《I will absolutely cultivate》Chapter 20: The Seed of Trouble


After stepping inside, Rui Wei was quite astonished, the inside was incredibly beautiful and organised. And looking at the servants, they all have cultivation ranks! Most of the servants were 2nd ranked at most.

Rui Wei went to the receptionist, the Receptionist gave her out a detailed information about their rooms and the perks.

"This one humbly asks if Young Master will stay for a week?" The lady smiled brightly as she asked.

"A month." Rui Wei shortly replied.

"E-eh.. A month, r-right away, Young Master." The receptionist was surprised at Rui Wei's statement but she soon regained her calm, as she calculated the cost.

This Cheng Inn as a High ranked Inn, of course, has expensive charges and a place for nobles to sometimes carry out the deeds that could not be publicised. So hearing that this unknown youth would be staying here for a month had the receptionist stunned.

"It'll be 500 golds." The receptionist smiled brightly that it almost blinded Rui Wei. Some servants who were passing by curiously looked at Rui Wei.

Rui Wei did not pay any attention to the servants who was looking at her weirdly, as she just tapped the table and a small bag appeared.

"Keep the change." Rui Wei said, as she pointed at a servant and haughtily ordered him to lead them to their room.


After counting the money inside the bag the Receptionist could not help but jump in happiness.

There were 543 gold coins inside!

And as the young master before said, 'Keep the change.' she could not help but shed tears of happiness, after this she might even quit her work and just live her life!

The yearly income of one family is only around 3 gold coins and some silvers. But now she quickly received 43 gold coins without really doing anything, she wasn't even involved in some scheme of those nobles! Ah, it was a really lucky day!


After spending some time within this Cheng Inn, I have already gathered the necessary information, so that I could live quietly, The people here on the Dragonsvein Kingdom were quite low ranked compared to the people of the Qin Kingdom. Their sound proof spell does not even work on me, as I could still clearly hear their conversations, despite being miles away.

What kind of shitty spell is that, huh?!

Although most people have cultivation level, their ranks are at most 2nd-3rd rank, there were only a handful of people that reached 4th rank and above, and most of them are people of the Nobility and Royalty.


I sipped my milk tea while listening to their conversations. In front of me is Ruzi who have already reached the 2nd rank as an Ice mage.

That's right, Ruzi have broken through the 1st rank last night, and have reached the 2nd rank. Last night the whole room almost turned into a whole chunk of ice, the beds and the interior design of the Inn were almost reduced to dust, and some of my talismans were even damaged. Due to Ruzi's lack of control on his Qi. I had to find objects similar to this Inn and replace them.

I feel like, I should be extremely astonished at Ruzi's cultivation speed, but how could I? When I myself has an astonishing cultivation speed.

Now that I think about it, Sona's rank has also been stabilized. And I think it is now the right time to break into the Temple of the Dragonsvein Kingdom.

There are 8 temples within this continent which were built by 3 Emperor Ranked cultivator. This is mostly used by the Imperial Family Members, Nobilities and Ancient Sects. And one of that very temple is located here, namely Dragon Temple.This was our original goal here, anyway.

As I was pondering over our trip to the temple---

'Heh, This Junior is quite honored for an Elder to use great measures just to spy over this lowly one's conversation.' I choked on my milk tea and coughed for a moment.

My brows knotted in a frown as I looked towards the first floor.

'7th rank?!' I almost dropped my cup at the discovery.

Have he discovered my location?!

I quickly released five talismans and sat in a lotus position, immediately going on the first floor.

But seeing the man's disturbed look on his face, my heart relaxed.

Perhaps he couldn't discern my location due to the countless talismans that were set up in the room,

The man was the convoy from the Heavenly Palm Sect, Li Mo, he was sent here to deepen the 'connections' within the two allied Force, The Dragonsvein Kingdom, and Heavenly Palm Sect. Beside him was the Prime Minister's 6th Daughter, Gu Xiao Li.

From their conversations before, he and this Xiao Li just met a few days ago. But this Xiao Li, if I'm right, is engaged with the 3rd Prince? What's she doing here, flirting?

