everything.” Fenris apologized by the circus everything turned out to be.
He picked me up from her arms and into his warm embrace.
“The only thing you have to say sorry for is for that psychotic fiancée of yours. Geez. Make sure to tell me if she is okay.” Melody demanded from the alpha that she saw as intimidating.
Although at this moment, she seemed like the more menacing one in the room. She was giving orders to Fenris, who chuckled in response to her boldness. It just proved how much she cared for me.
“Yeah. I will make sure.” Fenris promised to keep her updated.
Melody narrowed her eyes and huffed up, still annoyed by Layla’s actions.
“You better.” She warned.
Fenris placed me down on my bed. Before Melody left, she grabbed onto my hands and told me to get better soon. So, she could teach me more about baking. Even though I could barely see well, probably delirious from the fever that raged in me. Her smile was so bright even as I saw her in doubles. Two Melody, that would be a handful.
Though if there were two, Fenris... Layla would not need to complain. Yet I would want them all for myself. However, even in my delirium, something else caught my eye. For a slight moment, I saw tiny cracks on the curse that ailed her. Before they disappeared into nothing once again.
My fever was probably playing tricks on me. Once Melody left, Fenris tended to me. Drying me off, he placed a thin layer of a blanket over me to cover me, leaving me undressed underneath. Placing Shade next to me, he pulled out some water to brew a chamomile tea that elves enhanced to help with magical ailments. It was what he would usually give me to quell my other attacks.
This one, though, was different. Even though it soothed and calmed my fever, my body still ached. An entire day passed before I could open my eyes and keep them open. Shade still slept next to me. I searched for Fenris, only to find him not too far from me by the edge of the bed.
“Hey...” Fenris whispered, grabbing onto my hand.
Dark circles from lack of sleep were clearly visible in his eyes. He had not slept since I had woken everyone up with my nightmare. How long ago was that now?
“Fenris... I...” I tried to speak up for Fenris to stop me.
I felt guilty about everything that had happened.
“It is fine.” He assured me.
But I could not understand how any of it would be fine. Layla saw me kiss him. She must have been furious, inconsolable, and out for blood. The thought alone sent shivers down my spine.
“No, I...” I tried to argue only for him to shake his head, not wanting to hear anything from me.
All he wanted was for me to stay put.
“Do not say anything, just rest.” Fenris sighed.
He obviously did not want to think about anything to do with Layla. Even his phone, which usually was always on, was turned off by the table. Probably from all the calls he was getting from her, got to him. However, he seemed reluctant about something. Was there something he did not want me to know about?
“Is something wrong with me?” I whispered, noticing his different demeanor.
He seemed warier about everything. It was not like him. Upon hearing my question, he sighed again before gazing at me slightly.
“Ryker came in with medics and checked you out. It seems you are not as stable as you were before.” Fenris informed, glancing away from me.
“I see...” I mumbled, remembering slightly a fight that broke out between Ryker and Fenris.
I thought it was a dream fueled by delusions because of the fever. But... it seemed to have happened. When Ryker was checking me with his light-based magic, he noticed that the emotional inhibitor was not working anymore. When Ryker informed Fenris of this. The elf ended up losing his cool when the wolf confessed he already knew about its failure. It began the argument on whose fault was that I lost control.
Fenris argued if he had not brought Layla into this room, this would have never happened. However, the elf-shot back with just as much ammunition. If my wolf had told him, he would have never tried to show me where I belonged. After the fight finished, Ryker seemed tired of it all.
“Fenris... This was going to happen either way. Containing this thing was just a temporary measure. We cannot kill the abomination since it will finish Moira’s sacrificial spell. Damning us either way. And we do not have a phoenix stone to close the realm if it opens again. It seems the world might be damned no matter what we do.” Ryker announced, standing up from my bedside, seemly tired of everything.
He had been fighting for peace for many years to see it end like this.
“I understand where you are coming from, but Ryker, you need to back off her. Testing her patience will not help curve the apocalypse you are so intent on avoiding.” Fenris argued back.
Ryker sighed, gazing at the young wolf that stood before him.
“I will, after the festival. When you gain the moon’s power, the girl will be your full responsibility. I fought with the council for you to keep her for this very reason. I wanted you to become the reason for her to stay in control. Even though I do not express it much. The fear of death is humbling to me.” Ryker began, shaking his head.
