《Dungeon Core Abi》Chapter 2 : Resolve
How do you describe a being that creates you? That guides you. One that gives you warmth and fills your belly with sustenance. A mother? A provider? A divine being?
In the beginning, there was nothing until IO came into existence. He knew little about anything until he created the universe by using himself as a means. One full of many marvellous sights and IO longed to share them with another.
All alone and with no one to voice his thoughts to, whilst starting to grasp the concept of loneliness, he decided to create another being using his own body as material. He had done this before, for everything that surrounded him, so performing this task should have had the same outcome.
This newly created being, which IO named LO, did not reciprocate the same feelings and resented his creator for bringing him into existence. One full of eternal boredom and surrounded by no one, except the one that gave him life in the first place, placing a tiresome burden on the other only being in the universe.
LO decided to create other beings for himself, he thought that if his creator can accomplish such feats, then why wouldn't he be able to perform the creation himself. The act succeeded and he created his followers, but the beings born from LO's resentment came out cruel and twisted as they were forged from negative emotions.
Shortly afterwards LO and his followers departed, IO was left confused over this and alone once again. He decided to try to create another being, seeing how this time he now had some minor experience in the matter and he was still learning after all.
IO created a second being, this one also made from his body. She was different from LO and he had what would soon become known as hope, so he named her AO. However, just as LO had tired and bored of IO's solitary world, she too felt the frustration of being alone with IO and followed in her predecessor's footsteps.
Unlike LO, AO's creations were peaceful and full of love as that is what she desired when she had created them. Peace and love were not enough to make them stay though and soon they departed as well, leaving IO alone once again.
These are who we refer to when we talk about any of the Gods, whether they are the Benevolent Gods or the Evil Gods. Or even IO, the lonely God, they all fall under the same category.
An excerpt from the History Of Tironia. Tiras Church Edition. Passage 1, Verse 1.
Managing to light the only room in the dungeon with ease, a tall Golem looms directly behind my Core.
Oh my god!
What am I going to do?
It's larger than any Golem I have ever seen or read about in any book. With a body as black as midnight, the summoning light reflects off the smooth-yet-hard surface and shines to every permittable corner of the room. Statue-still and not moving a single one of its enormous mythril muscles, the presence it let's off is kind of terryfying. The Golem has hands the size of boulders and as it stands next to my jade crystal soul, it causes my heart to pound and my Core to pulse.
That's gotta be classified as a dangerous monster, right?
Monster Unlocked:
Mythril Golem
Most certainly. There are not many Mythril Golems left on the world of Tironia. It will attract attention very easily if it is seen. If anyone were to enter your dungeon, that was strong enough to defeat it, you would find them taking the body with them afterwards. The material it has been created from is valuable to humans.
I know that!
We have actual mines for obtaining Mythril though, without monsters too I might add. One of the jobs I frequently took was the routine check of the closest Mythril mine. We had to make sure it was safe for workers and monster free.
I don't think I've ever heard of a Mythril Golem before though? I just thought this was a larger, darker and shinier version of a normal Golem?
It is. That is why it's classed as a Mythril Golem. It is larger than other types of its species and created from more mana-efficient materials.
Sure, it wasn't a Dragon, but it is still very imposing standing next to my Core. Considering the fact that I used to be a human, seeing the Rogue was second nature to me but when the Golem appeared I nearly fainted.
Can I even do that?
Do dungeons faint?
Not normally. You seem a little strange though. So you never know.
Don't be like that, Me. You're meant to be my assistant, so help me, please. What am I supposed to do?
Oh, now you want to listen?
Yes. I need advice, please. I really don't wanna die again.
In that case, you must move the golem further into the dungeon to avoid its detection but in order to do so you must first expand your current parameters. Unfortunately, you currently have 0 DP so moving the Golem is a non-existent option for the moment. If adventurers enter it will either be destroyed on the spot by a powerful adventurer for the materials or it will be reported. Then it will be destroyed at a later date by more powerful adventurers or by a group of knights dispatched by one of the local Lords. Monsters over a certain threat level are sought after to be destroyed, along with the Dungeon Core itself. New dungeons are created all the time by the system and there is never a shortage of them. If anything it's the opposite and they are culled in order to keep regular citizens safe from potential dungeon attacks.
What the hell was that?
I don't want to hear about my death again, Me.
I know some of that information already so where was the help I was expecting?
Without DP, you are currently unable to do anything so you must wait for it to refill.
Why do I have to wait and what am I waiting for?
Is that a dungeon thing?
Why can't we just start now?
You will have to create a tunnel and then a room, only then will you be able to move your Core away from the entrance.
I know I can be a bit of a fool sometimes, but I do understand that I have no DP left. What I meant was, why can't my new Mythril Golem dig the tunnel itself?
Like, right now?
I........ You......... T-That's not what monsters are for.
But the Golem can do it though, right?
I... suppose so. It's not as though you have reinforced walls yet, in which case, you only need to command him to carry out your order.
This is why I need your help Me. How do I do that without a voice and a mouth, or lungs?
