《The Joy of Evolution》Abusive Mother!
You know I have got a lot of things from my new mom as she slams my surprisingly squishy body on the ground. For one I feel secure in her suction-ey grasps. Two, I have gained Biomass, whatever that is I haven't figured it out yet. And lastly, I have been given a new idea of what happened and it is not hard drugs this time.
[You have gained one Biomass.]
Well, I think I have been isekai’d, as much as I hate to say it, I don't think drugs could do anything like this, I don't know, maybe a super drug could but, I've never heard of a high where you get slapped on the ground by a monster while you are that monsters child. It's not a dream because this is much too realistic for it to be in my head.
So that leaves only one option unlikely it may be. But there is only one way to test it
I mentally think of a game-like status screen.
And it appears, but not as a hologram or something, I wish. It appears as a piece of blood-soaked parchment paper that floats with writing that glows. I mean it looks like a devil's contract if I ever saw one, what does it say?
‘Welcome to your soon to be permanent home! I know the change can be hard but to give you some solace. If you are reading this, you are not dead and are smarter than a piece of grass. Congratulations!’
Wow! What an amazing compliment to be given, I will cherish this memory forever by throwing it into a blender.
‘...Your soul is currently in my grasp but, you are also a client and as such, I would like to give you options, if you find your current life distasteful you may void the contract, however voiding the contract will open your soul up to a trillion years of torture and mandatory servitude as well as possible annihilation via God Smiting. If you wish to sign please mentally think of a signature. If you wish to void the contract, don't sign, we will be with you shortly via possible God Smiting.’
Sign!! Sign!!! Sign the damn contract! I mentally think of a bunch of scribbly lines.
The blood-red words dissipated from the parchment and new ones sprang up in big bold letters.
[You have gained one Biomass]
Your joking, you threaten me with annihilation and then you roll over and give me a happy face to end it off. Great now, It makes me feel like I'm in the clutches of a Devil… oh wait I am, crap.
Let's try that again ‘status’
[Name: Joy
[Species: Suctioner Hatchling
[Gender: N/A
[Health: 10/10
[Stamina: 10/10
[Material Storage: 3/20
-Draining Spike (Very Weak)
-Suction Cups (Extremely Weak)
-Regeneration Gland (Slow) (Very Weak)
-Radar Sense (Very Weak) (Short)
Oh, that's interesting, I learned quite a bit from this. First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth to be correct. First, my name stayed the same, I know it might be weird for a previous guy to be named Joy but, that's just the way life rolls.
Second, I'm not even a guy or girl to be expected as a monster though. Third, my stats seem to be how to put this, weak, like 10 seriously. Material storage must be where the biomass is stored, so I can only hold 20 currently. You know I do feel a little bigger each time I gain Biomass, my parent must have a lot to be able to be that big and to just be giving it away to us, maybe?
Fourth, all my mutations are terrible. I mean they are all weak sauce, but sound cool in theory, like for example Draining Spike. I don't know what it is but I should at least try it, I quickly attempt my draining spike and I can see little spikes come out of my suction cups in the center of my body. I retract them and move on to my fifth point I don't have one, I just like the number five… Alright!
[You have gained one Biomass]
As I'm currently rolling around in my parents' grasp literally. She stops moving and I get the top position above her, still stuck though. Hmm, how to get out? From this position, I can't see the roof so it must be pretty high up. It's very rocky around here. Oh, what's that, I see the butt of some animal. It has a sleek tail, maybe a wolf? Mother seems to have spotted the creature before me, her Radar must not be as trash as mine. I wonder why she stopped though?
I then learned what she was doing as she lobbed one of my brothers towards the wolf's butt. The wolf turned around to inspect its new wart on its ass as my brother got stuck on it and poked it with its draining spike. The wolf's body is much sleeker than any wolf I remember and it has no eyes or ears but instead has four nostrils.
She then lobbed another and another and then it was my turn. The wolf ripped the first wart off killing it instantly, but there was now one on its face and its back.
I struggled in my parents' grasp to not get thrown at the scary wolf. It worked somewhat as she dislodged me from her suction cup, I was thrown at the rock wall to the left of the wolf instead of directly at it, my other two brothers are dead at its feet as I see two more latches onto it.
