《The Everlasting. (Completed)》The Everlasting. Volume 8-Epilogue. End of an arc and the beginning of a new adventure.
Epilogue –End of the first grand arc.
The fallen world.
(One month later)
It took thirty days of search and massacre to finally reach the last stronghold of the demons.
With the help of Drakhsis and many others we managed to subdue and kill every single demon that ran away from the battle and was caught within the human lands.
It didn’t take long actually.
Many demons tried to hide but their demonic presence would instantly reveal them.
Seemingly Drakhsis had some sort of sense that he could locate them all.
It was not that hard actually, I sent thousands of the humanoids to search through every country, and they didn’t stop or tier. They would kill any that tried to fight against them and hunt any that escaped.
Back at the fallen kingdom of Alikh many of the demon had stayed behind. But were instantly slaughtered by the hordes of humanoids and some of the humans that decided to help.
The Gores however were the most troubling. We needed to not only kill them but to obliterate their trace everywhere.
A task that only Drakhsis was capable of as his flames would destroy their very existence.
Was this cruelty? Killing demons? Demonic infants and demonic women alike?
Yes it was. It was unjustified murder and slaughter for a selfish and unacceptable behavior from our part. No for my own reasons actually. The fallen world is a prison and I need not remain here any longer.
The last place where the demons were held up was a black castle deep in the blighted lands.
The castle was humongous to say the least, and thousands of demons and devils were there.
Monsters that resembled the one that the Overlord rode were here too although a bit smaller.
However everything was obliterated in less than few hours by the combined might of the fortress Drakhsis and some of the humans that decided to go on this incursion with me.
I myself went down and delivered merci to most of them. Let them know that it was I that killed them. To let them curse me in their final breath.
The one to have slaughtered a whole race. A demon in human’s skin.
Once inside the castle stood a greater devil.
A Demoness, she was pretty, she looked like a human with wings and a purplish skin. She didn’t have any weapon but I could feel blood lust coming from within her being.
Hate and rage were boiling under her as she knew that it was I who was the reason behind the death of her kin. She was most certainly the last.
“Ashurian…” said the Demoness “You killed them all…like the prophecy had said. So is it my turn now?”
Said the woman
“It is.” I replied “And with your death. The fallen world will rise back to where it should. With your death we will be free.”
“It is funny that you say so, Ashurian. We too only wanted this freedom…so I cannot blame you for this. But I still cannot but hate you.”
I approached the woman while holding the black blade of the former Overlord.
Once she saw that shimmering darkness she fidgeted a little. Probably trying to think of a way out of this mess.
This woman although looked resolute in death…she was like a cornered wolf. And cornered animals have nothing to lose thus are most dangerous. However no matter her tricks, I am still far stronger than whatever she could do.
Her eyes turned pink for a moment, and a sweet smell overwhelmed the room.
A smell that was enough to make me feel…exited.
“Is this your ability?” I said “Charming people?”
The Demoness seemed a bit choked, probably her ability was not working or probably just the fact that I knew that every demon has an ability of their own.
“…Not even that works against you Ashurian. Sigh…” said the demoness this time clearly giving up.
‘She is not one of us…’ said the devil within me
‘What do you mean?’ I said
‘Although she looks like one…she is not a demon…’ said the demon within.
“What are you?” I said.
“What do you mean?” Said the demoness you can see for yourself, don’t I look like a demon?” coldly laughed the demoness
I was in my human form the moment I entered the palace, because I was certain that no one was even capable of harming me even in this form and was sure enough that they would think twice after feeling my presence before doing such an act.
I Dragnifyed my left eye taking a closer look at the woman in front of me.
Beyond the appearance of this standing demoness stood a woman with pale skin. Her height was even less than the illusion she was wearing and on her back instead of demonic leathery wings were two smaller looking ones.
She had a very long tail that ended with and arrow like tip and two small red horns protruding from her forehead.
“Illusion…” I said
The woman then laughed saying
“You can see through this illusion of mine…very well not even the Overlord was able to do so…”
A moment later the illusion that she had had disappeared.
However she was naked…not that I would care…by a lot but that was not going to change my mindset.
