《The Fourth Faction》Chapter 11 - Xergans 3/3


AN: After that chapter we move onto something else.


On their way toward the gathering, the 13 gardians were given their names by Zal'Rus. They were not yet armed with weapons, but it wasn't necessary for the time being. He told them that it was fine within their borders, but outside, only 1 or 2 of them should be visible at the queens side at any given moment to mislead the enemies who would come close enough to them.

Zal'Rus had made a race that appreciated music, therefore, when the birth of the queens got close, he instructed the lead xergans and musicians to prepare for that day, and to prepare a few special musics. Zal'Ruse still had feelings for some things from Earth, thus he reproduced some of the music he liked back then.

As the queens were about to be seen by their people, a music was played. It was the theme of an old sci-fi serie called Earth Final Conflict. He had decided that this theme would be used each time he or the queens appeared for a special event. After the introduction of Jinly'Rus and Kaehla'Rus, another music was played: the main theme of the game Civilization 4, and Zal'Rus decided it would be the national anthem of the xergans. Of course, he had revised the lyrics, and he found those musics fitting for the situation.

After that, it was a musical festival, with a lot of singing and dancing. The most used musical instruments were percussions type instruments, chords instruments and flutes. Most of the time, percussions and chords were used for dynamic musics, flutes for calm musics. The dances were reminescent of contemporary dance and hakka, with some african, arabic and latin accents.

The food wasn't very varied. The xergans didn't raise animals or harvest fruits and vegetables. Most of their nutrition came from the creep. However, when Zal'Rus modified the creep to make plants and fruits, the xergans got something they could cook. There weren't many dishes to make, but nearly 30 differents ones were enough in Zal'Rus opinion. Though there was a severe lack of drinks, only water and a few fruit juices.

After the festival, Zal'Rus, his queens and the 13 gardians went to their living quarters in the palace. The first floor was called outer sovereign quarter. There was a common room with 14 doors, 12 of them leading to bedrooms for the gardians, one leading to a big bathroom inspired from thermal resorts, and one leading to the floor above. The second floor, also called inner quarter, had a smaller common area and 5 rooms: a bathroom, a room for the last special gardian, 2 rooms for the queens, and the last for Zal'Rus.


The gardians were left on their floor, while Zal'Rus, his queens and his special gardian were on their own.

“Come. It's been a long day, let's enjoy ourselves in the bath before going to sleep...”

When Zal'Rus proposed this, he didn't have any ulterior motives in mind, but when he caugh up to the double meaning of his own words, his hearts began to race. In his previous form, he didn't have any sexual desire. However, with the humanoid form, those desires of previous life were back. Because it was the birth day of his queens they were unconsciously suppressed, but now that they could relax, they were set free.


“It has been a pleasant day, but it was also tiring.”

“I think it's normal to be a little exhausted after going to a festival on our birth day.”

“My lord, am I to join you and the queens in the bath?”

“Of course you are, Helion'Al! You are his special attendant.”

“I don't see any problem with that.”

Helion'Al was the name Zal'Rus gave to his fifth gardian. She was physically a little stronger and faster than the others, and even her status among the gardians was higher, though unofficially. For Zal'Rus, she was more than a bodyguard. She was also his secretary, driver and pilot, and the future captain of his personal cruiser.

Zal'Rus was quite surprised by the question, and considering what he was thinking about, his excitement grew. And when Jinly and Kaehla declared their approval, his imagination ran a little wild for a second.

However, even though he usually had a tight control over his telepatic and psionic abilities, a bit of his eagerness leaked. The 3 women didn't miss it, so Jinly led him by the right hand and Kaehla by the left as they moved to the bathroom, closely followed by Helion. There was a dressing room at the entrance, and the 2 queens swiftly took of their clothes and jewels. Helion undressed Zal'Rus first before taking of her armor and clothes.

While Helion was undressing herself, Zal'Rus put his arms around the queens waists and led them to the transparent shower room. They enjoyed the feeling of the water falling on their body until Helion came. Then, the 3 women patiently and carefully washed him, without leaving anything out.

Helion washed his hairs, back and tentacles, while Jinly and Kaehla were on his sides, taking care of his face, arms, torso, and legs. They carefully handled his manly member together, and Zal'Rus was happy to have designed it to be more controllable than a human one. It was made of flesh and could be moved to a certain extend, unlike the human ones. No more risks of unwanted flag in front of other people, that highschool memory was a painfull and embarrassing one for him.

As they washed him, they also rubed their skin and breasts against him. As the queens started to wash themselves with the help of Helion, Zal'Rus traced his hands on their back, though he had to be careful with the 2 sharp tentacles Kaehla had on her back, fondled their buttocks and breasts,and basically thoroughly explored their bodies with his hands just as they did while washing him.