But, that's what I see from behind me as I ain't sticking around to find out who is gonna win that fight. I'm sorry Mom it was fun while it lasted, not really. I keep rolling and rolling until I no longer hear anything and then after I rest, I roll some more.
This world is crazy, I mean what parent throws their newly born kid to their death at a crazy monster wolf!! Screw you too! I don't know where, I'm going but, that was abuse I say, ABUSE! And I'm going far away from it!
I roll to the left then to the right and then kept going straight as the walls got further and further apart until I could no longer see them in my albeit limited vision although it is semi night vision; because I have been surrounded by darkness and I could see somewhat fine. I head towards the left wall and find a small crack in the wall I can squeeze through to get a breather, from all this rolling.
The crack in the wall isn't very big as my squishy body presses against the walls quite a bit. But it is nonetheless much safer than being out there. That wolf was undoubtedly the scariest thing I have seen ever, period.
And what if it had a pack and I ran straight into it! That really could have happened right, I didn't think of that in the moment!
I end up having a panic attack at what just happened and how I could have been voraciously eaten by a pack of those large scary wolves.
I mean, they would tear me tentacle from tentacle as I feel their teeth tear me apart! Nuh-uh, not happening! I am fine living in my cramped crack in a wall!
I eventually calm down, after maybe an hour, I don't know.
[One Biomass has been consumed]
Oh hey, familiar-sounding robot lady, I feel I should know, I'm glad to hear… Ohhhhhhh!!
GLaDOS, what are you doing here shouldn't you be designing tests in a lab, not watching me suffer and escape certain death.
Well now that I can call you GLaDOS, great name by the way. You know I, personally, think Joy is better on the spectrum of happiness but to each their own, I mean there is pure Joy but not pure glad-i-ness. Do you know what I mean?
[Would you like to improve, your suction cups from [extremely weak to very weak] for 3 Biomass]
Geesh didn't take kindly to my little jab there. But, go on, your saying I can improve from my current predicament. That is something, really something! I can turn into the strongest ball there ever was! Gahaha...haaaaa, I sigh mentally.
Should I do it I mean I don't even know what better suction cups would do. Maybe I could climb on walls, the ceiling! Oh, that would be something else.
Sure, upgrade my suction cups.
[Confirmed, Spending 3 Biomass in Hosts storage, remaining Biomass 0. Upgrading Hosts Body with [very weak suction cups]
I immediately lose consciousness but, differently, I am still conscious but all my senses are cut off, I'm just in a void it feels like. But, it doesn't last too long as a few seconds later I'm back and I feel my grip is a little better. I attempt to climb the walls that have me cramped and I can do it, like a spy climbing up a vent in a movie. Except it's a weird ball with suction cups instead and it is quite draining. How much is my stamina?
[Stamina Stat
Ehh, are you serious half?! I've barely gone up like a foot. I mean granted I don't know how big I am but if that wolf thing was the size of a wolf then I would be like tennis ball size.
I slump back down to the floor and regain my stamina. Well, if this is like a game then must mean I improve by doing things over and over again right. I climbed again but, this time went a little further, wasting my stamina before coming down again and again and again. Nothing changed, nothing improved, I didn't magically gain skills like I thought I would be, a real shame in my opinion.
I wonder what else I can improve, I really want to be able to improve my suction cups to stick to the ceiling.
[To improve [very weak to weak suction cups] requires 5 Biomass, current amount: 0]
It got more expensive, I guess that made sense. Still, if it means what I think it means, I don't think I can fight anything like that wolf alone. Well? What to do? I should at least see what I am going up against and if I can kill anything before I starve, I mean living is better than starving to death. I roll toward the cracked entrance, and wait, looking around the entrance and in front and even behind. It really is like a radar. I mean how can I even describe looking around a wall, it's like I see the wall without looking through another wall, doesn't make much sense but that is the best I can do.
As I'm watching on the lookout for something I might be able to kill. Quite a few things pass by me, a couple of creepy spiders, a Hard Pass on that. A wolf, not sure if it the same one that killed my brothers but, hopefully as that would mean there was only one, but I doubt that. Pass. That leaves only two left and as such, they are currently fighting a basketball-sized hermit crab and a lizard that looks pretty normal even if it is missing its eyes.