“So are you going to end this or not?” said the Demoness.
“You have yet to answer me. What are you?” I said
“Does it change anything if I tell you?” she said
“Not really I said. You still die.”
“Then why should I? At least this will be my little vengeance towards you. Something that you will spend the rest of your life pondering about not knowing what truly am.”
‘She is a succubus. They look like demons but they are a different race altogether. They are creatures of night and not dark. They feed on human and demons’ life essence to extend their own.’ Said Ashura.
It seems that he knows of these things considering that he comes from the true world so thing like these are probably normal.
“A succubus I said” and to the amusement of my own the woman began to shake losing her last ‘trump card’ now her life was forfeit and for nothing.
She charged at me with her claws aiming to rip my head off and to which I just appeared behind her landing a heavy chop of my hand to the back of her neck. Rendering her unconscious.
Was this mercy? No.
Her death was not necessary in my overall plan. The overseer had said that once the demons are all dead then the fallen world would rise. She is not a demon but a succubus and considering that the overseers do not go back on their word. This should be within reason to have her at least alive.
We might get some information and history from her on the demons and how they managed their lives here in the blighted lands…she can be useful, and until she is no longer so. Then I might either release her. Or if she proves to be problematic. I might be forced to end her.
I removed my vest and covered the unconscious woman, then threw her over my shoulder carrying her like some sort of luggage.
I need to speak to an overseer. They need to know that the demons had fallen, even though I think they already know…however the crucible must have disappeared…where am I to speak to an overseer now…
I still have many things to do…
I opened a tear in space and warped to quietus. Hoping that I might be able to contact the overseer.
Once I got there the place where the tower was supposed to be was empty.
Even the floor itself was perfect, it was like the tower was never here in the first place.
It seems that I will be needing another plan. Drakhsis might have an idea…if not I might even have to speak to Thathanos but I really don’t think that that guy will come here without another payment. Ah hold on he must have received the Overlord’s soul…it should be enough so I might be able to bargain with it…I will let this be my last option…
The tear in space was still opened and I decided to walk through it. However something unexpected happened…
Something that was akin to lightning struck the open space behind me.
A distortion of space soon happened and the armor of the overseer was now visible.
Humpf, it seems that this is my lucky day.
“Challenger…You seem to have managed to fulfill the task that was given to those that came to this world. The majority of the demons have been eradicated…the rest that are hidden or in contract will be dealt with by us. They have lost the war and the survival of their race is impossible right now. The decree had been given and your world shall rise in Ten years from now.”
“What! Ten years! I cannot wait ten years…” ire plied. I didn’t do all this to wait ten years…
“Challenger…you have to be patient…You and anyone who wants may leave to the true world anytime you like. The ten year period is for those that chooses to stay here and advance their power. The true world is not merciful enough to let weaklings like your race blossom. Once this land rises. Many kingdoms and powerhouses will want to claim it. And if you humans are uneducated. Untaught and weak, you will be but slaves to them.”
“…one last thing. You said that you will deal with the contractors and the demons that are hidden…is the one within me one of those?”
“No, he is, although he became a demon was in origin a human, an Ashurian too so the decree falls short.” Replied the overseer.
“Good. So how am I supposed to leave this world?”
“Show me the ring I gave you.” Said the overseer.
Once I placed my hand forward.
The overseer then said
“It is done. Whenever you wish to leave just will the ring to open the passage to the true world and you and any that want to go with you may leave. The rest of the humans will have to prove themselves capable of a challenge of mine before they would leave. After the ten year period the fallen world will rise and will mend back with the true one. Making the world whole again.”
I didn’t even feel anything…however I will be taking this in consideration.
“A persona of mine will remain here and teach anyone about the world they will be going to. I shall make this known to everyone in this realm said the overseer.”
Then a loud voice spread through the world rallying the information that the Overseer had just told me.
The humans have won, the world will rise back in ten years. And if any want to leave they are to succeed passing with their own ability. The overseer will teach any that want to learn, himself, about the world in order to prepare them for what is to come.
Ten years might sound long but I fear if what Drakhsis had said about beings far stronger than anything I have seen here, are living in the true world…I think ten years is too short of a time for them.
