《Dungeon Core Abi》Chaper 3 : Moving on
Dungeons hold many secrets, hidden within their walls. More often than not, that's the reason people enter them unclassified.
One of their many secrets is more of a question. How do they decide what loot to reward adventurers with? No one really knows how dungeons gain the ability to choose between the many different treasures they can create. It is speculated, however, that whenever a dungeon absorbs anything, they gain the knowledge and understanding of it there and then.
For example; The dungeon in Cair Orn produces many types of loot, all in the form of currency. Adventurers seeking to get rich usually find themselves in this dungeon more so than others, but it wasn't always this way. 55 years ago, the dungeon used to produce only weapons and no other loot items could be obtained, no matter how long one stayed inside for.
At the time, the crown prince of Elda who was set to take the throne, Eric Tibur was trying to establish a name for himself before his Coronation. Entering the dungeon, which was commonly referred to as the Swordsmith, his money pouch had come loose and fallen to the floor where it disappeared. Upon being absorbed by the dungeon, the crown prince was furious. Not over the loss of money but rather the hand-made coin pouch his friend had given him.
Screaming at the dungeon and threatening to destroy it in his rage, Prince Eric demanded retribution for what had taken place. The dungeon, being no fool, decided to gift Eric with a chest full of the items he was obsessing over so that it wouldn't be destroyed. Multiple coin pouches, all in the same design, full of riches.
This act not only spared the dungeon its life from the wrath of the Elda Kingdom, but it had also managed to make a name for itself in the process. The dungeon, which is now known as the Dungeon of Fortune, decided to keep gifting people silver and gold inside hand-made coin pouches and still does to this day.
The Dungeon of Fortune is under the protection of the King of Elda.
There are many more examples of dungeons producing specific rewards, or even specific monsters, in the most unusual circumstances. If it seems unlikely to come about, then a dungeon may still do it regardless as they follow their own set of rules. This gives us insight and understanding in the form that dungeons are wise enough to keep themselves alive and because of this, they must be judged differently at certain threat levels. However, it still leaves the question open on how they choose their loot; do they create loot for our own benefit, or is it for the benefit of the dungeon itself should we die whilst in its confines, will remain unanswered for now.
Dungeon Lore. Chapter 4, The Clever and Unknown. Written by Pontisa Ponti, Scholar of the Eldan Magistrate.
So, a lot of progress has happened in a relatively short period of time.
And I thought dungeon life was going to be slow. It turns out I'm making remarkable speed. Or Barry is, should I say?
He's managed to refill my dungeon points four times by excavating his tunnel and it is now just over 40 foot in length. Each cycle takes Barry 20 minutes and is 8 foot longer by the time I'm full up on DP.
Even I didn't expect this when I first came up with the idea. What a guy, or maybe I should say what a Golem.
This doesn't mean that I've been idle, whilst my tunnel-creating machine has been gruelling away.
No, no, no.
I've been racking my brain over my available purchases. I definitely don't want a goblin. They are notoriously ugly, evil and they stink if we're being honest. It's similar circumstances for the wolves. Except that they're not ugly or evil, they're just vicious by nature and scary as hell when there's a pack of them.
That only leaves me with the options of a single trap, another Rogue as I can no longer increase the inevitability of my death due to dangerous monsters with the Gacha. If Gacha's meant to be based on luck then does that mean that I have good luck? If so then how come I'm in this situation in the first place?
These were my thoughts as I sat there, watching Barry dropping mounds of earth in me. Constantly adding 2 DP to my pool every 2 minutes.
At the end of the first 20-minute cycle, my dungeon points were full, Barry dropped another boulder of and my total rose over the max by 2. It didn't stay above my limit and it slowly dropped back down to 20.
Each time this happened I was quickly reminded by Me, that I should be spending those points. Doing what other dungeons do and not just attempting to hoard it.
Me's wishes fell on deaf ears though as I just couldn't decide. In the long run, my indecision turned out to be a boon and I managed to learn a new skill which helped me to make a decision. After Barry had overfilled me that is.
The skill I earned should turn out well if I can level it up fast enough.
Stockpile Level 1:
Let's the user store DP over the original amount by 10 % per level of this skill.
I know it doesn't sound so great now, as I only have 20 DP, but when it is maxed it will be very beneficial to me.
Anyway, the choice I made was to keep repeating what was currently happening to level-up Stockpile. Least to say Me is not impressed. He's been saying I'm wasting time and that I'm not acting like a proper dungeon should.
Well, whatever Me, I'm pretty sure what you call a proper dungeon would be sleeping right now, waiting to build their first room like he said they would. They wouldn't even have the points Barry is supplying so, screw proper dungeons!
This shit's already hard enough.
