《The Fourth Faction》Chapter 10 - Xergans 2/3


AN: … What delayed me the most while writing this chapter was... clothing... Had too much trouble deciding what to give and what they would look like, and what was the appropriate english term to use... Then there was chosing the right greetings... then I though “Oh, fuck it!!”


I am Zal'Rus, Sovereign of the Xergans

That single sentence and its meaning was sent to all the zergs-no, all the xergans, and the human psionist. As one, wherever they were, they all bowed down toward his general direction. Zal'Rus could feel each one of them, and it was an overwhelming experience for him. Without realising it, he had connected himself with every single overlord, and through them, he could feel all members of his race.

'It's like my mind expanded using the powerfull brains of the overlords... I can feel so many of them, no, all of them so clearly, I can't even put it into words... This is truly wonderfull...'

Afterward, he ordered all the techys to warp their work. It was time for them to be upgraded, and it was time to prepare the Queens as well. As the final preparations were being made, he reviewed the other things that had been accomplished during the last 10 years.


Weaponery for the humanoid branch had been developped. They were mostly mechanicals, but had some organic systems. A small nervous system coupled with a special eye were integrated on the weapons. The user could connect to that part and be able to perfectly know where the weapon was aimed. There was no need to hold the weapon near eye level to aim, thus more flexibility in aiming at moving targets or firing from behind a cover.

The primary weapons were the Shrekar, the Kester and the Lankar. Then there were the secondary weapons, the Dromer, the Cremor and the Ockar. Finally, the back-up weapons, the Stinger and the Gaius. All the firearms use a magnetic acceleration system for enhanced power.

The shrekar was the xergan version of an automatic 35 rounds battle rifle with a grenade launcher. Its fire power was a little above that of an assault rifle, but the firing rate was lower. The biggest threat of the zergs was their number, and Zal'Rus knew that amnution would be a problem. Thus he ordered the development of this weapon. It could kill using less bullets.

The kesster was the xergan version of an automatic 12 rounds shotgun. It also possessed a retractable, vibrating 50cm long blade which could be used as a bayonnet. Of course it was made for battle in areas with restricted space like the inside of a building. Because of the restricted space, it would be possible for one to suddenly find himself in close quarters combat, thus the presense of the blade.

The lankar was inspired from the jaffa staff in Stargate. It was a lance with a vibrating blade, but with a build-in semi-automatic plasma rifle in the handle. This weapon was developped for battles in defensive positions. It was also more suited to fight against zergs, especially hydralisks with their long scythes.


The dromer was the xergan version of a machine-gun, with 3-barreled heavy machine-gun with specs similar to its terran counter-part. The cremor is a mini rocket launcher with a 5 chambers revolving cylinder. It's halfway between a grenade launcher and a rocket launcher. Finally, the ockar is a sniper rifle with a high enough power to be used against lightly armored vehicles. Its cartridge hold 6 rounds.

The stinger is a 14 rounds semi-automatic hand-gun. The gaius is a double edged weapon with a 70cm long vibrating blade and a 40cm long handle. It can be used with either 1 or 2 hands. It's also possible to connect 2 gaius by their handle and obtain a double headed long spear, called the twin gaius. That weapon was made to deal with zergs and protoss on close quarters combat, but it's also effective on terrans.

During those 10 years, one of the most important thing Zal'Rus wanted to develop was completed. He was able to make the living spacecrafts, the Leviathans. Currently, he had made 2 of them. They were the size of a an exploration vessel, same as the one that brough him on the frozen planet. And they would soon be sent out. One of them would observe the planet and the stellar system, while the other would go for the Terran territory.

Of course doing this without attracting attention would be impossible without the completion of the cloacking system. Unless one was deliberatly and precisely looking for some hidden spaceships in an area, it wouldn't be possible to detect them. Also, thess 2 leviathans were equipped with the best sensors Zal'Rus could develop. Those 2 ships contained the navigation datas of the human ship, so completing their missions wouldn't be a problem.

Zal'Rus also developped several vehicles, all of which containing organic parts inspired from the Leviathans. Those vehicles were for material transport and public transport. He didn't want to waste ressources making individual/private transports except for him, his Queens and the Vahnas. The military vehicles were designed more for defense than attack for the ground vehicles, and attack for the air vehicles.

Finally, all the organic buildings were remodeled to look less gory. The Fort was upgraded into a Palace, with a small hatchery at its core. The evolution of the larvaes were altered as well. They would turn into Overlords, Rockon, Leviathan Core, Base Drones and Nest Drones. The base drone turn into either a Palace, a Genesis Core, an Extractor, a Generator, an Industrial Complex, a Scientific Complex or a Space Port. The nest drone turn into a Micon Colony, a Berkan Den or a Lair.