“Very well…I shall take my leave.”
I still have something else to do…
“Youngling.” Said Drakhsis who sounded far. “It seems that I will be gaining my freedom soon…however this barrier is irritating me. I will be needing to break it if I want to leave this confined place I need to fly higher than this…if I want to break it I will need to use some of my power here and I fear I will hurt some humans…you should remove it youngling.”
“How am I supposed to do so” I said?
“Its origin is in front of you youngling…” Drakhsis said.
“The overseer?” I said
“No. below him.” He said.
I then walked forward passing by the overseer who was indifferent to me.
“Here?” I said
“Yes under you I can feel you are standing right above it.”
It was the center of the round platform where the crucible would rise.
I used the dragon form for a moment and struck the ground with a dragon shattering smash.
The whole platform caved in.
After the smoke had cleared there was an object that was filled with dirt inside the whole thing.
I approached it and took it in my hand.
It was heavy but after a further inspection I saw what it was.
It was a hammer, a war hammer that I have seen before…
Alsa was wielding this thing when I fought her back at the crucible…so this barrier must have been her doing…
There was no signs of magic or power emanating from this thing…so how is it powering this barrier?
“That is a magic from the true world.” said the overseer. “You will have to make that weapon admit you as its owner if you want to control it.”
“How do I do that?” I said.
“Infuse it with your power…” replied the overseer.
And I did so.
At first I began to feed it mana…but nothing happened then I switched to aura and spiritual energy…nothing.
But once I used all three and forced equilibrium on the weapon it shimmered and glowed white.
The dirt around it was cleared and it looked like new.
I then felt the connection with it and the dome and only had to will it to disappear…
“Well done Youngling.” Said Drakhsis.
As for the overseer he just snorted.
I then spoke to the demon within me
“Can you feast upon this thing?” I said
“No. that thing is far stronger than I. it can be as strong as the blade you took from the overlord…I cannot feast upon it…at least for now.” he said
Alright I then said. I tried to place the hammer inside the storage ring but it seems that it was rejecting it.
I will just have to hold it for now. I might use this to protect the castle from damage…the barrier that was protecting the fallen world should be more than enough to help safeguard the fortress…
I totally forgot about the girl on my back but I gave it no mind, she was still unconscious after all.
I then willed a tear in space to open this time towards the throne room of the fortress.
I flew the castle towards Alsa while I willed all the soldiers that were scattered through the countries to run back to where I was going.
Once the fortress reached Alsa’s borders and all the way to Albion, I noticed that many of the humanoids were waiting near the school.
‘It’s been long since I last came here…’ I thought to myself
I dropped from the fortress all the way to the middle of the arena inside the school.
Without forgetting to destroy the barrier above the school. This thing really needs an upgrade.
Many of the students that were present there were mouth agape by the sheer size of the fortress that covered the sun.
Willing it to move away from the air space the sun soon covered the ground.
I had my mask on so probably no one knows who I was. But I am sure all know who I am.
“It is the demon slayer…” said someone.
It is really weird that I always get some strange nickname in this school…
Sighing loudly I walked out the arena’s gates and towards the school’s main building.
Many of the students however soon followed me.
Right before I got there. Every single one of Alsa’s heavenly demons and teachers were in front of the school’s main building.
Not only that, even the four current clan heads showed up from behind me. They must have noticed the fortress approaching.
The first to speak was Vessma stronghold as she was closest to me. She was wearing formal attire and was not wearing the school uniform…it seems that she graduated and only here for something else.
In a polite and gentle manner she said
“Lord of the fortress, slayer of demons, dragon eater, the half god and the demon’s descent…we are most honored by your presence and most thankful for your help. We are in your debt.”
I snorted at the change of heart of the girl that was showing but disdain towards me. Perhaps this was because I hold power beyond what they could think or probably just because I am still masked.
I patted her head and walked pass her.
The ones before me were the heavenly demons…many other teachers looked agitated and I could understand the reason. I too would feel anxious if someone of this might appears before me without notice.