“The thing you see as a girl is a bomb, Fenris. It is waiting to blow. You cannot see her as anything else but a dangerous asset. For all our sakes, I hope you see that.” The elf warned Fenris of his peril, who gripped the bed frame tighter.
“I know that. I know she is dangerous. But you should have seen these past few days. She was fine until Layla pushed her over the edge. I am sure Layla would have been a wall decoration, like those witches that bullied her if Melody were not here. From what you analyze she reabsorbed the energy, right? That means she must be able to control herself to some extent.” Fenris pointed out, caring more about me than Ryker’s opinion on the matter.
“Yes... She did. Maybe the girl will be able to control herself. We will not know until the time comes. Nevertheless, I will get the lock changed to keep this room private for you two. As for Layla, if she makes more trouble, I will speak with her after the festival. Honestly, I thought she was going to make friends with Lilith instead of this.” Ryker sighed, regretting the choices that brought him here.
“I did not think Layla saw her as a threat. You Lycans and your pride will be the end of us one day.” The elf continued, tired of everything.
Walking by Fenris, he grabbed onto his shoulder tightly.
“Do remember, that soon there will be no containing her. You have a heavy burden to carry on those shoulders of yours. Yet... I am trusting you with my family’s safety. The last steps to convince the council are coming soon. You will need to steady yourself. Your father would be proud of the man you have become.” Ryker added with a soft smile on his lips, letting go of Fenris’s shoulder.
He headed for the door.
“Thank you, Ryker. We have not gotten along perfectly, but thanks to you I know what I have to do.” Fenris said, not taking his eyes off me.
“I hope so. This world’s survival depends on it.” Ryker finished, closing the door behind him.
After he left, all I remembered was Fenris answering his phone a couple of times, but all the conversations were hard to follow. Now that I felt better, I could see he seemed exhausted because of everything that had happened. I still felt like a comet had crashed into me. My body refused to listen to me. Even so, I wanted my beloved wolf to feel some type of relief.
There was so much he wanted to speak to me about. And I did too, but I... did not want to burden him any further. Instead... I, with my sheer will, took a deep breath. I sat up, only for him to lean closer to me.
“Lay down,” Fenris grumbled.
Taking the chance, he was close. I grabbed onto his shirt.
“No,” I whispered, denying him what he wanted.
Luckily, he seemed too tired to deal with anything.
“Lilith.” He sighed, not happy that I was not listening to him.
I tightened my grip on his shirt.
“Fenris,” I called out to him just as he did my name, suddenly pulling him onto the bed.
Shade groggily got up from where she was, walking over to my unoccupied pillow on the bed. I climbed on top of Fenris. His expression only showed pure astonishment at my bold move. I guess I was taking pointers from Layla. Grabbing onto my arms, he tried to sit up, only for me to push him back down onto the bed with my hands.
I firmly planted them on his chest as he gazed at me, cheeks purely pink. He was adorable.
“Watch it. I am unstable, aren’t I?” I cautioned, picking my words carefully.
I traced my fingertips along his jawline and down his neck. I wanted him to know I had overheard his conversation with Ryker. That was... If it even happened. I was still delirious, too.
“Lilith.” Fenris breathed in my name, letting go of my arms and clamping down his hands on my thighs.
Something sturdy poked on my bum while I straddled his waist. Fenris was just as sexually deprived as I was. Though he worried more about my wellbeing than his. He was holding back, and I had to fix that.
“Do not move. I might break if you do.” I murmured, triggering Fenris to release a nervous chuckle.
I undid the buttons on his shirt. If he wanted to, he could push me off. If he found it disgusting, then... I would not fight him. But his eyes... told me something else. Once his chest was exposed to me, I traced my fingers down his pecs. He slightly sat up to give me a light kiss on my lips.
In response, I pushed him back down again. I kissed his jawline and neck before trailing down his chest. His grip on my thighs tightened when I licked his nobs. Like he had done to me so many times before. This was the first time I had ever done anything like this to Fenris. Usually, it was him starting everything. Just like the kiss in the bathroom when he pinned me to the wall.
I had instigated nothing like this before. This was all new to me and I enjoyed it. Separating from him, I stared at him, wondering if he felt anything for me. Or if I was nothing more than his charge. Releasing his grip on my thighs, he reached for my face with a concerned expression. Not the one I wanted him to have.
