《Just a Rock》Chapter 3: Harem Tag


The next morning, the sun came up and shined upon the boulder from the East. The previous day, it had seemed like the boulder was evil, but now it was an angel as the sun illuminated it. If the rock and boulder were humans, then the rock would surely be infatuated with the difference between the boulder’s aura at dawn and dusk.

Furthering that conversation about making them seem human, what would the nearby pebbles and ro—no, stones—be? Of course, in this story the rock is the only one deserving of the word “rock” from now on; it has nothing to do with the author being too lazy to italicize. But, what if the pebbles and stones near the rock were also humans? This would be a beach scene filled with small humans surrounding the rock as if he were their king, with the boulder in the background as a goddess watching over them all.

Thinking further, what if the rock was the only man while the rest were all females? Would that not make it a harem surrounding a single lucky guy? Then, that brings up the question of whether or not that'd be heaven or hell for the rock? The good or bad kind of lucky?

More importantly, what does their size represent? Age? That would make the pebbles and stones underage to young women while the boulder would be an old hag. That sounds controversial. Breast size? That would make the pebbles flat, stones average, and boulder quite bountiful. Wouldn’t that make the rock have breasts that were larger than most of his harem in size? That would be awkward. Status in the harem? That would indicate that the boulder was the rock’s first wife while the rest were concubines. That sounds about right. Let’s go with that.

Of course, this is just part of the author’s bored delusions. After all, it’s just a rock. It would never become a human, nor would any of the pebbles, stones, or boulder. Imagining it as such keeps things from becoming shale.

Damn, I wish I were narrating something else. If I were narrating that boulder, maybe my perspective would be high enough to see what the guy who threw the rock was doing right now. Oh, a few ripples appeared in the water and the clouds are thick in the sky; looks like it was starting to rain.

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