《Purple Lightning Emperor》Chapter 113


Seeing that they've failed and had instead fallen into the seven novas' trap.

The leader whom was a burly middle-aged man quickly roared " Shield."

And then dozens of men systematically and quickly moved ahead of the leader protecting him. Each of them was holding a round shield.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh

At the same time, hundreds of arrows were shot by the archers and pierced through the endless milky fog like bullets and flew towards the attackers.

Even though the reaction of the attackers was relatively fast, most of them were shot on the shoulders and heads. The tip of the arrows pierced through their bodies and brought with them pieces of meat and blood as they quickly disappeared within the endless mist.

Painful screams filled the air as the others were still trying to protect themselves from the rain of arrows that were still coming at them.

While Shad, Klaus, and Florence were in front confronting the attackers, an earthshaking battle is taking place in the back as Drake and the rest of the Novas were currently slaughtering the spies sent by the Eye which were mix with the others vagrant cultivators that were following them in the back.

Last night, after successfully forming the alliance, Klaus had come up with a perfect plan to counter both the ambush and get rid of the spies sent by the Eye at the same time.

Klaus and others knew that all of their movement was being monitored by the Eye in the resting place. Just like the treasures left by Henry in the Great Tower was very important to the four great empires and could even be defined as their rise and fall, it was also crucial for the Eye's plan to take over the continent, which means they would do whatever it takes to get their hands on it.


First of all, they've already found a way to prevent the protectors of the four empires to personally go into action by entering the Tower themselves. And now, all they've to do was to prevent or delay the people sent by the four empires from entering the Tower while they were inside searching for the treasures.

As such, they've sent countless spies to mix within the people that were going into the Tower to slow them down and even kill them if possible.

Klaus already knew all that, but what he didn't know was who among the people were spies. Furthermore, he couldn't randomly just kill everyone or prevent them from going into the Tower as well.

However, one thing he was certain of was when they finally made their move, the spies that were mix with the others would spring into action as well.

He knew that as soon as the eye attacked them or ambush them from the the front, the other spies that were mix with the other warriors that were following them closely in the back would take the opportunity to surprise attack them in the back as well, attacking them in both front and back at the same time. Even if they had defeated them that way, they would have lost a lot of imperial soldiers which wouldn't be a good thing for them.

They couldn't afford to lose a lot of soldiers even before entering the Tower because that's where the real fight will be.

As such, before they left for the endless mist, Klaus had made Florence used her ability to create a duplicate of Andre, Baal, Anderson, and Drake. Their duplicates were so lifelike that it was almost impossible to tell the difference unless one use their spiritual force to sense them. Florence was a void of mage and her ability allows her to clone herself or to create a duplicate of anyone she has been in contact with.


Furthermore, if by any chance she had a drop of that person's blood in her possession, she could use it to duplicate that person with his existing ability and portion of his strength. Even though that clone or duplicate could only last for a certain time, it was still a frightening ability which made her the most feared of the 7 Novas even though she wasn't physically strong as the others.

Which means, all along, only Shad, Klaus, and Florence was in the frontline while other novas were dressed as imperial soldiers were waiting for the perfect opportunity to snuff out and get rid of the spies sent by the Eye who was in the midst of the other vagrant warriors and mages in the back.

The back of their army was already the weakest part of the group because all of the high-level warriors and mages were in the frontline along with the Novas. The spies sent by the Eye would have never guessed that there were four powerful Novas along with many mid-level warriors and some high-level warriors waiting for them to make their move in the back.

" It seemed like the others are having fun in the back," Shad softly said with a slight smile on his face when he heard a big explosion and the shrill cries of the spies in the back.

" Klaus those bastards are retreating within the endless mist, shouldn't we follow them?." Shouted Florence as she was looking at the attackers that were retreating under the rain of arrows.

" No, don't chase them. We still don't know how the situation is in the back so we can't afford to send people after them. Not to mention it's very easy to get lost within that mist. There might even a more of them waiting for us. This was just their first wave of attack." Klaus had no intention of sending troops after them even though they were on the defensive and were running away. Also, this might even be one of their ruse to lure them to separate their troops and sent people after them so they could kill them one by one within the mist.

Plus, even though they were winning now, Klaus knew the Eye still has the advantage. Not only they've already entered the Tower. They've probably left thousands of people waiting for them at the entrance.

" Just take a break Florence and replenish your energy, I will need you to use your ability again," Klaus said as he was looking at the pale face of Florence.

After using her ability to produce four duplicates and controlled them at the same time with her spiritual force along the journey, Florence was both mentally and physically exhausted. Creating a clone of herself took less amount of energy than the duplicate of another person. Not the mention, she had to use a huge amount of mana to create them and also her spiritual force to control them which required a lot of focus and concentration.

" You guys can stay here, I am going to take care of them," Shad said as he turned into a red streak of light and suddenly disappeared from his initial position.

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