《Dungeon Core Abi》Chapter 1 : Awakening
All dungeons are born with the innate knowledge of how to grow and take care of themselves. Whether that's in the wilderness, surrounded by nature and monsters, or near civilisation and closer to the human populace. They can be a source of revenue for a town, helping them grow substantially or they can be the polar opposite which makes them a threat to their existence, killing everything within range. It all depends on the Dungeon Core itself.
No two are alike as they all have their own individual consciousness and monsters.
People must choose their words very carefully whilst in the confines of a dungeon as the floors and walls are part of the mysterious creature's body.
One rule about dungeons remains as true today as it did at the time of its creation.
If you come across an unguarded dungeon, you should not enter and it should be reported straight away so that it may be classified a category and then destroyed if needs be. You never know what kind of monstrosities might be waiting in the dark.
Safety is never a laughing matter.
- Excerpt from the Worldpedia. Chapter 4. Dungeons.
Awakening to darkness and opening what should be my eyes, I realise that I'm not where I remember being last. Believing that I'm still in a partial dream state, I attempt to carry out my morning routine by first stretching out my arms. Instantly upon carrying out the simple motion that I have done thousands of times, a realisation hits me.
My arms are gone!
The strange phenomenon isn't only related to my arms but I don't possess any of my limbs.
Legs, arms, head.
All gone!
So how is it possible for me to open my eyes? What's happened to the rest of my body? Do I still have a body?
Upon further examination of the room that I'm in, I find my gaze drawn to the absolutely gorgeous crystal that is sitting where my body should be. Unmistakeably beautiful, and pulsing a soft green light, the small jade-coloured gem looks as though it is worth more gold than a Lord's manor.
What the hell is going on!?
A vague memory springs to mind about a conversation I overheard on the way out of the guild. Now that I've remembered what was said, a realisation is swiftly sweeping over me.
No. No. No.
Don't be silly! I can't be, can I?
Am I... A Dungeon Core?
Not that I've ever actually seen one before, but this is exactly how I heard they look. An adventurer from the guild had been describing what they look like to his companions as we were leaving and I only managed to hear a few details.
Apparently, the whole dungeon is controlled by the gem-like Core, which acts as the heart and soul of the supernatural creature. He said that if anyone were to destroy a Core, they could obtain great power from doing so. Depending on the strength of the dungeon that is and also at the price of being labelled a criminal if caught in the act.
That's ridiculous though.
This is obviously one of those crazy-strong dreams. The kind where you feel as though you're actually awake but you're really not. I mean, it has to be right? I am definitely not a Dungeon Core. If that's even close to the truth then I don't know what to do! Although, there could always be a chance that I'm dead and I'm now a ghost.
That could be a thing.
Dungeon Core........ Please enter a new name
I don't want to be a stupid dungeon, I sniffle.
Panic is washing over me and imaginary tears run from my non-existent eyes.
How could this happen?
The last thing I remember is that I was on an adventure with my party. We had just taken a contract that required us to travel northeast from our village to kill a group of Ogres that had made a camp in the forest. We're not amateurs but neither are we masters of our respective trades. We are confident in our abilities though and most importantly, we have trust in each other.
On our way, we came across a secluded cave entrance. After killing a small group of Goblins loitering near the opening we discovered even more milling around further inside.
I absolutely detest Goblins. I had been complaining about high possibly of running into them from the moment we set off.
We had already put some hours walking distance between us and our village upon the encounter and we agreed to rest there for the night. Upon entering the cave, however, it turned out to be a dungeon.
Instead of returning back and reporting it, as we were repeatedly told to do when in this situation by the Guildmaster, we decided to try to make some money first. And it went well, really well. We sold a fair share of the loot we earned to the roaming merchants before returning back for more. We decided to get a bigger haul for the last time run and then we would report the finding before we were caught exploring an unclassified dungeon.
We had managed to get quite far and had racked up quite the amount of loot. Remember, my friends are capable adventures and I'm no pushover either so we decided to spend the night on the 7th floor. I had just finished my watch duty and Anya was in position for hers, as soon after I fell asleep. That's where my memory ends and now that I've just woken up, everything is wrong.