After a few disagreements over what I should be doing, Stockpile earns two level ups taking it to Level 3. It now lets me hold 30% more than my current limit making my DP 26/20 and it's all thanks to my Golem and his hard-dug efforts.
Now that the tunnel is long enough, I call Barry out as it's time to make my first big purchase.
Calling up my list of available options that Me has so helpfully provided me with, I select a new room for 20 DP. Switching my view to an aerial one, I see the layout of my dungeon below. The small square room that the six of us have been, since I brought four of them into existence, is adjoined to a awkwardly-shaped shaft. The crude tunnel that Barry has dug out is dull on my map, but I try placing a room on the end anyway.
Cannot Be Placed Due To An Unauthentic Dungeon Structure
Query Pending...
Establishing Parameters...
Connected to Dungeon...
Resolution Complete
Existing tunnel has become:
Dungeon Tunnel
A slight pain shoots through my non-existent chest. I immediately turn to find my crystal has a slight hairline fracture running up the tip. I wonder if Barry's tunnel wasn't such a good idea after all? Maybe I shouldn't try and turn his tunnels into dungeon tunnels. I can still earn DP and leave them as potential traps.
With that settled, I place the room in the end of my tunnel. Before I finalise it, I'm allowed to alter the width, length and height. I'm able to make it twice as large as the first room which makes it feel like a palace. Even Barry can fit inside comfortably and I won't have to worry about my Core anymore.
You have created a new room:
2 XP Awarded.
Oh? What's the XP for, Me?
As I said before, when you increase in size you will level up and unlock new features. You have earned your first piece of XP by creating your first room. You will also earn XP when you absorb anything that your dungeon does not currently possess for the first time.
What about the clay and soil I keep absorbing, why doesn't that give XP?
Do you really believe your dungeon to be made up from something other than those materials?
Well, no. Alright, I get it. It was a stupid question, don't pick on me, Me.
My first room. I still can't believe the fact that I'm a dungeon now. I must admit though, I feel very content after placing that room. Still, I don't have time to spare for pleasant feelings, I still have 6 DP left to spend.
I build a second tunnel, directly across from Barry's, continuing straight for the full 50-foot distance I'm allowed. The tunnel was easy to place, just like the room before, all it takes is a little bit of willpower.
This leaves me on 1DP but I'm extremely satisfied now that we can finally move out of the first room. It holds a few memories already, but getting stronger and levelling up is always the best course of action, even if I do have to do it as a Dungeon Core.
I leave my Core in the first room for the time being and move everyone else into the newly created, more spacious second room.
Why would I do this?
First of all, it was a good way to keep my core safe from any accidental damage that Barry might somehow cause. Secondly, nothing I know of likes to be confined in small-cramped spaces. Especially not when they're unable to move around without the worry of breaking the one object that keeps them alive.
Once everyone is relocated, I set Barry off to dig out a new tunnel and a cave system. I get him doing this on the wall to the left of the entrance we just came through. I'm hoping that if he does a good job then that's where he will be able to hide if, or once, we are discovered.
Maybe they won't even associate with Barry, Me. His area isn't exactly part of my dungeon?
How would anyone else know that though?
That may actually be a possible solution. Categorisers have the magical ability to determine what are and are not dungeons. In theory, if Barry had his own cave adjoining on to you, he may not be classified as one of your monsters.
Well as long as he deposits his materials in me still, I won't complain if he's elsewhere digging. He will still help me if I'm attacked though, right?
Of course, he will always be your dungeon monster.
The idea of losing my Mythril Golem scared me for a second there, as he will be a great help if I need him to defend me against any would-be destroyers. However, the panic is averted as I am reassured by Me.
We should also put the Mimic in there.
Don't be ridiculous, Me. He's staying with me. Colin is super cute, no one in their right mind would attack him, well that may be going too far but he can stay with my Core cause he's cute and small. If anyone reaches it once I open then it's reincarnation cycle once again anyway right?
Fair point.
Ok, it's time to enact the plan. I need to work out how far I can get in the time frame I have left.
That's your plan? I thought you said you actually have a plan?
I do, and this is it. I couldn't work out how much I could earn before, not without having data to use in the calculations, could I?
I suppose, but what good will knowing that do?
Oh, I'm so glad you asked me, Me.
As you said before, a normal dungeon would do things differently than I am wouldn't they? They would probably build a tunnel, summon a monster and meditate until they could build a room roughly 16 hours later, correct?
I do not see the relevance but yes, correct.
Ok, so right now I have an entrance, another room, two tunnels and four monsters, correct?
Again, yes, but what is the point that you are trying to make?
Really? You really didn't get it from that? I thought I was supposed to be the weaker-minded of the two of us, but if you want to claim the title, then it's fine by me.
Now, you are not even making sense. Why would I be weaker-minded?