“Are you okay?” Fenris worried, even though he was enjoying everything I was doing.
It annoyed me. Even though my body was more than sore, I pushed forward. Grabbing onto the hand he had used to touch me; I licked his palm. It triggered him to grab onto the back of my head and pull me into another kiss. This time deeper than the last one.
My forearms that landed on his bare chest scarcely held me up. He feverously kissed me. With one hand on the back of my head, the other traveled on my back, landing on my bum. From there it traveled to my hip and onto my inner thighs, finishing in my most sensitive area.
Fenris’s touch made me jolt away from his kiss as his fingers entered my depths. Gasping for air, he left me little time to recover. The lustful wolf was thrusting his fingers into me. The hand that was once on the back of my head traveled to my back. He pulled himself up enough to reach my chest to do what I had done to him earlier.
Grabbing onto the back of his head, I mewled loudly as his touch made me lose my mind. After that dreadful dream. After everything... feeling him like this... was all I needed to find peace. Everything Fenris did to me assured me he was alive. That he was here with me. Yet this was not all I wanted from him now. Pushing him down once more, I pulled his fingers out of me, pinning his hands onto the bed.
“No touching.” I panted for air, feeling tingly from Fenris’s touch.
For a moment, I gazed at him before letting go of his hands. To tempt me, he licked his lips before lapping the fingers he had used to enter me.
“Okay.” Fenris breathed, watching me intently.
I tried to keep my head in place. I wanted him to feel it more than I did. Feeling a bit irritated by his tease, I repositioned myself beside him as I unbuckled his pants. His cheeks flushed red when he realized what I was about to do to him.
“Lilith, what are you doing?” Fenris spluttered out, sitting up slightly.
I grabbed his fluffy tail and placed it on his belly. All to prevent him from seeing clearly what I was about to do. Ignoring his question, I exposed his member, only to realize how big he truly was. I had never seen it from up close before. Usually, I only spotted his heat from my waist down.
I had never touched it with my hands either. So, it surprised me when my fingertips traced it, how warm and sturdy it was. My hand was tiny compared to his heat, too. Although in my defense, I had smaller hands than most girls. Melody had called them adorable when we were baking together. Seeing his reactions, though, made me feel shameful for never doing this before.
“Lilith wait...” Fenris gasped.
I gave him little time to finish his thought when I licked his tip. Even though I did not know what I was doing, yet from what he did to me. I might have found some pointers on how to accomplish my task. After a few trials and errors, I noticed the head of the member was the most sensitive area. He responded the most when I caressed there.
Feeling more confident with each attempt, I sucked on it, pumping his base with my hands. He rewarded me with a couple of moans and groans that came from his lips.
“Lilith, let me touch you, please,” Fenris begged, out of breath, bucking his hips slightly.
His reaction to what I was doing to him. Made me feel more confident in my ability to make him lose it, as he did to me. Even though he seemed so tired before we started, he seemed a bit more energized. More motivated, I guess I would call it. It was not long until his member twitched inside my mouth. A loud moan released from his lips followed it.
My wolf grabbed onto the sheets underneath him, feeling close to his limit. His tail lifted from his belly slightly as he released inside my mouth. For a moment, I did not know what to do with the liquid that filled my mouth. It was bitter and salty, but I did not want to spit it out. Instead, I ended up swallowing it, much to his surprise.
“Lilith... You did not just do that.” Fenris panted, grabbing onto my chin, turning me to face him.
He gazed at me for a slight moment before kissing me once again. In response to his affection, I pushed him down again, straddling him again. This time with a different plan in mind.
“You just do not listen, little wolf.” I licked my lips seductively, grabbing onto his tail to cover my bare skin.
“Lilith.” Fenris breathed again.
I ignored what he wanted and slid his slightly soft member inside of me. A sharp moan released from my lips, feeling odd from his warmth. It had been days since I had felt him like this. Usually, I only felt this way when he did not touch me. Thanks to my monthly lady thing, but this time was different.
I had been craving him the whole time and now that I had his heat in me. It pleased me beyond belief. His member quickly recovered, feeling my walls tighten around him. A whine left Fenris’s lips. He always felt more sensitive after a release. Clenching into his hands to help me stay up, his tail wrapped around my waist and chest. I began for the first time to make love to him.