Zal'Rus didn't dare underestimate the Overmind. He was a grandmaster at controling the zergs. If the Overmind managed to capture a Xergan drone, it would be near the front line. The only buildings necessary near the front line were the micon colony, the berkan den and the lair. If a drone was captured, it woe a nest drone, thus the Overmind wouldn't gain access to the buildings from the base drones and the informations they contained.


Clothing and apparels were made for the humanoid branch. The basic clothing were underwears, shorts and skirts reaching the knees, sleevless shirts or short togas for the torso, and sandals, shoes and boots. There were also some kind of vests, pants, dresses and coats, but they usually were for individuals of higher status. The more ornate they were, the higher the status. For everyone there were cloak for protection against the weather. Of course there were specialised clothing and armors for soldiers and engineers.


Within the main palace of the xergans, in its center above the hatchery, lay a special room. In this room that was as large as an auditorium, there were 13 cocoons disposed in a circle, with small containers in front of them. In the middle of the circle were 2 other cocoons, slightly bigger than the others, with a container near them. They were pulsing with life and radiated strenght.

Zal'Rus entered the room and stopped in the circle, in front of the 2 main cocoons. He stayed there and waited, because he knew the time was coming. He wore black underclothes, silver boots with black linings, dark purple pants and full dress uniform with golden ornamental paterns, a thin, sleevless white coat reaching the knees with red linings, silver bracers with red paterns, and a regalia with 4 thin horns 15cm long pointing skyward.

After several hours, the 2 main cocoons started to vibrate, and a few minutes later, the others 13 ones started to vibrate as well. The air was filled with a low huming sound and the cocoons started to release psionic waves.

The first batch of techys had been released a few weeks before and had resumed their duties. However, right now, they had all stopped their activities and gathered in the main cave where the palace was situated. They knew their queens would soon emerge, and they were there to greet them.

The first cocoons to be breached were the surrounding 13 cocoons. Within the span of a minute, they all burst appart while releasing chaotic waves of psionic energy. 13 Vahnas slowly stood up, 9 women and 4 men. They were special Vahnas that Zal'Rus made specially for him ad his queens. They got on one knee and spoke like one in the xergan tongue.

“We give our greetings to our sovereign.”

“Rise. You are the Guardians. In the near future, we will fight in a big war, a war that will decide the fate of our race. In light of the great danger we will face, you will become the last defense line, the final shield for me and my queens. You shall listen to noone but us.”

“Yes, my lord!”

He turned toward the closest ones on his left, then the ones to his right, and finally the 5 at the back.

“The 4 of you shall serve under the White Queen. You, on the other hand, will serve the Black Queen. As for the rest of you, you shall serve me. For the time being, put on the items in the containers in front of you, our queens will soon emerge.”

“Yes, my lord!”

(AN: From now on, when an alien race speak an alien language, I will write it in italics. If they speak terran, it will be normal, if they use telepathy, it will be bold)

They swiftly put on the clothing and armors that were in the containers, then stood at attention. Nearly 15 min later, the cocoons of the queens finally burst appart, releasing yet another storm of psionic energy.

Zal'Rus was stunned. Even though he was the one who designed them, it was completely different from seeing them face to face. He was still surprised by their beauty, as they stood in front of him I their naked glory. Despite their alien features, any normal man would find them extremely attractive, with gorgeous assets. His white queen had golden hair with emerald eyes, and his black queen had dark blue hair and purple eyes.

After admiring them for a few seconds, Zal'Rus stepped closer to them. During that time, the other 13 people present in the room put their knees on the ground and bowed their heads. Noticing him moving closer to them, recognition flashed in their eyes. The 2 queens properly faced him, kneeled and bowed their head.

““My lord!””.

“Raise your heads, my queens. Finally, the day when you see the world has come. Your name shall be Jinly'Rus, White Queen of the Xergans. And you, your name shall be Kaehla'Rus, Black Queen of the Xergans. Together, you will assist me in leading our young but glorious race, the Xergans.”

““We shall faithfully serve you to the utmost of our abilities.””

With a mental command, 2 of the females individuals on each side of the room moved toward the queens. They opened the containers near the quees and pulled out some clothing. They helped the queens dress themselves, and once they were done they returned to their former position.

The White Queen had a white fitting dress, pants and bracers with golden linings and paterns, white boots, and a crimson red coat. The Black Quee had the same clothes, but with black instead of white. Both of them had a golden tiara with a purple diamond at the center, and gold and ruby earrings.

“Now come. Our people have gathred to greet you.”


AN: There is a third part.

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