“Like you all know. The world will rise again. I will be leaving this place first. I am only here to ask of you if any want to come then they are most welcome. This invitation is a onetime only. As I will be leaving this afternoon. Take your time and think carefully about this. There are monsters beyond even my strength there so I cannot guarantee your safety. So if you want to come. Do it on your own expense”
The principal then approached me and looked me directly in the eyes…or where my eyes should be I was still wearing the mask.
“Why? After all that had happened to you why offer your help to us? Why did you even fight that day for us?” she said at tear point..
“It was not for you. It was for my own agenda. And for a friend that I had promised. The one that saved me and the one that was the reason why you all are still alive.” I said
The red head girl then said
“Madam Principal! You know this man?” she said
The principal then looked at me like if she was asking permission.
“I don’t think I have the right to divulge his identity” she said.
“True, you don’t” I replied. “But it matters not.” As I said so I placed my hand on my mask and removed it.
To everyone’ surprised most even took a step back.
“I came back from death’s door swearing vengeance.” I said
To these words the atmosphere grew heavy as dread was apparent on everyone’s face.
“However, I had a change of heart…it will be useless anyway. If that did not happen, you might have all died and I included…so it was for the greater good. Yet this does not mean I forgive…You will be sure to make your atonement in a way or another.” I said.
“Asura.” Said master “I will be coming with you.”
I knew he would.
“Then you are welcomed.” I said
Osfor then said
“I-I would love to come too…” sleepily added the scientist.
“You too can come Osfor-sensei.”
Once I said the words Osfor’s face turned bright as if he had received the greatest gift of his life.
“Like I said. If you all want to come then you are most welcomed. Those that want to leave this place are welcomed to join me at the fortress.”
Once I said the words I turned and began to walk away.
I approached the water dragon clan’s current leader and said.
“As for you…” I said
The girl then gulped with her head down.
“You must come.”…
Looking shocked the girl was going to say something but still I didn’t have the will to speak with her now.
I grew two wings from my back and flew upwards heading towards the fortress.
Few hours later the fortress was bustling with men and women alike. Many had brought luggage with them as they were probably not intending to leave their belongings and items back at the fallen world.
The fortress could easily accommodate a hundred thousand person.
As for the wrecked buildings, they were no more.
I had ordered many of the humanoids inside the fortress to repair it.
It was in a perfect state at the moment. The houses were rebuilt and the towers and cannons were repaired.
The men chose their own lodging places enjoying the free houses and luxurious residencies.
Some were even fighting amongst each other for a house they both chose at the same time but that is not something I will bother with.
The red haired man was inside the pyramid, he had asked his king (after being requested by me) to relieve him from his duties as he too wanted to visit the true world.
He is my right hand man and responsible over the fortress in my absence, I had tasked him with the maintenance and everything that was uninteresting for me to do myself. Quite a nice help actually.
The fortress will leave soon…
I sat one the throne placing both my hands on the hands rests.
The water clan head soon entered accompanied by Shiki and Kaori. It has been long since I have last seen these two…I wonder how they are doing right now.
There was the girl from the Verda clan with them and the old man from her clan too.
It seems that the old clan heads and pillars of the society had chosen to remain here…probably to manage the people that will not leave now, and that is what they should be doing.
“Welcome to my modest home. I hope you enjoy the ride because once we get to our destination. I am more than sure that we will not have time to rest.” I said in a tone acing to that of a command rather than a welcome.
The three girls bowed before me while Shiki had for the first time I had ever seen him a look of regret and sorrow.
“No matter what you are all thinking about.” I said “Those things can be said later. We will be leaving now so prepare yourselves.”
As I said the words I closed my eyes and willed to fortress to move forward.
Reaching above the cliff where the capital was situated at I moved my hand forward.
A tear in space opened this one however far larger than anything I had seen. It dwarfed the fortress from its sheer size.
I soon heard Drakhsis roar loudly as he was first to go into it.
We then followed suit. As the fortress shook and vibrated I began to think about everything that had happened so far.
Many things had happened. And many more shall do. I have fought and will keep on fighting. Not for anyone but for myself. Because I shall be Everlasting!
To be continued…probably
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