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong!
I don't wanna be a dungeon, I wanna be like I was before.
Why is this happening to me!?
Surely someone did this to me. Someone must have killed me! Was it my friends? No, I don't want to believe that, maybe it was the Dungeon somehow?
That sounds plausible. I mean, Dungeons kill people all the time, right? It only makes sense it would kill me whilst I slept. But how did my friends not notice during their watch duty?
Were they killed too?
If so, then where are they? And why am I all alone here as a bright jade-green diamond!?
Nothing seems to make sense.
Dungeon Core........ Please enter a new name
My name is Abi! Stop calling me Dungeon Core.
I'm a human, not a dungeon.
Name Confirmed:
Dungeon Core Abi has been set up
Entrance will open in 24 hours:
Unfortunately, you are not human anymore. Please make adequate preparations at this time, otherwise, you will die.
Wait, what? No. Hold on. What do you mean die?
Dungeon Core Abi:
1 Room
0 Monsters
0 Traps
Current DP available:
That tells me nothing!
What do you mean, I could die?
As you only have one room anyone could destroy you easily once you open.
Even a Goblin, with a stick.
Hey! That's a little rude, I'm in the middle of some type of crisis right now and you're telling me I might die again tomorrow? By a dirty Goblin as well!
What's your problem?
Yesterday I was a person and today I'm a Dungeon Core, what's it going to be next? Will I be a monster tomorrow!?
The thought scares the hell out of me.
I really don't want to be a monster. But I definitely don't want to be a Dungeon Core either.
Why can't I just be me again?
If you die and go through the reincarnation cycle, you may become a female human again. However, the chances of that happening are slim at best.
Here comes the waterworks.
Can I even cry? It's doubtful.
Stupid, stupid, stupid dungeon.
Why did I let myself get talked into coming inside here in the first place? If I would have known that something like this would have happened then I would never have come here. Not in a million years!
Dungeon Core Abi, do you wish to die here?
Don't be stupid, why would I want that? In fact, who would want that? Do you want to die here........ Whoever you are?
I cannot die. I'm just an Artificial Intelligence. One of many that are placed inside Dungeon Cores to offer help and advice. I can keep track of your Dungeon Points and your regeneration rate, as well as monster and intruder locations on any floor. I can also show you a list of items to purchase with your available DP.
I just want my body back, that's all I want. I don't care about points or lists right now. I just want to be able to love!
Then you must reach Level 10 by expanding your dungeon. You will gain access to a projection skill that meets your requirements. The higher your Level is the more you will unlock and your abilities will also improve at the same time.
So I don't have to stay as a pretty gemstone all my life?
Unfortunately, you are now a Dungeon Core and will remain one until your next death. Spirit projection makes you appear as... something else and lets you interact with monsters inside your dungeon. Over time you may gain the ability to interact with solid objects, but that is unlikely and a long way off.
So I'll never be an actual person again in this life?
Sadly for you, no. But on a more positive note, I am here to help. May I start by suggesting that you make a purchase with your DP? The sooner you use it, the quicker it will regenerate and then it can be used again. This will result in the chance of death reducing slightly.
I burst out into tears.
I don't want to be a dungeon!
How long can I cry over this? Not long because people will be coming to kill me as soon as I'm open for business apparently. Which is also less than 24 hours away now. As much as I want to wallow in my own misery, I've got to do something I suppose. Sitting around waiting to die will get me nowhere and seeing as how I've somehow managed to bag myself a helper, I would be foolish to ignore their advice.
I have no idea how to be a dungeon so I'm going to need all the help I can get.
I am the Voice-Activated User Notification and Help System. You may call me whatever you wish.
Voice Activated User Notification and Help System. God, that doesn't roll right off the tongue, does it?
Using this as a distraction from the reality of my situation, I try to come up with a better name for my helper. The long bulky name it has now is no good, I can't say that every time I want to ask a question. I need something easy to call it, like Sam, or Max.
Let's think, it's a menu that shows up in front of me. It's also part of me now. Its aim is to help me grow and not get destroyed.
I've always been rubbish with names so let's try and keep it simple. Really simple.
