《Just a Rock》Chapter 4: Tragedy Strikes


The rain continued unceasingly, battering at our hero, the rock, and his harem. There was nothing they could do to stop it. The raging sea beside them came to life and besieged the beach. The rock could not save them all; he had to make a choice between which ones to save. But with that choice, some had to be left behind.

The hero had always thought that he had treated his harem equally, but when worse came to worst, he realized that he had preferences towards certain girls—erm pebbles and stones. While saving his favorites and watching the lesser girls get taken away, he justified it in his mind. Stuff like, “She was closer,” “I can’t save everyone,” “Her skin was too talcy for my taste anyways,” “She said she knew how to swim.”

Wow, putting it that way, the hero sounds like an arse. Good thing he’s just a rock.

Besides, the rain was actually a disappointing light sprinkle that cleared up within an hour. But it must have come from the mountains upstream, since the water level rose by a few centimeters, carrying away a few of the pebbles close to shore. So the size of the harem decreased by a little bit. Not enough to be noticeable by anyone, but enough to be a tragedy for the rock.

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