《Just a Rock》Chapter 2: Almost Exciting


One day, something exciting happened to the rock. The rock itself was not excited, nor was anyone else. Something happened, and considering the title of this story, that’s enough to be exciting. But back to the rock.

The rock rested upon the patch of grass. If it were a living organism it might have felt comfortable resting like this, or uncomfortable from the blades of grass cutting into it. But it’s just a rock, and rocks can’t feel anything.

Near the patch of grass came a man wearing a heavy backpack. The man set his backpack down and gathered some branches that had fallen from some nearby trees, arranging them into a neat pile. Then, he picked up a rock from the ground; not the rock, but another rock a few meters away.

However, the next thing the man did was to grab the rock. Lo and behold, something was actually happening. Feeling the smooth edges on the rock, the man hesitated for a few seconds. Staring at the two rocks he held in both hands, he contemplated something unknown...

...Before tossing a rock behind him. This rock was the rock. No mercy at all. If the rock had feelings, it might have felt some sadness from its abandonment. Or perhaps, jealousy aimed towards the other rock. But it’s just a rock.

It landed on the side of the aforementioned river. The riverbank had a gradual slope into the water made up of pebbles and rocks. The rock landed among its fellow aggregations of inorganic material. It was the largest rock there; while it was only the size of an apple, the other rocks were more like walnuts and acorns. Meanwhile, the pebbles weren't even worth mentioning.

The only rock-like thing exceeding the size of our hero—err rock— was a boulder up the river, casting its shadow over the surroundings. The sun began to set and this boulder seemed to slowly swallow all of the remaining light. It was like an evil god destroying all hope for the hapless hero, except it’s just a rock and a nearby boulder.

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