In fact, let's make it as simple as can be.
From now on I will call you, Me.
Me? I know I said anything, but Me seems rather awkward.
It sounded so perfect then though, Me. It's also nowhere near as long as Voice Activated User Notification and Help System is.
Fair enough. I suppose any name will suffice as it is just a means of communication. Now, I suggest that you make a purchase quickly as you have already wasted a short amount of time. I will show you what is available over each of the categories you have unlocked.
Available Purchases:
Goblin 3 DP
Wolf 5 DP
Pit Trap 5 DP
Rogue (Special) 10 DP
Random Gacha 10 DP x2
New Corridor 5 DP
New Room 20 DP
Looking at my list, I wipe away a non-existent tear with an imaginary hand as I'm still on the cusp of a breakdown and I'm trying my best to fight it off.
No time to waste, or so I've been told by Me. Staring at the prices however, all I can think is why do they cost so much? Shouldn't it be cheaper for a new born Dungeon Core? Why the hell are the horrible Goblins the cheapest thing to buy? If I get a new room then I'll have no defence when I'm attacked. A tunnel is no use yet either without anything to connect it to.
That leaves less options to consider. I also immediately dismiss the possibility of summoning the cheap and horrible Goblins. Who would want one of those smelly-little beasts, right?
I want to go with the Gacha first but I see the special Rogue class and my core pulses brightly. That was the class I owned when I was still human.
I decide to summon the Rogue first because of nostalgia and other familiar emotions that stir within me.
A bright-blue light begins to form in my small dark cave. It pushes and ripples the reality around it until it reaches the size of a person. Slowly, within the span of a few seconds, the bright spectacle begins to fade until it completely disappears. A female Rogue is left behind on the cold floor of the dark dungeon and I'm shocked. Not because she appeared from nowhere but because I created her.
With my dungeon points.
That... Felt... Amazing!
She's wearing your basic rookie attire. A cheap, black and brown, leather-breastplate protects her neck, underarms and chest. Similar-coloured chausses cover her thighs knee-length boots protect her lower legs and feet. She has black gloves that hide more of her skin and a large cowl, that serves to mask the wearer even more, covers her face. A small, crude-looking dagger hangs in a sheath on her back finishing her appearance.
The part of her face that I can see, her chin and lips, look mesmerising. Definitely human. Dark curls of divine, green hair manage to escape out of her hood and flow around her neck, reminding me of my own hair.
She would appear to be level 1.
I wonder if that's because of how I summoned her?
Can I make her stronger? Not that it matters but, she will get stronger right?
Yes, your monsters will level up during fights, just like humans. You can also make them stronger by adding extra dungeon points. Anything you create like this will be enhanced to some degree but it is not advisable for the lower-level cores to practice this method. It promotes fewer monsters overall and you will not be able to stop their discovery from being made public. At that point, you may be deemed a threat and an army will be sent to eliminate you.
Wait? What?
What's that about? I haven't even done anything yet. I most certainly do not want that happening.
Next monster, Dungeon Core Abi.
It's just Abi! Not Dungeon Core Abi, Ok?!
Next monster then, Abi. Preferably a normal one.
That's better.
Trying to pull my mind away from thoughts about my inevitable death by the hands of either adventurers, knights or Goblins with sticks, I kind of listen to my advisor and spend my points on the random Gacha x2. Not the normal monster that I was advised to chose but it will be a monster none-the-less.
C'mon! Momma needs her a dragon for protection!
A new light appears this time and it is the most vibrant orange that I have ever seen in my life, lives? Brighter than any sunset, it lights up the room far more than the small glow of my jade Core. It is also much, much larger than when the rogue materialised, completely obliterating every shred of darkness the small room was sheltering.
That's when I realised that I was just wishing for a dragon when really, I should have been wishing for something small, adorable and not life-threatening at all.
The centre of the summoning light has become an enormous swelling mass of light and it has almost reached my core. Panic has started to set in and the thought of my pretty green crystal shattering enters my mind as a second looming death closes in.
Will I be ok?
Is that going to fit in here?
What is it?
Oh no, please no!
Please don't break my heart!
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