You need only will it to be so. The monsters will know the intentions of the Dungeon Core automatically.
Oh. Is that why my Rogue is perched on the ground? I was thinking 'just go sit down' before I tried my luck.
Correct. You have already done it once so it will not be a problem to repeat the action.
Carrying out the advice I eventually received, I will my Golem to start digging slowly. It very carefully turns away from my Core and pushes both its large hands into the soil. I made sure it knew to face away from where my entrance is set to open and I told it to create a long straight tunnel. Any loose earth can be dropped in front of the entrance for now. We can remove it once my door opens and if it becomes a problem in the meantime, I can just get my Golem to stop.
Hey, Me. When does the door open?
Oh. That one did sound pretty weird. Maybe Me wasn't such a good idea?
It will open automatically in 23 hours and 3 minutes.
Ok, what shall I do whilst I wait? I need to do something, I don't just want to stare at my walls.
Most dungeons do not require the need to do something whilst they wait. They enter a meditative state which helps them by increasing the recovery speed of Dungeon Points.
Meditative state?
That sounds equally as bad as staring at walls!
At least now that I've spent my points, I can freely complain about being a dungeon to my heart's content.
However, instead of complaining, my focus has been brought to the large Golem who is currently attempting to tear out a huge mound of earth from the wall. When I say huge, I mean a ridiculously large load. It's almost twice the size of my Rogue! It looks comical in a way, as though he is hugging the wall.
That's not what I meant when I said dig. I thought he would just shovel it out with his large hands, but the wall is featuring long cracks showing a weakening resistance.
Once he has it between his grip, the Golem forces the earth free from itself with a mighty pull. It then discards the piece of hard earth behind itself with ease and proceeds to repeat the action. The shocking part now, isn't the fact that the earth is the size of a large-runaway boulder. No, it's the fact that the whole object has just disappeared upon landing on the floor as if it was never there in the first place.
New features acquired:
Clay 1 DP
Soil 1 DP
Me, where did the huge pile of earth go and what does that message mean?
You absorbed them through one of your dungeon skills. I'll bring them up so you can see.
Passive Skills:
Regeneration Level 1
Active Skills:
Dismantle Level 1
Passive skills are always active unless you turn them off and Active skills need to be physically used.
Physically used? You mean like, I need a body to do it?
Sorry, but no. That was a poor choice of words on my part. While your Mythril Golem is dropping materials on your floor, you are claiming it as your own. Do you remember thinking about doing that?
Correct. That is because you didn't. Absorb is working passively in the background. For example, it's the same as breathing for a human. To use Dismantle you would have to mentally use the skill on a material.
I begin to get worked up again and start sniffling.
What now?
I-I'm never going to breath again, I say before breaking out into tears once again.
I wail for a while, emptying my sorrowful emotions until Me tells me some good news. It helps to bring me out of the new style of dungeon meditation that I have just created.
The Wail.
Abi, your DP is full. I recommend that you spend some points so that they can begin to start regenerating again. Would you like to view a list of available purchases?
I look back to my Golem, who ignored my wailing wholeheartedly for the last twenty minutes, to see that it has made some good progress. The female Rogue appears to be watching the digging with a lethargic outlook from her seat on the floor. To be fair, there isn't much of anything else for her to do except for watch.
Also, doesn't it seem unfair to only get such a little amount of DP from such a huge chunk of rock?
Yes please, Me.
Available Purchases:
Pit Trap 5 DP
Goblin 3 DP
Wolf 5 DP
Rogue (Special) 10 DP
Random Gacha 10 DP x1
New Tunnel 5 DP
New Room 20 DP
Why can't I summon another Mythril Golem?
I do not understand why you would want a second one so early on. Its not on the list because you cannot afford to purchase another Mythril Golem at this time.
Oh. So I can summon them, I just don't have enough DP?
OK. I suppose that makes sense and to answer your question it's because I was going to use them as a labour force to create tunnels for me. Barry has got about 8 foot in and with a second Golem, I would earn more DP, right?
Barry? Why would......... It isn't important. Just spend some points, Abi.
Looking at my Mythril Golem Barry, he hasn't made enough progress yet for me to add a new room on to his small tunnel. Maybe after another few refills of my DP, he will be far enough in.
Me, how long is a corridor if it's paid for with DP?
It is customisable. It has a minimum length of 5 foot and a maximum length of 50 foot. It can include bends, corners and the layout of the tunnel may also be changed. They can adjoin to any floor that is either one level above, or below, the current floor as long as one is available. They can also be dismantled and refunded at half cost, as long as the Core is not separated from the entrance.
Wow, that was a lot to take in. It also makes my idea of having 'Barry the Golem' dig a tunnel himself a stupid idea, especially if it only costs me 5 DP to actually create one. However, without Barry's digging, I wouldn't have my points back to have this dilemma in the first place, would I?
I suppose you are correct.
So I'm not so stupid then?
I never said you were stupid in the first place.
Yeah, but you were thinking it, right?