Even though I was clumsy, it seemed like Fenris was feeling it, breathing my name from his lips occasionally. My voice merged with his as he filled me, too. I wondered how he saw me through those expressions, full of pleasure. Eventually, it seemed Fenris had enough for my ineptness.
His eyes glowed slightly. It should have been a warning. He let go of my hands and grabbed onto my waist, thrusting himself fully inside. It left me a bit stunned, as it was unexpected. A yelp left my lips, too. With my hips in place, he slowly sat up before licking my neck. He had enough of playing nice.
“Sorry, I hit my limit. I am not that easy to tame, my love.” Fenris purred into my ear, not realizing what he had said, pushing me down onto the bed.
My heart throbbed when those words left his mouth. Did I hear right? Before I could even analyze what he had said. Fenris kissed me again. Our tongues fought for dominance while he began his movements. They were rougher than usual, more passionate. He did not allow me to think or ask him if I heard him right.
No, he was determined for me to lose myself within him after what I had done. What I thought I heard could not be true. Could it?
‘No, I must have misheard him.’
Grabbing onto the back of his head, I played with his hair, wrapping my legs tightly around his waist. It only took a few more pushes for me to fall over the edge and into bliss.
However, Fenris, who rarely overstimulated me as I went over, this time continued to push forward. Taking little to no sympathy for me and how long I could keep up. He made me feel like I was his, continuing to make love to me. Though I could barely stay at his pace. He had never been this rough before, but surely I lost myself.
I could not remember how many times my body twitched in pleasure while he held me. All I knew was when everything finished, Fenris was exhausted as I was. I was overflowing with his seeds that could not stay inside my walls, leaving them to drip down my bum. Separating himself from me, he chuckled, enjoying how my body shuddered from the slightest touch he provided.
Fenris laid beside me, pulling me into his warm embrace. Even though I was just as tired as he was, I went to look at his face. Surprisingly, he had fallen asleep the moment he dragged me into his arms. The sun was going down too. I did not know what time it was when I woke up earlier, but the sun was out.
Even though I was dazed and tired, I wanted to get things done. I had slept enough. Wiggling my way out of Fenris’s embrace, I placed one foot on the floor, only to lose my balance when I tried to get up. My legs did not have the energy to go anywhere, thanks to what he had done to me.
Was this another part of Fenris’s evil plan? I could not help myself when I glared at him. He took no pity on me. Even though it had been days since we had done anything. Even though I wanted to be angry, the moment I saw his peaceful sleeping face I could not help but giggle. Shade, who had been out cold the whole time, finally woke up. Groggily, she walked towards me before jumping on my head.
Noticing I would get nothing done today, I closed my eyes and rested for a bit. My body still shivered from all the stimulation Fenris had given me. After a couple of minutes, I got up, and wobbly got dressed for the night. Grabbing another canvas, I drew Fenris, since walking anywhere else at this moment seemed impossible. Sleeping was out of the question, too.
Everything had tired me, but not enough to sleep like Fenris. Instead of using the chair, I sat next to him to get a better look at him, sleeping so soundly. I grabbed the blanket he had used for me and covered his more personal areas, not wanting him to get too cold. Gently touching his eyelids, I remembered how his orbs had glowed yellowish earlier.
Lycans’ eyes would glow when they were in their beast form. Or when they were about to lose control. Usually in a fit of rage. I had only seen Fenris’s orbs glow when he shifted. Maybe a hint of it when he confronted Layla when she had launched at me. He probably did not even realize what he was saying when he flipped on me. Even so, it made me feel something I thought was only reachable in dreams.
Even if he was not thinking correctly and was full of hot thoughts, I was happy. He seemed peaceful while he slept. Drawing him took hours thanks to my body’s condition. It made me take breaks in between for personal things. I tried to make as little noise as possible, to not wake him while I was out and about. I also used coloring pencils instead of wet paint to avoid any irritation to his nose.
When he groggily got up, it was already deep into the night.
“What are you doing?” Fenris yawned, wiping his eyes.
I sighed, pulling on one of his ears. It annoyed me he had left me with little mobility. He was always so gentle with me, yet this time he went overboard.
“Drawing you,” I answered, pouting somewhat.
