《The Fourth Faction》Chapter 12 - Lien Qui Nash


AN: May be the last chapter of the month


'Can't breath... I'm being crushed... It hurts... I don't want to die... NOOOOOOOO-'


'HAAAAA!! Haaa!? What? Air? I can breath?'

“Whaaa! Awaao!”

'What the? I an't speak? What the hell is wrong with my voice? Why can't I speak words? Where is the car? The water and the mud? Wait, I'm being carried? Was I rescued? In what kind of state did I end up?'

“Wha awaawa”

“Congratulation mrs Nash. Your healthy and cute little was safely delivered. Here, I'm calling your husband now.”

'Wait? What? What did I just hear? And what's with that weird english? Boy delivery? What's going on?”

“Thank you very much. Hi my little boy, I'm your mother. Aww, he is my little baby.”

'No way! Am I being carried by a woman? Wait, who is your little boy? What, I can't properly move my body, I feel so weak and heavy! Hey, I think I can open my eyes... Argh, the light is too strong!'

“Khunying, are you alright, how is the baby?”

“We're fine Kito. Come! See our little boy!”

“Ho ho ho, so this is our child eh. Hello little one! You still haven't told me what name you chose for him. Come on!”

“Yes, yes. His name is Lien Qui. Hello, and welcome to the world, Lien Qui Nash.”

'… Holy shit? … You've got to be kidding me?'


After the first 3 days, Lien Qui had to accept his situation. He really had died at that time with his friend. They had gone to a small gathering of highschool friends in the mountains. A storm hit the area on their way back, and a landslide pushed them in a stream where they drowned in water and mud inside the car. His friend had died, and he had died to. But unlike his friend, he was given a second chance at life.

Despite his interest in mythology, he wasn't a religious person, nor did he believe in reincarnation. He never though that after being reborn, he would still keep some of his past life memories and knowledge. It actually helped him understand the situation he was in.

On the second day after his birth, he was finally able to open his eyes and see his parents. His father was a man of african origin named Kito Nash. He was well built, with light brown eyes and a shaved head. His face was above average, with a manly charm. His mother was an asian beauty, with dark blue eyes and long black hairs. For an asian woman, she had a nice pair of breasts. She was called Khunying Nash.

Lien Qui was a former caucasian, and he never imagined he would someday be african or asian, or in his case, both. He never even though he would have an asian or an african wife. In his mind, he always saw his future with a caucasian woman. Now, in his new life he was completely cut from his caucasian origins, which made him a bit sad, and also hammered the fact that his old life was over.


The surroundings told Lien Qui that quite some time had passed since his death. The english language had evolved, including some spanish and chinese elements in them as far as he could tell. The hospital was also full of advanced machinery, holograms and other impressive piece of technology.


As a baby, Lien Qui spent a lot of time sleeping. On a certain day, he happened to be awake during the time his parents were watching a news report.

“... One of today's news ... crash of a cargo ship on Tarsonis suburbs shortly after its take off from Tarsonis Starport, killing hundreds of ...”

'.. Tarsonis? Hey, hey...'

Lien Qui was about to doze off when the familiar name completely awoke him. He strained his ears, trying to take as much informations as he could from the news reports. The terms “Tarsonis City” and “Terran Confederacy” came out a few times, and when he heard the year “2480”, his heart sank as he realised the truth about his situation.

'Haha, hahahahahaha.... I wasn't reincarnated in my own universe, but in the universe of a game I played with my dead friend... Starcraft... And I was born just at the right time, 20 years before the Great War that will involve the humans, the zergs and the protoss... WHAT KIND OF SICK JOKE IS THAT??!'

Over the next few days, he tried to hear as much about the news as he could when he was awake. Having caugh a glimpse of some news about Korhal in the economy section, and heard the name “Umoja” at another time, he was sure there wasn't any mistakes in his assumptions.

'It's like I've been reincarnated in this world just to participate in the war... Is this the will of some kind of god or superior being? For fuck sake, the zergs are a fucking scary bunch!! And the Protoss are planet destroyers! And here I'm born right before all hell got loose... Just what am I going to do with this new life of mine? I barely reached my twenties in the previous life, and here again my life will be threatened my I reach my twenties...'

Lien Qui continued to think about the future while he had time. He could just be a normal citizen and avoid the flames of war. But he also knew that the Terran Confederacy and its successor, the Terran Dominion, were led by indivviduals that didn't care about people, only about their own interest.

'The Confederacy had kidnapped countless civilians and brainwashed them to increase its military might. And more of that would happen with the arrival of the zergs and the protoss in the sector. There is no guaranty that I, or my family, will remain safe as the politicians try to keep the number of troops.