No. If I were to describe you as such, I would have used the word 'childish'.
Was that a joke or an insult? I'm taking it as a joke. Good one, Me!
Okay, back to point spending. That's enough playing with Me.
I purchase another Rogue to clear the awkward silence lingering in the air.
Once the light fades, I can see this Rogue is a male and taller than the female. He is dressed in the same attire as her with the same cheap-looking dagger too. The difference between them is like night and day. He has a chiselled chin and a rugged face beneath his hood whereas her skin looks as pale and soft as a vampires. He's more muscular than the female as well making them easily discernable on sight. I will him to go and sit with his partner so I can continue my work and he complies willingly.
Using your will is very imposing. I kind of feel like a dictator.
Why did you summon another Rogue?
Well, I most certainly don't want a Goblin and I'm kind of scared of Wolves. Plus the Gacha says 'times 1' and I'm pretty sure that means I can only use it one more time.
It would be your wolf and it would not dare harm the Core that created it. It could not survive properly without you. Do you want your dungeon to be a bandit camp?
Why would I want that? Also no thanks on the goblins and wolves. I'm not going there yet.
I decide to go with my last Gacha to get it over with. I also don't want three Rogues in this small room watching Barry with nothing to do.
It's a really depressing sight.
I'm also a little worried to summon another one. I don't want my dungeon being classified as a bandit hideout like Me just described.
Making my selection, another bright-orange light encompasses the room and my Core alike.
I wonder if it always gets that big when it gets chosen?
As I wonder over trivial matters, the light begins to shrink to a much-smaller size than my first Gacha. I feel a touch of sadness knowing I'm not getting another Golem, even though it would probably be dangerous like me said. If I was discovered with not one, but two dangerous monsters, I would definitely be on the destruction list. Goodbye Abi.
I suppose I'm lucky that the light is still shrinking and turning slightly purple.
Oh no.
Oh no?
What do you mean, 'Oh no'?
Why's the purple light a bad sign? It's smaller than before so that can't be a bad sign, right?
Monster Unlocked:
A purple light means that a monster of legendary proportions is about to be created.
Watching the last of the purple light has faded, an awkward-looking treasure chest is left in its wake and is sitting on the ground in front of me.
A long, pink tongue is hanging out of its chest as it stands up on its strange little legs. They almost look like they've been created from diamonds as they sparkle slightly from beneath its trunk. Running around my Core in circles, the strange creature leaves saliva everywhere, almost like a puppy.
There's no way that I can possibly be convinced that this adorable little comical creature is a dangerous monster.
I'm reminded of earlier when I was hoping to change my wish from a dragon, to a smaller, more cute and less life-threatening monster. This guy certainly seems to fit the bill I described and I'm overjoyed at the comical sight.
What is it? I've never seen a treasure chest with a tongue before. Why is it called a Mimic?
It is a legendary monster that mimics the shape of an ordinary treasure chest. It lures in adventurers who are hoping to obtain rewards and then it devours them instead. No one knows where the remains go, but it has been suggested that they are sent to an alternate dimension through space magic.
Woah, that makes it sound like he's kinda scary. How come I've never heard of them before then?
If I may, you do not seem like the most... Attentive person.
There was a lot to learn before becoming an adventurer and I can't be expected to remember everything.
Anyway, forget that, what shall I call him?
What shall you call him?
You must hide it immediately, or as soon as is feasibly possible!
Better yet, dismantle it.
It is much more dangerous for the Mimic to be seen than the Golem and if it is discovered that a legendary monster inhabits your dungeon, we would be destroyed without a doubt.
Gods, this new life is just doom and gloom, followed by misery and despair.
What's a girl gotta do to catch a break around here?
I know, I'll call you, Colin. Do you like that, Colin? Who's a good boy? You are, that's right, that's right. Colin is. Yes, you are. You're a good treasure chest. Good boy. Now, go sit over there with the Rogues and watch Barry. There's nothing else to do at the minute but there will be later.
I watch as Colin toddle over to the two Rogues that I have yet to name. It looks creepy, yet funny at the same time, as he sitters over towards them before sitting down and hiding his appendages away inside himself. Apart from the line of saliva trailing upto his chest, he looks as though he is just an ordinary treasure chest. Not a legendary monster that may, or may not, get me killed.
I get it now! Mimic.
Anyway, I've come up with a plan. A good one where I avoid dying. I'm going to need to wait for a good few refills before I can get started.
One can only hope they will be fruitful. With...Barry, it shouldn't take...... as long as it usually would.
That's right.
For now though, I'll watch Barry work as well. Apparently, I'm in the same boat as my monsters with nothing to do.
Dungeon life sure is slow. Maybe I should give that meditation Me was talking about a try?
Or maybe I should try my wailing again? One day I may actually make a sound.
Not that I want to be known as the wailing dungeon.
That would be almost as bad as the bandit hideout description from earlier.
Why can't I be the dungeon of sunshine and rainbows?
Now that would be kick ass.
A girl can dream, right?
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