Afterward they went to the heated pool and relaxed in the warm water. They were seated in circle, with the queens on each sides of him and Helion in front of him. He admired their bodies, but his gaze would often focus on Helion.

'She really does look a bit like Alpha...'

The reason he named her Helion'Al was due to her ressemblance with Alpha. It wasn't intended, yet the person he chose to be closest to him looked like his beloved first servant. Since Zal'Rus himself was a reincarnated being, he wondered if Helion herself wasn't a reincarnation of Alpha. It was only their first day together, but he was already deeply attached to her. He shook his head and decided to focus on something else.


“Jinly'Rus, Kaehla'Rus. We have to make preparations for a war. A great war that will start in around 30 years, and will involve 3 other alien races, including the one we originate from. As for why we must participate in this war, it is because the one at its origin is too dangerous to be left alone. We have to stop him. However, we are still severly lacking in numbers and ressources."

The 3 women were lost their relaxed auras when he called the 2 queens by their full names. They were now intently listening to him.

“Jinly, we have to greatly increase our numbers and territory. I want the underground of this planet completely conquered by us, though I do not want the other life forms to be completely eliminated. I also want us to remain hidden, which is why I didn't try to expand on the surface. This place is our homeworld, and I don't want it to be attacked.”

“I understand, my lord.”

“Kaehla, along with our increase in territory, we must also increase our military power. Not only to protect our lands, but also to attack the enemies during the war that is to come. And before thinking of expending to other stellar systems, we have to make sure of any potential threats in their surroundings, so a lot of scouting will be necessary.”

“I will not fail you, my lord.”

“Starting tomorrow, and for the next 30 years, we will all be very busy.”

Kaehla stood up from her place and moved in front of him and got on her knees, her 4 hands on his face and shoulders.

“My lord, Zal'Rus. Ever since the creation of our civilisation, you have been very busy. We are your queens, we are here to help you carry your burdens, and to assist you in any way possible. That's why, do not hold back, and allow us to help you with your sexual needs. It is also a queen's duty. And since we will be busy afterward, let us use this opportunity to please you to your heart's content.”

For those women who were born to serve him, there was no way they would stay iddle when they could feel the growing desire of their sovereign for them. There were no feeling of love between them, but there was trust, devotion and loyalty. And that was more than enough for them to give him their bodies without any dissatisfactions. Being desired by him was an honor, so was attending to his needs.

When Kaehla kissed him, Zal'Rus completely stopped restraining himself. He pulled her close and hugged her tightly,, and in response she warped her arms around his neck and back. Her kissing was still akward, but he didn't care. He continued to passionately make out with her, barely noticing Jinly and Helion caressing him from the side, as if uwilling to lose to Kaehla.

Unlike humans, xergans didn't need to work to make the girls wet. A woman could get wet just as fast as a man could get an erection. Within a minute, both Zal'Rus and Kaehla got ready, and he didn't wait any longer. He plunged his erect penis into her wet hole and thrust it all the way to the back in one move, making her scream in surprise and pleasure.

He furiously moved his hips, thrusting in and out of her as she tried to match his rhythm. Her tail was moving around wildly in the water, as a testament of the pleasure she felt. As for Zal'Rus he kept playing with Jinly and Helion breasts and groins with his tail and back tentacles.

After thrusting in Kaehla for nearly 30min, they both came. As the Black Queen was basking in the afterglow, Zal'Rus was taking Jinly from behind, with just as much vigor as he did with Kaehla. Now both of his tentacles and his tail were focused on Helion. The White Queen didn't have as much endurance as the other, and was done after 20min.

Once Helion's turn came, he almost lost himself in her due to her similitudes with Alpha. Even after releasing it once inside of her, he didn't stop. Only after their second climax did he calm down a bit. But he still had enough left in him to take Kaehla from behind once more, then Jinly from the side. They lasted a little longer than the first time, and on the back of his mind, Zal'Rus wondered how long an experienced player would last in one session.

After these 6 shots, Zal'Rus was exhausted, but he also felt a lot better. After cleaning themselves once more, they finally went to sleep. However, during their fun, they lost control of their telepatic abilities, and all could feel them enjoying themselves. The xergans would discover this later, but any first timer would always broadcast their play no matter what.


Year 2480, in a hospital of the Terran Confederacy.

“So doctor?”

“Congratulations. It's a boy.”

“How does it look?”

“According to the results of the exams, there is no problem with your pregnancy. Morever, both you and your husband are in excellent health and there is no record of genetic disease in your families. In a few months you will give birth to a healthy baby."

"That's good to hear."


AN: For those who don't know, please listen to the intro, outro and instrumental of Earth Final Conflict. The last 2 are just a variation of the main theme, with small modifications, but still enjoyable (at least for me, I often listen to them in that order).

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