"This Junior, asks elder to confirm this Junior's doubts.' Even after a long time of silence, no one answered him.


""Why should I""

Xiao Li, also frowned as she looked at every corner of the room.

While the two were continuously scanning the whole room with their eyes and Qi... the culprit is actually just right in front of them.

Silence reigned over the room, but it only added the tension within the two youth's heart.

The room was eerily silent that one would be able to hear clearly if a needle was dropped.

'This one---' As the youth was about to say something, I cut him off.

'It was not my intention to eavesdrop-- My apologies young ones, If I have startled you.' My voice sounded ethereal, as if it came from another world, echoing everywhere around the room, but it was neither loud nor soft. Making Li Mo's frown deeper, while also alerting Xiao Li.

Both of their eyes flashed with dangerous light, I could see that the Xiao Li girl has started to rotate her Qi, about to release a skill.

'*sigh* I won't bother the two of you anymore and worry not. As I'm not interested in a mortal's issue.' As I've said that I immediately went back to my body.

I quickly added several more talismans on the room, even going as far as drawing scriptures around the wall, as to make sure that the Li Mo dude won't even feel any shred of my presence.


"Li Mo... What should we do... If that expert just now was a spy that the 3rd Prince sent, then both of us are doomed." Xiao Li muttered under her breath.

Although she said this, she was also thinking of many possibilities and plans to encounter if ever that was the 3rd Prince's spy.

"No, that, I won't let that happen." Li Mo said, his face cold.

*describe his face, as he held that expert in contempt*

"I will request some reinforcements from the sect. Xiao Li, I will leave first." Li Mo glanced at her, as he disappeared in the thin air.

Xiao Li who was now all alone in the room just stood at her spot. Then caressing the ring on her forefinger.

"To think, that I a, a Gold ranked assassin from the 21st century would be spied upon without my knowledge! I shouldn't really take this world, lightly, huh." Xaio Li muttered under her breath, while her eyes emited a strong sense of bloodlust.


From the 2nd floor, Rui Wei who was teaching Ruzi constructive ways to use a talisman. Suddenly stopped her movements, her face was pale but also smiling, although it looked uglier than crying.

'A transmigrated individual from the 21st century, and an assassin at that!'

And from that bloodlust alone, it could be confirmed that is indeed an assassin right there.

'I definitely don't want to get associated with them... Especially with that assassin who gets spied upon.."

Rui Wei as one who would love to avoid trouble, of course, she'll stay away with an MC material like that girl. Just from the conversations that Xiao Li exchanged with that Li Mo dude, she already had trouble after trouble, and she met Li Mo while on the run from the 3rd Prince's force. It now makes sense how she is sneakily meeting Li Mo here at the Cheng Inn.

As I've had my head running on the conversation that the two had exchanged. Ruzi suddenly threw an ice on me.

"Thunk." A sound metal hitting a metal rang out.

'Huh?' I clearly felt that something tapped my forehead, looking at Ruzi who just 'attacked' me with his Ice Qi, he once again 'attacked' me with his Qi.

*thunk* *thunk* *thunk* *thunk*

Several Ice Qi was thrown on my face.

"That's enough." I stretched his cheeks lightly. Seriously, kids. As I berated Ruzi, he just shifted his attention to the talisman before him, randomly scribbling down on it.

'Have I entered the 5th rank?' If not, then what was the sound that my face produced when Ruzi attacked me? Although Ruzi is just a kid, he's rank as a 2nd rank Ice mage is nothing be trifled, against.

As I've said before when he stepped on the 2nd rank, the things around the Inn were broken and several talismans was also damaged. One has to know that my talismans are comparable to a 7th rank skill. That proof was enough to show how powerful Ruzi is, right now.

Aaaah, I'm really uncertain about this things, no matter how much books I've read from this world I still cannot fully decipher the ranking system!


It is actually not Rui Wei's fault for having a hard time discerning her level, as after all, her Bodily constitution is rare within this world, only having traces of handful of people actually cultivating the Water Element.

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