《The Fourth Faction》Chapter 09 - Xergans 1/3


AN: Been a while, sorry for the delay. Also, that gave me some time to think about what I wanted to do for the race (subspecies, equipment etc...).


Year 2462, 30 years have passed since the Grand Lord rebirth. During the last 10 years, there has been a lot of progress in many areas. But the most important progress was about the development of the humanoid branch.

The Grand Lord had stopped breeding the humans. He had aquired enough data concerning the psionist ability, and would be able to generate psionists without human help. The remaining guinea pigs were used for military training. They spent their days simulating different kinds of battles in different kind of circumstances. The result of the training would be used for the humanoid breed of zerg.

Beta received more training in tactics and strategies, while Gamma received some training in administration and management. Delta, Zeta and Epsylon received specialised training, Delta as a frontline soldier, Zeta as a sniper and artiller, and Epsylon was trained for infiltration missions. All that training was done alongside the techys. The most useless ones among the Gipis were training in music. Why? Because the Grand Lord didn't want his race to focus on just working and fighting.

He wanted his race to have a minimum of entertainment, to develop some culture. So he chose music. It was also because he loved listening to music in his past life. His zergs would be either training or doing scientific research during work time, and during leisure time they would be singing or dancing or playing musical instrument. Bback on earth, some animals already used some kind of singing or dancing as entertainment, so music could also be enjoyed by the beast branch of his zergs.

During those 10 years, the Grand Lord also developped a new written and spoken language for his zerg. The written language was made of 40 characters including punctuation and numbers. There were also all the differents symbols used in science and music to convert. The characters themselves were inspired from elven characters and northern runes. The Grand Lord wanted the language to be beautifull yet strong, both on the paper and when spoken.

All the things the Gipis learned was for the sake of training the first batch of the humanoid zerg branch. That first bach would be the instructors that would teach the following generations of humanoid zergs. The Grand Lord had prepared 3 sub-races for the humanoid branch, the first one would be an evolution of his Techys, the second one as well, but more suited toward combat, called Solchys. As for the last one, the Vahna, it would be an evolution of the Techys and Solchys, a kind of promotion for outstanding elements, the elites.

The Grand Lord experiments on the brain and mind allowed him to ingrain loyalty and pack mentality in his zerg on a genetic level. It would be normal and instinctive for them. The humanoid branch would have a ranks system. The members of lower rank would naturally be loyal to the members of higher rank, with the Grand Lord at the top, followed by his Queens, the Vahnas, and at the bottom, the Techys and Solchys. There were already 2 ranks for the beast branch, the lower rank for the zercons and flycons, and the upper rank for the overlords, berkans and skyrims. Though of the same rank, the overlords have a higher status than the berkans and skyrims.



The humanoid breed was made based on the Elites from Halo and the Dranei from World Of Warcraft. Except for the head, the body was a mix of the 2. However, like the Techys, they had 4 arms, but human-like instead of ones with 2 elbows. The head was humanoid, with the flat nose of the navis from the movie Avatar, and they had thin mouth with thin lips. The skin was dark purple with some red and orange patern on the back of the forearms, the back of the neck, the ridge of the nose.

The new evolution of Techys was still called Techys and suited for engineering, with a height of around 170cm. The second subrace was around 200cm tall, with a stronger and tougher body. It has a tail like the dranei, but slightly thicker, with a lengh of around 120cm. Both Techys and Solchys have tentacle-like hair like the Queen of Blades, but a lot thinner, with color varying from yellow, to orange, red, purple, dark blue and black. Their eyes would be black with colored irises, the same range of color as the hairs, but with green included.

There were both men and women, and Techys and Solchys could mate with each other, the child being either Techys or Solchys. An individual would reach maturity after 10 years, and the female could only have 2 offsprings in her life. The lengh of the pregnancy is 3 months. The female has the possibility to keep her reproduction system inactive to avoid pregnancy, and only activate it when she wants to bear a child.

Since it was already year 2462 and there was only a little more than 30 years left before The Great War, the Grand Lord had prepared 1 000 000 000 larvaes that were to be turned into Techys and Solchys. The previous techys would be upgraded, becoming the first batch of Techys and Solchys, and later the first Vahnas to see the light. The Vahnas would be 220cm tall, with a tail similar to that of alien, and finaly, psionist ability.

Then there will be the queens, roughly based on the Techys for the first one, and the Solchys for the second one. The first one, the White Queen, 210cm tall, will have elaborate white tatoo-like markings on her skin, all over her body, with a tentacle growing from the base of her skull at the back of her head. It's again something similar to the navis, allowing direct interface with the neural system of another organism.