Besides, in the game, we only experienced key events of the war. Many planets had fallen due to the war, conquered by the zergs on the ground, and burned by the protoss from beyond the clouds. Many planets whose name I don't know, and I may be living on one of them.


To ensure our safety we would have to go on the other side of the confederacy, far away from the zergs, protoss and other humans. However, the far away worlds would also be a great target for kidnapping to add troops, just like this Starcraft book, “Speed of Darkness”... But running away doesn't sit well with me.'

Lien Qui had always liked action in his past life, in either what he read, watched or did. He always liked thrilling experiences. I practiced martial arts for the thrill of battle. Motocross, mountainbiking, skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing, rafting, parkour, paintball. He had tried many kind of extreme sports, starting in middle school, and never really dropped any of them.

Thinking about all the things he did in his past life, he didn't have the heart to hide in a hole. The Great War to come may be a frightning period, but somewhere in his heart, in his soul, it was equally a very interesting and exciting event. He had played several war games and fist person shooters for the same reason he had practiced martial arts: the thrill of battle.

After getting over the shock of his reincarnation and realising where he was, his spirited self started to surface again. And it wasn't like he was completely helpless, he had 20 years to prepare himself. Nash, Lien Qui Nash. This name will become as well known as the soon-to-be notorious Mengsk, Liberty, Raynor and Kerrigan. He will become a hero of the human race.


'But every hero must start somewhere. I can train and study hard, but I must not attract the attention of the confederacy fuckers. Trying to gain their favor may sound like a good ieda at first, but like Liberty said, their war cry is “Where is my part?”. Many people would try to take advantage of young me, and jealous people would hinder me or threaten my life, or the life of my parents.

No. The Confederacy is too much rotten, I would be used to harm the citzens in one way or the other, and that is something I don't want to do. I'm not a fucking bastard, and I won't work for those bastards. Besides, being with them mean that they will have an eye on me, and that would limit me.

But I will still need money and equipment. And the best way to get them without the Confederacy's notice is using dark channels. And in my eyes, the guys of the dark side certainly wouldn't be more trustworthy than the confederacy...

Hacking. With hacking, I can steal both informations and money. I was just an above average college student doing communications studies. But next to that I made money through programming. I sold web sites, and sometimes gave a hand to small starting companies with some small softwares.

As a baby, I already know the basics of programming. And if it's true that baby learn quickly, I will become a top class hacker in the near future. If it doesn't work, well, I still have plenty of time to think of a plan B. After all, I won't be able to do anything in that newborn body.

Several months stuck doing nothing interesting and having my butt wiped for me... Definitly the hardest period of my life.'


During the next few months, Lien Qui learned a bit more about his surroundings. His father was the chief of security in a commercial building, and his mother was a manager in a clothes shop in the same building. They lived in an appartment around 30 min away from their workplace, with a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, and 3 bedrooms, though only 2 of them were used. The appartment was on the 7th floor of the building, and the view was rather nice, with a park and a river nearby.

They lived in the city of Beshkno, one of the 2 major cities of the planet Azuke. The planet didn't have much mineral ressources, the local biosphere didn't have anything special. At least, the planet was good enough for farming, and there was some interesting sightings places. Most of the income came from tourism with some beautiful landscapes, and entertainment.

And by entertainment, it was for the most part adult entertainment. The people of Azuke were ranked in the top 5 of the most attractive people in the Terran Confederacy. Most of the people there were a magnificent blend of african, asian and caucasian blood, though around 80% of that blood came from asians and africans. Beautiful eyes, beautiful skin, charming features, good body proportions. The hosts, hostesses and prostitutes of Azuke were among the best in the Confederacy. It was an appreciated destination for holidays.

Azuke was also a place where people could leave old or unwanted equipment or vehicles and purchase new ones. At least for the few systems nearby that used it as a transition point. It was something that greatly pleased Lien Qui. Though Beshkno didn't deal with it, there was the nearby industrial town of Wenonah. Lien Qui marked it as the place where he would prepare his equipment for war.

During those months, he also though that along with informatics, he should also learn as much as he can about physics and technology. He though that after nearly 500 years, the development of the technology was somewhat lacking. There were several things he wasn't satisfied with concerning the things available through the game, and he wanted equipment more suited to his tastes and needs. He though that, maybe, he would be able to make better use of the current scientific knowledge with ideas from his former world.


AN: For those who though of guyver armor, I already intended to make armor with living parts, just like the ships and the weapons, but nothing near gyver level,it's too op.

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