The fight goes on about 10 ft away from my crack as I watch the lizard bite at the hermit crabs claws not doing too much damage as liquid drips from his mouth, probably poisonous. The hermit crab snips at him using his other claw and cuts the lizard. The lizard lets go and back off a little and then goes in for another bit at the other limb, not a very smart lizard I see, which causes him to get snipped at by the other claw. But this time the lizard makes a counter-attack with its tail as it smacks the hermit crabs eye, causing actual damage to it. The lizard again backs off, limping at the snips on its sides. The crab attempts to go inside its shell, but the lizard bites at its other eye tearing it off and giving it a full dose of poison, dazing the crab. The crab eventually goes inside its shell as the lizard smugly eats its eye.
The lizard also goes inside the hermit crabs shell to finish it off but gets stuck as the crab has trapped it and snips the lizard to death as blood pours out of its shell and the lizard thrashes about until it stops. The hermit crab pops the lizard out of its shell and with it outcomes a very beaten crab that is limping around from a mix of poison and mostly losing its eyesight as one stalk is missing and another is very damaged. I see a chance.
I roll in from behind the crab, I go up to its shell and it cant feel me as it feeds on the lizard, Once at the top of the shell I roll down faster and latch on to the beaten up eyestalk avoiding the poison and inject a spike into the base of the stalk. As I feel I start to absorb the hermit crab. A snip comes in my direction and I lose a suction cup. Surprisingly not as bad as I thought still hurts though, but it is manageable and I don't lose my cool. The sluggish hermit crab only becomes more sluggish as I drain it along with the poison from the lizard together, the hermit crab becomes slow enough for me to avoid any snips. And it soon tries to go back into its shell but dies before it can.
[You have defeated an enemy]
[Congratulations, you are now Level 3]
[You have gained 1 Biomass]
Woooooo! I did it my first kill, I wonder if I'll have to kill humans in the future, I hope not, but if they exist, they would probably try to kill me, I know I would or maybe keep it as a pet if they are weird. But, it will be a feast tonight on this crab. I hope it tastes like sushi, I mean it's either that or it's gonna be real bad. I can't imagine an in-between, surprisingly it tasted like nothing but, I could tell it was filling, so I got the in-between. Well, I left my little spike inside as it sucked its blood out like a vampire. It came out a lot faster after it died than when I tried and it was alive. I gained 10 Biomass but also a little surprise from the dead lizard.
[You have been inflicted with [Extremely Weak Poison]
[Due to Regeneration being a stronger mutation it has been negated]
Oh, thank you! I didn't want to die yet to a little bit of lizard poison. That reminds me is it safe to eat the lizard. Is it worth that risk, I mean it was a super weak poison? Sadly, I never got to try it out as a wolf came into my vision and was sniffing around slowly coming closer. I rolled back over to the crack as quickly as possible seeing the wolf immediately smell the dead lizard's body, it burst and ran at the dead body and picked it up in its jaws before running back out of my vision.
That was so close, the ground is scary. GLaDOS upgrade my suction cups again, I can't imagine living too long with that wolf around here. Oh also, upgrade my sight to not be as short if you can. I'd rather see something as a colorless blur than not see anything at all.
[Confirmed, Spending Biomass in Hosts storage, remaining Biomass 1. Upgrading Hosts Body with [weak suction cups and Medium distance sight]
I again lost all senses but soon came back shortly later, I could now see outside even though I am firmly deep within the crack albeit not very far. And my grip feels even stronger. I try to climb the cramped walls like a super-secret ball spy and it works, I am not losing stamina either I am moving straight up, squeezing the sides of the wall. I am alive!!!
[You have consumed 1 Biomass]
One step closer to starvation I see. It has been about 8 hours in between the two consumed messages. So, three biomass a day keeps the starvation away, as they say. I need to figure out how to get a stable supply of biomass. Maybe I could make traps, maybe that wolf died from eating the poison lizard and I should go check it out and feast on its corpse, a weird thought to be sure but I'm currently clouded thinking about Biomass, oh god I'm an addict!!
On second thought, Biomass isn't worth risking death by a creepy blind wolf. Also, my limb has healed...neat.
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