Well, how long do we have until my door opens?
There you go, Me. Have you figured out that I'm actually doing a lot better than a regular dungeon now?
It is hard to comprehend the passage of time without actually checking it's passing. You have 21 hours and 59 minutes until your door opens. I do not understand how you have progressed so far, in such little time?
Sure you do, you were here for all of it weren't you? I mean, it hasn't even been that long really and I'm already making leaps and bounds.
You are progressing very well, leaps and bounds, however, is pushing it. You still have two, extremely dangerous monsters to deal with but I suppose if........ Barry? Why did you call him Barry?
I didn't realise it bothered you?
It does not bother me and I do not mind his name.........it just doesn't suit him.
What? Are you crazy, Me?
Barry the Golem is a rockstar name, future crowds will adore him from afar for his superior digging skills, his courageous defiance in the face of the earth and most of all for his shiny body. He's a rockstar, Me!
Out of curiosity though, what would you have named him?
I believe, he is more of a Brian.
A Brian? Are you kidding me? That makes him sound like somebody's grandad. Barry is a rockstar!
Why do you keep saying rockstar? Anyway if....... Barry keeps digging, then you will advance by leaps and bounds as you just stated and we could potentially hide them both further inside you.
Yep, that's the plan.
I thought you said the plan was calculations?
Yep, that's also the plan.
I believe I need my own type of meditation.
Was that another joke? Way to go, Me. They always say, third times the charm.
As we wait for my dungeon points to be increased, by diligent efforts, I wonder what happened to my friends that I entered the original dungeon with. There were three of us in total, me, Kal and Anya. Kal uses a large sword and shield and is known as a Defender, he always tanks the front line as he was the strongest of our trio. Anya's a Cleric and always stays on the backline, capable of healing grievous wounds whilst also being proficient with staffs, she's a valuable asset to any team. I was the Rogue of the group and would attack stealthily from behind Kal, or from within the shadows always hitting my enemy's vital points. I would always keep a close eye on Anya too, not that she needed it but, just in case she ever called for my support. We had great cohesion and had been together for the past three years, I really hope they didn't die as well. Me doesn't know what happened to them either, he says that he was created at the same time that I was and only possess knowledge from my dungeon.
Letting out a sigh and dismissing past memories, I return my focus back to the room. Barry is working well, but Rogue 1 and 2 seem jittery and anxious. I see them, as I see everything else in my dungeon, as though I'm staring at moving pictures. I imagine myself in front of them and then will the relaxed Rogues to attention. Standing instantly, seeming shocked that I would take the time from being the busy Dungeon Core that I am to give my attention to them, they prostrate themselves straight back down to the floor before they were even fully stood up.
I don't really need this type of reverence, but it does feel nice so I'll take it. It kinda makes me feel like a queen.
Ahem. Rogue man, from now on and so forth etc, you will be known as Light.
Rogue female, from now on and so forth etc, you will be known as Ali.
They do not hear your thoughts like I do. It's your feelings and emotions that reach them. Your will carries everything within it, to all the beings that are created by your dungeon.
Yeah, but it sounded good, right? I wanted it to come out regally, as I was feeling rather Queenish.
I do not believe 'Queenish' is an actual word.
Well if I just said it, doesn't that make it a word?
The banter between myself and Me goes on like this for quite some time while Barry fills me up with his loads. Before I know it, it's purchasing time again. I know I don't get to spend it on anything dazzling, but dungeons are always making purchases, so in a weird way it's not too bad of a job for someone like me. I just can't wait till I have the dungeon cash to splash, but for now, my new room is calling.
You have created a new room:
2 XP Awarded.
A soft feeling flows through my Core, just one more XP is all I need until I level up. I feel giddy, but sad at the same time, when I was still a human I was level 17 and just a fraction away from 18. It sucks to be back at level 1 and even more so now that I'm a dungeon but I will try and make the best of a bad situation and persevere.
The new room I created is the same dimensions as the second room, with no features to mention and nothing notable inside. I wonder if I can unlock some type of glamour, or cosmetics, that would be nice. Once again, I place another tunnel continuing my straight-line strategy, I also make it the same length as the last one adding another 50 foot to my total coverage. After my entrance I now have two rooms in a row and a tunnel ready for the forth to be added on, that's what they call progress.
Now I just need to wait another 26 minutes for DP to accumulate.
I still haven't created any more monsters though. I do want to create more, but I'm going to use most of this time before my door opens to create a safe space for my Core and maybe level up my Stockpile skill. I know it's a waste right now, but these are points that no other dungeons would have, so what difference does it make if I spend them on what I want?
I'm still undecided either way and only time will tell what choices I'll make.
I can only hope that they will be good ones.
But for now, I suppose I better settle in for the long haul. It's definitely going to be a productive day.
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