He grabbed my hand that assaulted his ear.
“Why? I am right here after all.” Fenris noted, sitting behind me, placing his chin on my shoulder.
He was blissfully unaware of the emotions his words caused in me. A weird sensation filled me as I remembered my dreadful dream. His death still plagued my heart. What if all I had with him was... this moment alone? How would I remember it? Cherish it?
“Memories are best captured,” I whispered, feeling a sting in my chest.
The weight of my words was too heavy for me to keep the pain away. Could I even live with just the memories? Upon hearing my tone, Fenris got closer to me, so I was in between his legs. He straddled me from behind, wearing no clothing from what we had done earlier. I only wore a simple nightgown that he had bought for me to use.
It was not like the ones that covered every part of me. It did not bother me to wear it though, since he had already seen everything I offered.
“How about I engrave it into your mind, then?” Fenris murmured, playfully tracing his hand up my gown and down my bare thigh.
I jolted a bit when he landed in the middle. His touch left me extra sensitive enough to gasp. He caressed it lovingly.
“No. You already did enough.” I pushed on his face.
In response, he licked my hand. He would not let me go. I was a bunny, trapped in the wolf’s grip.
“Did I? I thought that was what you wanted. For me to lose control.” Fenris purred, slipping his fingers into me once again.
A whimper left my lips, immediately following his entrance. I was just too sensitive to his touch. What he said was true. I wanted him to lose control earlier, but only for me alone.
“I...” I trailed off, unable to resist Fenris’s touch.
My legs quivered as they slowly parted, allowing him better access to me. No matter how rough or gentle he was with me, I was utterly addicted to him. He had me right where he wanted. Dropping my coloring pencil, his left hand intertwined with my right. He continued to touch in my depths.
The bracelet that he had given me became one full moon with the one he wore. It happened each time he held my hand in his. A small chuckle came from his lips as the moon charms shone red. They resembled the moon that would be here in about three weeks. Taking his fingers out of me, he became playful. He placed his tail over my lap, tenderly kissing my cheek.
“Hey... Try to draw me as I do...” Fenris tried to tease me, only for me to respond by pushing him down onto the bed.
He was such a cocky little wolf. One that owned my heart, even so... I would not hide my discontent with his taunt.
“Jerk.” I pouted at him.
My wolf smiled in return. His charm trapped me in a way that I did not want to let go of. Everything he did to me left me wanting more. Without a doubt, I loved him with all my heart.
But... would that be enough?
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8 229 - In Serial16 Chapters
Yami Desolate- The destroyer (a reincarnation story)
In the midst of a school assembly, a summoning circle appeared out of now where and everyone within the school hall was transported to another world, one of fantasy and magic. Having been called by the goddess to help against her fight against the forces of evil she gives them each a blessing and sends them to the kingdom of light and sanctuary The holy union. """Welcome heroes from another world, We need your help against the forces of darkness, but first lets check your status"""" boomed the king. Although the students and teachers was in confusion, about the current situation they complied and one by one checked their status. Noticing each has their own class along with a blessing, the kingdom welcomed them with open arms as a special unit called the sacred heroes to fight against the forces of darkness.However during the summoning ceremony caused by the forces of light, a similar ceremony was happening caused by the forces of darkness that called upon the recently dead soul of Yami whom recently died from the cruelty of the world . 1 hour before the school assembly started. Yami was on the roof, the only place where he can feel at peace however as he was walking near the edge, he was pushed off by another student, as he was falling he started to curse the world and the cruelty of humanity but what he cursed the most was his own lack of power, the moment he landed on the pavement bleeding heavily, it was clear he was dying, however before his death his last words was """" Im sorry, hikari i cant protect you anymore goodbye my light, """".Yami thought this was the end of everything the oblivion only for him to wake up in darkness, and a voice calling out to him Would you like another chance?, Knowing there was probably a catch he accepted anyway refusing to let his regrets go. Yami awoke only to find himself reincarnated within an egg. Yami was reincarnated into a half dragon and half demon this is the story of desolate the destroyer.author noteslazy author that only releases non edited or barely any edited chapters. UN EDITED, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. There is no point on critiquing a unpolished work it is just like saying that is a rock..... there is only point in polished work such as this gem hasn't had the best of care and wasn't cut properly. !
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