《Purple Lightning Emperor》Chapter 22


Looking at the female assassin lying in front of him, Shad did not dare to let his guard down.

his long hair fluttered in the air, beneath his feet was a crackling lake of lightning, and countless sparks writhed over his body, making his seem as his blue robe were a cloak of lightning.

Shad was in full battle mode at the moment as he was looking down at the female assassin with a cold yet surprise look on his face.

he was not surprised because the assassin was a female as there were plenty of them within the Chronos Guild, what shocked him was the fact that the female assassin was a young girl.

The girl looked around seventeen or eighteen yet she possesses the strength of a mid or peak 5th class warrior. Such strength at such young age and yet she chose the path of assassination.

Shad was considered as an astounding genius because he had broken through the 4th class mage at the age of fifteen, yet that assassin which looks around the same age of his older sister was a peak 5th class warrior. so one could imagine how talented she is.

While Shad was looking at the young assassin, she did not even bother to hide the killing intent in her eyes nor beg for mercy.

The air around her seemed to be freezing as her body was emitting a chilling aura. anyone would shiver after sensing this cold and heartless aura. from the looks of it, that young lady must have killed a lot of people.

she was looking at shad with an ice cold expression as though she was trying to freeze his soul with her gaze. without any close inspection, one could clearly see a fiery bloodthirst surging deep in her pupils. anyone would quiver when staring into her eyes.

in terms of coldness, this young girl had a frigid ruthlessness capable of killing anything and everything. she was like a weapon for murder without any unnecessary parts.


Nonetheless, she was actually quite beautiful. not only her face, her figure was also excellent. her exquisite curve was made clear with a single glance.

Unfortunately, Shad did not linger too much on her body due to the murderous intent being exuded from it.

" What are you waiting for, kill me already." Uttered the young female assassin. her voice was chilling to the bones.

" what are you so eager to die by my hand," answered Shad nonchalantly.

" Now that you failed to kill me, your life is mine now. I was going to kill you but it would be such a waste of talent and power. I know you won't choose to follow me willingly as you rather died than doing that but I have some use for you."

While he was talking to the female assassin, she quickly channeled her battle qi and tried to make battle qi shield, however, before she could even succeed, shad blast her with a huge amount of lightning which paralyzed her.

" Pipe down, I'm still not done talking."

As he said that, Shad's calm eyes swept over her body where the blast of lightning pierced through her clothes and made contact with her flesh. A section of her white skin was revealed

seeing as Shad was looking at her body especially the part where her skin was exposed. A tremor ran through the female assassin's body for the first time. she was not afraid of death that for her, there were things worse than death, such as being violated.

Eventually, Shad's gaze rose up and looked at the female assassin in the eyes and said.

" I am not interested in your body."

Even though Shad had never experienced the passionate love between a man and a woman, he won't force his way on someone without her consent. shad's heart was not focussed on lust. his ambitions lay in places beyond that, such as the purple lightning in his mana pool, protecting his family, or preventing anyone from controlling his destiny or suppress him as well the truth behind his reincarnation, but that doesn't mean he will say a virgin all his life.


Even though he said that the female assassin did not believe him, nonetheless Shad did not care.

with a flipped of his palm, a strange object appeared within Shad's palm. it was wiggling and looking closely at it, it was one inch long strange bug.

the body of the bug was grey in color yet it had densely packed black-colored claws. it was extremely revolting, but the most importing thing was the body of the bug. it was emanating an aura that caused the ice-cold looking assassin to tremble.

" brain-devouring insect." blurted out the assassin.

" hehehe, It seems that you know a lot. I guess I won't have to explain anything now. the choice is yours." answered shad with a devilish smile on his face.

the young assassin was not wrong, this bug was called brain devourer insect. once it entered your body, it will go directly to your brain and devourer it bit by bit. however, you won't die but turned into some sort of robot or slave unable to think and act by yourself without the order of the master of the brain devourer insect.

In any case, the fate of the person would be worse than a slave, as the won't be able to feel anything at all, not even pain. you would be basically like an undead.

looking at the ugly looking bug in Shad's hand, beads of cold sweat began to bead up on her forehead and then drip down on her pale face.

the brain devourer insect was Shad's pet and also hard to find. normal people shouldn't have seen it yet that young lady recognized it with a single glance.

seeing that the young assassin was still hesitating, Shad no longer paid attention her. on one hand, he opened her mouth and with the other hand, he was going to stuff the brain devoured insect into her mouth.

"I will take the oath instead." yelled the young assassin as she was looking at Shad as though she was looking at a devil.

" that's better." shad really didn't want to feed her the brain devourer insect, not because he was soft-hearted but because her power would drop considerably and won't be able to advance further in the warrior's path.

Shad had never shown mercy to his enemies. however, a young peak 5th class archer was very tempting to subdue.

One of the reasons Shad had built the orphanage was to train orphan kids into warriors or mages and make them infiltrated into either the mercenary guild or hunter guild after the age of fifteen which considered as an adult in the Egul continent. there was no such thing as a free meal in this cruel world and Shad was no saint.

the orphanage was a way for him to recruit fresh blood and expand his influence. Shad knew that he won't be able to accomplish all the things he wants to accomplish by himself and that's why he needs a bunch of faithful subordinates.

" Nina greets you, Master." after the female assassin swore the servant oath, the relationship between them had changed permanently. Nina bowed as she was looking at Shad with a complicated gaze.

" you are the second servant I've ever accepted. you don't have to feel dejected like I said before I won't force myself upon you and being my servant is one of the best things that could ever happen you." after saying that, Shad ran deeper within the forest.

Without wasting any more time Nina quickly followed Shad as they disappeared into the dark forest.

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