The second one, the Black Queen, will be 230cm tall, with elaborate black tatoo-like markings on her skin. She would have an alien-like tail, and also 2 thin and sharp tentacles on her back, reminescent of whip blades. The White Queen will absorb Gamma's knowledge, and the Black Queen will get Beta's knowledge. The 2 queens could also get offsprings, but not the same way as the Techys and Solchys.



The Grand Lord was already done preparing his own body. Before starting the mass creation of the humanoid branch, he wanted his own body to be fully upgraded. He didn't want to show the future members of his race the pitifull appearance he had, that of an oversized larvae. As a ruler, he wanted to have a dignified appearance in front of his subjects, and in front of his queens. He would evolve from a Grand Lord to an Archlord. That was the name he chose for his humanoid form.

He spent 7 months in a huge cocoon, his body slowly being remodelled from the bone marrow to the muscles, organs and nervous system. Unlike his first evolution, this second one was quite painful, it was almost unbearable during the first 4 months, when the most critical changes were made. The mental strain was incredible with the transformation of his nervous system. After that, he went into a deep slumber for the following 3 months.

Finally, at the end of those months, the cocoon started to vibrate. At first it was small, producing a low humming sound. But it gradually got stronger and louder. Waves of psionic energy started to be emitted by the vibrating cocoon, with increasing strenght and frequency. All the zergs and the psionist humans stopped what they were doing, and at once turned their head in the direction of the genesis core.

Finally, the cocoon burst appart, releasing a powerfull psionic schockwave that spread through the territory, numbing the minds of all living being and making the nearby caves shake. An imposing figure releasing a large amount of psionic energy slowly stood up. The Archlord had awakened, and all the zergs went into a kind of frenzy, affected by the powerfull psionic emanations of their leader.

He had a height of 220cm, his body roughly based on the Solchys, with a high regenerative ability. He could regrow almost any part of his body if the vital organs were still functional. With his obsession over performants sensory organs, he managed to combine multiple lens to have the advantage of both compound eyes and eagle eyes whithout demerits. His eyes have sharp sight, excellent motion perception, infrared and ultraviolet sight. The irises were silver with rainbow hues around the pupil.

He also got a sharper sense of smell and taste than humans, and a better sense of hearing. Human can hear frequencies between 25 to 19 000 Hz, but he could hear frequencies from 15 to 60 000 Hz. His sensory organs could block informations above a certain treshold, greatly reducing the risks of his senses working against him due to intense light, smell and loud noise. Those wouldn't be able to significantly distract him or stun him.

Like he had prepared, he had a back-up brain in the center of the torso, just bellow the chest, with thick bones and tough flesh protecting it. This secondary brain had a direct connection with the main brain, and it was used for storing memory and for motor functions, with basic thinking ability to be able to take cover and sneak away from the danger. But with his improved nervous system, this second brain increased his computing ability by a lot. It was also connected to 2 small echolocation organs around the hips to feel the surroundings if his eyes and ears were destroyed.

Just like he had a secondary brain, he also had 2 secondary hearts, with a total of 3 hearts. They were smaller than a normal heart but still powerfull, with 2 on heach side of the chest and one near the hips. There were also valves at certain key points of his major blood vessels, they would close to prevent excessive blood loss in case of serious injury. Even though he was tough and could heal most injuries, it wasn't high speed regeneration, he could still die of blood loss.

For the muscles, he remembered reading a manga with a girl that had high strenght due to something called hyperion constitution. He worked on making dense muscle fibers with moderate weight. For the bones, they were reinforced with advanced fibers inspired from polymers and carbon fibers, and a better internal structure. He believed that there were no being of similar height and weight as strong and as tough as him.

The skin was thick and dense, inspired from polymers, adapted for void exposure and resistant to extrem temperatures. It was tough enough to support high pressure, wether internal or external. From the top of his back there were 2 thick snake-like tentacle with a small brain, making them semi-intelligent. They were inspired from a game called The Darkness (AN: MangaManiac92's idea. I had already though of giving him 2 tentacles on the back, but the semi-intelligent thing was the icing on top of the cake. Thanks!!). Their fangs could produce either toxic poison or paralysing poison.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! ... Finally, I have acquired a proper form... Though it would take some time to get used to this new body. I feel good. Now I can get a proper name. For myself, and for my race...”

I am Zal'Rus, Sovereign of the Xergans


AN: …

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